And As Things Fell Apart, Nobody Paid Much Attention (My encounter w/ Teen Pregnancy)

God, this is one of the most fucked up threads i've ever read. As the father of a young child, I cant imagine how this girl thinks she can have a baby at 13. Even if the father stays with her long enough for the baby to be born, once he realizes how much work it is to raise a newborn he is gonna be gone. Once you have a kid, your life revolves around them. Not something most 13 or 18 year olds could handle. I couldnt have done it then. She is gonna be stuck with a kid at 13 with no diploma, no job, and no future. Its sad that kids today think that they are mature enough for sex at 13. And its even more sad that a 18 year old guy thinks its ok to have sex with a child. What a fucked up world.
Originally posted by TecknoticDream:
ummmmmm in case ya didnt know this lil fact she would have to wait till she is like 1 and a half to 3 months pregnant to even find out!I say shes lieing.......I am chick,I know this shit.
Ummmmm sorry for you darling. Tests nowadays can show a positive result after 72 hours. How do I know that, well my pregnancy test came up positive after 4 days, and if you dont believe me, check with your doctor.
Please check your facts before posting something as misleading like that.
I am now locking this thread, I think that all that can be said on this subject has been.
If young teens getting pregnant needs to be addressed again, please feel free to start another thread.
If You feel that I am wrong and that this thread is still spuring good discussion please email me and I will consider opening it again.