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AL-LAD, LSZ and other analogues

does anybody knows the does ?
when i took al-lad, i took 3 ! should i take 3 of LSz ?

Not recommended.

I found 450ug of AL-LAD to be a very comfortable dose with no negative side effects whatsoever. 450ug of LSZ, on the other hand, produced pretty bad physical side-effects. I was nauseated, to the point where I wished I would just throw up and get it over with, my muscle tonus was tense, and the headache didn't help either. Overall, I found it impossible to enjoy that trip whatsoever, and I don't think I'll be doing that much LSZ ever again.

I had previously taken 300ug LSZ, and that was actually a really great experience, with no bodyload worth mentioning. I suspect that, for me at least, LSZ has a ceiling, beyond which the physical side-effects rise sharply.

I really should have titrated my dose upwards in smaller increments than 150ug.
Had my first LSZ experience this past weekend. Been a year since the last time I took any hallucinogens.
I took two 150ug tabs at the same time. Was feeling first alerts at 0:45.
Visuals began at 1:25 ish, and kept increasing in intensity until a peak lasting from 4:00-8:00. Slowly declined until I could sleep at 14:00.

Surprisingly strong, visual, and long-lasting experience. I absolutely loved it. The greatest visuals I've ever witnessed. Classic morphing flowing patterns, with constant pulsing and breathing entire field of view. Things took on a sort of digital pixellated look. Massive tracers. When I was on the computer, I was staring at text for the longest time trying to figure out if the words were really subtly shifting.
All in all, great chemical. Only downside was the extremely long peak which I was ill-prepared to deal with. Had I taken it earlier in the day this would not have been a problem.
Yes, lsz is nice, close to lsd. Al-lad is better (imo) but not that close to lsd (still has a definite lysergamide feel).

As to the guessing who's making it, when the next batch will be ready, will we get more rc lysergamides.... it's pointless really. The people who know sure as fuck aren't going to write on a public forum 'Yeah my next batch of al-lad will be ready in 4 days, after that I'm making some pargy-lad, and after that I'll make a poll for which one you want next.'
Yes, lsz is nice, close to lsd. Al-lad is better (imo) but not that close to lsd (still has a definite lysergamide feel).

As to the guessing who's making it, when the next batch will be ready, will we get more rc lysergamides.... it's pointless really. The people who know sure as fuck aren't going to write on a public forum 'Yeah my next batch of al-lad will be ready in 4 days, after that I'm making some pargy-lad, and after that I'll make a poll for which one you want next.'

That's why it's good to be in the know, you know?

Also I found two tabs that I had lost two days ago. It was on the wood floor sitting in incandescent light for at least a total of 16 hours. Decided to take both because I figured they had degraded.


Impressively stable.

EDIT: I know what you mean about the physical side-effects. on 300ug i get pretty paranoid w/ muscle tension, tachycardia, HPB, and some digestive issues.
Whether I imagined half of those is a question
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Not recommended.

I found 450ug of AL-LAD to be a very comfortable dose with no negative side effects whatsoever.

I dunno how comfortable anyone else would find it tho tropic - 300 mics gave me visuals so overpowering I could hardly see across the room. 450 is enough to knock an elephant down and would be very uncomfortable for me and I'm no shrinking violet when it comes to dosing.
I think something very clever is going on... I think there have been some major steps advancing chemistry of this nature, making the production of these compounds easier or perhaps simply more straight forward & perhaps also on a larger scale with a greater yield than has previously been possible. I'd been investigating & reading about these lysergides for some time before they appeared & I found no sign that they were genuinely available commercially. Snce then I've still seen nothing to convince me that there are more than one or two labs working in this. I'll happily be proven wrong because the more vendors get hold of this the cheaper it'll get...

this totally reminds me of something Pickard noted and anticipated in one of his latest reports "International LSD Prevalence - Factors Affecting Proliferation and Control". I really think you're on to something here.

And what of the future, synthetically? For decades, most LSD has been produced in clandestine labs in large glass reactors, hydrolyzing as much as one kilogram of ET at once, followed by weeks of further reactions and purification processes, all while the manufacturing chemist is exposed to the effects of LSD. Any single site at this level is estimated to produce less than a few kilograms annually, as noted earlier in the various lab seizures since the 1960s. However, in recent trials government witnesses described the appearance of new technologies that may be employed by more sophisticated organizations that reduce or eliminate the exposure problem while automating the synthesis into a scalable pilot plant or industrial procedure.

In that, for LSD, a pilot process would produce in excess of ten kilograms per year, the advent of microreactors in the pharmaceutical industry must be addressed. A bank of microreactors is a fully automated, computer controlled, tabletop-size machine that produces a few milligrams of a substance with each cycle, perhaps employing the same reagents and syntheses previously discussed, although on a very small scale. However, this cycling of a bank of microreactors producing a few milligrams is repeated indefinitely with hundreds of small reactions by each microreactor daily, yielding, for example, 10–30 grams of product each day. For the pharmaceutical industry, microreactor arrays have produced hundreds of kilograms each year of highly specialized pharmaceuticals that are otherwise difficult to synthesize or problematic due to exposure of workers to toxic effects. This technology—while requiring highly skilled individuals and having significant costs of entry—is easily adapted to current syntheses for LSD and may result in the first automatic process for its production, with routine bench procedures being relegated to smaller, conventional labs.
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My single experience with LSz did not bear that out, & in comparison to Al felt equally comfortable & much more so than I remember from LSD. LSz did, I felt, again, based on just one run so far, bring a deeper, longer trip, with a slower burn than I enjoyed from Al. I'm waiting for others to confirm that but intend another whirl with LSz sometime soon!

I'm making a list of other lysergides that I cannot find much information on, some of which appear in various psychedelic literature, or/as well as here - http://www.erowid.org/references/refs_view.php?ID=1820

LA-111 -
OML-632 -
LAE-32 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAE-32
BOL-148 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2-Bromo-LSD
MLA-74 -
ALA-10 -
LPD-824 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LPD-824
DAM-57 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DAM-57

I may have to cross-reference this with a lysergides derivatives thread in ADD, in case there's more info in there. Anyone else wanna help fill in the blanks, add another dimension of usefulness to this thread..?

There's actually 114 different lysergamides. Obviously all are not active but there are plenty.
Nice, doesn't look to be everything possible tho... couldn't find anything other than al-lad with an allyl at R6.
Why? That link should take you to a list of over 100 ergolines ALD-52 being at the very top. If you see nothing then you use that link and click the ergolines bubble and click search, you will see.
Go to the link, click on the dropdown menu next to R6 and change from methyl to allyl. It'll only show AL-LAD. The way I understand this database is that if methyl is selected for R6 it'll show all of them that have a methyl on R6 and so on for other groups/positions.
Or AL-LAD really is the only possible one with an allyl group at R6 due to some synth problems.
Well you must be in the UK then and are seemingly looking for a legal analogue if you are having "synth problems". There no issues making these others other than legal ramifications. Not sure exactly what you're getting at unless I already hit the nail on the head.
^ I think he's just curious about what other configurations are possible with the allyl group at R6, and apparently AL-LAD is the only one listed there. Probably because AL-LAD has been so well received, so it might be worth exploring that alley. I presume the list is not exhaustive, that there are plenty of other possible configurations not listed there.

So exciting, all these ergolines to explore. I really hope some more get promising ones get synthed and made accessible to folks like us. Actually I'm pretty damn happy we have LSZ and AL-LAD available right now. It would be pretty cool if 2014 turns out to be the summer of the new ergolines across the globe.

Also, that article by Pickard was fascinating. I had no idea that one of the challenges to LSD chemists is the fact that they are tripping balls most of the time. Hard to imagine what that life would be like.
^ I think he's just curious about what other configurations are possible with the allyl group at R6, and apparently AL-LAD is the only one listed there. Probably because AL-LAD has been so well received, so it might be worth exploring that alley. I presume the list is not exhaustive, that there are plenty of other possible configurations not listed there.

So exciting, all these ergolines to explore. I really hope some more get promising ones get synthed and made accessible to folks like us. Actually I'm pretty damn happy we have LSZ and AL-LAD available right now. It would be pretty cool if 2014 turns out to be the summer of the new ergolines across the globe.

Also, that article by Pickard was fascinating. I had no idea that one of the challenges to LSD chemists is the fact that they are tripping balls most of the time. Hard to imagine what that life would be like.

That's basically it. It's a great list but I don't think it has every lysergamide that can be made on it. I'm sure many more are possible to make, but have yet to be made, because the people making them just don't have unlimited resources. And if you have two modifications that are both hard to make, but could probably both exist on the same molecule, would you invest time and effort in making that? Especially since our models are far from being able to put in a molecule and the software automatically spits out the receptor bindings, downstream effects, metabolites, .... And without that knowing what's good and what not without testing it involves lots of guess work.

I mean, would LSD with all the hydrogens replaced by deuterium be possible to make? Probably yes. Do you think anyone would be willing to invest the resources to do it? I somehow doubt it.
^ I think he's just curious about what other configurations are possible with the allyl group at R6, and apparently AL-LAD is the only one listed there. Probably because AL-LAD has been so well received, so it might be worth exploring that alley. I presume the list is not exhaustive, that there are plenty of other possible configurations not listed there.

So exciting, all these ergolines to explore. I really hope some more get promising ones get synthed and made accessible to folks like us. Actually I'm pretty damn happy we have LSZ and AL-LAD available right now. It would be pretty cool if 2014 turns out to be the summer of the new ergolines across the globe.

Also, that article by Pickard was fascinating. I had no idea that one of the challenges to LSD chemists is the fact that they are tripping balls most of the time. Hard to imagine what that life would be like.
Obviously the list is not an exhaustive one. It was simply a reference point to nearly all 114 lysergamides that have actually been synthesized. Considering how there are 2640 phenethylamines, 530 tryptamines, 114 lysergamides, 89 others, 77 β-carbolines, 58 Isoquinolines and 26 undefined substances that are know, I'd say it's safe to assume based off of the sheer number of phenethylamines or tryptamines that we don't have a complete list of all possible lysergamides.
Obviously the list is not an exhaustive one. It was simply a reference point to nearly all 114 lysergamides that have actually been synthesized. Considering how there are 2640 phenethylamines, 530 tryptamines, 114 lysergamides, 89 others, 77 β-carbolines, 58 Isoquinolines and 26 undefined substances that are know, I'd say it's safe to assume based off of the sheer number of phenethylamines or tryptamines that we don't have a complete list of all possible lysergamides.
At least for my part, that's what I was trying to say. Good list but not exhaustive. Hope I didn't come of as me trying to start a fight.

So here's my big question to all of you: what is your favorite ergoloid (excluding LSD, but if there's one you like more than LSD, note it and explain why please!)?

AL-LAD, but that's a bad question imo. I don't thing many people have sampled more that LSD, LSZ and AL-LAD.
Why? Because it's like all the fun stuff of LSD and none of the bad. I do love them all, so AL-LAD wins by a tiny margin. It's not like I think AL-LAD is gods gift and LSD crap. More like how I like chocolate cake with hazelnuts more than just chocolate cake.
So here's my big question to all of you: what is your favorite ergoloid (excluding LSD, but if there's one you like more than LSD, note it and explain why please!)?

Well I have only tried LSD and LSZ. From what I've read about AL-LAD I think LSZ is superior. But that's obviously not saying much.

and I agree with him:
I dunno how comfortable anyone else would find it tho tropic - 300 mics gave me visuals so overpowering I could hardly see across the room. 450 is enough to knock an elephant down and would be very uncomfortable for me and I'm no shrinking violet when it comes to dosing.

I took 300 mics my first time as well, and all at once. It was the most visuals I've ever experienced on anything. Consistent intense geometric patterns. Crazy carpet-flowing effects. etc.
I've not taken much LSD (10 hits tops), but I've never experienced such intense visuals with it as I did with LSZ.
Thing I like most about LSZ (besides visuals) is the strange, cool, creamy softness that your sense of touch is immersed in.

Thing I dislike the most is the tendency to become restless (mentally) while also feeling kind of paranoid about your heart rate. I imagine at lower doses that would be less of an issue.

Overall I really fucking loved it.