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Am i able to take LSD at 14


Apr 2, 2015
I'm 14 and have been doing lots of research on acid. I know my brain is developing but personally I think I'm mature enough and have done enough research to know what I'm in for If I take it. So far I've only smoked weed (I do this regularly) and have done mdma a few times and I know these aren't nearly as intense as acid. I'm planning on doing it with a friend and have some sober friends to trip sit. If anybody has done lsd at young age please reply and tell me what it was like during and after the trip. Will I go crazy if I take it ?
I would also like to mention that i only plan on taking it this once then try again a few years later If I like it. I know I could wait until my brain has fully developed but I'm too curious about it to wait
Growing up I had a few friends who started doing acid at 14. They all ended up being pretty lost souls for a good chunk of their adolescence and early adulthood. Not saying that will happen to you, but using LSD or any psychedelic at your age is really not a good idea. The odds of having psychological problems from taking psychedelics seems to be a lot higher with young people.

I know that it's really hard to wait when you're excited about it, but it's not going anywhere and you have your whole life ahead of you to try them and enjoy them. Please wait until you're 18-20 before trying psychedelic drugs, including MDMA (I've seen a lot of people have problems with depression and loosing sense of purpose in life from taking too much MDMA at a young age).

I promise when you're older you won't regret waiting.
Well it's not gonna kill you or ruin your life but it's not advisable. I did it, and it actually turned my life around in a good way, but I did have some rough times and I can totally see others not dealing with those situations correctly (or at least in the way that I dealt with them, which could more accurately be described as "safely"). You'd be best off waiting until at least 16.
You really do have your whole life ahead of you to try everything you want. At your age it's honestly not worth the risk. I know it's hard to wait but I think you should.
You don't sound like you will be dissuaded by anything written here unless it's a whole bunch of people telling you you'll go crazy.

You won't go crazy.

But youll get a whole load more from it if you wait two or three years. To that extent, it's a bit of a waste on you. You might also turn into an evangelical bore for psychedelics a few years earlier than you otherwise might, thinking you have all the answers to the universe when you don't even have the questions.

But sure, you'll see some pretty colours. And at least you're talking about trip sitters and asking for advice here.

Still be a waste though. ;)

haha^^^ this
but if you're absolutely gonna do it regardless, try and make sure that youre with good friends and in a safe and nice place. remember, it lasts for 10 or more hours, with a comedown at the end that can be unpleasant. dont smoke a load of weed on it or you might freak out.

i'd seriously reconsider, though. as someone above said: the acid aint going anywhere and you'll appreciate it much more when youre a few years older. you seem like a good kid and id hate for you to have a bad trip. acid can be overwhelming, especially when youre young and fairly new to drugs.

you should knock the mdma on the head until youre a bit older too.
Yep going to echo the above - you won't go crazy, but I would wait a couple of years if you can. I started tripping at 16/17. There's no rush - you've got all the time in the world.

Spend some more time reading about LSD or tripping in general and stick to weed for now :) (and ditch the MD - I'd say that's probably worse for your developing brain than acid at this point).
You would probably have a fun trip, but develop mental problems in your late teens, depression and anxiety that will lead you to use more drugs to cope. Then in your 30's you will end up in shitty AA meetings trying to hook up with ugly ladies with cigarette breath. Your 40's will be a struggle with a lot of drinking and a few suicide attempts. I can't see any further problems arising from trying lsd at 14.
I'm just going to paste what I said to another younger person about tripping as young as you are:

My advice, coming from someone who started with DMT at 16, shrooms at 17, and LSD at 18, is to wait. While psychedelics have made me into a much more loving and aware individual, they have totally fucked me in other ways.

At your age you're still developing a sense of identity, an identity that is necessary to navigate the world which we live in. If you go taking psychedelics before you have fully formed your sense of self it will blow that out of the water and then next thing you know who have no idea who you are anymore when you didn't even know in the first place. And then figuring out who you are becomes 10x harder than it ever would have been had you waited until you'd developed that full sense of self and then tripped.

Please believe me. While I appreciate how they have advanced me spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, all of that could have happened 5 years later and made everything else so much easier to develop.
Thanks everybody for the feedback, I've decided to just leave it until I'm old enough. Right now I feel like I should do it because to me it seems like lsd is becoming a rare thing to find but I know I'll thank myself later in life.
Don't worry LSD will *never* go away. If you're able to find it now, I guarantee you will be able to find it in 6 years.
Thanks everybody for the feedback, I've decided to just leave it until I'm old enough. Right now I feel like I should do it because to me it seems like lsd is becoming a rare thing to find but I know I'll thank myself later in life.

Worse comes to worse, you can always grab some and store it in a safe place (dry, dark, cool), and it holds its potency pretty well. It is also not too hard to find nowadays.
You would probably have a fun trip, but develop mental problems in your late teens, depression and anxiety that will lead you to use more drugs to cope. Then in your 30's you will end up in shitty AA meetings trying to hook up with ugly ladies with cigarette breath. Your 40's will be a struggle with a lot of drinking and a few suicide attempts. I can't see any further problems arising from trying lsd at 14.

you're joking right?
14 is too young; but you should at least wait 2 years or possibly even until you are an adult; but you're going to do what you want no matter what people post on here.
I'd say keep enjoying life as it is for now, keep building experiences and memories without altered substances. When your an adult tripping is a different experience to what it was when I was younger. It helps when your brain is developed to uncover the memories that make you rather than do it along the way.

You can do it and you'll enjoy it if you've researched it properly, but honestly wait a few years and live a bit more before delving into them and you'll have so much more to gain.
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I'm glad you've changed your mind.

I do feel the need to throw in another two cents though - you really shouldn't do MDMA at your age, as you're well aware you're still developing, and this could do you some damage by messing around with your neurotransmitters. You really don't want to end up with teen depression that continues on into adulthood. Plus, if you quit now and wait until you're older, when you're say 18 for example the times you do it'll be absolutely magical and you'll be out of your tree with happiness. If you do it now, you're sorta ruining that for later when you'll appreciate it more.

I also wouldn't advise smoking weed any more either - you'll probably ignore me about this, but at least hear me out here. I was your age when I started smoking pot, no mental health issues whatsoever, and it never made me paranoid. However, I discovered when I got a little older (16 or so) that it did start to make me extremely anxious, paranoid and often depressed. These problems have continued on into adulthood, and I've spoken to a number of people who have experienced this. However, every single person I know that waited until they were 17/18 to start smoking pot has never had any issues with persistent paranoia, anxiety or depression as a result of their pot smoking.

Do the smart thing, trust everyone in this thread when they tell you good things come to those who wait - they know what they're talking about! :)
I am in agreeance that teenagers should not smoke pot...,.if for nothing else the lack of motivation it brings is something that hinders schooling
I'd echo the sentiments here regarding mdma, my cousin took too much mdma at 15 and ended in therapy before he was 16, thought he could hear voices and turned into an extremely paranoid young man who regularly ran into the street in his underwear in the middle of the night because he thought he could hear people in his room. Thankfully he is okay now but it was a long and tough road to recovery, now he doesn't even drink alcohol.
I mean technically you can as in I can't stop you in a physical sense but if I was your friend I would try to talk you out of it.

If I was your family I would try to prevent you.

I can't advise it.

LSD is a strong drug. It really is. I think that since your brain is still developing that is a bad idea. Also you are not fully matured in life even if you are mature for your age which is another factor. I tripped at a young age and it went ok but that doesn't mean it did not do damage and things could have gone bad.

Also are you sure it is LSD because there are many designer drugs that mimic the effects of drugs and I can think of a very dangerous one of the top of my head which would be 25i-nbome which has killed people due to dose errors and seizures and is far more dangerous than LSD.

I think the biggest danger with LSD is that especially with someone as young as you as you could literally lose your mind (it does happen, not saying it will) and you could end up doing something dangerous like falling off of something or getting hit by a car.

You got your whole life ahead of you to do drugs and I really think this is something you might want to consider waiting on making a decision on. This is from someone who has been around the block a few times at a young age.

If you do it, please be safe but I just really think that it is best that you wait until you are an adult before you make adult decisions like this. It is like asking if I think it is ok for you to own a handgun at your age and one made illegally by hand and not reliable. I mean even if you were a responsible person you don't know if it will backfire seeing how you are getting something illicit and not made under any controls.

LSD is made by someone in a makeshift lab and well quality control varies. Even good quality LSD can be detrimental and at your age I would imagine it would change the way your brain develops and you need your brain working good so that is one of the many reasons I suggest waiting. You have no clue as to what you are ingesting even in a sense as to what the experience is actually like. It is rather intense if you get strong LSD.