Anyone dropped out of life?

Who did this labeling and how does it affect your life decisions?
Somesort of social security service but then be for disabily to work. How I autorized them to make direct contact with my Dr. Mistake 1.

Who sent a totally bizar and wrong diagnosis on which the disability was based. As I discovered this by asking up my file I found out it was my own dr who sent it, he alway's denied involvement. Then I discovered my medical files were also being read by people without the proper medical grade. Which I allready knew as my counseler knew things that were medically prohibited.

3 rules:
-No authorisation, just via the client to the dr and back. So you know what is in it.
-Alway's ask up your whole file.
-Except most professional's don't follow the law, dr. confidality, protocol's and all that kinda things. The law is just on paper. That's why you'll have to have all your files. Everything in in could be selective writing from their side. Just to save their asses.

How does a stigma affect you, well my now dr. offered me guided living? Stigma?
Been living without troubles from 19 till now. So it does make your view on society a bit more colder.
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Interesting... what do you do with your time?


Currently im not actually addicted to anything. I get prescribed morphine, clonazepam, bromazepam and zopiclone but am not addicted to either as i always take breaks. I don't take them for any longer then 2 weks in a row now.

These days usually what i do is lift weights, talk to friends on the internet and in the summer time go 4 wheeling or go to my cabin or something. I can only do that when my pain is not acting up though
Currently im not actually addicted to anything. I get prescribed morphine, clonazepam, bromazepam and zopiclone but am not addicted to either as i always take breaks. I don't take them for any longer then 2 weks in a row now.

These days usually what i do is lift weights, talk to friends on the internet and in the summer time go 4 wheeling or go to my cabin or something. I can only do that when my pain is not acting up though

how are you mentally
how are you mentally

Im pretty good these days i have to say. I used to get depression when i was younger but havent had it now in about 5 years or so. I also had psychosis and cotards syndrome about 5 years ago and endeed up i the psych ward but i havent had any psychotic episodes since being treated with antipsychotics. Now i am taking zyprexa for it and don't get any real side effects from it not even weight gain.

Really what i enentually want to do if i ever get the money is move to the Australian outback and live off grid there. I have trigeminal neuralgia and the heat is much nicer to me then the cold is hence why i dread winter. Also my best friend lives in Australia and gets like every drug on the go even a few that dont exist anymore like diconal.

But ya my dream is to live off grid in the aussie outback and just have satellite internet for keeping in touch with people. That would be good enough. Im not big on cities now which is weird because when i was younger i was happy living in big cities like toronto and ottawa. But now i can't stand cities really and only go to the city here when i have to. Granted the capitol city here sucks balls anyway. Such a ghetto. I also hate being around that many people now.

I guess my goal now is to drop further out of society even. I honestly hate western society even more now after being locked up in the psych ward. I really dont want anything to do with a society that treats people like that
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