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Acid tonight urgent

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Where are my visuals i was swirlys and colours lsd is overatted
I'm melting fucking hel please I am too young to die please help me please it can't be like this omg the pink floyd wall is fucking with me

remember that you took a drug to make this happen. it will pass. enjoy yourself.
Omg yellow submarine was fucking amazing what else?
i watched baraka tripping on acid and it was wonderful. if you're in the mood for sci-fi, i can also recommend sunshine.

Glad you are having a good time mate.
I've literally stared at this for a year now

Going for 400ug is quite a commitment, but glad you seem to be enjoying it so far.

You should write up a trip report when you've come down.
You say trip report but in no words can I summarise everything that is going on in my head it's just truly fucking amazing I feel like I can dive into any part of my mind and i am always truly in this warping moment
Well that's the best part of psychedelics bro, words aren't enough to describe the infinite beauty.
Holy shit I don't know how I'm going to go back to my normal self this is by far the most intense and eye opening things I've done in my life I can truly warp into any realm and be content it's just beautifull I'm not gona bother writing anymore as I'd rather spend it warping through my mind
Dunno man, I started when I was 16. Was one of the greatest things that ever happened to me.

Consider how many kids are getting pissed up on booze at 11 and I'd say a bit of pyschedelia ain't that bad in comparison.
As a bad trip is fucking traumatic, terrifying.And it may cause problems if you are only a kid. They can be life changing, and psychs deserve the maximum of respect. You say later in life though? As long as you know what you are doing, and know what you are in for don't matter if you are 15 or 18.
Yeah you're right, as long as set and setting is in order (which it wasn't in this case and why the kid got so many people telling him it was a bad idea) - your age isn't gonna be the deciding factor in whether your experience is hellish.

Then again, one man's 'bad' is another's 'difficult'.
Just one question. Why are people told to wait till later life to delve into phsycadellics

It's the same reason people recommend not taking any drugs until you're an adult; your brain is still developing at a very fast rate. Introducing drugs to the mix may cause problems. This may be especially true of psychedelics which can really change your outlook on life and give you what can appear to be earth shattering revelations. You mention that you have GCSEs approaching soon - this should be a big priority for you, as I'm sure it is. As you move further into adulthood, you'll often reflect back to the previous year and think, ''I can't believe I was like that''. I'm 26 and still do this.

In the words of Chef - ''There's a time and a place for everything, and it's called college.'' :D

I had my first proper trip at 17 and it really affected me. It gave me grand ideas and things that I thought were revelations. It soon became clear that it is very hard to make use of these 'revelations' when you're not living independently (just as hard when you are living independently, mind you). I'm very glad things turned around for the better for you. I was quite worried and was misreading you. When you said, ''fly away'', I thought you were going to jump out a window or something 8o

Take care and focus on what's in front of you in your immediate future. You're going through one of the greatest periods of change in your life and you'll want to make the best effort you can. Take it from me - I fucked things up. I also know that no amount of sage advice was likely to have changed my mind at 16 haha.

EDIT: Just to make clear - I'm not blaming psychedelics for my fucking up. I'm blaming weed :p
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@ Don: But think about how helpful a trip could be to a depressed jaded teenager, could just be the exact thing his developing brain needed.

Just being devil's advocate for the sake of it here (it's 3am why not).

Compared to other drugs, even cannabis which is one of the most anxiogenic, a reasonably dosed psychedelic won't be neurotoxic (ala meth) or completely destabilize your sense of self if you've done a modicum of preparation.

Some people are pretty sensitive/unstable to begin with and regardless of their age should probably stay away from psyches. Namely anyone with a familial predisposition to schizophrenia.

Don't those ayahuasca churches in south america dose children with dmt on a weekly basis, and they seem fine to me..

@ Dean: he's probably still got a good few hours to go..
I kinda want to go back to my Normal mind now but I just know when I do all I will want to do is return to this fruit loop mind
Ooooh, stop it, you're making me all nostalgic for my own mis-spent youth .....

Perhaps my 40s aren't too late for tripping after all. Maybe I'll have to try some of this 1P-LSD stuff before The End Of The World.

Seriously: You got lucky there. Well done on not totally losing the plot.
What a load of bollocks. You guys just got trolled big time.
Well, that's always possible. You don't know who's on the far end of an Internet connection.

The HR was pretty much beyond reproach, though. Anybody searching the archives in future and getting directed here is not going to get bad advice, and that's arguably more important.
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