anavar advive

The androgen receptor, or indeed any nuclear receptor doesn't get "used-up".. Receptors up-regulate and down-regulate... There is evidence to suggest the AR up-regulates to account for greater levels of exogenous androgens over time..

I respect the science... but tell me why everyone I know who has cycled for 15+ years has to take greater amounts of TEST to get any positive effects? Heck, I'm talking most guys I know went from 500mg/wk to 1500-2000mg/wk and are getting the same results.

Are you saying that most bodybuilders stay at 500mg/wk and get the same results 15 years deep into AAS?
I respect the science... but tell me why everyone I know who has cycled for 15+ years has to take greater amounts of TEST to get any positive effects? Heck, I'm talking most guys I know went from 500mg/wk to 1500-2000mg/wk and are getting the same results.

Are you saying that most bodybuilders stay at 500mg/wk and get the same results 15 years deep into AAS?

I'm in my 33rd year of AAS use, I am over 5 stone heavier than when I started training in 1978, as I have increased lean body mass over the years, I have found my body needs more AAS to retain a greater lean body mass.....
uh... to the people wanting to get huge fast test + var isn't recommended by anyone here?
I apologize for not doing my research.i am 7 days into this taking 50 mg a day..what is my best option as of right now?

do you know 80% of UGL anavar isnt anavar? I think you should stop taking your winstrol right now
this is the problem ive had on and off results with finding sources of var
I see people complaining about the price on var, but if it's that great why wouldn't you pay for it #1. 2, I see people saying they need 100mg a day!!! WTF??? No, you don't. I'm very new to this entire thing. Don't even workout regularly. I try to. I'll tell you this. 3 years ago I had 1 bottle of Oxandrolone, and Andro-Gel. The anavar had 60 10mg pills in it. I took that 1 month supply, and stretched it over 3 months, while putting andro-gel on daily. Then I made sure I ate about 80-100grams of protein a day on top of whatever I ate. As for working out, I threw a free weight around for about 20 minutes. At the end of 90 days, I had gained almost 40Lbs of weight. And most of that was lean muscle. Cut. I know people who pay $450 per bottle here in NYC. That's for 60 10mg pills. Personally, I let mine go for less. Plus I'm prescribed Nandrolone-Deca and Test-Cyp, as well as the Var. All prescribed, and filled here in NYC. I know there's no lack of var and test-cyp floating around here in NYC. I guess me not being in the gym hardcore and u guys not being in my position, makes it difficult for the 2 to hook up. But even so, the cost of var is very expensive. The pharmacy charges a $1,000 for it. Thank God ins. pays 4 it. But it is amazing. And u don't need anywhere that much. 20-40mgs a day is plenty. It takes time for muscle to grow. But the steroid starts working immediately.
Instead of speculation about shutdown, blood work would be recommended. Maybe it will lower your testosterone levels, maybe not so much.

Apologies if someone has first hand experience with 'var causing test levels to drop, but AFAIK, 40mg is considered mild, and I assume 50 wouldn't be a HUGE deal more suppressive.
I was personally using 80-100mg/d or more for a while, specifically to drop my levels, and I was still in the normal range (!) .. though close to the low end. Luckily, I had a doc who wasn't a prick for having HRT test prescribed. Meh.