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Stimulants A-PVP (Flakka) back in Florida??

According to one source N, N-Dimethylpentylone is the stuff that during last couple of years has been pushed by shady vendors as BU/KU chemical. No matter how often forum users would ask for its formula, vendors would never answer the question. So it only makes sense that the drug is now distributed on the street to the least discriminating type of consumer.
Could N, N-Dimethylpentylone and Methylenedioxypyrovalerone test very close spectrally? I find it hard to believe that cheap MDPV is being synthesized and dumped in Florida.

Yeah there is no way it was MDPV. MDPV is a rare schedule I compound and is even banned in China (along with a-PVP), so you won't find it on the street. Also, the dosing is quite different, with MDPV and a-PVP being very different drugs.

The criminal charges are also different, since MDPV is C-I drug while i believe n,n-dimethylpentylone is or at the time was unscheduled.
Could N, N-Dimethylpentylone and Methylenedioxypyrovalerone test very close spectrally? I find it hard to believe that cheap MDPV is being synthesized and dumped in Florida.
Odds are it isn't MDPV but rather A-PIHP, MD-PIHP and others that are on the streets of Florida
Odds are it isn't MDPV but rather A-PIHP, MD-PIHP and others that are on the streets of Florida
I thought the same. It's got to be one of the inferior Clearnet pyros that they keep coming up with to replace original MDPV/A-PVP.

It's been so long that MDPV, mephedrone and methylone have been banned that most people nowadays wouldn't have a clue that they are consuming something of the same class but with vastly inferiors results. I keep reading horror articles about Russia being awash with locally made mephedrone and alpha-pvp. There are claims that they have about 500000 hard-core users, large proportion of which inject these chemicals. Those who just begin using, always snort instead of taking mephedrone orally which clearly a much more euphotic, balanced and less addictive route of responsible mephedrone consumptions. (I never understood why people snort MDMA and mephedrone, which make for a speedier experience but loses the physical euphoria). And they snort ridiculous amounts, like doing 500mg rails continuously through the course of one evening. Back in 2010 right before it got banned I tried mephedrone twice at 250mg orally after methylone stopped working for me. I had two wonderful evenings of dancing with that lovey-dovey smile plastered across my face and after it was over, without feeling any need to redose went to sleep without assistance of any benzos. Unfortunately (or rather fortunately), probably due to prior 5 months of methylone overuse , I felt really unhealthy both times the next week after, so I just stopped experimenting with RCs for a year and went back to my exercise program to recover. The first point that I am trying to make is that even such a fiendish thing as mephedrone, as it is currently billed, could be a nice occasional diversion if used responsibly. The second point is that out of curiosity, I bought 4-mmc on DN about 5 times during the following years and the measured melting temperature never matched closely either hydrochloride or hydrobromide salts published melting points. It would either match the MP of 3-mmc or would be slightly above it, but more than 30-40 points below MP of 4-mmc. The subjective results would be of 3-mmc or 3-mmc muddled up by some 4-emc-like impurity. It never had that distinctive original cat piss smell, though I would allow that it might have been due to a different solvent/washing method used to prepare and purify the product. (I've heard the theory that the magic of the original mephedrone was due to a particular mix of 4-mmc with 3-mmc, but this puts everything into a realm of guessing). I also read about "three or more kinds of mephedrone" being offered in Russia or the mephedrone formula always evolving, which is off course a total layman's crap.

Again, the point of this discourse is that mephedrone consumers there, just like the guy who started this thread, have no clue/don't care what they are using and have absolutely no culture of responsible consumption. I don't want to come across as judgmental - everybody has his own life circumstances, but this was originally supposed to be a harm reduction forum and unfortunately we have a lot of dead x members.