7th Issue Heroin Discussion Thread v. the hero in our lives

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man, it's weird to see a bunch of people from this board cleaning their shit up at once.

As for me, I have 70 days clean from dope, and while I still appreciate reading and reminiscing about the whole lifestyle, it feels fucking great to be clean. Hope ya'll are doing good and stayin safe out there. much love.
dope and the bulls..what more can i ask for?

Hey Chinky I just got home from Chicago. Had some drinking to do with some family I don't see often. I wanted to do some sight seeing but I didn't have time. I was in the north suburbs and then I took lakeshore drive all the way to Indiana on the way home . I gotta say that you got a nice city there I only saw one house boarded up. But I gotta say that traffic is crazy there even at 4 am. Got my fill of old style too.

Oh and thanks for the nice weather today.
^ my post was mostly sarcasm. Of course on the street is a different game altogether.

To me it would seem like you were asking to get ripped off or arrested trying to source online. But that is just me. I could see grabbing a beer or something to get to know some new friends but straight up asking for connects is just dumb in my book.

Chinky I am coming to Chicago in a few weeks and I think it would be cool to grab a beer and bullshit because I like meeting new people. But I will be busy with family shit and have no free time.
well let me know fam....woah i didnt even see your post above mine before posting this...i was actually in indiana right off 94 and cline ave since thusday partying with my uncle...im glad you like the city though, ive been to many places and really theres nothing like home..chicago in my opinion is the best big city out there cause its not too big like NYC and LA...not to mention we have beaches in the heart of downtown and you cant get that anywhere else..but detroit isnt that far, i resommend you coming back and having the fam take you into the city..or better yet take the city on yourself and just get lost in it...and only one house boarded up is a fluke, thats cause you came from the northside and took lsd...if you would have ventured down 290 aka the infamous "heroin highway" which i hate that the media calls it that, cause ive never hread it called that outside of the media but if yopu would have took 290 to lsd you would have gone threw the westside anmd saw alot more..but we arent no where near as rundown as detroit..no offense but detroit is just so dirty and you almost feel bad that such a great city of the past has fallen on such hardtimes

chinky thats crazy that u mention spice. i just got some a few days ago and that shit aint no joke. i fuckin start trippin out hard lol. granted i havent smoked weed on the reg for more than a year now, but that shit is pretty crazy. i got the peace out blend. and i no i prob sound like a noob but whatev.
i havent tried the peace out blend yet..where did you get it from? somewhere here in illinois or did you go out to indiana? but about getting tripped out..that same shit has happened to me on a blend called "black rooster" and it came in a little carmex looking jar...it ok to smokewhen i mixed it with other blends but if i was to smo0ke it straight up by itself for the first time of the day, i wasnt able to smoke a full bowl cause i too tripped off of it..it wasnt like a major hallucination trip it was more like a deja vu/ been there before almost out of body in a way..

the first time it happened it scared the shit out of me cause i smoked it before and it didnt do that the first time..but like anytime your trippin you just have to remind yourself it just what ever you took that has got you fucked up and everything is really ok and rememebr to breath cause your fine and not dieing..and once i realized it was just the spice i started laughing my ass off callin myseklf a pussy for gettin all tripped out from it..then a few days later i smoked it again and same shit happened and it was weird i felt like i was thje same exact trip out again like another deja vu and to me it seemed the same tvshows where on and after the second i just said fuck it and never smoked it again..it just too strong of a spice for someone not familer with spice to use and for me it was the second type i bought and i couldbnt handle it and i dont want to try and handle it again..

so dont feel bad that you couldnt handle it, ause someout there are too strong..if i had to recommend a good brand i would say "cloud 49" "any of the mr nice guy blends" and there is one called "iaroma trainwreck"...all 2 of those are pretty good with the mr nice guy being on the stonger side but not over powering..the key is to smoke the shit slow cause its a creeper drug..basically pack a bowl and take a hit then maybe take a second hit and thats it..sit back and relax for 10mins and see how you feel..just rememebr you can always smoke more but once you smoked a certain amount you cant take it back and you might be in for a little trip..but each one of those blends i mentioned are all "3tokes or less needed" and that especially goes for the nice guy and iaroma

HOw will we ever be able to survive in this thread now? Mod's mine as well shut the thread down now cause that's obviously the inevitable road it will go down without chinky "slayin noob newfag's" Haha

this thread barely survived during my absence, like i said yall went threw only 2 1/2 pages in 1 week..sometimes when im here we go threw 2 pages in a day.... theres just one thing i wanted to clear up...there is no such thing as "slayin a noob newfag"...using noob and newfag in the same sentence is a double negative and makes no sense...i love when you newfags think they know it all and try and be sarcastic and cool and try and make smartass comments...especially to people who arent around to defend themselves but its even better when what they are saying makes no sense at all and makes them look extra dumb..good job hannon
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chinky i can see why you be clow nin bhannon dude dont even talk bout dope cause hes to worried bout making you look bad. it wont happen dude chinky is one of the realest ppl on here imo
^Jesus just when I thought Chinky ridin his own dick non-stop was bad enough, you come in this mufucker and hop right on that shit.
lol chinky and bhannon need to get together and have some makeup sex and a bag. They're like an old married couple. Bitch better make my sannich!
Any of you dope snorters out there anyone ever had a batch that just straight tore your nose up? like the batch i got late last night is so fuckin raw that i cant snort more than a bag at a time and i have to go so slow casue it burns so bad and makes my eyes water and my nose start runnin its crazy
well let me know fam....woah i didnt even see your post above mine before posting this...i was actually in indiana right off 94 and cline ave since thusday partying with my uncle...im glad you like the city though, ive been to many places and really theres nothing like home..chicago in my opinion is the best big city out there cause its not too big like NYC and LA...not to mention we have beaches in the heart of downtown and you cant get that anywhere else..but detroit isnt that far, i resommend you coming back and having the fam take you into the city..or better yet take the city on yourself and just get lost in it...and only one house boarded up is a fluke, thats cause you came from the northside and took lsd...if you would have ventured down 290 aka the infamous "heroin highway" which i hate that the media calls it that, cause ive never hread it called that outside of the media but if yopu would have took 290 to lsd you would have gone threw the westside anmd saw alot more..but we arent no where near as rundown as detroit..no offense but detroit is just so dirty and you almost feel bad that such a great city of the past has fallen on such hardtimes

i havent tried the peace out blend yet..where did you get it from? somewhere here in illinois or did you go out to indiana? but about getting tripped out..that same shit has happened to me on a blend called "black rooster" and it came in a little carmex looking jar...it ok to smokewhen i mixed it with other blends but if i was to smo0ke it straight up by itself for the first time of the day, i wasnt able to smoke a full bowl cause i too tripped off of it..it wasnt like a major hallucination trip it was more like a deja vu/ been there before almost out of body in a way..

the first time it happened it scared the shit out of me cause i smoked it before and it didnt do that the first time..but like anytime your trippin you just have to remind yourself it just what ever you took that has got you fucked up and everything is really ok and rememebr to breath cause your fine and not dieing..and once i realized it was just the spice i started laughing my ass off callin myseklf a pussy for gettin all tripped out from it..then a few days later i smoked it again and same shit happened and it was weird i felt like i was thje same exact trip out again like another deja vu and to me it seemed the same tvshows where on and after the second i just said fuck it and never smoked it again..it just too strong of a spice for someone not familer with spice to use and for me it was the second type i bought and i couldbnt handle it and i dont want to try and handle it again..

so dont feel bad that you couldnt handle it, ause someout there are too strong..if i had to recommend a good brand i would say "cloud 49" "any of the mr nice guy blends" and there is one called "iaroma trainwreck"...all 2 of those are pretty good with the mr nice guy being on the stonger side but not over powering..the key is to smoke the shit slow cause its a creeper drug..basically pack a bowl and take a hit then maybe take a second hit and thats it..sit back and relax for 10mins and see how you feel..just rememebr you can always smoke more but once you smoked a certain amount you cant take it back and you might be in for a little trip..but each one of those blends i mentioned are all "3tokes or less needed" and that especially goes for the nice guy and iaroma

this thread barely survived during my absence, like i said yall went threw only 2 1/2 pages in 1 week..sometimes when im here we go threw 2 pages in a day.... theres just one thing i wanted to clear up...there is no such thing as "slayin a noob newfag"...using noob and newfag in the same sentence is a double negative and makes no sense...i love when you newfags think they know it all and try and be sarcastic and cool and try and make smartass comments...especially to people who arent around to defend themselves but its even better when what they are saying makes no sense at all and makes them look extra dumb..good job hannon

Seein as how noob and newfag are both nouns that is not a double negative and i dont believe i ever stated that you said that i was saying what i wanted to say its to bad you took it so much to heart it was a joke and i am sorry i got your panties in a bunch...........but good try on the double negative
First time I ever snorted a cap of tar made into “powder”( if that’s what you want to call it) via what ever process they used to mix the tar with diphen that shit hurt so fucking bad I almost thought of going back to Vikes….then the dope kicked in and I started to love the hurt!!!!

That was back in the day when I was getting my shit from trap houses around the big D and Funky Town, though and now I have seen and had real dope and that is a distant memory.
yeah well this is nj dope and is pretty dam good i would say other than the burn same consitancy as always a tad darker than most but burns like a mo fo
Any of you dope snorters out there anyone ever had a batch that just straight tore your nose up? like the batch i got late last night is so fuckin raw that i cant snort more than a bag at a time and i have to go so slow casue it burns so bad and makes my eyes water and my nose start runnin its crazy

That don't mean it's raw yo, that's means they used some nut ass cut. I hate gettin bags like that, that shits the worst. Even if it's decent dope, I'd rather have a lil less quality and no fuckin burn. I had this shit one time that burnt so fuckin bad I couldn't fuckin do em and my boy shot em and said they was good, but I couldn't fuck with em

And god damn cuz, did you have to make like 5 posts? Put all that shit in one

lol chinky and bhannon need to get together and have some makeup sex and a bag. They're like an old married couple. Bitch better make my sannich!

That's real rap haha
That don't mean it's raw yo, that's means they used some nut ass cut. I hate gettin bags like that, that shits the worst. Even if it's decent dope, I'd rather have a lil less quality and no fuckin burn. I had this shit one time that burnt so fuckin bad I couldn't fuckin do em and my boy shot em and said they was good, but I couldn't fuck with em

And god damn cuz, did you have to make like 5 posts? Put all that shit in one

That's real rap haha

haha my computer was fuckin up and everytime i clicked edit it wouldnt load so i had to post it like that........andi when i said raw i didnt mean pure i meant like ruckin rough on the nose so bad its makin my nose raw you know what i am sayin.....i mean its pretty good has a ridiculous chemical taste and burn but gets me noddin so what ya gonna do
I know it is pure speculation but could it be possible that it is being cut with that Vit C powder similar to what they hand out at some exchanges? I would assume that shit would burn like hell….

If what your feeling is like a chemical burn that is making the inside of your nose and sinuses raw I might start questioning the dope and cut and if something fucked up happened along the way. Regardless of how good it seems if it could be causing damage (chemical burn) you might want to try some one else for a bit.

I have had my share high quality NJ fire and as I remember it felt like most powder dope…so if your feeling something that extreme….IDK what the fuck ever…this is pointless…sorry
Midwest may have gotten new harvest!

Hey guys, Chipper here.

I have only been chipping 10 months or so, and basically since November qual has sank considerably. I didn't realize that there was actually a very harvest/season sensitive nature, logical but I never had considered it. I thought I was just getting burned. Anyhow, yesterday I was reading some reports regarding product descriptions and quality and basically week to week my product was exactly as described(even the stuff in scottland).

Im near Omaha but my friend is a Chicaganite. All product comes in mini ziplocks, I call them stamps.

2 weeks ago, Tan rocky powder, very hard to break it down as a the pieces would fling far as hell when you tried to make it fine. Qual was about a 3/10 id say. Pretty weak, no vinegar smell. No rush, very very mild comeup. Blew out a huge blood clot and very congested next day. If I had to guess, 3-5% purity.

Today, beige/white. Mostly fine, strong vinegar smell. Delicate powder which breaks down very easily. Very strong comeup, almost scary. I wont have all the details as I am only 50 minutes down the rabbit hole at this point. If I had to guess purity, over 50%. maybe 60%. I give it an 8.5/10.

I hope everyone is getting an improvement.

Happy Nods.
Yeah the dope in the summer months always seems to be way better. Quality round this parts has been on the incline once again too. Last summer was a great dope summer. Flame every where.
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