Mental Health Anti-Psychotics and weight gain

paranoid android

Moderator: TDS
Staff member
Apr 4, 2006
I was put on invega injection for a few months in the psych ward but taken off it due to side effects. I was then put on the abilify injection 400mg's a month up until last month. I put on a total of 40lbs on invega and abilify and couldnt seem to lose it no matter what i tried. Now i am on 40mg's of latuda and have managed to lose a few pounds which gives me some hope anyway.

Has anyone taken latuda and had luck losing weight? Is it really weight neutral as they claim it is? I hate the weight ive put on cause it's absolutly killing my back plus i hate having a gut. Any imput would be greatly apreciated.
Reports will almost surely vary, but I was under the impression that abilify was at least weight-neutral. Latuda is a newer one, so perhaps offers something that the others didn't.
^ Some sources claim abilify is weight neutral but speaking from experience and from what i have observed in others it's anything but. I hope Latuda really is weight neutral. If it turns out not to be im going to try Asenapine instead.
the only real way to avoid weight gain on APs is to change your diet and avoid sugar, especially on the long form injections of these medications
To my limited knowledge, other than increased appetite, APs will also increase your blood sugar. That's what I'm basing my advice off.

Personally I always spiked in weight about 10lbs but after that it leveled off.
I put on weight with seroquel (20kg) when I switched to Abilify i lost about 5kg of that but no amount of exercise or diet seems to be able to shift the rest.
To my limited knowledge, other than increased appetite, APs will also increase your blood sugar. That's what I'm basing my advice off.

Personally I always spiked in weight about 10lbs but after that it leveled off.

What anti-psychotic where you on?

I put on weight with seroquel (20kg) when I switched to Abilify i lost about 5kg of that but no amount of exercise or diet seems to be able to shift the rest.

Damn that's about what i gained on Invega and abilify. I
have managed to lose a few pounds this month but i have really stuck to my diet so far. I hope i can manage to lose more weight. Sorry you have had trouble losing more that sucks.
I have no personal experience with being on antipsychotic meds long-term, but I am familiar with the phenomenon of the weight gain they cause.

I would like to suggest cutting sugar out of your diet COMPLETELY. It is actually really, really difficult to completely cut out sugar from a Western diet these days due to the high amount of sugar they hide in processed foods. It's not as simple as quitting eating candy, chocolate, icecream, cake and drinking soda. There is sugar hidden in things you wouldn't even imagine!!! So if it's something you're going to attempt and you wanna be serious about it, you will need to learn how to correctly interpret the ingredient lists and nutrition panels on the labels of groceries you buy at the store. Plus, there are different TYPES of sugars and sugar products that you need to know. If anyone wants more info on this please message me and I can look up some info for your particular country for you (or you could look in to yourself of course lol).
I think most if not all AP's lead to weight gain. I once gained 20 pounds in a little over two weeks because of Zyprexa and witnessed extreme seroquel munchies firsthand.

I understand mirtazapine is an antidepressant and not an AP, but perhaps it might be an option to consider. It has anxiolytic and sedative effects similar to AP's
I was on olanzapine (which put on the most weight) and then risperidone.

Yeah invega is basically just a active metabolite of risperidone anyway. I gained some of the weight on that shitty fucking invega. My mom gained alot of we
ight on zyprexa to.
I have no personal experience with being on antipsychotic meds long-term, but I am familiar with the phenomenon of the weight gain they cause.

I would like to suggest cutting sugar out of your diet COMPLETELY. It is actually really, really difficult to completely cut out sugar from a Western diet these days due to the high amount of sugar they hide in processed foods. It's not as simple as quitting eating candy, chocolate, icecream, cake and drinking soda. There is sugar hidden in things you wouldn't even imagine!!! So if it's something you're going to attempt and you wanna be serious about it, you will need to learn how to correctly interpret the ingredient lists and nutrition panels on the labels of groceries you buy at the store. Plus, there are different TYPES of sugars and sugar products that you need to know. If anyone wants more info on this please message me and I can look up some info for your particular country for you (or you could look in to yourself of course lol).

I cant cut out sugar i love it lol. Im just cutting out wheat which in the past has helped me lose weight so hopefully it will again

I think most if not all AP's lead to weight gain. I once gained 20 pounds in a little over two weeks because of Zyprexa and witnessed extreme seroquel munchies firsthand.

I understand mirtazapine is an antidepressant and not an AP, but perhaps it might be an option to consider. It has anxiolytic and sedative effects similar to AP's

Im on latuda for psychosis so a anti-depressant wont do in my case
it's been 300 days since my last invega (trinza shot was the last one) and i am officially off abilify since may 21st 2021.

i feel like all of the invega is pretty much out of my system but the side effects are still there. although, i feel like the side effects are from abilify.

with that being said, i have yet to lose any weight. i want to lose all the weight i gained but i don't know how too. research and family docotor says when i am off AP, it should come off naturally. so i would say maybe 5 months from now? at least that would give me some time for abilify to be removed from my system.

yes, these were all forced injections. i am no longer forced and i am longer required to be on them. thank god!
it's been 300 days since my last invega (trinza shot was the last one) and i am officially off abilify since may 21st 2021.

i feel like all of the invega is pretty much out of my system but the side effects are still there. although, i feel like the side effects are from abilify.

with that being said, i have yet to lose any weight. i want to lose all the weight i gained but i don't know how too. research and family docotor says when i am off AP, it should come off naturally. so i would say maybe 5 months from now? at least that would give me some time for abilify to be removed from my system.

yes, these were all forced injections. i am no longer forced and i am longer required to be on them. thank god!

How long where you on the Invega and how much weight did you gain may i ask? I was on Invega for maybe a month or 2 months and Abilify for nearly 2 years and put on 40 fucking lbs. I was switched from Abilify to Latuda in may so im hoping to lose some weight as Latuda is supposedly weight neutral.
How long where you on the Invega and how much weight did you gain may i ask? I was on Invega for maybe a month or 2 months and Abilify for nearly 2 years and put on 40 fucking lbs. I was switched from Abilify to Latuda in may so im hoping to lose some weight as Latuda is supposedly weight neutral.
i think i was on invega for one year and a half. i gained 70 pounds!
then i switched to Abilify (for 9 months) which is weight neutral.

i am off all APs. i am no longer required to see a psychiatrist. they made up my illness. i scheduled a review panel so that's how i stopped the meds.

i will wait maybe 4-5 months for me to fully recover and from there, i will start going to the gym perhaps.
I was put on invega injection for a few months in the psych ward but taken off it due to side effects. I was then put on the abilify injection 400mg's a month up until last month. I put on a total of 40lbs on invega and abilify and couldnt seem to lose it no matter what i tried. Now i am on 40mg's of latuda and have managed to lose a few pounds which gives me some hope anyway.

Has anyone taken latuda and had luck losing weight? Is it really weight neutral as they claim it is? I hate the weight ive put on cause it's absolutly killing my back plus i hate having a gut. Any imput would be greatly apreciated.

I know that the typical anti-psychotics (the older ones like Thorazine and Haldol) cause a lot less weight gain than the newer ones.
It IS possible to not gain - or even lose - weight on anti-psychotics, it's just harder. I'm on Seroquel (which is the second worst for weight gain after Olanzapine) and I gained weight at first (about 25lbs) but it mostly just came off by itself over time. I weigh like 120lb and honestly find weight comes off just as easily as it used to if I gain any.
Yeah, it's chemical castration. I was 215-225lbs at a healthy weight 6'3". When they weighed me a month ago I was 345lbs. 2010 was the first antipsychotic forced on me. And it's been ongoing. Psychiatry doesn't seem to care about this. BUt they do like to take your blood pressure and tell you it's high. Then Icomplain the drugs cause weight gain. They don't care. THey need their pay.
I put on almost a hundred pounds between Invega pills (while hospitalized) and Risperdal Consta injections (post hospitalization). The weight was lost slowly and I had little success while the bulk of it was still in my system. I did however manage to shrink my waist down to a size 28 again. Had a six pack for a while until being hospitalized again. Now my weight is considered normal for my height (about 170) and it actually worked out, quite well, despite not having good abs like I used to. I used to be skinny and wirey (a 135 lb six foot guy, imagine that). Best solution I've found to losing weight is to put on tons of muscle. I was also doing cardio, but mainly because I didn't have a car for a long time.

Something along these lines I posted in the Invega thread years ago: "Like Genkai, in Yu-Yu Hakusho suggests to her apprentice Yusuke in order to train him up: the only way to push your spirit potential past its limits is to exercise to the point of exhaustion"

She ends up pushing Yusuke during his training so hard, in that show, that he's often found napping during critical points like the Dark Tournament. In order to come off Invega Sustenna, I waited until I was non-lethargic enough to do intense cardio and literally pushed myself to my breaking point constantly. There were a lot of weeks I would spend recovering from the damage my body sustained (sometimes a whole week in bed recuperating) , but the training paid off.
i think i was on invega for one year and a half. i gained 70 pounds!
then i switched to Abilify (for 9 months) which is weight neutral.

i am off all APs. i am no longer required to see a psychiatrist. they made up my illness. i scheduled a review panel so that's how i stopped the meds.

i will wait maybe 4-5 months for me to fully recover and from there, i will start going to the gym perhaps.

Oh damn ya both Abilify and Invega seem to pack of the pounds. My friend put on 100lbs on Abilify. Glad to hear your off the medfs since it sounds like you don't need them. im still recovering from Abilify.
I know that the typical anti-psychotics (the older ones like Thorazine and Haldol) cause a lot less weight gain than the newer ones.
It IS possible to not gain - or even lose - weight on anti-psychotics, it's just harder. I'm on Seroquel (which is the second worst for weight gain after Olanzapine) and I gained weight at first (about 25lbs) but it mostly just came off by itself over time. I weigh like 120lb and honestly find weight comes off just as easily as it used to if I gain any.

Some of the older ones like Thorazine are just as bad as the Atypicals for causing weight gain because of the effects on the histamine and cholinergic receptors. Haldol isnt much of a antihistamine or a anticholinergic so it does not cause much if any weight gain. However i would suggest try Latuda or Asenapine before trying Haldol. both are supposedly weight neutral.