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Anti cannabis literature included with every mail order/couriered sale (Manitoba)

Thomas Davie

Moderator: CD
Staff member
Feb 6, 2013
Some companies are worse than others, basically including a small pamphlet detailing the evils of weed. tonight’s annoyance.


By law they have to include these.

Actually I think it's a good advice not to mix cannabis and booze.

How is that anti cannabis? It might just as well be anti booze..
It's just HR, and I think that's a good principle

I think that's a good law. You can buy the stuff legally and still complain.
Here, I can't even have 0.01g without getting a hefty penalty

Like..just wow. Talk about appreciating what you have

https://KnowMyLimits.Ca --> https://cml-kml.ca/en/ --> https://lgcamb.ca/

If we stick to the middle source just for a demi-second we find this: Addictions Foundation of Manitoba

So lets dig further...

Who we are.

Know My Limits is the public education arm of the Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Authority of Manitoba (LGCA). The LGCA regulates liquor, gaming and cannabis in the province of Manitoba and is legislated to provide public education to Manitobans about the products we regulate. Our approach to liquor, gaming and cannabis is neutral, and as a result, our public education gives research-based strategies that can help people lower their risks if they choose to use these products.

The LGCA investigates all complaints about alleged issues related to liquor, gaming and cannabis.

Ah. M 'OKay!

By chance i don't drink and i don't even drive while the OP was recently forced to sell his car because of similar self-serving intolerant (quasi-nazi) gurus taking over our Public Institutions - if i'm not mistaking...

Allow me to pass the rest!

Good day, have fun!! ☮️
What province do you happen to reside in, mister [ PREVIOUSLY IGNORED ]?...
Actually I think it's a good advice not to mix cannabis and booze.

How is that anti cannabis? It might just as well be anti booze..
It's just HR, and I think that's a good principle

I think that's a good law. You can buy the stuff legally and still complain.
Here, I can't even have 0.01g without getting a hefty penalty

Like..just wow. Talk about appreciating what you have

I should have been more specific, rather than just posting one of the targets of my irritation. In Manitoba we have a 6% added social responsibility tax added to every cannabis sale. Funding for a lot of education/warnings/health advisories come from this added tax. There is some form of this included with every mail or couriered sale. Repeatedly. And to customers who have registered and legally demonstrated that they are over the age of 19.

My anger, if it is called that is directed at the mindset that the public needs protection from cannabis, that it’s endlessly rammed down our throats and that cannabis users are paying for this to occur.

Sorry if I came across as not appreciating the fact that I have access to legal adult cannabis; I do. Something I’ve been enjoying a long time is now legal. I don’t have to hide. It’s purity/quality tested (Egzoset may disagree). I can do legally something that still gets people put in jail/executed elsewhere.

The premier of our province stated one day before legalization that ‘I’m sure not going to drive to work tomorrow’. Wtf kind of attitude is that?

It just rubs me the very wrong way.

During the ‘street weed is contaminated with Fentanyl’ scare.



^^& Was part of an online advertising campaign aimed at Manitoba youths/teenagers.
This why older people’s no longer talk goodly and have prenuncification errers.



I have heard the claim cannabis user in adolescence have lower iq.

IF TRUE - I was guessing this has more to do with changing intellectual hobbies to Tv as many cannabis users TEND to - than the cannabis intoxication itself .

Are there any studies that control use of cannabis to an edible at night time for insomnia so one sleeps through the effects ? Please link if you have

I’m guessing that if you control to strictly edible use for insomnia there is NO lower iq even though the individual spends a couple hours a day under the effects of THC
I should have been more specific, rather than just posting one of the targets of my irritation. In Manitoba we have a 6% added social responsibility tax added to every cannabis sale. Funding for a lot of education/warnings/health advisories come from this added tax. There is some form of this included with every mail or couriered sale. Repeatedly. And to customers who have registered and legally demonstrated that they are over the age of 19.

My anger, if it is called that is directed at the mindset that the public needs protection from cannabis, that it’s endlessly rammed down our throats and that cannabis users are paying for this to occur.

Sorry if I came across as not appreciating the fact that I have access to legal adult cannabis; I do. Something I’ve been enjoying a long time is now legal. I don’t have to hide. It’s purity/quality tested (Egzoset may disagree). I can do legally something that still gets people put in jail/executed elsewhere.

The premier of our province stated one day before legalization that ‘I’m sure not going to drive to work tomorrow’. Wtf kind of attitude is that?

It just rubs me the very wrong way.

Honestly, I would have them make me READ the book,
if that meant I could acquire cannabis without feeling like a criminal
I should have been more specific, rather than just posting one of the targets of my irritation. In Manitoba we have a 6% added social responsibility tax added to every cannabis sale. Funding for a lot of education/warnings/health advisories come from this added tax. There is some form of this included with every mail or couriered sale. Repeatedly. And to customers who have registered and legally demonstrated that they are over the age of 19.

My anger, if it is called that is directed at the mindset that the public needs protection from cannabis, that it’s endlessly rammed down our throats and that cannabis users are paying for this to occur.

Sorry if I came across as not appreciating the fact that I have access to legal adult cannabis; I do. Something I’ve been enjoying a long time is now legal. I don’t have to hide. It’s purity/quality tested (Egzoset may disagree). I can do legally something that still gets people put in jail/executed elsewhere.

The premier of our province stated one day before legalization that ‘I’m sure not going to drive to work tomorrow’. Wtf kind of attitude is that?

It just rubs me the very wrong way.


Lame . Honestly I think cannabis “harm reduction” drug education is limited to 1. Maybe best not to use this stuff until the brain is fully developed 2. If you have preexisting psychosis you should avoid cannabis 3. When abused heavily it can sometimes lead one to lose ambition so use responsibility

Pretty simple stuff . Cannabis use is like driving a tricycle whereas use of other drugs is like driving a race car (example proper injection technique for heroin)
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Honestly, I would have them make me READ the book,
if that meant I could acquire cannabis without feeling like a criminal
you're from Germany, right? is pretty insane that it seems like sensible drug policy is still that far away here in middle europe... (Österreicher hier ;) ).

Yet it is still acceptable to see politicians on TV getting shitfaced on alcohol at some sort of public happening all the time.
I didn’t leave my house from February 19th last year until December 29th(30th?) b/c Covid and a compromised immune system from kidney failure so I am 100% greatful that I can order weed online and have it arrive w/in a few hours. No stores, crowds, people or risks. So god yeah; that is something I would not have been able to do prior to Oct 17/2018.

Do I smoke too much? Nah - I don’t work and am on medical retirement. I’m definitely not capable of legally driving as my blood levels of THC are probably above 5 ng/ml which means license/car suspension, fines and so on. I stay at home, do dialysis, play a lot of video games, watch news/politics, walk the dog and consume weed. The downside to me getting used to this same day ordering/getting nirvana is that it’s not legal in the province I’m moving to, so it’s back to Canada Post or physically going to a store (which is a challenge)..

I didn’t leave my house from February 19th last year until December 29th(30th?) b/c Covid and a compromised immune system from kidney failure so I am 100% greatful that I can order weed online and have it arrive w/in a few hours. No stores, crowds, people or risks. So god yeah; that is something I would not have been able to do prior to Oct 17/2018.

Do I smoke too much? Nah - I don’t work and am on medical retirement. I’m definitely not capable of legally driving as my blood levels of THC are probably above 5 ng/ml which means license/car suspension, fines and so on. I stay at home, do dialysis, play a lot of video games, watch news/politics, walk the dog and consume weed. The downside to me getting used to this same day ordering/getting nirvana is that it’s not legal in the province I’m moving to, so it’s back to Canada Post or physically going to a store (which is a challenge)..


For real ? I’m a fellow Canadian and I had no idea it wasn’t legal in some more provinces . Tell me more please
I didn’t leave my house from February 19th last year until December 29th(30th?) b/c Covid and a compromised immune system from kidney failure so I am 100% greatful that I can order weed online and have it arrive w/in a few hours. No stores, crowds, people or risks. So god yeah; that is something I would not have been able to do prior to Oct 17/2018.

Do I smoke too much? Nah - I don’t work and am on medical retirement. I’m definitely not capable of legally driving as my blood levels of THC are probably above 5 ng/ml which means license/car suspension, fines and so on. I stay at home, do dialysis, play a lot of video games, watch news/politics, walk the dog and consume weed. The downside to me getting used to this same day ordering/getting nirvana is that it’s not legal in the province I’m moving to, so it’s back to Canada Post or physically going to a store (which is a challenge)..

what about home growing? if you have plenty of time, this might be a fun hobby, at least to supplement your bought medication..
Something I’ve been enjoying a long time is now legal. I don’t have to hide. It’s purity/quality tested (Egzoset may disagree).

Naturally i disagree, on all 3 accounts actually! Because in absence of long-term studies we should all feel compelled to demand for the publication of BEFORE/AFTER comparative statistics based on the measured average/extreme ratios of THC vs potential contaminants as sampled from living human ("guinea-pig") subjects of all social conditions and in vast numbers, plus any other scientifically-oriented parametric requirements, even including those of "spe¢iali$ts"/"expert$" who love to grind their sharp teeth with "credible" studie$ (as by Didier Jutras-Aswad under Harper, e.g. 1 study on 120 studies... Paid by Pfizer, a source of fentanil far beyond the "legal" system), etc.

Briefly put all i ask which would just vanish in denial if i didn't insist further boils down to proving solid evidence that "legal = safer", because my personal experience (and previous contributions illustrating the legacy of Hexo/Hydropothecary) can only support the opposite conclusion exactly. In other words the new "dealer" couldn't be rendered any more socio-toxic than our SQdC is today, at least in my neighborghood. But what's the point in repeating argumentation which i already developped ad nauseam knowing only more silence is to expect, in pure ideological denial it seems, unless there's new proof to submit for public attention. Quite likely the Norml style i might add, anyway... Not to mention it's not supposed to be difficult to perform as the longevity of metabolites is currently exploited by police to justify law enforcement operations targetting "stoner$"/"droÿé$" drivers.

So what you call progress i compare it to pissing on the grave of your ancestors, or mine; or as when europeans took over this land: evil destruction, drapped with decoy values combined to omissions & half-truths.

It's like agression made "normal", in case this doesn't seem to make sense. E.G. When raped should a victim thank some sexual predator for his self-serving "services"? Etc., etc...

"Not if your ambition is to get high and watch tv."

Spoken like a true Marie-Ève Morin. Learn french and you may eventually come to appreciate her multiple talents (she signs too, on top of wearing cool tatoos)!

As far as i'm concerned socio-toxicity reaches a paroxism when in denial of these factors:

  • Substance (and nothing else)...
  • Consumption Method & Ritual
  • 3rd-Party Noise/Interference

Perpetual failure to address every single item is like a photographic negative revealing where the bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionnists (and friends) will avoid to go.

Good day, have fun!! ☮️