adding butter to black tar heroin to make it burn better

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is this guy serious?

and the OP sits there and whines just because we don't agree with him. shit, how sensitive can one be?
I've heard of users adding a little veg oil, and in one case cod liver oil to china white powder dope to make it run properly on the foil (pure white H just burns normally if you try and smoke it).

I don't think I would try to add butter though - it sounds horrid.

Why would you need to wetten tar dope? Wouldn't it go all runny when you heated it anyway?
I've heard of users adding a little veg oil, and in one case cod liver oil to china white powder dope to make it run properly on the foil (pure white H just burns normally if you try and smoke it).

I don't think I would try to add butter though - it sounds horrid.

Why would you need to wetten tar dope? Wouldn't it go all runny when you heated it anyway?

Butter sounds like a gourmet smoke next to cod liver oil :p
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