7th Issue Heroin Discussion Thread v. the hero in our lives

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Switching to the main guy again has been fucking great. He upped my jab count to 16 and they are 3x as fire.
hell yea opiateguy I just moved to little rock yesterday and my stash of oxy's and morphines are running low so about time to hit the streets i think.
Finally got my license back after having it suspended for about 6 months. Of course it was only because I was too cheap to pay the restoration fee of $100 lol, but still, I'm excited. If only I had a car and it wouldn't be such a giant hassle to get to Newark....
Sad got no money for this week til I get paid so back on sub's for the week have like 20 empty's left out of about a hundred and then I am all out such a sad feeling rough week ahead
Spent the last 3 days sick as hell. Now vibrant and drunk.
hell yea opiateguy I just moved to little rock yesterday and my stash of oxy's and morphines are running low so about time to hit the streets i think.

Gonna be hard to find anything other than pills, weed, crack, coke, and meth in Little Rock bro. but I think they got some ok tar that comes up from Dallas,but I would not know where to look for it there. Good Luck though, pills in little rock are/should be cheaper than Fayetteville, IMO anyway, still overpriced though, but I think pills should be hella cheaper, but that supply and demand thing keeps the prices up higher than where they should be IMO...later man..
Got a few from a different batch yesterday.. Not as good as ones I got last weekend.
hell yeah happened to come into money enough for thirty bags boy did that make my week

now i am noddin like a mother fucker and i love it!! yeah yeah
Was $20 short of a jab, but since he took a long ass time to turn on his phone he just gave me a jab+1 for that much. It was fucking awesome.

Shit is fire as fuck. Noddin hard, where's my team at?
Had me a nice H dream last night. Haven't had the real thing since August though.
ugh i always kinda love and hate the opiate dreams. sometimes when i have them i wake up and then am sad cause i dont have any, but on the other hand sometimes when i have them i wake up really happy cause i feeel like i got a freebie high when i didnt actuaally get high lol

congrats by the way TB
^ Thanks. I have only taken opiates about 5x since then. It isn't exactly by choice, it's more due to location, but I also haven't gone out looking for it.
Had me a nice H dream last night. Haven't had the real thing since August though.

Speaking of dreams, last night I had a crazy dream about dope too. My boyfriend who had broken up with me because I did dope decided to give me another chance, so he came over to my place. But he was going through all my things looking to make sure I wasn't hiding anything from him still. He found a bunch of rigs all ready to go and right in front of me shot them into the air. I was just like, 'NOOOOO!'. The thing is that in real life, he did find some dope that I had forgotten about and wouldn't give it back, he threatened to call the cops on me and all I could think about was how could I have forgotten about that cuz it was some good shit.
Those opiate dreams are usually pretty crazy.

Theyd consist of me scoring a ball of tar the size of a tennins ball, and i would be in the possession of a fresh bag of needles,
^Haha usually mine involve me gettin knocked by the boys, I hate that shit.

Anybody else notice it's been quiet in this thread? It's almost like somebody got banned....

Haha just fuckin with Chinky cuz I know he prob still be readin and can't respond to me hatin.
I've been a long time reader of Bluelight, the heroin threads mostly, just haven't posted too much myself. But yeah I like following this thread and I have noticed that it's been quiet. I almost felt obligated to post, like when you have to say something to fill the awkward silence, haha.
I like the one coherent conversation and the fact that new people are posting in here, finally.
i aggree it is actually nice bein able to read about just heroin and not chinkys life story everytime i get on here and everyone else pretty much suckin his dick lol
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