Acid in America 2K8

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amor fati said:
decent liquid at a jam-band show in chicago(guess:)) on new years.

hmmm... i wonder? my friends had some good madhatter on the show two days before NYE.

no good consistent blotter, just some alright sweettarts.
I've been away from the scene for a few years dealing with some personal shit. Today someone offered me what he referred to as "Grateful Dead." He doesn't know much about the wonderful substance so it could very well be "Jerry Garcia"...either way, can someone give me a little feedback as to whether or not this is a worthy investment? Much appreciated.
Also, when I measure it, should I expect standard 2.5"X2.5" or something smaller? I only ask because, from what I understand, things have changed while I was out and now it's a bunch of jackasses running the show.
if it's the "jerry garcia" blotter that's been going around for a while, and assuming he hasn't left it sitting in the open sun on his porch or something, I would say definietly go for it. They are some of the best going around right now, nice high clean dose. However, like I said, I've heard of these at least a few months back, I don't know if there are still new sheets of it being layed
Well, where I'm located, we're usually at the end of MDMA and LSD circuits. Which is kinda cool, because I can get plenty of feedback that way. I know some of it was around in December, but I was too busy dealing with my own life at the time. It just so happened that earlier this week I was thinking about getting some, then this guy called me out of the blue today. I just wanted to check with you guys before I jumped on it and had a bad experience after not touching it for the past two years.
I've only heard good things about that Jerry blotter. And yeah, 2.5" x 2.5" a sheet is still standard (may it never go out of style!)
So I went to pick up 200 hits of the Jerry Garcia last night, and when I got to the guy's house he pulled out a blotter that measured at 3"X2". So naturally, I asked "Where's the rest of it?" He looked at me like I was crazy and said that was the whole thing. I told him I would pay half his initial price because that's all that was there...half. He then tried to explain to me that I don't know what I'm talking about and hits don't measure .25"X.25". In fact, he said, you have to measure by centimeters, not inches. I told him, "Whether it's centimeters or inches, that's only 96 hits and I'm not paying for 200." Again, he tried to convince me that I didn't know what I was talking about. The conversation ended with me telling him to call me when he was ready to come correct...I don't think I'll ever get that call. So my question is, Where the fuck is it? I've been chilled out for 2 years and I'm ready to get back in.
IFearCarnies said:
So I went to pick up 200 hits of the Jerry Garcia last night, and when I got to the guy's house he pulled out a blotter that measured at 3"X2". So naturally, I asked "Where's the rest of it?" He looked at me like I was crazy and said that was the whole thing. I told him I would pay half his initial price because that's all that was there...half. He then tried to explain to me that I don't know what I'm talking about and hits don't measure .25"X.25". In fact, he said, you have to measure by centimeters, not inches. I told him, "Whether it's centimeters or inches, that's only 96 hits and I'm not paying for 200." Again, he tried to convince me that I didn't know what I was talking about. The conversation ended with me telling him to call me when he was ready to come correct...I don't think I'll ever get that call. So my question is, Where the fuck is it? I've been chilled out for 2 years and I'm ready to get back in.

That sucks, you should really try to find another way to get the Jerry Garcias, maybe find out where he got them from, go from there, i dont think that new sheets are being laid of those anymore though, it might be kind of hard. It sucks you didn't try to get back in a few months ago because everything that way going around was BOMB.
Yeah, I doubt the Garcias are still being laid, but as I said previously, except for shit that's laid locally, we're usually the last people to get anything. I'm wishing I would've been interested a few months ago, because it was being offered to me like crazy. I was just too busy dealing with some personal issues and I really needed to stay clean for a while to sort it all out. I'm still staying clean, but I would like a nice little trip just because...well, I'm sure I don't need to explain to you guys why I would like to trip again. I know I can get vials right now and it's really clean, but also kinda weak and for what it cost I'd be better off getting the skimped Garcias.
hmm, maybe the guy just doesnt know what he is talking about. but remember prices have gone up since you re-entered the game I'm sure so if it helps, the garcias are clean and bomb doses so they are worth it for a little extra bucks. I mean, how the fuck can you put a monetary price on an enlightening LSD trip. That is just impossible.
FreedomOfTheMind said:
hmm, maybe the guy just doesnt know what he is talking about. but remember prices have gone up since you re-entered the game I'm sure so if it helps, the garcias are clean and bomb doses so they are worth it for a little extra bucks. I mean, how the fuck can you put a monetary price on an enlightening LSD trip. That is just impossible.
He doesn't know what he's talking about, actually. He's under the impression that a hit is only 1/8". I realize prices have probably gone up and I don't mind paying a little extra (hell, he wanted 6.50 a hit and I was willing to do it), but I refuse to pay for 2 sheets and only get 96 hits.
Also i remember now when the garcias were flowing strong A lot of people were freaking out from them and a few people i knew were actually cutting smaller sheets, tens, hits, etc... I'm not sure exactly what the dosage on those doses were but they were STROOOOOOOOOONG i took 2 of them (they were normal 1/4 by 1/4 inch hits) and tripped harder than i ever have in my life (even 6-10 hit trips) So that might be your best bet buying those.
I think I just came a little bit....that picture is very very sexy

you are a very lucky man maxpowers :p
Note: this is also posted this in the DOC thread:

this past weekend had some "acid" printed on with the Hoffman bicycle blotter. The hits were about a cm and a half square, much bigger than normal hits in size. The hits had a very bitter taste to them, but I chocked that up to the dye in the paper. I only took 1 hit and it began to kick in within 30mins of ingesting it. The come up had a bit of nausea and muscle aches. The peak lasted about 5-6 hours and the come down was very gradual, I was still tripping 12 hours later, feeling very wired and awake. The entire trip was STRONG (from 1 hit) but manageable, the entire time I kept thinking, WOW this is some great LSD.

Im questioning weather this was LSD or DOX, possibly DOC. My boyfriend is Delsyd, and he seems to believe that it was DOC not LSD. Im skeptical however because what kind of joke would it be to put something other than LSD on Hoffman blotter???

Just wondering/ looking for some other opinions. Thanks.
^ I've heard of these. Seriously fucked up, I dunno what kind of person would lay DOx on Hoffman blotter. People w/no respect, but there are a lot of sketchy kids around these days as I'm sure you're well aware. Sorry this happened to you although it doesn't sound like a terribly negative experience ... but it just shouldn't!!! But those hits are about four times normal size in surface area, which is about right for the DOC-on-white that I've seen recently (properly advertised as such though) ... this I think is your major hint of what is truly going on. Four hits of acid or a decent dose of DOC. Fucking selling DOC (which is a decent enough drug in itself) as LSD absolutely disgusts me, not just because I have a high degree of respect for LSD and it's culture but because it's dangerous! What if you had taken a ten strip?
I have exactly the same ones you're talking about, and I will write up a report of how it goes on Wed after I try them out
^^ there are many different prints going around of the Hoffman sheets, I believe they are distinguishable by the numbers/ dates at the bottom of each set of 25 hits. The ones that I have are blank at the bottom, no numbers.
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