• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Amphetamine Neurotoxicity and Tolerance Reduction/Prevention II

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Just to add, subjectively of course, of 2-fa, 3-fa, 4-fa, and 2-fma that 3-fa feels much more stressful on both the brain and body and leaves me feeling uncomfortably stimulated and then very drained of mental energy the day after. The other 3 have no sort term side effects for me or negative comedown and I feel fine for any amount of time afterwards(I would say even less of a rebound effect than vyvanse, which is hardly anything). Of course this doesn't prove anything toxicologically, but to me it is kind of telling that 3-fa is much more subjectively toxic feeling. Might be one to stay away from, maybe they are all better to stay away from.. of any of them though 4-fa has the most use record and research by far and I've used it at low doses for a week or so with no negative except getting used to not being stimulated after stopping.

Also, how do you guys think piracetam effects neurotoxicity? I mean I know several studies where it's shown to be neuroprotective(unless my memory is failing me..) particularly for glutamate/nmda excitability(I wish I had the non-lazyness to find them atm, but maybe i will edit post if I find them). I mean I know when I take piracetam while on any sort of stimulant all the positives are greatly increased, it also makes me less laser focused(you know where you are just too busy and focused on finishing something to even stop for a minute and use the bathroom) hahah.

It also brings back mental energy and mood days after taking stimulants(well.. and in general, but much more so when needed like that), so I don't know what to think.

I get the feeling it might be making the toxicity worse, yet I've taken it many times and in general it seems like I've had less after effects when I've done so... I'll get looking on the sources on piracetam unless someone chimes in beforehand
I posted the one study on piractam and stimulants out there to my knowledge a few weeks back. It potentates them, but we have no clue how aside from possible membrane effects and AMPA/NMDA allosteric modulation it exerts those effects.

My take on it is it might worsen outcomes by enhancing pathways associated with tolerance, but even that is just a shot in the dark and me being cautious.

I've come to see that a few of the more knowledgeable people on sites like this have their word taken without question. So, we need to be very careful about what we say.

Hell, PQQ looked like a solid place to start, yet it seemed to lead to binges and mental health problems in some individuals with pre-existing issues. That's why I'm focusing more on the hard science and well known compounds now.

I've got a few things in mind for the NO, NAChR, and MAOB angles, but I don't dare mention them now lest someone under informed hurt themselves.

I'm just that hardcore harm reduction mod haha
Epsilon alpha, I find it a real shame, when on a harm reduction and general drug user's forum you feel as though you can't post research that might allow people in need of it to (and meth/stimulant users in general are, along with benzo/sedative users, in need of more help than most IMO) come up with a protocol to minimize the potentially long lasting, and serious damage done.

I do see where you are coming from, but I have to question weather its the right decision to make. Then again I haven't seen what you haven't thus far posted. PM me?
Epsilon alpha, I find it a real shame, when on a harm reduction and general drug user's forum you feel as though you can't post research that might allow people in need of it to (and meth/stimulant users in general are, along with benzo/sedative users, in need of more help than most IMO) come up with a protocol to minimize the potentially long lasting, and serious damage done.

I do see where you are coming from, but I have to question weather its the right decision to make. Then again I haven't seen what you haven't thus far posted. PM me?

Well some of the tamer bits are Viagra and various polyphenols. But, for the most part we're looking at stuff that's just made it into rat studies within the last 3 years. The potential for side effects outweighs the possible benefits for most of them. As for the MAO-B angle I think you know what I'm talking about though, and why its not a good idea to promote its use in individuals who aren't too well versed in biology.

Also let's just say that quercetin's looking at one of the same angles I am with stimulants effects on basal metabolism.
Hopefully that's just obscure enough, PM me if you need any clarification.
Vinpocetine enhance glucose uptake by brain neurons
Vinpocetine is a slightly altered form of vincamine, an alkaloid extracted from the Periwinkle plant, vinca minor. In use for almost 30 years, research has gradually shown vinpocetine to be the superior vinca alkaloid, having few and minor if any side effects, with a greater range of metabolic and clinical benefits than vincamine. Vinpocetine has been shown to be a cerebral metabolic enhancer and a selective cerebral vasodilator. Vinpocetine has been shown to enhance oxygen and glucose uptake from blood by brain neurons, and to increase neuronal ATP energy production. Both animal and human research has shown vinpocetine to restore impaired brain carbohydrate/energy metabolism.

Vinpocetine inhibits glutamate release induced by the convulsive agent 4-aminopyridine more potently than several antiepileptic drugs.
4-Aminopyridine (4-AP) is a convulsing agent that in vivo preferentially releases Glu, the most important excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter in the brain. Here the ionic dependence of 4-AP-induced Glu release and the effects of several of the most common antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and of the new potential AED, vinpocetine on 4-AP-induced Glu release were characterized in hippocampus isolated nerve endings pre-loaded with labelled Glu ([3H]Glu). 4-AP-induced [3H]Glu release was composed by a tetrodotoxin (TTX) sensitive and external Ca2+ dependent fraction and a TTX insensitive fraction that was sensitive to the excitatory amino acid transporter inhibitor, TBOA. The AEDs: carbamazepine, phenytoin, lamotrigine and oxcarbazepine at the highest dose tested only reduced [3H]Glu release to 4-AP between 50-60%, and topiramate was ineffective. Vinpocetine at a much lower concentration than the above AEDs, abolished [3H]Glu release to 4-AP. We conclude that the decrease in [3H]Glu release linked to the direct blockade of presynaptic Na+ channels, may importantly contribute to the anticonvulsant actions of all the drugs tested here (except topiramate); and that the significantly greater vinpocetine effect in magnitude and potency on [3H]Glu release when excitability is exacerbated like during seizures, may involve the increase additionally exerted by vinpocetine in some K+ channels permeability.

Excitability linked to glutamate modulation is exacerbated by methamphetamine administration. Glutamate signaling plays a significant role in regards to DAergic deficits. Glutamate also contributes to the persistent deficits, as suggested by the inhibition of these deficits when NMDA antagonist are administered. Dopaminergic cells within the striatum possess AMPA and NMDA receptors. Glutamate-induced activation of these receptors promotes Ca 2+ influx into the DAergic neuron. This effect, when excessive, can result in mitochondrial damage and neurotoxicity.

Reversing brain damage in former NFL players: implications for traumatic brain injury and substance abuse rehabilitation.
Brain injuries are common in professional American football players. Finding effective rehabilitation strategies can have widespread implications not only for retired players but also for patients with traumatic brain injury and substance abuse problems. An open label pragmatic clinical intervention was conducted in an outpatient neuropsychiatric clinic with 30 retired NFL players who demonstrated brain damage and cognitive impairment. The study included weight loss (if appropriate); fish oil (5.6 grams a day); a high-potency multiple vitamin; and a formulated brain enhancement supplement that included nutrients to enhance blood flow (ginkgo and vinpocetine), acetylcholine (acetyl-l-carnitine and huperzine A), and antioxidant activity (alpha-lipoic acid and n-acetyl-cysteine). The trial average was six months. Outcome measures were Microcog Assessment of Cognitive Functioning and brain SPECT imaging. In the retest situation, corrected for practice effect, there were statistically significant increases in scores of attention, memory, reasoning, information processing speed and accuracy on the Microcog. The brain SPECT scans, as a group, showed increased brain perfusion, especially in the prefrontal cortex, parietal lobes, occipital lobes, anterior cingulate gyrus and cerebellum. This study demonstrates that cognitive and cerebral blood flow improvements are possible in this group with multiple interventions.

Vinpocetine impact on blood flow may decrease BBB permeability. Significant increases in blood pressure is often experienced post-admisnistration. Vasodilatation and (PDE) type-1 inhibition may cause the effect on smooth muscle tissue.

Glucose Regulation
Glucose is the principal brain fuel. Most other cells and organs of the body are able to "burn" fat as well as glucose to produce ATP bioenergy, but brain neurons can only burn glucose under normal, non-starvation/ketogenic conditions. The brain is only 2% of the body mass, yet typically consumes 15-20% of total body ATP energy. The brain is dependent on a second-by-second delivery of glucose from the bloodstream, as neurons can only store about a 2-minute supply of glucose (as glycogen) at any given time. The brain must have access to a large portion of the glucose flowing through the bloodstream.

Unlike most other body tissues, the brain does not require insulin to absorb glucose from the blood. The effect of insulin on the brain is less well defined. Elevations of circulating insulin can alter brain function, augmenting the counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia, altering feeding behavior. Thus, the optimal blood status for the brain to acquire its disproportionately large share of blood sugar is a normal blood sugar level, combined with low blood insulin. When insulin is low or absent in the bloodstream, the rest of the body will ignore the blood sugar and burn fat or amino acids for their fuel.

Methamphetamine is known to stimulate production of insulin, leaving the brain with less then adequate amount of glucose. This will cause a rapid glucose uptake by almost all body tissues, leaving far less than optimal supplies for the brain.

Methamphetamine-induced insulin release.
Administration of methamphetamine or amphetamine to rats and mice produces a rapid increase in the level of immunoassayable plasma insulin not attributable to hyperglycemia. While in the mouse this release of insulin is followed consistently by a profound hypoglycemia, in the rat this response is variable. Studies in vitro demonstrate that insulin is released by a direct effect of methamphetamine on the pancreas.

Profound hypoglycemia is observed in the human subjects as well

Physiologic response to hypoglycemia
The physiologic response to hypoglycemia is a complex and well-coordinated process. In healthy humans, there is an ordered, failsafe response system that begins with a reduction in insulin secretion while blood glucose concentration is still in the physiologic range. As blood glucose concentration declines further, peripheral and central glucose sensors relay this information to central integrative centers to coordinate the secretion of counterregulatory hormones (glucagon, epinephrine, norepinephrine, growth hormone and cortisol, respectively) and avert the progression of hypoglycemia. Type 1 diabetes perturbs these counterregulatory responses: circulating insulin levels cannot be reduced (due to exogenous insulin); glucagon secretion is blunted or absent; and epinephrine secretion is blunted and shifted to a lower plasma glucose concentration. It is also observed in methamphetamine induced hyperinsulinemia.

Counterregulation has also been shown to be impaired in type 2 diabetes. In this setting, the glucagon response to hypoglycemia may be normal or blunted, while epinephrine response remains intact, if not augmented. Patients affected by type 1 and type 2 diabetes can develop the syndrome of hypoglycemia unawareness.

Hypoglycemia unawareness develops as recurrent iatrogenic hypoglycemia shifts the glycemic threshold for counterregulation and development of hypoglycemic symptoms to lower plasma glucose concentrations. In this setting, neurogenic symptoms, which are usually the initial warning symptoms of hypoglycemia, are blunted and the first manifestation of hypoglycemia becomes neuroglycopenia. The mechanisms underlying the development of hypoglycemia unawareness may be related to both altered central sensing of hypoglycemia and impaired coordination of responses to hypoglycemia. Neuroglycopenia is a medical term that refers to a shortage of glucose (glycopenia) in the brain, usually due to hypoglycemia. Glycopenia affects the function of neurons, and alters brain function and behavior.

Signs and symptoms of neuroglycopenia
Abnormal mentation, impaired judgement
Nonspecific dysphoria, anxiety, moodiness, depression, crying, fear of dying, suicidal thoughts
Negativism, irritability, belligerence, combativeness, rage
Personality change, emotional lability
Fatigue, weakness, apathy, lethargy, daydreaming, sleep
Confusion, amnesia, dizziness, delirium
Staring, "glassy" look, blurred vision, double vision
Automatic behavior
Difficulty speaking, slurred speech
Ataxia, incoordination, sometimes mistaken for "drunkenness"
Focal or general motor deficit, paralysis, hemiparesis
Paresthesia, headache
Stupor, coma, abnormal breathing
Generalized or focal seizures

Not all of the above manifestations occur in every case of hypoglycemia. There is no consistent order to the appearance of the symptoms. Specific manifestations vary by age and by the severity of the hypoglycemia. In older children and adults, moderately severe hypoglycemia can resemble mania, mental illness, drug intoxication, or drunkenness. In the elderly, hypoglycemia can produce focal stroke-like effects or a hard-to-define malaise. The symptoms of a single person do tend to be similar from episode to episode.

Most neurons have the ability to use other fuels besides glucose (e.g., lactic acid, ketones). Our knowledge of the "switchover" process is incomplete. The most severe neuroglycopenic symptoms occur with hypoglycemia caused by excess insulin because insulin reduces the availability of other fuels by suppressing ketogenesis and gluconeogenesis.

A few types of specialized neurons, especially in the hypothalamus, act as glucose sensors, responding to changing levels of glucose by increasing or decreasing their firing rates. They can elicit a variety of hormonal, autonomic, and behavioral responses to neuroglycopenia. The hormonal and autonomic responses include release of counterregulatory hormones. There is some evidence that the autonomic nervous system can alter liver glucose metabolism independently of the counterregulatory hormones.

Compensatory responses to neuroglycopenia
Adjustment of efficiency of transfer of glucose from blood across the blood–brain barrier into the central nervous system represents a third form of compensation which occurs more gradually. Levels of glucose within the central nervous system are normally lower than the blood, regulated by an incompletely understood transfer process. Chronic hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia seems to result in an increase or decrease in efficiency of transfer to maintain CNS levels of glucose within an optimal range.

Neuroglycopenia without hypoglycemia
In both young and old patients, the brain may habituate to low glucose levels, with a reduction of noticeable symptoms, sometimes despite neuroglycopenic impairment. In insulin-dependent diabetic patients this phenomenon is termed hypoglycemia unawareness and is a significant clinical problem when improved glycemic control inefficient. Frequent in methamphetamine user, neuroglycopenia is observed after repeated hypoglycemic episode.
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Dentate gyrus, stress, psychosis and depression
The dentate gyrus is part of the hippocampal formation. It is thought to contribute to the formation of new memories, as well as possessing other functional roles. It may also have a functional role in stress and depression. However, the physiological effects of stress, often characterized by release of glucocorticoids such as cortisol, as well as activation of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, have been shown to inhibit the process of neurogenesis in primates. Both endogenous and exogenous glucocorticoids are known to cause psychosis and depression, implying that neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus may play an important role in modulating symptoms of stress and depression. Recent studies indicate that poor glucose control can lead to deleterious effects on the dentate gyrus.

Diabetes increases brain damage caused by severe hypoglycemia.
Insulin-induced severe hypoglycemia causes brain damage. The hypothesis to be tested was that diabetes portends to more extensive brain tissue damage following an episode of severe hypoglycemia. Nine-week-old male streptozotocin-diabetic (DIAB; n = 10) or vehicle-injected control (CONT; n = 7) Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to hyperinsulinemic (0.2 U.kg(-1).min(-1)) severe hypoglycemic (10-15 mg/dl) clamps while awake and unrestrained. Groups were precisely matched for depth and duration (1 h) of severe hypoglycemia (CONT 11 +/- 0.5 and DIAB 12 +/- 0.2 mg/dl, P = not significant). During severe hypoglycemia, an equal number of episodes of seizure-like activity were noted in both groups. One week later, histological analysis demonstrated extensive neuronal damage in regions of the hippocampus, especially in the dentate gyrus and CA1 regions and less so in the CA3 region (P < 0.05), although total hippocampal damage was not different between groups. However, in the cortex, DIAB rats had significantly (2.3-fold) more dead neurons than CONT rats (P < 0.05). There was a strong correlation between neuronal damage and the occurrence of seizure-like activity (r(2) > 0.9). Separate studies conducted in groups of diabetic (n = 5) and nondiabetic (n = 5) rats not exposed to severe hypoglycemia showed no brain damage. In summary, under the conditions studied, severe hypoglycemia causes brain damage in the cortex and regions within the hippocampus, and the extent of damage is closely correlated to the presence of seizure-like activity in nonanesthetized rats. It is concluded that, in response to insulin-induced severe hypoglycemia, diabetes uniquely increases the vulnerability of specific brain areas to neuronal damage.

Withdrawal from chronic amphetamine produces persistent anxiety-like behavior but temporally-limited reductions in monoamines and neurogenesis in the adult rat dentate gyrus.
Acute amphetamine administration activates monoaminergic pathways and increases systemic corticosterone, both of which influence anxiety states and adult dentate gyrus neurogenesis. Chronic amphetamine increases anxiety states in rats when measured at 24 h and at 2 weeks of withdrawal. However, the effects of chronic amphetamine exposure and withdrawal on long term anxiety-like behavior and adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus are unknown. Adult male rats were administered amphetamine (2.5 mg/kg, ip.) daily for two weeks. Anxiety-like behaviors were increased markedly in amphetamine-treated rats following four weeks of withdrawal from amphetamine. Plasma corticosterone level was unaltered by amphetamine treatment or withdrawal. However, norepinephrine and serotonin concentrations were selectively reduced in the dentate gyrus 20 h following amphetamine treatment. This effect did not persist through the four week withdrawal period. In separate experiments, rats received bromodeoxyuridine to label cells in S-phase, prior to or immediately following amphetamine treatment. Newly generated cells were quantified to measure extent of progenitor cell proliferation and neurogenesis following treatment or withdrawal. Progenitor cell proliferation and neurogenesis were not significantly affected by amphetamine exposure when measured 20 h following the last amphetamine treatment. However, neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus was reduced after four weeks of withdrawal when compared to saline-pretreated rats. Overall, our findings indicate that withdrawal from chronic amphetamine leads to persistent anxiety-like behavior which may be maintained by reduced neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus at this protracted withdrawal time point. However, neurogenesis is unaffected at earlier withdrawal time points where anxiety states emerge, suggesting different mechanisms may underlie the emergence of anxiety states during amphetamine withdrawal.

Methamphetamine induced hypoglycemia/neuroglycopenia, caused by insulin secretion have deleterious impact on the dentate gyrus, part of the hippocampus, which is also observed with diabetic experiencing hypoglycemia from exogenous insulin. The functional role in stress and depression play an important role in modulating symptoms causing relapse. An educated guess tend to make me believe that a dysfunctional dentate gyrus, could potentially explain poor emotional intelligence often observed with methamphetamine abuser.
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N-Acetylcysteine prevent metabolic changes
Acetylcysteine has been shown to reduce the symptoms of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in two placebo controlled trials conducted at Melbourne University. It is thought to act via modulation of NMDA glutamate receptors or by increasing glutathione. Pilot data suggests potential efficacy in autism, cocaine craving, smoking, and obsessive symptoms.

N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) Prevents the Impairment of the Counter-Regulatory Response Following Recurrent Hypoglycemia
Hypoglycemia is a severe side effect of intensive insulin therapy. Recurrent hypoglycemia (RH) impairs the counter-regulatory response (CRR) which restores euglycemia. The ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) detects hypoglycemia and initiates the CRR. VMH nitric oxide (NO) production and activation of it's receptor soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) is necessary for the CRR. When NO is produced in the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) protein S-nitrosylation occurs. S-nitrosylation of sGC impairs its function and desensitizes NO signaling. We hypothesize that during hypoglycemia, the interaction between NO and ROS increases S-nitrosylation levels. This reduces NO activation of sGC and impairs the CRR. In support of this, insulin-hypoglycemia increases VMH ROS levels by 49.66 ± 18.37% (P<0.05). Moreover, 3 consecutive daily episodes of insulin-hypoglycemia (RH model) increase VMH sGC S-nitrosylation. We then determined whether preventing ROS production, and consequently S-nitrosylation of sGC prevents the impaired CRR after RH by treating rats with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in their drinking water (5 g/l) for 9 days before and during RH (NAC pre-treatment). After RH, glucose levels fell further and epinephrine production was reduced by 50% in response to insulin-hypoglycemia compared to controls (glucose nadir RH: 39.3 ± 1.1 mg/dl; single hypoglycemia [SH]: 53.5 ± 1.8 mg/dl; epinephrine 120 min RH: 611.2 ± 108.3 ng/l; SH: 1350.6 ± 95 ng/l; p<0.05). After NAC pre-treatment there were no significant differences in glucose nadir between RH and SH animals (glucose nadir RH + NAC: 39.6 ± 3 mg/dl; SH + NAC: 35 ± 3 mg/dl). Moreover, after NAC pre-treatment the RH epinephrine response was restored to that of the SH group (RH + NAC: 1390 ± 148.4 ng/l vs SH, p>0.05). NAC also reversed sCG S-nitrosylation. Next we determined whether NAC reverses the impaired CRR by injecting NAC (200mg/kg; i.p). into RH rats 4 hours after the 3rd episode of insulin hypoglycemia. NAC significantly increased glucagon production following RH (RH+NAC: 140 ± 9.2 vs RH: 102.4 ± 8.4; p<0.05). Interestingly, following RH insulin-hypoglycemia produced no further increase in ROS production suggesting that ROS–induced S-nitrosylation is sustained in the absence of further ROS production. These data suggest that NAC prevention of ROS production during hypoglycemia may be clinically useful in preventing impaired CRR in patients undergoing intensive-insulin therapy.

After recurrent insulin-hypoglycemia, NAC significantly increased glucagon secretion and epinephrine response was restored. NAC prevention of ROS production during hypoglycemia may prevent metabolic changes causing dysfunction in counter-regulatory response. During hypoglycemia, the interaction between NO and ROS increases S-nitrosylation levels. This reduces NO activation of sGC and impairs the counter-regulatory response. Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) is a mammalian nitric oxide (NO) sensor. When NO binds to the sGC heme, its GTP cyclase activity markedly increases, thus generating cyclic GMP, which serves to regulate several cell signaling functions. A good deal is known about the kinetics and equilibrium of binding of NO to sGC, leading to a proposed multistep mechanism of sGC activation that involves at least two NO-binding sites.

Clinical, endocrine and metabolic effects of metformin vs N-acetyl-cysteine in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

To evaluate the clinical, endocrine and metabolic effects of metformin and N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In this prospective trial, 100 women with PCOS were randomly divided to receive metformin (500 mg p.o. three times daily) or NAC (600 mg p.o. three times daily) for 24 weeks. Hyperandrogenism, lipid profiles, hirsutism scores, menstrual irregularity, insulin sensitivity and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) levels were measured at baseline and after the treatment period. Both treatments resulted in a significant decrease in fasting insulin, body mass index, hirsutism score, HOMA index, free testosterone and menstrual irregularity compared with baseline values, and both treatments had equal efficacy. NAC led to a significant decrease in both total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels, whereas metformin only led to a decrease in total cholesterol level. Although TNF-α levels increased following treatment for both groups, the difference from baseline was not significant. Metformin and NAC appear to have comparable effects on hyperinsulinaemia, hyperandrogenismand menstrual irregularity in women with PCOS. The effects of metformin and NAC on insulin sensitivity are not associated with TNF-α.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the most common female endocrine disorders with insulin resistance, hyperinsulinaemia for symptoms.

Effect of antioxidant N-acetyl-L-cysteine on behavioral changes and neurotoxicity in rats after administration of methamphetamine.
Several lines of evidence suggest that oxidative stress may play a role in the behavioral changes and neurotoxicity in rats after administration of methamphetamine (MAP). N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) is a precursor of glutathione, and it also exerts as an antioxidant. In this study, we investigated the effects of NAC on the behavioral changes (hyperlocomotion and development of sensitization) and neurotoxicity in male Wistar rats after administration of MAP. Pretreatment with NAC (30, 100 or 300 mg/kg, i.p.) attenuated significantly hyperlocomotion in rats induced by a single administration of MAP (2 mg/kg, i.p.), in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, pretreatment with NAC (100 mg/kg, i.p., 15 min before MAP injection, once daily for 5 consecutive days) blocked significantly the development of behavioral sensitization in rats after repeated administration of MAP (2 mg/kg, once daily for 5 consecutive days), whereas the behaviors in rats after repeated administration of NAC plus saline groups were not different from those of control (vehicle plus saline) groups. One week after administration of MAP (7.5 mg/kg x 4, 2-h intervals), levels of dopamine (DA) in rat striatum were significantly decreased as compared with control groups. Pretreatment with NAC (1, 3, 10 or 30 mg/kg, i.p., 30 min before each MAP injection) attenuated significantly the MAP-induced reduction of DA in rat striatum, in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that NAC could prevent the behavioral changes (acute hyperlocomotion and development of behavioral sensitization) in rats and neurotoxicity in rat striatum after administration of MAP, and that NAC would be a useful drug for treatment of several symptoms associated with MAP abuse.

Addiction may also be related to increased (sensitized) drug craving when environmental stimuli associated with drug taking, or drug cues, are encountered. This process may contribute to the risk for relapse in addicts attempting to quit. Such sensitization involves changes in brain mesolimbic dopamine transmission, as well as a molecule inside mesolimbic neurons called delta FosB.
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I love you so much right now :)
Do you think the metabolic effects of NAC are unique or could be found to various extents in other antioxidants?
I'm not really understanding this NAC discussion - could someone cliff it for me, please?
Neurotoxic effects of stimulants mitigated by NMDA antagonists.

Found under the Glutamate section. I found this while looking for experimental VMAT2 inhibitors. In particular compounds that work on the serotonin systems.

Glutamate signaling is another important component of METH-induced DAergic deficits. Parenteral administration of METH evokes striatal glutamate release37,38 via the “direct” pathway.47 Glutamate likely contributes to the persistent deficits caused by METH treatment, as evidenced by findings that administration of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist, MK801, prevents these deficits.48-52 One confounding feature of these studies is that MK801 prevents METH-induced hyperthermia, and this may contribute to the neuroprotection. On the other hand, posttreatment with NMDA antagonists attenuates the persistent deficits caused by amphetamine analogs, suggesting a protective effect independent of body temperature.53 Further evidence for a role of glutamate independent of temperature includes findings that mGluR5 antagonists prevent METH-induced deficits in a temperature-independent manner.54 However, the mechanism by which mGluR5 antagonists prevent METH toxicity may simply be via the inhibition of glutamate release.55

Dopaminergic cells within the striatum possess α-amino-5-hydroxy-3-methyl-4-isoxazde propionic acid (AMPA) and NMDA receptors.56 Glutamate-induced activation of these receptors promotes Ca2+ influx into the DAergic neuron, an effect, when excessive, that can result in mitochondrial damage and neuronal toxicity.39 In addition, glutamate-induced activation of NMDA receptors increases NO production via nNOS.40 Dopaminergic neurons can be regulated by NO generated from DAergic, non-DAergic neurons, or glia since NO is a diffusible gas. NO alters DAT function57 and can lead to reactive species production (by reacting with superoxide to produce peroxynitrite),32,58 each of which may contribute to persistent DA deficits.

Of interest, central administration of METH does not promote striatal glutamate release (or hyperthermia) and does not produce DAergic deficits45 demonstrating that areas distant from the site of toxicity are an important component of METH toxicity.


Also, I don't think it would be safe to take MK801 but other NMDA antagonists probably have the same effect.
The role of glutamate signaling
Reduced glutathione (GSH, L-gamma-glutamyl-L-cysteinylglycine, glutathione that has its hydrogen atom) is the predominant anti-oxidant in the aqueous cytoplasm of cells. Virtually all cells require glutathione for viability and function. Glutathione is synthesized from three amino acids in a two-step process, beginning with the combination of glutamic acid & cysteine and ending with the addition of glycine. The liver & lungs are the primary sites of glutathione synthesis. Glycine & glutamic acid are plentiful in cells, so it is the availability of cysteine that controls the reaction rate. Cysteine competes with glutamate for transport into cells such that conditions of elevated extracellular glutamate can lead to glutathione depletion, worsened oxidative stress and cell death.

Reduced glutathione (GSH) can scavenge peroxynitrite & hydroxyl radicals as well as convert hydrogen peroxide to water. Although a glutathione radical (GS.) is formed, it is readily neutralized by combining with another glutathione radical to produce GSSG. GSSG can be converted back to GSH by NADPH-dependent glutathione reductase enzyme (making the process dependent upon production of the NADPH energy-storing molecule).

N-Acetyl Cysteine, a Glutamate-Modulating Agent, in the Treatment of Pathological Gambling: A Pilot Study

Although pathological gambling (PG) is relatively common, pharmacotherapy research for PG is limited. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), an amino acid, seems to restore extracellular glutamate concentration in the nucleus accumbens and therefore offers promise in reducing addictive behavior. Twenty-seven subjects (12 women) with DSM-IV PG were treated in an 8-week open-label trial of NAC with responders (defined as a ≥ 30% reduction in Yale Brown ObsessiveCompulsive Scale Modified for Pathological Gambling [PG-YBOCS] total score at end point) randomized to 6 weeks of double-blind NAC or placebo. The PG-YBOCS scores decreased from a mean of 20.3 ± 4.1 at baseline to 11.8 ± 9.8 at the end of the open-label phase (p < .001). Sixteen of 27 subjects (59.3%) met responder criteria. The mean effective dose of NAC was 1476.9 ± 311.3 mg/day. Of 16 responders, 13 entered the double-blind phase. Of those assigned to NAC, 83.3% still met responder criteria at the end of the double-blind phase, compared with only 28.6% of those assigned to placebo. The efficacy of NAC lends support to the hypothesis that pharmacological manipulation of the glutamate system might target core symptoms of reward-seeking addictive behaviors such as gambling. Larger, longer, placebo-controlled double-blind studies are warranted.

N-acetylcysteine in psychiatry: current therapeutic evidence and potential mechanisms of action
There is an expanding field of research investigating the benefits of alternatives to current pharmacological therapies in psychiatry. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is emerging as a useful agent in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Like many therapies, the clinical origins of NAC are far removed from its current use in psychiatry. Whereas the mechanisms of NAC are only beginning to be understood, it is likely that NAC is exerting benefits beyond being a precursor to the antioxidant, glutathione, modulating glutamatergic, neurotropic and inflammatory pathways. This review outlines the current literature regarding the use of NAC in disorders including addiction, compulsive and grooming disorders, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. N-acetylcysteine has shown promising results in populations with these disorders, including those in whom treatment efficacy has previously been limited. The therapeutic potential of this acetylated amino acid is beginning to emerge in the field of psychiatric research.

In addition to the effects on oxidative balance, alterations in cysteine levels have also been shown to modulate neuro-transmitter pathways, including glutamate and dopamine. Cysteine assists in the regulation of neuronal intra- and extracellular exchange of glutamate through the cystine–glutamate antiporter. Whereas this antiporter is ubiquitous throughout all cell types, in the brain it is preferentially located on glial cells. The dimer, cystine, is taken up by astrocytes and exchanged for glutamate, which is released into the extracellular space. This free glutamate appears to stimulate inhibitory metabotropic glutamate receptors on glutamatergic nerve terminals and thereby reduce the synaptic release of glutamate. Given that relation, the amount of cysteine in the system as well as the feedback via GSH production by neurons may directly regulate the amount of glutamate present in the extracellular space. Furthermore, GSH itself has been shown to potentiate brain N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor response to glutamate in rats. Changes in the levels of neuronal GSH may not only alter available glutamate levels, but also have direct consequences on glutamatergic function.

In addition to modulating glutamate levels through the cystine–glutamate antiporter, NAC has also been shown to alter DA release. Following amphetamine treatment to rat striatal slices, NAC has been shown to facilitate vesicular DA release at low doses in striatal neurons and inhibit release at millimolar concentrations. In monkeys, NAC has been shown to protect against reductions in DA transporter levels following repeated methamphetamine administration, suggesting one mechanism whereby increased DA release was facilitated in the previous study. Glutathione has also been shown to increase glutamate agonist–evoked DA release in mouse striatal neurons.
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In addition to modulating glutamate levels through the cystine–glutamate antiporter, NAC has also been shown to alter DA release. Following amphetamine treatment to rat striatal slices, NAC has been shown to facilitate vesicular DA release at low doses in striatal neurons and inhibit release at millimolar concentrations. In monkeys, NAC has been shown to protect against reductions in DA transporter levels following repeated methamphetamine administration, suggesting one mechanism whereby increased DA release was facilitated in the previous study. Glutathione has also been shown to increase glutamate agonist–evoked DA release in mouse striatal neurons.

This might be a bit overblown. From what I understand, the doses of NAC were immense and were injected, no?
This might be a bit overblown. From what I understand, the doses of NAC were immense and were injected, no?

Effect of antioxidant N-acetyl-L-cysteine on behavioral changes and neurotoxicity in rats after administration of methamphetamine.

Several lines of evidence suggest that oxidative stress may play a role in the behavioral changes and neurotoxicity in rats after administration of methamphetamine (MAP). N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) is a precursor of glutathione, and it also exerts as an antioxidant. In this study, we investigated the effects of NAC on the behavioral changes (hyperlocomotion and development of sensitization) and neurotoxicity in male Wistar rats after administration of MAP. Pretreatment with NAC (30, 100 or 300 mg/kg, i.p.) attenuated significantly hyperlocomotion in rats induced by a single administration of MAP (2 mg/kg, i.p.), in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, pretreatment with NAC (100 mg/kg, i.p., 15 min before MAP injection, once daily for 5 consecutive days) blocked significantly the development of behavioral sensitization in rats after repeated administration of MAP (2 mg/kg, once daily for 5 consecutive days), whereas the behaviors in rats after repeated administration of NAC plus saline groups were not different from those of control (vehicle plus saline) groups. One week after administration of MAP (7.5 mg/kg x 4, 2-h intervals), levels of dopamine (DA) in rat striatum were significantly decreased as compared with control groups. Pretreatment with NAC (1, 3, 10 or 30 mg/kg, i.p., 30 min before each MAP injection) attenuated significantly the MAP-induced reduction of DA in rat striatum, in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that NAC could prevent the behavioral changes (acute hyperlocomotion and development of behavioral sensitization) in rats and neurotoxicity in rat striatum after administration of MAP, and that NAC would be a useful drug for treatment of several symptoms associated with MAP abuse.

Magnesium in drug dependences.
Magnesium decreases the intensity of some drug-induced dependences (e.g. opiates, nicotine, cocaine, amphetamine, ethanol, etc.). The main mechanism involved is a decreasing activity of central glutamatergic synapses, especially those involved in the reward system. There are many particularities of action for each drug dependence. Apart from the effects during emerging dependence, magnesium ions administered only during the withdrawal syndrome decrease the intensity of clinical symptoms. In some cases, Mg2+ decreased the relapse and reinstatement of cocaine and amphetamine intake. Administered alone, in the absence of any abused drug, Mg2+ has moderate stimulatory effects on the reward system and reinforcement, without inducing dependence. The existent data stress a modulatory role of Mg2+ in some drug-induced dependences. Therapeutic administration of magnesium decreases nicotine dependence and cocaine/amphetamine self-administration.

I have decreased tolerance on 2 human subjects. Oral dosage of 3x 2 grams/day of NAC and 3x 150mg/day of magnesium 50mg glycinate, 50mg taurate, 25mg fumarate, 25mg orotate blend. Neuroglycopia symptoms entirely disappeared, acute psychosis and obsessive-compulsive episode was no longer occurring in hypoglycemic state.
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You might want to give your figures for the Mg blend, as the differing slats have various percentages of magnesium by weight.
Enhancement of learning and memory by elevating brain magnesium.
Learning and memory are fundamental brain functions affected by dietary and environmental factors. Here, we show that increasing brain magnesium using a newly developed magnesium compound (magnesium-L-threonate, MgT) leads to the enhancement of learning abilities, working memory, and short- and long-term memory in rats. The pattern completion ability was also improved in aged rats. MgT-treated rats had higher density of synaptophysin-/synaptobrevin-positive puncta in DG and CA1 subregions of hippocampus that were correlated with memory improvement. Functionally, magnesium increased the number of functional presynaptic release sites, while it reduced their release probability. The resultant synaptic reconfiguration enabled selective enhancement of synaptic transmission for burst inputs. Coupled with concurrent upregulation of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors and its downstream signaling, synaptic plasticity induced by correlated inputs was enhanced. Our findings suggest that an increase in brain magnesium enhances both short-term synaptic facilitation and long-term potentiation and improves learning and memory functions.

Magnesium enhances both short-term synaptic facilitation and long-term potentiation and improves learning and memory functions. Upregulation of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors are involved in fear extinction/conditioning, also has clinical implications such as exposure and response prevention therapies for the treatment of variety of anxiety disorders, especially obsessive–compulsive disorder

Acquisition of Fear Extinction Requires Activation of NR2B-Containing NMDA Receptors in the Lateral Amygdala
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) contribute to synaptic plasticity underlying learning in a variety of brain systems. Fear extinction, which involves learning to suppress the expression of previously learned fear, appears to require NMDAR activation in the .amygdala. However, it is unclear whether amygdala NMDARs are required for the acquisition of extinction learning, and it is unknown whether NR2B-containing NMDARs are required in fear extinction. Here, we assessed the effects of selective NR2B blockade with ifenprodil on fear extinction learning, and found that both systemic and intra-amygdala ifenprodil treatment, given before extinction training, impaired the initial acquisition, and subsequent retrieval of fear extinction. These results confirm previous evidence showing that NMDARs in the amygdala are involved in fear extinction, and additionally show that NR2B-containing NMDARs are required. Contrary to the conclusion of previous studies, our findings demonstrate NMDARs are required for the initial acquisition, rather than only the retention, of fear extinction learning. Thus, our results support a previously not known role for NMDA-dependent plasticity in the lateral amygdala during the acquisition of fear extinction.

Extinction is the conditioning phenomenon in which a previously learned response to a cue is eliminated when the cue is presented in the absence of the previously paired aversive (unpleasant) or appetitive (pleasant) stimulus. Researchers have turned to investigations at the cellular level, most often in rodents to explore the specific brain mechanisms of extinction, in particular the role of the brain structures (amygdala, hippocampus, the prefontal cortex), and specific neurotransmitter systems (e.g., GABA, NMDA). Extinction is correlated with synaptic inhibition in the fear output neurons of the central amygdala. They infer that inhibition derives from the prefrontal cortex and suggest promising targets at the cellular level for new treatments of anxiety and drug addiction.

Glutamatergic Targets for Enhancing Extinction Learning in Drug Addiction
Pharmacological agents that have shown potential efficacy include NMDA partial agonists, mGluR5 receptor positive allosteric modulators, inhibitors of the GlyT1 glycine transporter, AMPA receptor potentiators, and activators of the cystine-glutamate exchanger. These classes of cognition-enhancing compounds could potentially serve as novel pharmacological adjuncts to cue exposure therapy to increase success rates in attenuating cue-induced drug craving and relapse.

Cystine-Glutamate Exchanger Activators
Since NAC nonspecifically enhances glutamatergic transmission by increasing extracellular levels of this excitatory amino acid, it can potentially activate numerous postsynaptic glutamate receptors (i.e., AMPA, NMDA, mGluRs, etc.). It was recently demonstrated that the ability of NAC to restore LTP in the nucleus accumbens was due to actions of glutamate on presynaptic mGluR2/3 receptors, whereas the ability of NAC to restore LTD was due to stimulation of mGluR5 receptors, consistent with evidence that mGluR5 receptors mediate drug-induced alterations in synaptic plasticity. Although studies on the effects of NAC on enhancement on normal learning processes are lacking., Zhou and Kalivas demonstrated that NAC reduced extinction responding following intravenous heroin self-administration in rats, and produced lasting reductions in the reinstatement of heroin-seeking behavior. Similar inhibitory effects of NAC on extinction responding have recently been reported in rats with a history of cocaine self-administration. Thus, NAC may be a novel potential adjunct to cue exposure therapy to facilitate the extinction of cue-evoked cocaine craving as well as reducing cocaine and heroin-seeking behavior.

Pharmacological agents that enhance glutamatergic transmission via subtle mechanisms, including NMDA receptor partial agonism, mGluR5 and AMPA receptor potentiation, GlyT1 inhibition, and cystine-glutamate exchanger activation, may be of potential benefit in enhancing synaptic plasticity and thereby facilitating extinction learning.

Mg2+ not only blocks the NMDA channel in a voltage-dependent manner but also potentiates NMDA-induced responses at positive membrane potentials. Magnesium glycinate and magnesium taurinate treatment has been used to produce rapid recovery from depression.
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I wanted to start my own thread on this particular idea but I guess I will throw it out here first. This is my first time posting here I think. Anyway, the idea is this in nature things come in molecular packages. I've heard that a "simple" tomato will have thousands of different chemicals. Anyway, my idea was that we should see were all these chemicals go into the body follow them and see their function. Then we can maybe design a drug database after the tomato model or whatever since tomato's are "safe". This is the general idea. Is this realistic? More "potent" food? An example is cocaine. It is in the leaf of the plant however we extract it and leave off the rest, why? Why not leave the original formulation intact?
I wanted to start my own thread on this particular idea but I guess I will throw it out here first. This is my first time posting here I think. Anyway, the idea is this in nature things come in molecular packages. I've heard that a "simple" tomato will have thousands of different chemicals. Anyway, my idea was that we should see were all these chemicals go into the body follow them and see their function. Then we can maybe design a drug database after the tomato model or whatever since tomato's are "safe". This is the general idea. Is this realistic? More "potent" food? An example is cocaine. It is in the leaf of the plant however we extract it and leave off the rest, why? Why not leave the original formulation intact?

Well there are a couple reasons to go after one particular component, I'll list off a few:
1) expense, research is an expensive business to do any more "whole plant" research than an LD50 study in mice.
2) safety, if an adverse reaction happens with a purified extract, we learn what it does. If a adverse effect happens with a crude extract or whole plant, we're not as certain as to what happened.
3) dose/response/availability, dispite the rather shocking nutritional value of coca leaf, it is it's stimulant qualities most people are after. The rest of the plant doesn't really fit our goal strictly speaking. There are probably other active components in the plant, but we don't really go after the minor components.

Hope this makes sense,
Carnosine protects neurons against oxidative stress and modulates the time profile of MAPK cascade signaling.
Carnosine is a known protector of neuronal cells against oxidative injury which prevents both apoptotic and necrotic cellular death. It was shown earlier that carnosine serves as an intracellular buffer of free radicals. Using the model of ligand-dependent oxidative stress in neurons, we have shown that homocysteine (HC) initiates long-term activation of extracellular signal regulated kinase, isoforms 1 and 2 (ERK 1/2) and Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) which corresponds to exitotoxic effect resulting in cellular death. L: -Carnosine (β-alanyl-L: -histidine) protects neurons from both excitotoxic effect of homocysteine and cellular death. Its analogs, β-alanyl-D: -histidine (D: -carnosine) and L: -histidyl-β-alanine, restricted accumulation of free radicals and delayed activation of ERK1/2 and JNK in neuronal cells, but did not promote neuronal viability.

Carnosine has a number of antioxidant properties that may be beneficial. Carnosine has been proven to scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS) as well as alpha-beta unsaturated aldehydes formed from peroxidation of cell membrane fatty acids during oxidative stress. Carnosine is also neuroprotective against permanent cerebral ischemia in mice. Ischemia is a restriction in blood supply to tissues, causing a shortage of oxygen and glucose needed for cellular metabolism often caused by hypoglycemia or stimulants vasoconstriction.

The MAPK/ERK pathway is a chain of proteins in the cell that communicates a signal from a receptor on the surface of the cell to the DNA in the nucleus of the cell. The signal starts when a signaling molecule binds to the receptor on the cell surface and ends when the DNA in the nucleus expresses a protein and produces some change in the cell, such as cell division. The pathway includes many proteins, including MAPK (originally called ERK), which communicate by adding phosphate groups to a neighboring protein, which acts as an "on" or "off" switch.

Stress, epigenetic control of gene expression and memory formation.


Amphetamine-evoked gene expression in striatopallidal neurons: regulation by corticostriatal afferents and the ERK/MAPK signaling cascade.
The environmental context in which psychostimulant drugs are experienced influences their ability to induce immediate early genes (IEGs) in the striatum. When given in the home cage amphetamine induces IEGs predominately in striatonigral neurons, but when given in a novel test environment amphetamine also induces IEGs in striatopallidal neurons. The source of the striatopetal projections that regulate the ability of amphetamine to differentially engage these two striatofugal circuits has never been described. We report that transection of corticostriatal afferents selectively blocks, whereas enhancement of cortical activity with an ampakine selectively augments, the number of amphetamine-evoked c-fos-positive striatopallidal (but not striatonigral) neurons. In addition, blockade of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling cascade preferentially inhibits the number of amphetamine-evoked c-fos-positive striatopallidal neurons. These results suggest that glutamate released from corticostriatal afferents modulates the ability of amphetamine to engage striatopallidal neurons through an ERK/MAPK signaling-dependent mechanism. We speculate that this may be one mechanism by which environmental context facilitates some forms of drug experience-dependent plasticity, such as psychomotor sensitization.

Regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinases by glutamate receptors.
Glutamate receptors regulate gene expression in neurons by activating intracellular signaling cascades that phosphorylate transcription factors within the nucleus. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade is one of the best characterized cascades in this regulatory process. The Ca(2+)-permeable ionotropic glutamate receptor, mainly the NMDA receptor subtype, activates MAPKs through a biochemical route involving the Ca(2+)-sensitive Ras-guanine nucleotide releasing factor, Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase. The metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR), however, activates MAPKs primarily through a Ca(2+)-insensitve pathway involving the transactivation of receptor tyrosine kinases. The adaptor protein Homer also plays a role in this process. As an information superhighway between surface glutamate receptors and transcription factors in the nucleus, active MAPKs phosphorylate specific transcription factors (Elk-1 and CREB), and thereby regulate distinct programs of gene expression. The regulated gene expression contributes to the development of multiple forms of synaptic plasticity related to long-lasting changes in memory function and addictive properties of drugs of abuse. This review, by focusing on new data from recent years, discusses the signaling mechanisms by which different types of glutamate receptors activate MAPKs, features of each MAPK cascade in regulating gene expression, and the importance of glutamate/MAPK-dependent synaptic plasticity in memory and addiction.

Conditioned Place Preference (CPP) is a form of Pavlovian conditioning used to measure the motivational effects of objects or experiences. This paradigm can also be used to measure conditioned place aversion with an identical procedure involving aversive stimuli instead. Both procedures usually involve mice or rats as subjects. This procedure can be used to measure extinction and reinstatement of the conditioned stimulus. This suggest that carnosine reduce cravings and neurotoxicity caused by amphetamine.

Explore the Role of MAPK Signaling in Methamphetamine-Induced Place Preference: Acquisition, Extinction and Reinstatement by Stress
Drug abuse could be considered as a chronic brain disease due to synaptic plasticity reformed after chronic drug-taking, hence reinforced to drug-craving is hardly withdrawn. However, the most severe follow-up problem of drug addiction is drug relapse, since neuronal circuitry has already been modified by chronic drug imbedding that makes drug reinstatement easily to trigger. Previous review has summarized the major triggers in reinstatement model of drug relapse, of which stress seems to be the major social factor or inducer to reinstate the drug-seeking in the present society. Hence, to explore the cellular mechanism of drug relapse, we first established an animal model of conditioned place preference (CPP) to paired methamphetamine (METH; 2 mg/kg) and demonstrated they could reinstate the METH relapse by physical restrainer stress after extinction training. Due to MAPK is a well studied signal that involves in drug addiction and its down-stream can be linked with tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) phosphorylation/activation, our current analyses revealed that phosphor-ERK1/2 signals in the nucleus accumbens enhanced after acquisition and relapse stages, but decreased during extinction. A similar change in phosphor-TH signals was also observed in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of behaviorally distinct CPP stages. Further, to investigate the impact of CRF in stress-induced relapse, CRF2 receptor antagonist Avg-30 was microinjected bilaterally into the VTA prior to physical stress. We found that inhibition of CRF2 receptors in the VTA appeared to attenuate the drug reinstatement. These preliminary results suggest CRF2 receptors in the VTA appear to play a role in stress-induced drug reinstatement, while activation of MAPK in the nucleus accumbens might be viewed as a valid indicator for drug acquisition and/or reinstatement. The possible cross-talk between CRF and mesolimbic dopamine systems and underlying molecular mechanism are currently under investigation.

Glutamatergic drugs refer to drugs that interact with the glutamate-neurotransmitter system. This particular neurotransmitter system has been demonstrated to be an important part of reinstatement of the opiate-influenced CPP. Glutamatergic antagonists (such as memantine and dizocilpine) blocked the reinstatement of drug-produced CPP. The effect of glutamatergic antagonists on CPP may be on the disruption of processing of conditioned responses, therefore impairing drug-related associations and their reconsolidation.

Effect of memantine and CNQX in the acquisition, expression and reinstatement of cocaine-induced conditioned place preference.
The present study evaluates the effect of memantine, a non-competitive N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor antagonist and CNQX, an alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA)/kainate receptor antagonist on the rewarding effects of cocaine in mice, using the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm. Cocaine-induced CPP was studied pairing this drug with different memantine or CNQX doses during either the acquisition or the expression phase of the procedure. Once CPP was established, and the preference extinguished, reinstatement was induced by a priming dose of cocaine. Both antagonists, which in themselves do not present motivational actions on the preference shown by the animals, abolished the acquisition and expression of the cocaine-induced CPP. Neither of the antagonists precipitated reinstatement of the preference induced by cocaine but memantine blocked the cocaine-primed reinstatement. Our results suggest that cocaine-induced CPP and reinstatement is largely dependent on glutamate neurotransmission, and confer a putative role for memantine among the tools useful for cocaine management and treatment.

The drug belongs to a class of drugs called NMDA receptor antagonists, which reduce certain types of brain activity by binding to NMDA receptors on brain cells and blocking the activity of the neurotransmitter glutamate. At normal levels, glutamate aids in memory and learning, but if levels are too high, glutamate appears to overstimulate nerve cells, killing them through excitotoxicity.

Memantine is a low-affinity voltage-dependent uncompetitive antagonist at glutamatergic NMDA receptors. By binding to the NMDA receptor with a higher affinity than Mg2+ ions, memantine is able to inhibit the prolonged influx of Ca2+ ions, particularly from extrasynaptic receptors, which forms the basis of neuronal excitotoxicity.

Glutamatergic antagonists have also been reported to have an effect on cocaine-induced CPP. Memantine was shown to block CPP produced by cocaine. In this study, animals did not approach cues that were associated with cocaine when NMDA receptors had glutamate transmission blocked. This suggests that glutamatergic antagonists can extinguishing drug-seeking behaviour.
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