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anyone got any good rolltricks?

get a plastic card, ur licence, and hold it in ur front teeth and watch the fucker vibrate. its funny, i love walking around and showing it to people.
hi, i'm newbie here
Well anways i'm a person who loves the smell of vicks or jelly mints when i'm rolling, but simply i hate it on my face. What i do is use some toilet paper tissue about 4 square sheets and wipe some vicks in between or middle (2 sheets on top and 2 bottom). INHALE THE TISSUE...works great and the sence is stronger, than not having all the mess on your face...

Good shit Crush, I've had the x-hug done to me a couple of times, and the first was my first time rolling! My friends called it pass-outs though, because you do, indeed, pass the fuck out lol.

You come back and don't even know how long you've been gone, but your roll is hitting you harder than ever. X-Hug is a better suited name though haha it works so well guys! If you guys havn't done it yet, wow you've gotta do it next time you roll! ^^

HAve fun !
Haha I figured out a new trick last weekend!
Ok I just happened to be holding a 9v battery cause it went to one of my little toys and thought bout touching it to my tounge. Normally I hate that feeling like when the battery gives your tounge a shock, but i figured i was rolling might as well see what it feels like. And WOW haha it was so cool and i had to show this little trick to everyone, having someone else do it to me was even better cause i didnt kno when to expect it.
Ok well yea try touching a 9v Battery to your tounge next time and see how cool it feels. Haha my new little trick.
(Yea I still hate it when i aint rollin tho)
heeey just like to say i got blowen up for the first time ever last night and it was fucken sick really did make me peak my nuts off after coming back to earth. lolz it started with the vicks cos i only had a lil tub i just started taking a sniff here and there thinking that all the hype about vicks is a load of shit then i took a MASSSSSSSSIVE wiff and that was it the whole tub had to go over my face and up my nose :| then i was sitting and watching some crazy visuals and then i could feel the overload and eyes droopy then its a kinda blur from there on for a bit when i came back down to earth i was peakingg soo hard with the vicks and the music pumping after that i went into the shower (ok sounds fucken weird but it felt great to be nekked) then i chilled in there for ages and finally got out and jumped into my silk shirt (best feeling to wear a silk shirt) bit after that i came down wasent that bad for a good dose of mda either. :D
ever considered? shower with ur girl? ahhahahaa i love the water so swimmin is always good, but i hate being alone when im rolling. you could actually feel this sort of "rush" that keeps on going and going when your blown up and its just "WOAHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!"
ok, sounds a little weird.
If your at home with friends, walk out of the room and goto the bathroom, take all your clothes off and put them back on back-to-front. Then walk back out to the room but walk backwards. and try move your arms so it looks right! I did this not that long ago to my mates and they all freaked out and pissed themselves. Works even better if ya got a hat or sunnies as well.
its bad enough if your friends have come back in the room as an egyptian pharaoh because they have a white towel on their head, I cant imagine how THAT would kill me ;)
roll your eyes in the back of your head [maybe this was already said, but damned if i can read this whole thing!)
have a big jacket + sweatshirt and whatever on then take off when the peak starts.. so liberating
I learned a couple of new tricks rolling with some friends this weekend. not sure if they've been said yet but whatever.. do this one in a dark field preferably, in Mission to Mars you have someone blow vix in your eyes until they're really teary, then lock arms with one of your friends and have them hoist you onto their back so your both back to back. you stare at the stars with you feet tucked up in the air swaying back and forth and your friend should move around a lot to really get there muscles working. when its over you feel all lose and completely relaxed and you friend will get awesome body rushes. also we though that brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush would be insane, now i just need to buy one.
close your eyes, shake your head side to side along with hardcore techno.. u get lost in your own world for hours..
Maybe someone has already said this... I can't take the time to read all 34 pages right now.

I've only rolled a few times.. and this happened last time I did.

You stand up straight with your back against the wall and breath really deeply about 10 times while applying pressure to your throat with both of your hands. After the 10th breath apply a bit more pressure and you'll slide down the wall and pass out. When you wake up a few seconds later people are waving glowsticks and dancing in your face and at first you will have no clue where you are at. A party of 6 or 7 seems like a huge one of 200. It's crazy!!!

This is probably a common thing, but I'm only a newbie when it comes to E. It was amazing though.. I'll never forget that.
[spin around...make yourself dizzy....
i swear...its like popping 10 more pills....except its free...haha..
its great trust me...
at a rave i always do it and people all come and ask me what i am doing, and then they try it too...i always get a little spin section going in the corner...
have fun..peace
let me know how you like it]

haha i took this advice, it was awesome i spun around for a good minute when i was rolling on doublestacked orange yin yangs and omg i was out of my mind it was like having a drunk effect while on E but the E effect stays compeltely, the only problem was, while dancing i kept falling over cos i was so dizzy and didnt realise it.
start with ur head down or back n press on ur eyes with both fingers, slowly move ur head from down to back, flow with it ;) i find pressin on my eyes will give me more of a floaty feeling n ull start swaying :)
ROLLIN TRICKS with or without GLOWSTICKS at PARTIES...not some weird shiet

Im tryin to look for the post that has info on doin rollin tricks with a glowstick to someone.. or if ppl can post it up here. Either while giving lightshows or whatever.. .. that looks appropriate to do at parties only please.. So im not talking about pouring ice all over ur head, run around in circles, hit the walls.. stick the glowstick up ur ass. Im talkin about trippin shiet to do with glowsticks .. For example: Have the person close their eye, and u put 1 glowstick at their eyes horizontally.. then with ur other hand u move their head in circular motions.. having them relax.. just moving around and around slowly.. then u do this quick jolt turning their head and blowing their face.. it gives this SHOCK to them like they're relax and all of a sudden this sudden awake feel.. that feels good. if u know what i mean. Am i makign sense on what im asking for? Im not asking for 4 guys picking up a person and swinging them in the air in a party.. that wouldnt look appropriate.
So.. any tricks to do at the party?
Re: ROLLIN TRICKS with or without GLOWSTICKS at PARTIES...not some weird shiet

bobohead said:
So im not talking about pouring ice all over ur head, run around in circles, hit the walls.. stick the glowstick up ur ass.

Haha, oh come on dude, you just got rid of all the best ones! Seriously though, I'm a big fan of the plain and simple lightshow... but you have to be good at it, don't just wave the glowsticks everywhere, get them going in time with the music, returning to the same place in space at the same place in a riff. Experiment in front of the mirror, you'll be able to tell what looks cool.