• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Any knitters/crocheters on Bluelight?

My aunt taught me when I was like 10, then I lost interest (considering I was pretty young, it was just something I didnt have the paitience to do at the time) but she gave me these little step by step instruction cards, so years later I could easily pick it up again. I still have them, and they are pretty easy to follow. Next time I'm home I'll scan them post them here, then anyone who wants to learn the basics can-- for free :D
Among my many interests and hobbies, knitting is one of mine that I use to enter a state of hypnosis. It's a good time to knit get away from the world and life's problems and such, and this week I already have made two sweaters and a blanket.
i have some of those loom thingies, but i don't know how to use them. i think you use them to make hats. is that cheating?
I crochet!!
I picked it up a couple years ago and haven't done any since January- I make scarves only though.....My favorite ones I sent out to family already and have a few I wear......
I practice alot with cheap yarn or regular yarn and don't wear those much.....I don't know many fancy designs or anything......Just the simple stuff- Though I have done shells and a couple fancy grandma squares when I had someone with me showing me how to do it:)
I have been thinking of trying to sell some on ebay or at stores locally to try to get some extra cash.......I have a ton of yarn so if I was able to actually get some money from it I have alot more yarn to keep going:)
Here is a picture I took of the last one I made......I took a few of this one b/c I was going to post one in the 'favorite color' photo contest but they didn't turn out so great :)
Do you have any other photos of some scarves you've made? I'd totally consider buying one made by you. :)
Do you have any other photos of some scarves you've made? I'd totally consider buying one made by you. :)

I do- No pictures of my good ones though......i sent my best scarves out to family....
Here are a couple......these are my older scarves-

next time i make one with ribbons through it i will post a picture- I made a few and those were my favorites:)
I used to crochet hats - dreadlock tams. When I worked as a telemarketer it was great, because I had both hands free to crochet with. I haven't done it for a while though, because the novelty faded and because of my impatience at the amount of time it took to complete one hat.

I find crocheting to be very easy... knitting not so much. I sort-of know how to knit. I say this because I don't know how to do the beginning part - when you set up the first row on the needles - because my mother always used to do that for me, and although she showed me I never got it.
I thought I'd give this a bump.
I'm about to get dressed to go out on a yarn hunt. :)
I have a few ideas for a couple scarves I plan to make-
I haven't done anything in MONTHSSSSSSS so I think I will have to do a couple practice runs before starting up on a new scarf.

Anyone else out there knitting or crocheting?
I'm teaching myself to crochet again. My nonna was a master crocheter (she used to make beautiful and massive tablecloths - 3m x 3m with intricate stitches in fine cotton blends as well as booties, dresses, cardigans, etc) and she taught me when i was little. I very sadly didn't keep up with it, however i've bought myself some crochet hooks and am spending regular time relearning.

Are you working on something now? If so, what are you working on??
I'm not really working on anything, i'm more just practising the different stitches and getting the flow back, if that makes sense. I have let it fall by the wayside recently, however i have vowed to not do that again as it is really quite relaxing and therapeutic. I had the plan of making Falcor a little cat jumper for winter as he had lost weight and needed some extra warmth over the coming winter, but i won't be doing that now :(
I knit, but unfortunately have been pretty busy lately so haven't gotten around to doing anything since December.
Tommyboy- I find it incredibly awesome that guys knit.
I LOVE that it seems to be a Scandinavian thing that men do.
It's hot.

Spork- You gotta learn girl!! It's much easier than I think you are thinking :)

Samadhi- You should for sure post pics when you get something going!! <3
Starting off with a sweater would be difficult for me.
I mostly do scarves and have done a couple little blankets and pot holders.
ocean: definitely do it (the selling of your homemade wares). crafting and craft blogging can make a decent sum of extra money to enjoy and or invest further into your hobby (beware: craft blogging can be EXTREMELY addictive if you are artistically minded and love all things pretty and aesthetically challenging)

ive discovered in my travels; that the best place to market your goods online is etsy.com as it caters for that specific market.where women create is a fantastic source of inspiration to see what others are doing and what trends are in the blogosphere.

if any knitting/crochet junkies are dying to create a cowl (similar to this) in exchange for something as equally awwwworthy (subway art print, themed pennant or monogrammed decor); holla at me. <3

I just knit things like scarves, and can do some very basic crocheting (meaning in a daisy chain hehe) but I'd really like to learn how to make little booties, just need some spare time I suppose. :)
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