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Get a decent job or go to university/college, if you find something you like (most people will) then stick with it and put as much effort as you can into it, its a great distraction and when you learn something you can get great satisfaction out of it, a great mood elevator and gives you a natural buzz.

Having a regular job also forces good habbits into you, eg not staying up to silly hours for no reason and you can't rock up to work with a bad hangover/comedown.

Whilst I realise this is a simple 'solution' for getting clean and will not work for a lot of people (you might already have all of these) remember you are still a step ahead of someone who is in the same position without a life goal. Having a motivation to get up in the morning and try and get clean WILL help you, any help is worth while, no matter how minimal it is.

I know u have ur best interest at heart when u say this but honestly it takes a LOT more than that to stay clean and sober. I quit doing everything in 2002, and for 4 years I managed to stay clean, and yes I had a good job, and had a lot of motivation. Also was going to AA and NA meetings. Still not enough, the same month I celebrated 4 yrs sober, I smoked some weed to "help me sleep" because that wasnt my drug of choice, and never had a problem with it. Within a week I was drinking exesively again, and it was a matter of a couple of more weeks till I started doing coke again. Again, I was able to stop after a year and a half. Guess what? Now I have a daughter, Im going to school, and started doing cocaine again. So what Im saying is that it takes a liottle more and this is not only a matter of will power, and staying occupied, its an illness and THATS the reason why anyone shouldnt start doing it. If u are already in it and want to stop, all I can say is go to meetings, and pray for me, that Ill do the same for u...

one thing that irked me a little coming to this site in the beginning is that all the horror stories and addiction and stuff is on TDS whereas all the info on getting high is on other drugs. It's pretty easy for an average person new to the site to just look at what they want to see, and maybe not even know there is a forum called TDS. If i had heard bad things about how drugs fucked people over while i was reading about them, it might have changed my mind. i think this thread could be good as either a warning, or as a summary of tips of how people have quit.

This I think can help a lot, the horror stories of those who are already here and cant stop....
umm I'm addicted to a rather stranger opiate...and this is like my second response to anything...I happen to be college educated lol....and Im going to start have withdrawal from loperamide abuse tomorrow....I haven't taken any today but tomorrow I will weap. Started with 96...now tapered down to 48 and wanna start today at 24 then 12 etc. Would any of u suggest this method? or just quit cold turkey and take like 12 when im feeling absolutely like poo?
umm I'm addicted to a rather stranger opiate...and this is like my second response to anything...I happen to be college educated lol....and Im going to start have withdrawal from loperamide abuse tomorrow....I haven't taken any today but tomorrow I will weap. Started with 96...now tapered down to 48 and wanna start today at 24 then 12 etc. Would any of u suggest this method? or just quit cold turkey and take like 12 when im feeling absolutely like poo? :(
hey all i was wondering if anyone could give me some input. Recently i have went on a little two week heroin binge and before it gets any more out of hand then it already is and before i spend all my money i have come up with a plan to minimize WD symptons. I am on vacation from work starting thursday and i am going to stop the heroin then. I bought an 85mg bottle of liquid methadone and plan to split that into three doses each one a little bit less then the other and for thursday friday and saturday i am going to drink just the dose i have made. Starting on sunday i have 2, 2mg suboxone pills in which i plan to split in half and take one half in the morning and one half at night on both sunday and monday. I am hoping by then most of the heavy WDs should be gone and that the WDs i do have shouldnt be too terribly bad. I also have about 10 5mg vicodins and i think i have 4 2mg Xanax that i will use after i stop the suboxone. I figure i will use the vicodin as needed for the next couple days after wards to try to help any remaining WDs and use the xanax for sleep. I know this might sound a little crazy the thought i have put into this but if you have ever WD from heroin you know why i am a little OCD over this, just was wondering what everyone else thinks of my plan
I've been on opiates for a longgg time now. Its been at minimum 8-10 years since I was really young. For pain reasons, as of right now I'm taking 10, 20, sometimes even 30mg of oxy-ir pills at once three or four times a day. Along with that I take 40mg of opana a day. I take xanax too, but not to the point I'm addicted. When I do take them I take two or three at once or else they don't help at all. I also take 30mg morphine pills and I take maybe 4 of them a day depends on pain. Anyway I'm GOING TO QUIT I already promised myself I am and I'm good about doing what I set out to do. I'm wondering what's the best method to quit, I was thinking of asking my doc for methadone to ween me off. I've gone cold turkey before when I ran out and I can't stand to go through it again plus the fact it's really bad for me. I'm wondering if there's something other then methadone I can ask for, or what works the best really.
Sorry I have basically abandoned this thread guys, a few people have turned me right off this site along with being here makes 'drugs' seem more normal and desensitises it for me, hence I am more likely to do them.

I've love the thread to stay active however, perhaps a mod could volunteer to edit my main post with updates from other posters ? Mr Blonde you were always very informative and helpful, maybe you would like to take over?
I think the biggest thing is actually wanting to not use anything, even if its just some shitty low grade opiate like codeine. Until you want to stop you won't, but once you reach that point you know you will never use again as its an all or nothing thing with opiates.

I've recently made a serious turn around and stopped everything apart from the occasional drink, even then I don't want to get 'drunk' as it does not appeal to me any more.

Good luck to everyone else who has tried or is trying but remember unless you actually want to stop you probably wont.

I use to think that way, and I still do sort of.. except I dont want to quit smoking weed, ever. I want to be able to drink and smoke weed all my life. I know plenty of succesfull people who still blaze and drink with their buds, its not that un common.

I've tried a few well known "addictive" drugs, coke, crystal meth, amphetamines, and MDMA, all of which I stop using at one point, fairly easy. Although im not sure what someone addicted to opiates would feel like.
hi everyone...

i stumbled upon this website last week, and i'm so happy that i did. it's really awesome to know that i'm not alone. so many other people are in the same boat as myself and it's comforting to know that there are so many others out there who are there for one another and who are willing to listen to a complete stranger's problems without being judgemental.

i'm going through a pretty tough time right now and don't really know what i should do... i started taking opiates (hydrocodone, oxycodone) close to 3 years ago, at first for (mostly) recreational use...but later i found myself using them more and more to cope with chronic back pain i've been having lately (especially at work, as i work longggg hours, sometimes 16 hour shifts). i did see a dr. about this pain and she prescribed me tramadol, which worked wonders for me. i found it to be somewhat of a wonder drug. i had no negative side-effects from it whatsoever and the effects of it were so much more long-lasting than vicodin or percocet, in my opinion. i do have a very high tolerance to pain meds and it was great to take so much LESS of this as opposed to what i normally would take (2 to 4 tramadol 50 mg tablets a day as opposed to about 10 or more vicodin 5/500).

another thing that worked to my advantage is that i had my tramadol prescription at the time my vic/perc supplier moved away...so even after taking opiates everyday for several years, i had NO withdrawel symptoms whatsoever...and barely even had a craving for them. i did have the occasional headache, but that was about it. i was so proud of myself for kicking such a bad (and expensive) habit.

well...now after having me on tramadol for a year and a half, my dr. decides (WITHOUT WARNING) that she feels i don't need to be on it anymore and stopped re-filling my prescription, which caused me to have to quit taking it cold turkey. i was receiving 2 prescriptions of 60 pills a month, mind you. i have terrible back pain and work 2 jobs-sometimes nearly 80 hours a week-that are especially taxing on my back. i'm a single woman and have my own house, new vehicle, and my own bills and expenses so i can't afford to take time off...or even CALL OFF work a day, for that matter. i'm definately not the type of person who goes to the dr. for every ache or pain, nor am i trying to score tramadol for a "high". i've probably only been to my dr's office maybe 6 or 8 times in my entire LIFE, but my dr. will not budge in re-filling my prescription.

i really don't know what to do because i now find myself slipping back in my old ways and i do not want to be a part of that anymore. i do not want to take opiates anymore, but i've now found myself getting them whenever i can get my hands on them, just to deal with the pain. it sucks because my tolerance is still so high that it takes alot to even ease my pain. more than i now have access to. i've been (trying) to use the bare minimum that i need to get by for the time being, but it isn't always easy. i have also been doing research online and have ordered kratom powder and poppy pods (i've never taken either before, but i figured i should have something on hand just in case i start feeling crappy) because i only have a few pills left.

i'm just miserable. i feel like i'm back at square one, only worse. i was doing so good and thought i was kicking my habit for good...but how can i kick it when i'm in so much pain and need to get through strenuous work days?

if there's anything anyone can recommend to help me get through the WD's and help with the pain it would be greatly appreciated!!! i read somewhere that a supplement called "feverfew" can help??? anyone know anything about this??? one other thing i should mention is that, since being on opiates/tramadol for so long, i now find myself highly intolerant to over the counter pain meds. is this normal??? i always used to take excedrin/advil/tylenol/ibuprofen...etc. with no problems but now i find myself getting extremely sick, nauseous, edgy, agitated, shaky, headachy, heartburn...etc, even when i take as little as one pill.

anyway, sorry for the longgg post. any help would be greatly appreciated!! thanks a bunch!

Is there anything you can use during wd's to help you sleep at night that can be bought over the counter?? i just want to sleep through it without having to use Xanax or anything else like that. has anyone had any luck with over the counter sleeping pills?? or something else?

thanks for the help
I was addicted to opiates long before I first went through withdrawal


Addiction leads to withdrawal and not the other way round, you dont have to be physically addicted to have a mental addiction 1000X stronger than the hell that is opiate WD but only lasts for a few weeks whereas addiction can last a life time and you can still feel like an addict even after years without using.....

I respect the time and effort you have put in to this thread although i doubt it is going to do much for anyone except perhaps raise an interesting discussion....
Is there anything you can use during wd's to help you sleep at night that can be bought over the counter?? i just want to sleep through it without having to use Xanax or anything else like that. has anyone had any luck with over the counter sleeping pills?? or something else?

thanks for the help

theres something called "Restful legs" which really helps that restless feeling you get during WD. its like 100x harder to go through opiate WD without the use of suboxone of subutec. i would recommend going to an addiction specialist if you can and get a script for subs or get em from someone you know

btw I just finished going through my 2nd week of WD and finally feeling fine and planning to STAY SOBER THIS TIME :)

good luck
addicted to opiates, been on suboxone for a year, went from six mg down to one mg in that year. Although I still chip from time to time, I am at peace with making this much forward progress and life stabalization.
down in the dumps

Im so down today -
I just took my first suboxone and feel like shit.
Anyone know how to deal with these awful feelings?
Been doing dope for a year and a half - cant seem to get out of the horrid tunnel.
Someone tell me - when will I find peace?
I wish

theres something called "Restful legs" which really helps that restless feeling you get during WD. its like 100x harder to go through opiate WD without the use of suboxone of subutec. i would recommend going to an addiction specialist if you can and get a script for subs or get em from someone you know

btw I just finished going through my 2nd week of WD and finally feeling fine and planning to STAY SOBER THIS TIME :)

good luck

I wish that I was like you - I cant seem to go a day without doing dope even if I have taken my subs. I hate the feeling that i have right now - its horrid.. Good luck to you - I am envious - I need to feel fine and dandy but dont.. anyone?
Can anyone give me some good advice and kind words ofhope to help me get clean??

OK i think this is the right spot for saying what i signed up for.
i could really use some helpo as times are tough right now
i am currently on about a 4 month heroin iv binge. started at half a bag day then bundle a day down to 5 bags day back to 2bag shots as oftn as i can get which is maybe 2 3x a day.
so tuesday i had 3 bags in morning 2 bags at evening and then becasue i am a pathetic loser i shot 4mg subutex and obv felt terrible because of the dope that was already in my system. i now know for research and thinking back on past experience what happened. so 3 hours later i shot 2 bags of dope and felt a teeny better at leasst enough to go to sleep. i woke up today did my last 2 bags got high and now i have no dope 20 bux and 4mg subutex and about 6 8mg suboxone. i am not sick now will prolly be in about 5 9 hours from now and i dont know what to do. i took a week off of work to go nto detox but i sighned out early and got high. i cant go on like this and its hard for me right now i have no car a good job thoguh butiam stuck in my house a day unless i go cop some dope later which i wont lie i pribablt will but i really should be taking suboxone. i am just scared to have to wait to go through withdrawl to start using it. i ised to have about a bag a day habit and 2 mg suboxone would work but the last time i tried it i think it was too early and i felt sick. the next day iw ent back to heroin. it feels better than suboxone obv and i just want to get hgih. i really need mental help but i am very shy antisocial and have really low self esteem. i geuess i could not use anymore. wait till i get sick and start taking the suboxone i have toi help my w/d but wel i am an addict and dont wanty to stop. any advice or hopeful encouraging words would be appreciated tahkn you so much bobrsny
If anyone who is reading this to decide if they want to do any type of drugs DON'T.. yea i waz addicted to alcohol i started drinking my freshman year of high school. It started out as just doing it 4 fun, but the more i done it the more i wanted it, i couldnt stop at just getting a buzz i had 2 get really drunk ( so i couldnt hardly walk ). By the end of my freshman year i had lost all trust from every one, respect, and my grades wich were strait A's were becomming C's and D's ect. So that summer i made my self quit i went cold turkey... The withdraws were hell i felt like i waz dying but i stuck 2 it and now im totally clean... What i am trying to say is just dont do it. I waz "the smart girl" i thought that i could never get addicted and i always said that i never wanted 2 hurt my family but that's exactly what i did... If this helped you in any way plz send me a message....thx 4 reading...lol
First off, in my experience, the best guard against serious addiction, is to get a career/job, and be serious about it.
Just the opposite for me. Having the job was the reason I was doing so much opiates. It was my connection to them and the reason I did them. I hated working, but it wasn't so bad if I was high. Also, the money I brought in was almost always immediately spent on opiates. Not long after I lost my job I started to get clean.
drugs dont do the things you said above. its the people actually do it themselves, you should blame people who "misuse" them instead drugs:|

there is evidence to suggest that is not entirely true, or atleast not in the sense that you stated it.

i recently read a 356-page SAMSHA article called <b>Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Addiction in Opioid Treatment Programs</b>, which was recommended to me by the staff at my methadone clinic. because of the length of this "article", which is more like a textbook, i don't have the time to go back and quote it directly, so i will paraphrase the best i can.

basically, there is a part about how people experimenting with opiates whom will later become addicted don't actually make voluntary choices that lead to addiction, but instead their thought process involved with decision-making and reasoning are corrupted by the effect opiates have on them. they don't make irresponsible decisions on purpose, they get "tricked" into it slowly, regardless of their willpower and intentions.

when i have the time i will go back and post the quotes from it because, not only will it be a strong deterant for people who are experimenting but not yet addicted, it will also sound a lot better than my regurgitated explanation.

for anyone that wants to check the article out, as well as other SAMSHA articles, which are numerous and informative, here are the URLs:

