And As Things Fell Apart, Nobody Paid Much Attention (My encounter w/ Teen Pregnancy)

dude u need 2 mind your own buz yes itz fucked that shez 13 yes itz fucked her bf iz 18 butt who r u 2 put here probs on a forum
if u say u care bout thiz gurl be positive try 2 be her friend i have seen teen pregnancy up close i have seen the mental damage it does the last thing thiz scared pregnant 13 yr old needs iz you tellin her shez a screw up dont u think she relizes that she fucked up and if ur soooooooo aganst the age thing than why do u still talk 2 her do her a favor dont make it any harder 4 her than it haz 2 be and do yourself a favor and check your head and figure why thiz iz disturbing u so much
"Too often, it seems, I've succumbed to less than admirable compulsions driven by this reprehensible machine of mine.
So many things inside that I can do without. Desires and urges and whatnot. So extraneous.
And now, it seems you've fallen to the compulsions of your machine."
i don't know what is sicker...this pregnant 13 year old, or this boy's image of his body as a "machine." i mean, come on dude, its YOUR, its YOU, not your body...its not a MACHINE....that's a sick and twisted view of yourself; when people polarize mind and body so much, it leaves them hollow, empty and confused.....maybe you should do some acid yourself, and you can dissolve this machinized dualism that you hold....just my thoughts.....
What the hell, you spend countless hours on a tirade at some girl who will soon enough discover just what shes taken on, and you complain about YOU needing closure? Can you get a little less fucking selfish?
AIM/MSN/Y! - ciajs1
She sounds like a little girl, trying to be all grown up. Someone should remind her that she is just 13. At that age its hard to imagine that she would have a firm grip on reality, she has demonstrated she doesnt. If she does choose the baby, lets just hope she's luckier than most faced with societal pressures etc etc.
You should leave her to make her own decision whilst pointing out, as you may already have, that she has a lot of years left in her life and now is the time to have fun, hang out with friends etc, not to tend to motherly duties.
Respect whatever decision she makes anyway, she probably needs a friend more than anything, if you can't be anything but her angry ex boyfriend, leave her behind although it seems you're not going to do that.
its really really sad more than anything
but to be honest theres not much u can do now so Id just leave it
It wont be too long before she realises just how right you were
Dont stress hun

What comes up must come down.
[email protected]
1. Understand the self
You may see several people have come out criticising you, and while we normally do not allow flames in this forum, these comments have remained as they are relevant to helping you come to terms with this situation. Before you can criticize, judge, condemn, or even speak about others, you should have a good understanding of yourslef - how this information affects you, and how you want to deal with it. Your first reaction of disbelief and condemnation was understandable, as you were taken by suprise in a very unfortunate way. Your later rants about her cheating and being a fake...well, maybe you are just venting, giving yourself a way to deal with this. I suppose that is it, because this isn't to help anyone else, certainly not her, just for you to try and come to terms with this information and destruction of your 'first love' image.
2. Come to terms with the self and where to go next
Alright, so she wasn't who you thought she was, not even close. Only time wll really help you gain perspective on this, and even then the pain may never completely go away, it may become just a small dull ache when you think back on her. Getting even or doing things from spite will not help anyone, including yourself (other than a breif gloat, you'll still have the same hurt as before, with the added embarassment of not being a man about the situation, the embarassment of being childish and retailiating).
Perhaps later in life you'll understand this better. But for now, the best step is to stop any contact. Obviously anything to do with her just inflames your temper and hurts you more. Until such time as you can accept her and her decisions, the best thing for both parties is for you to not communicate with her. Tell her not to write/email/call until you contact her that you are okay with things, and that this may be the 12th of never, but the communication only hurts you more and lessens any chance of civil relations in the future. I have some thorns in my past, on a similar level, that I can't come to terms with - so I no longer acknowledge or communicate with that person. Any reflection on our past still causes that pain to resurface, but for the most part I leave it in the past and live my life with the lessons my experience with that person have taught me.
If, as I hope you will, you come to terms and accept this person with their choices then perhaps you can come to be a friend to them. I'm sure they could use a friend that truly cares, considering the tought life ahead of them. But to be a t4ue friend that cares, that means to give up your personal feelings of love, and just care for her as a person that is important to you. That also means accepting the fact that she does smoke (has smoked, may smoke again in the futur, whatever), has gotten pregnant at a very young age, and will probably be married at a very young age. you have to accept that that is who she is, who she has chosen to be. If you want those issues along with any good you see in her as the total package of a friend, great, start being a friend. If you can't, don't look back. Don't go back to clarify anything, to resolve anything, to hurt anyone or anything - it does no good. Just let it start falling into the past.
Either way, learn what you can from this. Let it help you decide what kind of person YOU want to be. What kind of a friend do you want to be, what kind of love and sex decision you wish to make from here forward witht the knowledge of how some decision can drastically change someone's life, and how it affects you directly and indirectly. Use this to learn and grow. If you can't be a friend to her, be a friend to the next person you meet who may be facing these choices, and give them the benefit of your experience. If you can be a friend to her, you may find more good or more bad...that's the risk we take with every friend, but at least with her, you now know where you stand.
Hrmm, some of the replies on this thread make my blood run cold. Do you people not realise that most of his motivation is through concern for this girl? Yes its probably in part selfish, but that is human nature. But... how can anyone advocate the birth of this child? I mean, firstly yes this girl is 13, yes it will absolutely fuck her life beyond belief, and if her parents are ok with it, well... they probably shouldn't be parents themselves. But so many people here have shown such a blatant disregard to the life the CHILD will have. A 13 year old girl cannot bring up a child. A 13 year old girl can't even fall in love for god's sake, and probably whinges when she is asked to take out the trash. How can you think that ANY 13 year old can raise a child? And if the child ends up being raised by the girl's parents, well... its still pretty damn screwed. Don't get me wrong, I myself am a young male (17), and yes my closest friend is a 14 year old girl. I know that there are exceptions, that some people mature faster than others, etc etc. But a 13 year old cannot raise a child, and certainly shouldn't bring one into this world. One poster talked about killing the fetus and how CKMorpehus should imagine it as himself; why doesn't that poster try imagining that his mother was 13 years old and that he ruined her life. Try that one on for size. Of course for both moral and religious reasons some people refuse to utilise abortion; of course that should be respected. But if this child must be born, surely (as another poster mentioned) it must be given up for adoption, where it can be raised in a RESPONSIBLE LOVING ENVIRONMENT. I'm not even gonna start on how messed up this 18 year old is, I really hope the parents press charges to try and get the point thru this guy's head. He is having sex with a CHILD (it doesn't matter what she looks like on the outside, she is a child) and talking about lifelong committment with a 13 year old. The mind boggles at what must be going through his head. The sentiment "what's done is done" is such a shallow cop out comment here. What's done is never done. Yes, you control your own destiny, and you make your own decisions. Whether you believe in fate or not, you still control the here and now with your actions. In today's society pregnancy is not equal to motherhood, and the situation should be handled with that in mind. CKMorpehus: Tell her parents, and do it as soon as possible. She'll hate you forever. But you may save her life. Be unselfish, try and do the right thing if you truly care about her (even though she fucked you around, you can still care about her). Its vital that her parents know before she reaches the second trimester (thats when it becomes too late for abortion right? I'm probably wrong, but whatever time it is...) I think this is a choice her parents need to make for her. I mean damn... I was about to say that she should get punished. What kind of fucked up situation has me thinking that someone should get punished for becoming pregnant? So take my advice or don't, but think of the life this child is going to live. I hope you manage to do the right thing (no matter how hard it is to see through this morass of morality and self-involvement).
I'm quite sorry to hear this. The fact is, pot sometimes causes people to do stupid things. I've seen quite a bit of that over the years.
First of all, your friend needs to quit the dope immediately. Do whatever it takes, and I mean whatever. It's not just herself that she's affecting. If you need some talking points, take a look at
Secondly, if she can't take care of the baby, then she should see an adoption agency. That may be the best thing for the kid. It's hard to do, but the alternatives are worse.
As for yourself, hang in there. I know it's got to be rough to watch somebody going through this. I wish everyone the best.
I dont think anyone should be playing the martyer in this case.....this is bluelight, a forum on harm minimisation!.....use this thread to learn as much as possible about reality and about yourselves.......donot pass any jugement on anyone because its all down to the age old theory of
"you CANNOT change any one, u can only change yourselves"!
my heart goes out!
I think you have a moral obligation to tell her parents? They have a right to know.
I have had a bit of insight on this type of subject because my mother was 13 too when she had me and she only managed to take care of me for about 6 months and then I was put in a foster home and that was the best thing that could happen.So if she gave her baby up for adouption that would be the best desion.
I think that even though you feel she betrated you and shit. that you are apart of her life and if you cant forgive her you should still try and help her and the baby.Be Supportive! Because she will relize that she fucked up and shes the one that has to live with it.
Jestefer: I think that is an unfair comment to say that a 13yr old can't raise a child. They will find it dificult but like everyone else they will learn and have the possibility to be a grate mum. I don't know how offten teenage pregnancys occur in the USA but there not that shocking to me, yes the girl and baby may have a better chance at life if she had it in a few years but the fact is sex leads to babys and if you are having sex then responsibility must be taken. I know a few teenage mums, ok non of them where 13 but they love their children and I would rather grow up strugling than be aborted or put into care.
Johny Boy: I won't argue with you. Its just too crazy. Children don't have children.
[Edit: Sorry, spelt your name wrong]
[This message has been edited by Jestefer (edited 01 December 2001).]
you have no problem, that girl is headed down a fucked up path, and its not your job to hold her up...fuck her, let it go
Stay the course. She's your friend -- she needs you. She doesn't fully appreciate the consequences of the situation she's in. Naturally, you don't want to enable, but be there for her.
All your yelling and cursing is only going to put her on the defensive. She's on the right(eous) path, so she thinks anyway. The best you can do is perhaps help her: show her books or magazines or websites that explain, in detail, all the expenses and true 24hour care that a child takes. Remind her that she won't be able to leave the house without her child. Remind her she won't be able to go out, that the child will cry, a lot, and get sick, a lot. Try to ask her questions about how she'll handle situations, perhaps things she hasn't thought of yet. Will she breast feed? Remind her how it will make her young breasts sag. Will she give it formula? Remind her how expensive it is. Cloth or disposable diapers? Who will the doctor be? What preschool will he/she go to? Show her, in a nonjudgemental, neutral manner, just how hard it really is. Perhaps that will scare her straight, and if it doesn't, at least she will have the information she needs to raise a child.
Ok,just thought I should poke my nose in this topic,HELLO?!?!?!she says she is one month pregnant and she found out a few weeks ago?ummmmmm in case ya didnt know this lil fact she would have to wait till she is like 1 and a half to 3 months pregnant to even find out!I say shes lieing.......I am chick,I know this shit,Theres a girl I know who lies to everyone that she has a baby and she is pregnant again,just to get attenchion,and I know its b.s.I say shes lieing,come on now,only a month pregnant and she already knows????the chances of that aer slim to none.
Shut up and run.
Run as far and as hard and as fast as you can, because this girl is the worst kind of news. Do *not* get caught up in this. It is not your neck on the line, nor should it be your heart.
RIGHT ON, DISKO! no one in here knows this chick and what she's capable of and isn't one even knows the whole story cuz morpheus can only tell his side.... so, boldly typed responses that are supposed to be the one and ONLY "answers" to this dudes problems, from people who don't even know the people involved personally, really aren't such a good idea, i don't think....
so, basically, morpheus- keep in mind that these people (me included) don't know you or this chick- their replies are oppinions based only on what you've posted and what they've been through- not on what you or this chick have been through or are going through......
though, IMHO, the moderator's got a good point there (from what I read- too many words- eyes got tired...) :)