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Abortion ?

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Good point, made me think, but its not potential im basing it on, cause if had to make a sudden choice to save a unborn or a born baby certainly i would come to the unborn , and they would both have potential, I think i got a bit more lets call it faith in the human race than you,

So were only getting a small part of you in this thread, , no materialism no poetry

Can you say you accept abortion unconditionally,

I linked to the article on materialism, it's pretty in-depth. I also can't fathom choosing a potential life over a living, breathing baby. Perhaps this is because, again, I have children of my own and am intimately familiar with the differences between a zygote/embryo/fetus and a baby.

I think abortion needs to stay safe and legal, and it isn't my place to evaluate the legitimacy of someone else's need for abortion. Again, I would prefer to minimize the need for abortion.

stu411 said:
1. if you had a chance to perform an abortion would you do it,,
2. Would you like to see a website that almost looks like ebay but its all fetous part?
if you had to chose to kill an adult or a fetus, what would you choose?

1. I have personally taken mifepristone + misoprostol in the course of a medication abortion. I am not medically trained and do not wish to attempt abortion or any other medical procedure, but I am happy to help those in need access the appropriate resources.
2. No. Why? This is ghoulish and not an appropriate means of managing donated tissue.
(3.) The fetus, but again, I am not medically trained or qualified to perform abortion, much less euthanasia.
When does a potential life become a baby

No, not ghoulish, its US government sanctioned web site, a little like ebay, though it is selling to Chinese market, it mad, i can put a link here, its an older abortion thread

ok were nearly like 2 opposite peas in a pod,,

If you had to give your best reason for an abortion, and the reason could only include the fetus and not be a medical reason, what would it be, <<< that's a cool question, i think
I am still bloody confused, ,, most lets say Deathers, go after the Adults,,, and i think they do that cause, Adults have pissed them off, parents being abusive I can under stand there will be people sniping for the Adults..

I can accept that people are aiming for the kids, but ive not placed, any reasoning or motivation . on it yet,, << whats going on here
Mind ? or Body ?... and go wash your mind out,, you've been hanging here to long.. who the hell ever seen an abortion fetish,, good line of new questioning,, you ask her

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This type is of , we have a massive problem here, and if we stop aborting it will get worse attitude, isn't attempting to solve anything , this is a type of problem that with enough resources and good management can be solved, im not suggesting any instant fixes , I am suggesting a well understood plan of abortion reduction, in line with relative social needs. just saying problem after problem isn't really heading in any direction, im quite sure if there was any magic wands getting passed round, apart from using one to make me disappear. you would have lots of Great ideas to reduce abortion, till eventual phase out

We know how to reduce abortions and there is plenty of hard research to prove that making abortion illegal DOES NOT reduce the numbers of abortions, it only increases the amount of health risks and fatalities from at home and back alley abortions. Research has shown the only thing that DOES reduce abortions is proper sexual education and making contraceptives of many types easily available and affordable. Which is why planned parenthood is a good thing, I went there for 10 years and I have never been pregnant in my life. I relied on PP all through collage and graduate school and while I did not have insurance to get my birth control pills and also to get my annual exam and pap swear, and I usually didnt have to pay a dime. My close friend who also went to planned parenthood and who has also never been pregnant also could ahve had her life and certainly her uterus saved by them since they found pre-cancerous cells on her cervix and were able to remove them in surgery,all at no cost. If it were not for planned parenthood she wouldnt have gone to get her annual exam because there are very few places that do them for free and it could have easily turned into cancer.
reality v medi mind control --- round 1 DING.DING

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  • Nekointheclouds.. Reducing abortions is over, planed parenthood is just product overseer and its got more Demand

    Link to planed parent hood supplied baby part selling to Chinese your foetus is a commodity /you grow/we will kill it pack it and ship it


is anyone else getting serious deja voo and sorry Nek.
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stu411, you aren't actually comprehending what anyone else is saying here. Those videos have been debunked. And a reputable company offering biological products with documentation and through appropriate channels is hardly the same thing as eBay.

I'm out.
Nope, I can defiantly see and hear people talking about selling Baby parts and I can browse through Babys, on the site,

So im definitely still believing , theres a big supply / demand / fetous market,, in the US, and planned parenthood has managed a nice little Pcyop

U Turn on the American Psyci,,
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sorry but non of that is solid evidence at all or has any sort of proof to back it up. Nothing you are saying has any proof.
Why is it always left up to one person to Show reality . you see, Once a, thought has a mass voice, That's when the Alarm call to pay attention goes DING, And the biggest mistake that gets made is people all pay Attention to the Thought and decide yes/no/maybe,, When the First cognitive Brain function should be, Ah ha .. Another mass thought, I wonder whats going on here..

And that's called Critical thinking,

The Good thing about this mass thought some of you are backing, Is its most obvious , sudden up rise, its timing and strength and the message and Type of people defending it,,, there are all "To Convenient to be Natural ".

Planned parent hood and its previous Guises have dated back before the legalization of Abortion in the 70s that's when Full research and development of this new product began.. now from then until now, if you took the time to listen, theres always been a underground believe slowly creating a realization that our babys are being chopped up sold . I personally only started believing it around 5 or 6 years ago, and ive been watching the industry get bigger and bigger. untill now, You can buy the product up there. This is the Final Roll out Phase happening right now, Its has become a Fully working new Globalized industry ,

You think its a coincidence your shouting your thoughts so loud at the exact same time the Product is Final Roll out.. ...Your thought is needed to stop a civil uprising of disgust

the evidence of a international baby market is right there.. go browse through the products right now... But there's a lot of good people that cant handle that reality ,, so they need your voice and thought for comfort.. but that's a nice way of looking at your thought.

Also. that video has Some good evidence of this,, And if , there has been any videos that have been completely faked,, well how you gona help Create a Mass Fake thought with out A Mass fake fake videos. If that concept confuses you . just think this.. If your Going to have a Enemy you might as well lead them

So take your little mass thought , and go think about it,, because if you knew real reality,, only thing that thought says is.. MASS MEDI MIND CONTROL

Ok im going to spend the next few days on this,, but I personally don't need to,, Oh look who just poped into my head..

So Apatheist . you've got 3 choices on this matter.. You could Do what I did with your view and attempt to understand .. or .. you can come in all guns blazin ,, or you could be boring and do nothing,, I personally like 1 and 2, to be honest

And the rest of yas. can wish me luck..

And you nekoin , I was having nice relaxing time, till you kicked the door down, with your autonomy friggin aftershock,, now I have to go Abortion Fishing again and im supposed to lazin about.. cheers
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whats your feeling on the complete removal of the entire human race from the planet?
I got to say...the earth would probably be a better place without us. We got here and started cutting down trees, having factories pump all kinds of gases in the air, pollution, genetically modifying food, even spraying chemicals on pretty much everything. I'm pretty sure it would be in a way better state without us lol
I got to say...the earth would probably be a better place without us. We got here and started cutting down trees, having factories pump all kinds of gases in the air, pollution, genetically modifying food, even spraying chemicals on pretty much everything. I'm pretty sure it would be in a way better state without us lol

woo, Hold up, .... your fine, your even super cool. you might even be the best person in the whole world.. so lets not remove ourselves,, just yet

And planet survival,, can be achived buy a cull, population to maybe 10k
Got any other reasons why we should be removed.. or maybe solutions that might make us really happy

Thanks for the thoughts
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Birth of Self-Disrespect - Showen by a brief over view from 1917- 1952 Agenda driven movement ,we now call Planned Parenthood

------EUGENICS----- is the key word to remember here

------EUGENICIST---- is key word to remember here


---------- Just check out the Great womans Quote, ... This is fully Believed and Practiced Today---------------------------
----------- Death is mercy ---Death is Good-- -- Im proud of myself for killing my baby---

------------ I don't know how our Great over sears taught this Believe, in this Generation, but we can safely assume it started here------


You see the EUGENICS bit. Nazi Germany inspired by the American Eugenics. --- But the most important bit of all is PUBLIC IMAGE
Here is direct Evidence that Planned Parenthood has had years of Experience in manipulation of puplic opinion

This means in 1940s the puplic started to realize the true intent behind Planed parent hood . because a Bunch of careless Nazis , let there Secret out,,, A small price to pay really .because Mrs sanders would of been Feeling Merciful Glory in the 8 millon dead,

Anyway by 1952 they had renamed and rebranded and put there past behind them ,they managed to hide there agenda and the puplic went back to sleep

im going to post next more detail of exactly, what this agenda is and,, see how exactly planned parenthood and the Nazi Genocide have intertwined
I'm not for abortion as birth control simply because there are tons of methods of reliable birth control such as using condoms correctly, pills, patches, shots, the ring, IUD, diaphragm, etc. and that it's far easier for both the woman or man/men to use birth control than to not use it at all and then act all surprised and want to have an abortion when the woman becomes pregnant when nobody is using birth control.
^ easy to say, but in reality this is incredibly idealistic.
Nobody is "for" abortion - but some, i daresay most, of us respect women's right to choose.
Birth of Self-Disrespect - Showen by a brief over view from 1917- 1952 Agenda driven movement ,we now call Planned Parenthood

------EUGENICS----- is the key word to remember here

------EUGENICIST---- is key word to remember here


---------- Just check out the Great womans Quote, ... This is fully Believed and Practiced Today---------------------------
----------- Death is mercy ---Death is Good-- -- Im proud of myself for killing my baby---

------------ I don't know how our Great over sears taught this Believe, in this Generation, but we can safely assume it started here------


You see the EUGENICS bit. Nazi Germany inspired by the American Eugenics. --- But the most important bit of all is PUBLIC IMAGE
Here is direct Evidence that Planned Parenthood has had years of Experience in manipulation of puplic opinion

This means in 1940s the puplic started to realize the true intent behind Planed parent hood . because a Bunch of careless Nazis , let there Secret out,,, A small price to pay really .because Mrs sanders would of been Feeling Merciful Glory in the 8 millon dead,

Anyway by 1952 they had renamed and rebranded and put there past behind them ,they managed to hide there agenda and the puplic went back to sleep

im going to post next more detail of exactly, what this agenda is and,, see how exactly planned parenthood and the Nazi Genocide have intertwined

Planned Parenthood Providing birth control and the what the nazi's did in terms of STERILIZING PEOPLE AGAINST THEIR WILL are so completely different you must be really fucking slow to think they are connected. Planned Parenthood has never forced anyone to use their services, only provided many necessary services that people desire.

You have to be an idiot to fall for this crap, really, use your fucking brain.
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