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Am i able to take LSD at 14

Why even bother asking when you only want to hear what you want? Go ahead bro, put it in a syringe and inject it right in your eyeball. Christ kids are dumb.
Why even bother asking when you only want to hear what you want? Go ahead bro, put it in a syringe and inject it right in your eyeball. Christ kids are dumb.

Or maybe you are, ever thought about that? Ever thought about reading through all the replies before you write something that makes you look dumb? No, I thought not.

There's a couple of idiots in this thread mate. But the kid ain't one of them.

You are.

Thanks everybody for the feedback, I've decided to just leave it until I'm old enough. Right now I feel like I should do it because to me it seems like lsd is becoming a rare thing to find but I know I'll thank myself later in life.
With most drugs, but especially psychedelics, its better for you to wait until you're at least 18.
U will get more out of the experience when u are older and wiser with a better understanding of who you are..there are alot more risks when doing a drug like lsd at that age..it could be overwhelming which could lead to a bad experience and cause lingering problems..lsd isnt goin anywhere i would wait until u are atleast 18-20 to try psychedelics.
You're still young. There's lot's of magical things out there in the world for you to find, without the aid of a drug that makes things seem magical.

Psychedelics are a wonderful tool, but I would hate to see you become jaded to the wonders of "real life" because of them. Give it a few years. Acid will still be there.

Hell, by the time you're an adult, it might be legal.
don't do it. 14 is too young. I honestly wouldn't even smoke weed when you're that, and if you do, don't do it more than once a week.

Your brain is still under a lot of development at 14, I would be careful as to not sabotage this important development. I'd wait till you're at least 18, MAYBE 17. A couple years may seem like a while, but after that couple years, you have your whole life ahead of you to do plenty of drugs. This is the only time you'll have to worry about brain development so I would wait.

Also, drugs are much more fun when you're older. You have more freedom, are smarter and are able to do it in much better situations. They can be kind of a waste when you're young because you have to worry about nonsense like parents, teachers, etc.
I'd say lsd will be easier to find when you're older. As times continue, people are seeming to becoming increasingly interested in psychedelics and are more willing to experiment. Like weed, for example, is smoked by a huge percentage of young adults today. 25 years ago, that percentage was much smaller.

Also, personally, I know several people with lsd now that I'm 20. When I was 16, I didn't know one person who had it.

I grew up in a hippie college town (on the actual campus that had a single parent program when I was VERY young,) so I was exposed to psychs very young. I had just turned 14 when I first tried shrooms, and tried LSD on my 15th birthday, beginning a life long love affair and a streak of altering my head WAY too much until my mid 20s, when unfortunately I switched over to pretty much exclusively opiates in an attempt to ground me. Ground me way too much, but I kicked after about 8 years, and am much healthier now. Still have HPPD, though... mostly visual snow (colorful static 24/7, usually can ignore but sometimes can be quite distracting.)
Anyways, my advice is also to wait. Or at least don't go heavy like I did, it really does fuck you up when you trip 1+ times a week for years straight as a teenager. It didn't make me stupid or insane or anything, but it changes you and the way you perceive the world/people. Which in turn makes it difficult to integrate with "normal" society, since it's so hard to identify with people that haven't led a similar lifestyle. This is permanent, as far as I can tell, for better or worse. I'll just say it took me a few extra years to be able to actually co-exist with the "real world" without it making me miserable, and depression has been an issue my whole life.
With all that said, I can honestly say that the 7 or 8 years of heavy psych/dissociative did less damage to my personality and intelligence than the 8 years of opiate addiction. The first 4 or 5 years was standard heroin/oxy/etc IV use, the final 3 or 4 was buprenorphine 24/7. Made me a total zombie, made the years just vanish as I worked/slept the days away. Fortunately, after I successfully quit cold turkey (actually with the help of one fateful mushroom trip while dopesick) the old "me" was back 95% after about 6 months. So there's always hope.
I guess my point is... be careful. Don't let substances consume you, I felt invincible as a teen and didn't learn better until my 20s, we aren't... not even close. Do what you're gonna do, just remember you have many more years ahead of you, and any damage you cause now will be quite annoying after another 10, 20, 30, etc years.
You will be totally fine. Do not listen to the people who tell you otherwise, as they are either misinformed or deliberately trying to troll. I'd go for 100mcg for your first trip.
You can take LSD at any age. The question is. Should you?

And my personal opinion is no.
Your just too young imo. Your still growing and not that anything severe will happen to you, but it could and at the delicate age of 14. Your mind is only just beginning its own journey and that's without pyschedelics and its journey is mandatory for independent survival as a grown adult.

It's whether you want to take your mind on a journey it might not be able to comprehend and how that might affect you now or into the future will depend on a variety of factors.

If you are to try it, stay around 100ug. This sort of dose will allow you to feel it without the extreme possibility of freaking out at higher doses.

If you have any known mental health conditions then stay well away regardless of dose. Allow yourself to grow up and familiarize with yourself if that's the case and then make a decision when your older.
Or maybe you are, ever thought about that? Ever thought about reading through all the replies before you write something that makes you look dumb? No, I thought not.

There's a couple of idiots in this thread mate. But the kid ain't one of them.

You are.

Oops I read that and it sounded like he was still going to do it. Sorry. I'm shocked people actually reached him. We've had a lot of dumb minors come on the site lately and basically only want people to justify their use.
I mean its your life OP, however if I'd taken LSD at age 14 I really don't know if I'd have been able to handle it. As it is, I'm so glad I did it when I was 20 - even though that's still a relatively young age, by then I was an adult, was a hell of a lot more mature, had a decent amount of life experience under my belt and was able to mentally process the lessons the trip taught me and take valuable lessons away from it. Actually, thinking about my friends now who have also taken acid, I cant imagine any of them having the capacity back when they were 14 to handle acid. I know it must be really tempting when the opportunity to take LSD is right in front of you, but when you get the chance in a few years to take it again, I'm sure you'll be happy you waited :)
Whatever you do don't try Nutmeg! I tried eating nutmeg when I was 14 and it tasted horrible and made me feel sick 8(

It totally ruined my pallet.

Glad you decided to wait also :D
A source that has dubious ideals and sells blotters to children will also not stop from selling you some recent RC as acid. So have fun with the nbome/DOx at your child's birthday party.
A source that has dubious ideals and sells blotters to children will also not stop from selling you some recent RC as acid. So have fun with the nbome/DOx at your child's birthday party.
Very good point actually.
If u do it with friends this is good,im not saying go ahead and do it,but if u are be safe,take a drink find a field and walk.I like this quote"lsd you can always take more but u can never take less"
I do feel the need to throw in another two cents though - you really shouldn't do MDMA at your age, as you're well aware you're still developing, and this could do you some damage by messing around with your neurotransmitters. You really don't want to end up with teen depression that continues on into adulthood. Plus, if you quit now and wait until you're older, when you're say 18 for example the times you do it'll be absolutely magical and you'll be out of your tree with happiness. If you do it now, you're sorta ruining that for later when you'll appreciate it more.

I also wouldn't advise smoking weed any more either - you'll probably ignore me about this, but at least hear me out here. I was your age when I started smoking pot, no mental health issues whatsoever, and it never made me paranoid. However, I discovered when I got a little older (16 or so) that it did start to make me extremely anxious, paranoid and often depressed. These problems have continued on into adulthood, and I've spoken to a number of people who have experienced this. However, every single person I know that waited until they were 17/18 to start smoking pot has never had any issues with persistent paranoia, anxiety or depression as a result of their pot smoking.

Do the smart thing, trust everyone in this thread when they tell you good things come to those who wait - they know what they're talking about! :)

Seconding this advice. My friends who were big stoners at 14 or under all say they regret it. Almost none of them enjoy it now, whereas I didn't smoke much until I was 20 and enjoy it to this day. The same goes for MDMA. It seems like there really is a lifetime limit on MDMA use (or I guess a gradual decrease in quality of experience that could be irreversible). The trick is to control yourself and not take more than every few months (or longer if you can). Experimenting with something once or twice will probably not harm you, but using a lot of any drug at a young age really increases the risk of long term harm.
You don't sound like you will be dissuaded by anything written here unless it's a whole bunch of people telling you you'll go crazy.

You won't go crazy.

But youll get a whole load more from it if you wait two or three years. To that extent, it's a bit of a waste on you. You might also turn into an evangelical bore for psychedelics a few years earlier than you otherwise might, thinking you have all the answers to the universe when you don't even have the questions.

But sure, you'll see some pretty colours. And at least you're talking about trip sitters and asking for advice here.

Still be a waste though. ;)

Aye! Couldn't have said it any better. I'll share that mental health problems are more prevalent among the friends of mine who experimented with psychotropic substances before they turned 18 than those who waited until they were adults.
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