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Acne Mega Thread

I just wanted to add that I, like anyone else, can only speak of my personal experience. But it wasn't like I had one doctor who happened to be bad, I went through at least three derms and countless MD's throughout my entire life, and all of them were the same, all threw prescription after prescription at me (which either did nothing or made me worse) and not one ever questioned my diet or lifestyle and one of them told me flat out that "food had zero connection to skin". Draw your own conclusions but to me, the stupidity there is mind boggling.

If you had suffered for years and spent thousands to have to learn the hard way that there was no help for you, and then figure out on your own what is actually happening with your body just by talking to people who were going through the same thing and reading stuff online, you'd probably feel just like I do about these "educated and trained" people.

I haven't been to any sort of mainstream medical doctor since 2008, so all I can say is I hope things have changed and doctors are starting to wake up and move away from all this bullshit way of thinking... but as long as it's a for profit medical/pharm industry I find it hard to believe they will ever be taught to tell us the truth.
All of this diffuse undefined "toxins" talk that tends to dominate acne discussions has to go. Here's a little write up on the pharmacology behind, and treatments for acne, including my personal experiences and recommendations.

Acne forms due to an over production of sebum in the skin, which plugs the pores. Bacteria feed on this sebum, and the immune system creates anti bodies (the white pus) and inflammation (the red) to fight the infection. So, there are basically three ways of fighting acne. Either you stop the pores from plugging, or you kill the bacteria, or you decrease the inflammation (though the inflammation is rarely the problem in itself, unless you've got very deep acne or very sensitive skin). For me, anti biotics (topical and oral) have never worked that well. However, topical retinoids (which increase skin renewal and thus prevent pores from plugging, even with no change in sebum production rate) have worked quite well, if only temporarily. I recently completed my isotretinoin (an oral retinoid which inhibits sebum production by shrinking pores) course, and still have a few lesions, some lingering blackheads and red marks but I'm mostly clear. In a short while I'll be using a topical retinoid again to help speed up the healing, since isotretinoin, working by shutting off sebum production, makes your skin very dry and tender. About fighting the inflammation, this should not be the focus since it's a very shallow philosophy of treatment. However, I've found that an NSAID may relieve some of the pain from an especially bothersome acne lesion, and there is an increasingly popular method of treatment that involves topical zinc such as that in dandruff shampoo. I've tried this, though I can't comment. One last note about topical aids regards the concept of using either something a bit acid, or something a bit alkaline as an exfoliant. For example, salicylic acid, vinegar or baking soda have been used to good effect, though none of them did much for me. These exfoliants also work, supposedly, by preventing the formation of plugs (called comedos btw) in pores.

There are some studies that conclude that diet may be related to acne. This is mostly dairy, which contains hormones that might increase sebum production, and fast carbs, which in general make our hormones go a bit crazy. Also, there might be reason to believe that a lack in certain micronutrients may exacerbate acne, and we have some knowledge about how certain foods act as anti-inflammatory regulators in our body - by all means have as much as you want of them (garlic, ginger, olives, fish and many other things). However, I don't think anyone's acne is CAUSED by bad dietary habits - only perhaps worsened by it. There is of course the special case of intolerance which may create extreme immune responses, and also, finally the special case of candida infection - infection of certain species of yeast that feed on what you eat, a complex disease of which acne-like lesions is only one of many possible symptoms. Treatment involves probiotics and a carb-free diet, which will starve the yeast and hopefully reset the intestinal flora with new "good" bacteria.

To conclude, I suggest topical retinoids and possibly isotretinoin (Accutane) for really troublesome acne. Topical anti-biotics such as benzoyl peroxide do work a bit, but come with a lot of hassle and will, if you have tender skin such as I do, quite possibly make matters even worse in the short run (and short run is their game since you get the pimples back after quitting them). Oral antibiotics are a lot better at killing the bacteria doing your food processing than killing the acne bacteria, and are also a short-term solution. Topical retinoids leave the skin feeling rather fine for a while after coming off them, but the acne eventually returns. The only solution that may work permanently is isotretinoin (that is, disregarding the coming of age :D)

Furthermore, I recommend not obsessing over diet, not blaming yourself for having acne, not looking at your mirror image a lot and instead trying to be whoever you are despite your aesthetic shortcomings (this I say because I failed at all three and had a very boring year, plus some of the anxiety is lingering, though it is of course related to other problems as well).

If you see a doctor or a dermatologist, don't listen to them. They will suggest very weak crap like the aforementioned oral anti-biotics, benzoyl peroxide or even salicylic acid for all but the absolute worst cases, and have you using that crap to no avail for at least a month before perhaps moving on to topical or oral retinoids. Be determined and clear about what you want. I think something like adapalene or retin-a is a much better solution for most people than chlorine-smelling, fabric-bleaching benzoyl peroxide or belly-fuckering oral anti-biotics. That being said, I don't claim absolute authority. Do your own research! Nothing anyone says should be taken as truth. Find out what people with your skin type have used to good effect, and then make a decision. This post is meant primarily as a quick guide as to what acne is and what treatments are out there and I hope someone finds it useful.

Good luck! :)
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Nice well rounded post Mjall. I agree somewhat with most of what you wrote.

Belly-fuckering antibiotics indeed. Just the fact that derms prescribe long term antibiotics makes them lose credibility in my eyes... I mean it's common knowledge the way long term antibiotic abuse can destroy the digestive track. I know people in my skin support groups and what not who have never fully recovered from the round after round of antibiotics their doctors put them on... and we are supposed to trust these people with our care? I'm sorry but it's frustrating.

But yeah, in my posts about diet, understand I am talking to people like me who have severe skin problems which they can find no answers for. I think most people even extremely healthy ones will get a mild pimple like skin infection from time to time for whatever reason, and I agree that if your problems are mild obsessing over diet will only add stress and is probably unnecessary. But when something is chronic, severe, painful, or becoming infected and not healing well, it's definitely time to look within to begin healing from the inside out. People with severe skin problems have something severe going on inside and ignoring that for topical treatments could be dangerous or even deadly.
One of the simplest, and usually pretty effective, things that you can do to help clear up your complexion is to put a clean towel over your pillow every night when you go to sleep.

I was just about to post that! I however don't have an extra towel for every night of the week (yes I know I'm short on towels lol) but I have found a much easier way to do this for those of you who don't have a towel.

I simply use my white tees (the ones I use for undershirts). I have so many of them I just throw a clean one on my pillowcase every night, or even when I'm just laying down watching TV or a movie.

You know how the oils on your hands are bad for your face (i.e. touching your face with your hands, especially if you haven't washed them just recently)? Well it's basically the same deal with the pillowcases.

For me it's even worse because I'm on suboxone, so I sweat in my sleep sometimes (probably every night actually) which makes it 10x worse for me, and ever since I started putting the tees down I've noticed a difference.

I also want to update again about my OP and also about how I'm using the doxycycline. I have a tiny bit of dry skin (which easily goes away with some of the moisturizer I showed in the OP, but any will work that is oil free and meant for use on the face), and literally I had a pimple yesterday, woke up and it was completely dried up and flattened and after washing in the morning it was basically gone (small blemish that is fading quickly is all that's left)!

I'm assuming this doxycycline is going to help a lot once it gets into my system more, I've only been taking it for 3 days so far (2 pills a day, 100mgs each).

Anyone who cannot afford the BenzaClin, at least try the over the counter stuff that I mentioned (make sure to mix them together in your hands and then place on your face where needed, I literally put it all over my face because I am trying to get rid of everything and I have some minor scarring that is now fading as well!), and get a script for doxycycline - I have crap insurance and I only paid $5 or $6 for 1 month supply!

If anyone needs anymore information feel free to PM me.


P.S. - If you can get results without wasting money to go to the dermatologist I recommend doing so. Save your money for once you get your face cleared up and it's staying fairly clear, then go to the dermatologist (if you can afford it) and get microdermabrasion. That's what I plan on doing to get rid of my minor scarring since I have skin that scars very easily. Make sure to do your homework about procedures before getting them though, it may not be right for you. And there is always healing time involved (although microdermabrasion is not that bad from what I've read).
Acne and other small infections not healing.

I have developed a problem in the last week that has me worried, and I wanted to see if anyone else has had this problem or seen it or has any idea what is causing it.

In the last week my skin has been kinda changing, it started with one blimish like pimple that would not drain. I gave it time, and it seemed like it was ready to expel the icky stuff, but when I pierced the head, nothing would come out. I noticed that the head was actully kinda solid, and seemed more like when you have a black head. That first pimple would not heal up either, and started to spread, and soon had lots of little white spot that were solid and would not leave the pore. Now all the pimples on my face have started acting like that, even though they seem ready to pop. Only one other has gotten bigger, but they are all red and sore, and wont drain or heal.

I then noticed a pimple on my shoulder that drained once had grown big under the surface of my skin. I picked at it and it too would not drain. Now the middle had a rather hard bump that i cannot feel when I poke it, and its white around the bump, then the skin around that is dark and dry. The rest of my skin is also dry, and peels a bit around the pimples. Non of the spots are ozzing, there is no liquid, but they wont heal.

As for my background health: I have had a stressful 6 months, lots of changes. I have busy as shit, went through a break up with my fiance, moved into my own place. In may I weighed 165, and as of now I 140, I'm 5'7 and 26. I have no past of health issues., and am clean of STD's as I was with the same man for 4 years, and have had plenty of check ups. I have been using ametamines, but not overly so, I think my weight loss has just as much to do with being stressed and busy as it does with drugs. I am thinking maybe I have a low white blood cell count? but cannot find to much that matches my problem.

Any Ideas?
When I had staph infection I basically had a couple of pimples that massively swelled up and wouldn't drain for a long time. They were pretty hard to the touch. One of them had previously drained and then swelled up again and wouldn't drain anymore. Started draining one night while I was in a really hot shower, tons of pus just dripping out. Sorry I know it's gross but that's pretty much what happened. My arm was so swollen! It hurt.

I'd recommend seeing a doctor, you might need antibiotics.

Edit: I'm pretty sure I got it after getting a tattoo. I'm not sure how else it's spread though.
Yeah, I'm going to the clinic in the morning. It opens at 6:30am, I plan to be there at 6am.

Staph was my very first thought, but the thing is it not just one are that is acting weird, its everything on my body that might be kinda infected. I saw tonight where there is one spot on my hand that had been scratched by my friends kitten awhile ago. only one little spot had peirced the skin, and that spot is doing what every other spot is doing, turning into what resemble hard black heads, but are much bigger.
I was trying to put a picture up, but cannot get it to work. I'm just trying not to freak out.
I tried using epson salts once, but it hurt so freaking much.

I did by the way go to the docter, and had some blood work done. It turns out that I had a shocked immune system due to vitamin deficiency. This was causing my white blood cell count to be low, and preventing my body from healing itself. So I was ordered to beef up the vitamins for the next 5 days, and then start taking a womans daily multi-vitamin. That was two days ago or so, and I can already tell a difference.

I just gotta be sure and eat regularly and sleep too.
I would try out some colloidal silver, but I hear that the stuff you can buy in a store isn't as good as making it yourself. Check out the thread on this page for more info.
i had little red bumps that would not go away for like a year my doc had me use antibiotic creams, fungicides and nothing ever worked. then i got really stoned and for some reason i mixed some epson salts in water with some lavender essential oil and sprayed that shit all over me and it worked.
^ sounds like a coincidence rather than a magical cure.

your right, don't try it. :)

its the salt. think the red sea. nothing lives in the red sea. oh and essential oils are microbial. but what the fuck do i know.
St. Johns Wort and acne

alright so i am debating on buying a jar of st. johns wort to help boost my mood because ive been reading reports on how it causes acne. sorry that i dont have time to site anything. but im just afraid that if i do take the SJW, it willl make me have -worse- acne which in turn will make me MORE depressed:( i currently take monocycline and a multivitamin for my acne. i just need something to boost my serotonin neurotransmitter levels because i used to abuse ecstasy. if anyone knows if it will cause acne OR if theres a different med that acts like SJW please let me know. btw i cant get anything OTC because im paying for it, not my parents. thanks everyone
I took SJW as a teenager and it didn't give me acne but it did make me angry/edgy as odd as it sounds. My mood issues didn't change because of SJW and I took it as directed for a few months.

I read in another thread how you're 16, you're going to get acne then as a teenager.

Have you thought about seeing a doctor or a dermatologist and asking them these questions? You can boost serotonin levels by exercising, you don't have to take anything to do that.

I know people who abused MDMA who now take SSRIs to help regulate their serotonin levels but you'd have to go to a doctor to get on those.
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as above has posted, regular excercise and healthy diet will naturally boost your serotonin in way better than most meds can.
ive taken SJW in previous times, found it effective, took a long time to reach full effects perhaps 4 weeks even, in rough times this is to long to wait.
perhaps if you dont have success with regular excercise + diet, you can always try 5htp(tryptophan) i dont know whether this is recomended if you are 16. but 5htp is a ammino acid found in the brain which stimulates production of serotonin and gives you pleasent sence of hapiness within days.
yeah man i used SJW one day when i felt i needed something to pick me up. my dad takes it occasionally so i figured i'd try it too.

it actually did the opposite for me than what it claims. i felt even more nervous and on edge and as you mentioned made my acne worse the next day. a couple weeks later i decided to try it again and i got the same shitty results.

exercise, quality sleep, a quality multivitamin, and omega3 supplements work a lot better for me. (try to get the omega3 from natural sources like tuna, flax seed oil, etc. rather than a supplement. a lot of omega3 supplements arent very effective.)
Don't think it was mentioned, but
PSA: St.John's Wort affects (some, anyways) birth control medications.
When i had bad acne, i would look at information that would say, "keep out of sun, avoid sun, etc etc"

Thats total garbage. The information you're referring to was probably the warning on the back of the label of the benzoyl peroxide/other topical medicines. It says something like "avoid unnecessary exposure to sunlight" or "avoid prolonged exposure". I doubt that anyone ever told you to stay indoors all the time because it helped acne hahaha.

those of who you have taken accutane, how long did it take before you started noticing a difference?
a significant one?
did your acne flare as mine seems to be doing? i am on day 8.

You probably already know this by now, so this is for others' info too, but it takes more than a week for the medicine to start working properly. Hell, it took a month, maybe more, for me to notice that my skin was getting severely dried out.