• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

*** A Place for Greenlighters to Introduce Themselves! ***

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GentlemanLoser said:
You all suck!


Oh I know and I can't help it. Hey isn't this the Prostitution For Drugs thread?

I was a greenlighter until today and they bumped me up to blue status, never checked in here to say hello. Hello.

I lurk and I post, depends on my mood and what drugs I took. The hardcore stuff is behind me but I still like to have fun once in a while. Work is my opiate (who said that?)
hey everyone! My name is Stephanie and I am from Ohio. I have been coming on here ever since the day after I went to my first rave. I love smoking weed, drinking, taking E, and I LOVE trippin. i like trance, happyhardcore, jungle, and some dnb. This is definately the most enteresting website I have been to in a long long time. I look forward to parting with all of you.;)
Hey people:) I've been on here since fall of 01, New name again. I mainly only post in words though... I'm Sari (Short for Sarah), 16 & from Cincinnati Ohio:)
Hi everyone!

I've been lurking for 6mths or so, and got sick of not being able to talk back so signed up!

I'm 25 and come from the Sunburnt Land, where marsupials abound, the women are gorgeous and a steak the size of a phone book costs about 50 cents U.S.

My interests include travel, motorbikes and (fast) cars.

As for music tastes, I'm normally a big fan of Trance (isnt everyone), but I'm taking a bit of a sabbatical in the worlds of Jimi Hendrix and Chill Out at the moment.

See ya round,

My name's Jason, 26, and from Chevy Chase, MD . . . for all intents and purposes DC . . . that has been decimated by the RAVE act :X
I am new to bluelight, although my friends are frequent visitors, i have just been too lazy to get my act together....:p
lazy hello

i too have been lazy and just lurkin around readin other peoples posts. naughty me! Now i gots my act together and gonna start joinin in the fun and talkin back. i'm in not so sunny Scotland and my lifetime ambition is to meet and well u can prob guess ****... noel or liam gallagher ;)
newb here

hey guys
hardcore party goer for a bit, new to bluelight, looking for some good friends in the dc area, hit me up if u could
Hi everyone, my name is Dryad (Michael) and i'm a hippy (well i've got long hair), i love life and Goa parties =D =D
I was introducded to this site by Hivemind (thanks Hivey!!) and i think this site i cool

KEEP IT UP GUYS!!!(and girls of course)


lo all, im not a newbie but have been off in the wide blue yonder having a relationshit for the last year n ahalf. now im single.... now im tye'n one on........ fade to black:|
=D Hello all I have been on the board before under piklmemandi but had to go away for a little while but now I'm back =D
hi. my names spgeddi.
i forgot to introduce myself earlier... still better late than never.
Hi all!
This is my first post ever and since i'm probably one step up from being computer illiterate i'll probably fuck it up somehow!
I'm from Melbourne, Oz, been looking and snooping around this site for awhile now and i thought i should join..... and so i did. And thats my story.

Still waiting for a publisher to pick it up and make it a bestseller.
hey all, my names Ben i'm from melbourne, australia. thats right the place where the beer is icy cold and the kangaroos roam free on the streets. Loving the e life at the moment!!

HI!! to all the melbourne folk who are discovering bluelight (well hi to ALL of ya, but 'specially the Melbourne ones).

bluelight is an awesome community and y'all are sure to find a bunch of mad fun people here anytime day or night :D

PS: Have a fun long weekend y'all hope it's ALL GOOD!!!!!! =D

Razzie :)
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