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ADDICTS: Are you livin a secret double life? Secret addiction? Post here

today is a big day for me, as i have just fessed up to my girlfriend about my addiction. therefore my secret life no longer being a secret.

we have decided to stay friends until i get my habit under control. to be honest she had her suspicions that i was up to something. she says its good that i admit that i'm an addict as its the first step to recovery.

she has also decided to keep it a secret. so yea.
ill idea for a thread

my moms is the best mom anyone could ask for. the absolute best. she raised two kids, both who went to college, was a public school and catholic school teacher for over 15 years, and runs her own business. all while drinking like a fuckin gallon of whiskey a day. i mean, you couldnt even smell the shit on her. shes been sober for a long time now, i really dont know how long, but i mean you can't even tell the difference. I can't. I never saw her drunk in my life when in reality she was drunk 24/7 for decades. she was telling me recently that she'd go to bed around 10 pm and start getting the shakes around 2 am 8o She's been pulled over for traffic bullshit like speeding and never once got breathalyzed. i pray for her and her demons every day and hope she can remain clean and sober. i know that level of drinking has shaved some years off of her life (knock on wood) . but if there was anyone to do a secret-addiction type of life, she did it to the fuckin max.

i guess that addiction shit is in the blood because

i was doin like 60-100mg of oxycodone for years and no one really knew. i had a 3.4 GPA in college, had a girlfriend, 2 part time jobs, lookin fly and fresh all the time, had money... no one knew a fuckin thing. a few friends figured shit out after a while but i went like almost 2 years with no one knowing.

i think the mindset of a secret addict is almost more grimey and fucked up than an out-the-closet-full-blown-dont-give-a-fuck addict. addicts usually worry about one thing where they gonna get that next high but secret addicts have like 99 fuckin problems on top of that.

props to the secret addicts out there that shit is hard. i remember feelin like my world was gonna crumble any given second even though i had my shit together enough on the outside to keep up good appearances. like you have no real foundation and shit can just collapse at any time
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Now that I moved to Florida to get away from the oxy and heroin use im "clean"

moved to florida to get AWAY from Oxy use? God bless you...

i know people that have contemplated establishing a second residency down there and getting a florida drivers license so they can get CLOSER to Oxy [store front pain clinics]

besides a vacation in MIA i never been down there but i heard that shit is everywhere. good luck and god bless you!
i hope this qualifies as hard- about 100mg morphine a day (oral and snorted, no IV). i think it does.

anyways, this was 3 yrs ago went on for a year. everyone thought i was a nerdy kid. because i really did stay to myself and i was pretty smart.

anyways funny story, went to a party one time and everyone knew who i was but didnt know me. went to where the stoners were gathered. i whipped out an oc80 and ate it. one of the dudes freaked out thought i was gonna OD and die right there. haha. whoops
No one knows about my opiate addiction- not my family, friends, girlfriend- no one. I have a good job, work full time, no criminal history. It's been five years and the sad thing is I don't have any desire to end it or tell anyone. Just fellow bluelighters.
Truth is now that im on amphetamines and actually thinking about it, yea I did lead a "double life" for awhile with every drug except pot, for about 7 years, than finally I just got sick of hiding it to tell you the truth...

I was still only snorting my DOC opiates, but I had been physically dependant for 7 years and had enough of the "Wheres all your money go" "Why do you have the flu so often" "Why do you hide out upstairs in your room with doors locked or in locked bathrooms bathrooms"...."Why are you missing so much University" ..The big question that I had to account for immediately....

Plus the constant inquiries, people had suspicions, especially when I got a script for a benzo while on probation....finallly I just broke down and told people I was close to, my parents, GF (who knew I think) that I was an opiate addict and I need suboxone to make it through this probation..... (The height of my double life, pretending to not even smoke weed, Even tried to say that I needed benzos legitimately for sleep and anxiety so I got a script, before that for month(s) one or two, I hassled my family, faking panic attacks with dopesickness symptoms (Blood Pressure up to far, Dilated pupils, sped up Heartrate, sweating a ton, great mental anxiety stress ( all the same symtoms actually, but I was sucking up there extras each month, one week my ma was even short and I had to hit the street to help her)

shameful I know! (now I do need my benzos), (irony/karma is how ppl do the same thing I did to her to me)..... but at the time I needed them to get me through the boredom of sobriety during the last 13 days of the month without pot and especially the last 4 days of usually full blown WD before my UA) Plus I showed up a little less sick that way, that and tramadol, lifesaver, anyways.

Now everyone saw how I was always sick, almost puking and shitting if not both, for 4-5 days before my UA everymonth, told em it was a combo of nerves and trying to drink plenty of water with vitamins and whatnot to keep the pot I "didnt smoke" from showing up....but I was so sick of it.... the end of the month(s) that is......So I came clean and got on a subby program, only used it for legitimate opioid maintenence for the last few days when I couldnt use....I quickly found this raised my tolerance and I had IV to gain effect.... which led me straight to heroin of course......

Finally my mom found a burnt spoon in my room which I convinced her wasnt mine (god bless parents wanting to believe you), but I did confess to being heavily addicted to opioids, mainly morphine and heroin which I told her I would on occasion IV, (truth is always except low mg mscontins)...Needless to say they were super freaked and pissed!!,

they only knew I smoked pot before probation and took benzos as prescribed *yea right* now, all of that was taken incredibly well...Even when I got busted for weed they didnt look down on me at all, they just let me know it was over and probation is a serious thing. Duh......

But for this admission I realize they now look at me differently, Ive lost not just my family, friends, maybe even GF's trust.. but theyre respect also......they always think there short on spoons (even when Ice cream and a house full of kids are around, and there not short, I never once stole they spoons, only borrowed than cleaned, returning promptly)

Every time ANY money or a BOTTLE OF PILLS dissapear Im immediately asked where I was and what I was doing, if not straight up "Did you take them, Have you relapsed" If I can convince them I did not (And I can't always, sometimes your alibi sucks even if your innocent)...... they only say "Probably one of your junky friends"......despite me trying not to hang out with my junkie type friends anymore, even though they never stole from family, only from me, and only once, 160 bucks I gave them upfront foolishly. (Pay a broke dopefiend upfront for dope and you know its coming back short if coming back at all, no matter how much you promise to help him with when hes gets back) He has paid me 50$ back and fronts me some ganja at times so I dont think hes a total scumbucket thieve of the earth.

I mean it was getting crazy, everyday I was accused of stealing something, and a thief I am not, Ok I would at times in desperation pinch maybe 2 7.5's percs or vics klonopins, ativans, xanax or w/e out of a 30-90 count of my parents meds, if and only if it was past the month so they were extra, or it was fresh and unopened after half the month, a gram out of an oz of bud here or there, but never the last pill, never a few of the last ten, I only pinch I dont steal,10[/U] .. Which is in fact simply stealing, but only a small portion of something the owner posses in excess.....I remained proud of this fact considering what I saw my friends of equal habits doing.......The kind of thing my parents would accuse me of was disheartening, it made me feel like I was low enough to do those things even if I hadn't....... even my gf who used at the time too began calling me "junky" and saying i do "dirty things" ...Ex. Cooking up Crack in Vinegar or IVing Riddies for a similar rush to coke......all very bad practices for someone with no micron filter and at times has to reuse (nobody has to thats bullshit) the same needle like 5 times, or go get new ones with money youd need to beg for cans to get....when your fiending and the product is there, youll go for it....

I was even trading some of my subs for H or Phine tablets to heads that were running low and had no money coming (talk about ruin the whole point of sub program)....Was a decent gig, could usually get a point maybe one and a half for a pill, Id get blasted for 8 hours than go back on my subs and the trader could not be sick till he got his paycheck, both sides happy. Except my GF hated me for doing this, even though she demanded her share she hated us using H.........

My tolerance increased, so did my/our usage from once a month to two three times, which at 100 dollars, 150 for me and my GF a day I was in debt all month for the 3 days we used, paraphanalia laying around my rooms the rest of the month.....weren't fooling nobody.....My mom found a needle, A full on rig with no cap!! just laying on the bathroom floor one day, This was after I did 2 points of the best dope Id ever done and passed out almost OD'ing, Bluelips but regained consciousness when slapped, nudged, etc

Finally I broke down and admitted to myself and EVERYONE ELSE, I mean my FRIENDS, JUNKIE FRIENDS, CONNECTS, DEALERS, GIRLFRIEND, EX GIRLFRIENDS, ANYONE I PLAN TO STILL KEEP IN MY LIFE, that I truly Truly have a problem , So I went back on my subby. (this was about a year ago, Ive decreased my daily dose and tolerance 75%, from 4mg bupe daily to 1-2mg bupe daily, .5 mg daily at the end of the months (Last week or so I tend to run short)

So I went on subby, which worked great, but once again I find myself living a double life, hiding that I come off my subby once or twice a month for IV H or morphine, although I told my gf and parents that Im using once a month (Had to make one more promise and tell them I wont use IV or H any ROA for the monthly use) They were truly scared that I was going to go full relapse, and I am scared of that as well, since I have broken my promise and when I use once a month it is IV H in most cases.....so worried they offered to find me 30 mg morphine tablets or give me their 7.5 annexias to get high on once a month if I just dont IV or use H....

Only problem is even at 1 mg of Bupe per day IV H IV Morphine and IV hydromorphone are the only way I manage to feel anything between 12 and 36 hours after my bupe dose, Id wait longer except I start to feel dopesick after 24 hours, by 36 I feel full on as sick as im getting.

So yea The whole drug use thing is degrees of a double life, how much do you want to hide so people dont think less of you, so your treated fairly, looked at as a good citizen, how much do you want people to know so they act cool around you and dont close off the darker sides of they lives to you....or even better yet, expose their party animal side

sorry for the rant
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My life is semi secret. When I first started, and kept it recreational for the most part, I had a summer job, was going to school when not working, hung out with friends, etc. Then, I told the wrong person I tried my DOC(dope). This led to my gf at the time finding out, and among other things led to our breakup. Since then I have had on and off periods. Besides her and friends I told, noone knew until Feb, when I got caught by the jumpouts in Philly. The same girl, who I have a complicated relationship with, was starting to get closer to me, but I had been using in secret again. In getting caught, my family also found out, freaked, and sent me off to rehab. Since coming back from rehab, things have just gotten worse. My relationship with my ex often drives me to use, as I face constant depression in regards to her, how she acts, and our relationship. I had to take this semester off from school, and have no job. I have done all the usual grimy things to maintain my habit, which gets somewhat difficult. Sometimes, however, using and living the lifestyle are the only things that keep me going. I'm constantly upset over my ex, and sometimes I think using is a subconcious way of getting back at her, since she was so against my usage, and has used it against me. I like going into the hood, copping, and coming out product in hand. Seeing livelihood and people busy down there makes me feel good, and has lifted my spirits many times. On top of that, it helps me separate and forget all the other bullshit in my life. While I tell people I'm not using, sometimes it's pretty obvious, especially when I'm nodding out constantly. My ex, without her knowledge of it, has stopped me quite a few times from copping or using. She has a problem of her own, which involves her needing constant male attention. At times when she is with guys, or seeking them, or dating, copping and using helps me keep myself occupied, my mind off of her and what she is doing. Though I keep it private, sometimes I really don't care who knows, even with her. As sick as it is, someone close to her died from using, which has shaped her opinions of it, and sometimes fuels me. I have threatened to OD before, which has caused her to get mad, claim she cares about me,and even try to call my mom. She claims she cannot handle another funeral from an OD death, and as sick as it is at times I hope I find a bag that does me in, just to put her through as much anguish as she has put me through with her actions

Of course, then there's the big fact that I just love to get high, love dope, and don't want people impeding on my life, telling me what to do, or making threats and punishing me for indulging in my DOC. I figure if they can drink, why can I not indulge in something I enjoy?
yeah, i play the "Back then when i was on shit" card, for 6 years..
then i realize my life is just a joke, i am a social worker, work in a secondary school,
i always got some drug used case, i help the kids get clean,
but when i didn't take the opiates, i can't even get off my bed...
i know all my colleague have their suspicion, but i ignore it,
i lost my girlfriend 4 years ago, she said the borke up is nothing to do with my addiction,
but deep down on me, i know for sure, its the addiction...

after she left, i almost give up on my life,
i still have the job, but i spend 8/10 of my salary for drugs,
i decide to live the rest of my life on this way.

end of story:(

sorry about my english, its suck, i know
I live a double life, for sure. It's kind of part of what makes it all so much fun, though. It's like, during the day, I'm going to school, work, whatever, and I'm tending to all of my responsibilities; my boss would say that I'm a hard-worker, and my professors would say that I'm a good student...

... and then in my free time and when I've got a little bit of money to play with, I'm copping bundles in the projects.
I only really hide it from my parents.

My mom knows I smoke weed everyday and thinks when I'm out at a buddies we're sitting around the Xbox passing the bong.

In reality we`re bucking fat lines of blow and k, occasionally hittin rocks, and other things which are better left unspoken haha.

All of my friends know I`m a frequent drug user, they don`t really think anything of it though. All my friends are either taking rails of blow and k daily with me, or drink like a god damn fish (and thankfully my friends are smart enough to realize alcohol is no better than coke or any other drug. drugs are bad mkay)
Well..... I have a double life that's for sure. I mean my mom has caught me with certain drugs but doesn't even know the extent or even believe I'm a drug addict. All my friends only think I smoke weed and what not.... Some don't even think I do that anymore. Throughout high school I was on sports teams, in quiz bowl, national art honor society and all that other shit. Nobody expected me to ever be like I am now. Most looked at me probably as the good kid who had their life together but oh are they wrong. It makes me laugh inside when I'm doing certain things because nobody would even guess.

Its pretty sad how my mom only assumes I'm going to the movies or my friends think I'm at home busy but the reality is I'm out getting dope. I'm getting guns pulled on me.... I'm walking in the most sketchy of areas with people I don't even know. I'm doing drug deals in hospital parking lots or even getting dope from a friend right outside my house and my mom doesn't even know... And the friend who's giving it is a 29 year old and my mom told me how she trusts her more than my one friend....then I want to shake her because this chick is the reason I started doing dope, ugh and she has no idea. I'm in philly all the time when my mom thinks I'm not even ten minutes from home. Its pretty crazy how I'm doing all this shit and nobody has yet to know except of course the people doing it with me. Then at the end of the day I still go to work and I still manage to pretend I'm the same old person I have always been. I lay on the couch in my living room high on heroin and my mom talks to me like any other day, she doesn't even know. That's the scary thing.
Its pretty sad how my mom only assumes I'm going to the movies or my friends think I'm at home busy but the reality is I'm out getting dope....I lay on the couch in my living room high on heroin and my mom talks to me like any other day, she doesn't even know.

Do you really believe that mom doesn't know what's up, and is simply choosing to ignore it? Moms can have a way of doing that...
Do you really believe that mom doesn't know what's up, and is simply choosing to ignore it? Moms can have a way of doing that...
Yeah, she knows I drink and smoke weed but that's all really.... I joked with her one day I was doing heroin and she was like that's not even funny to say blah blah blah. She was even joking how she would frame my ass for a big drug possession so I could be put in prison... She really doesn't even know. My mom would legit beat my ass if she knew and she would go and kill whoever was giving me heroin. The sad thing is I'm not even kidding about that. My mom confronts me about everything else but never heroin or whatever. She tells me she trusts me now and know that I'm doing good. When I was fucking up she told me.... Yeah my mom is legit crazy when it comes to these things. I saw her take down my father once.... He is a 6' 6" tall black guy and she's a 5'5" white women (I think its the italian in her) but she took him down one time. She would do the same to me if she knew... My mom would never let me do dope if she knew and she's the mother out of all my friends who cares. She even confronted my friend and is like you need to stop.... When on the other hand my friend's mom pretends her daughter is a saint and doesn't do shit. I wish my mom was that way but oh no she's not. Well at least she cares...
There are only three people who know I'm bangin' heroin now. Others are aware of my relationship with coke, but that was twenty years ago. I think they (my family) are aware of my benzo issues as well, but don't know the nature of the drug....just that I love my candy. As far as the H goes, it's just me, my ex-bf (now split up) and my dealer. I live alone and use alone. One time after a shot (I used to go into the bathroom and turn on the hot shower to make my veins show up), I woke up on the bathroom floor with my syringe and other tools scattered about - and can't imagine what that would have done to my family had I never woke up. It didn't stop me tho. I think the biggest deterrent to my use was when my dealer told me that my bf had ruined my life by introducing me to him. He offered to give me subs to get off....but I declined. I like my heroin. Even tho it's been a couple of weeks since I used, I don't think I'm over it yet. But still...no one knows.
I live a complete lie actually. It's pretty terrible when I think about it, which is why I compartmentalize everything so much. I go to an outpatient, and to keep my mother satisfied I pretend to go to NA meetings, when I actually just take long walks through brooklyn, or spend an hour reading at Barnes and Nobles. I'm ashamed to admit that in the past I have even held fake phone calls with no one ("fake sponsor")-All this ultimately adds up to a deep feeling of emptiness as well as anger, because I feel forced and pressured into behaving this way.
I "came out" to the family about my opiate addiction then relapsed and from that point I was leading a double life. Everyone just assumed I was high on pot all the time (as I'm pretty open about that with family/friends) and no one suspected anything else was going on.

Basically, since I don't live/associate with many people that can't spot a junkie a mile a way no one was the wiser. I also had enough cash flow back then that I rarely got dope sick. When I was dope sick my job (worked from home) wasn't much of a problem (aside from getting out of bed) so I never had to call in sick with the flu like most people since I could work any hours I wanted as long as I got my minimal number of hours in every week.

I pulled that off for two years until I finally ran out of money and had one of those mental break downs.

You can live a double life for sure, but I don't think anyone can keep it up forever. Once you start running out of cash to fuel the habit things just start tumbling down around you.
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Out of curiosity, how would you guys define a drug addict? Which line do you think you have to cross as a recreational user to be deemed an addict?
I think when you've got to start boosting from stores because you've already pawned all of the shit that you owned, it's safe to say that you have become a drug addict.
if u cant wait till ur home to fix or basically all u think about is ur next fix ..cuz ur going to be climbing the fucking walls if u dont get it

when ur life revolves around ur drug ,everything comes second to ur drug ...i think that defines a junky to the t