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4-methylaminorex (4-MAR)

I've always wanted to try the original ICE. Not crystal meth ICE, but 4-mar ICE. I here that it's really popular over in Hawaii and is manufactured by Asians.
Had this once a couple of years ago. Cost twice the usual price of meth, and was a pale pink colour. I cant remember if it had any particular smell.

The pool it makes inside the pipe is very thick and gooey, and burns for an extremely long time never seeming to run out. The clouds are similarly thick and huge. If you sit and smoke a point to yourself, the 'level' of the experience is much like sitting down and smoking a hw of good clean gear to yourself in one sitting. Someone I was with, not at all a stranger to regular gear, did exactly this and was promptly outside puking for a while.

In terms of euphoria, 4mar is much.... more. In a way you can't ever quite achieve with shards regardless of quantity. Perhaps a good analogy would be a cheeseburger vs a quarter-pounder. Sure a cheeseburger is a tasty snack and all, but abit of a tease and not quite a satisfying meal. A quarter pounder on the other hand, thats lunch. You can put as much regular gear through your pipe as you like, until your well and truly cracked out, but your still only going to be getting your cheeseburgers worth of euphoria compared to 4mar.

All peaches and cream so far, the down side though is that once you've had it, it refuses to wear off. Long after your brains supply of happy juice has run out, 4mar will be there pounding at the door of each and every one of your sorely abused neurons. I had two points on sat arvo/evening and my pupils were still huge on tuesday, and hadnt completely gone down even on wednesday. Of course by this time I'd long since stopped having fun and the intense paranoia wasn't helped by knowing the drug hadn't even worn off yet. Like, please Mr Devil, if you've finished raping my soul could you kindly let me have it back for a while? Took many weeks to feel my normal self again after such a prolonged and unexpectedly harsh comedown.

Its very uncommon AFAIK, but if you do happen to come across some pure stuff just be careful not to accidentally over do it, and have some xanax or something handy to smooth you out on the other side...
4-mar is it worth it?

Heard of some going around wondering if it's even worth it, i could imagine it would be fun for the first 4 hours but a mate said he didn't sleep for 2 nights, i cant even handle 1 night without sleep.
I would say Yes! Yes! Yes!

But it's more for stim-freaks. If you can't handle one night without sleep, then it's probably not for you.
Yeah bud, if you can't stay awake for a night, you probably shouldn't be doing stims.
Its pretty crashy but I dont mind it hasnt got that really worn out shitty trainwreck meth comedown feeling after just one use. Multiple uses will get you feeling pretty down and agro though.

Its a better drug than meth imho, better high. but i dislike meth nowadays
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i so wana try this but unfortunatly i donno anyone thats got it

sounds like a wicked as drug that will kick as over any ice ice baby i have consumed...

As i've read so far, the body load is minimal right? less hands twitching less muscle cramps????

do u clench on this?
Not as much unless you over do it.
I only had a point and it lasted 3 days but it was most likely bought from an online vendor and sold around, so was probably very pure. This was around 2001?

And to the person saying theres 4-mar in brisbane pills.. Reaally doubt it.
Now that I've got my glassware back I really want to come across 4-MAR again.. from what I've heard eating it is a waste and I'd love to give it a go in the pipe..

Back to hunting for it again I guess
I'm in the US and 4-Mar is hard to find here these days if at all,it was big in the 70's or 80's in a few places ,but it takes more time and harder to obtain chemicals ,and is harder somewhat to make than Ice/meth, so we only see crystal meth aka ICE here ,not the real ICE which is/was the name for 4-MAR ,besides U4EUH (euporia) spelled in the weird way ..lol..I do know a few chemistry majors,etc.. that have access to a proper lab,and lab equipment ,so we/they sometimes synth. a small amount of 4-MAR, usually about 5 or 10 grams of pure shit, or as close to pure as possible...but I still like methamphetamine myself, meth is more of a drug you can do everyday an shit(at least for me) and on 4-MAR,I get high and don't really want to go around other non users..guess I'm just used to methamphetamine,but 4-MAR is good ,good shit,best smoked IMO..
I've always wanted to try the original ICE. Not crystal meth ICE, but 4-mar ICE. I here that it's really popular over in Hawaii and is manufactured by Asians.

No man they do ICE as in crystal meth in Hawaii,ICE is slang for crystal meth in the US, and 4-MAR is rare ..and the ICE in Hawaii comes in from Mexcian sources,and is definetly crystal meth,not 4-MAR which is a bummer, Asians arebig into making crystal meth aka Ice now, but its meth not 4-MAR,as that takes more time and expertise and more money to make than meth,so Asians are making methamphetamine in crystal form aka ICE.
Oddly ,about Hawaii ,the drug trade in Crystal meth (ICE) and heroin is controlled by mexican cartels ,so they get black tar heroin in Hawaii and pay 4 times more than in the US mainland,and the mexican produced meth is also more expensive there,but always highly pure,the cocaine is also controlled by Mexican cartels..The Asians are not in control of the importing of drugs into Hawaii like they once were,which sucks fr Hawaii, instead of #4 SEA white powder heroin,they get blacktar heroin made in Mexico,which is shit IMO,even if fairly pure,it still has impurities in the part that is not heroin,that will cause damge to veins,lungs when smoked a lot,etc..I am glad to live in a part of the US were we get really good Columbian powder heroin..
Chronical 4-MAR consumption over a period of 3 months is going to cause death due to pulmonary hypertension.
i so wana try this but unfortunatly i donno anyone thats got it

sounds like a wicked as drug that will kick as over any ice ice baby i have consumed...

As i've read so far, the body load is minimal right? less hands twitching less muscle cramps????

do u clench on this?

I gurn a fair bit and stay awake for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaages, with only a few rough periods but keep up food and you will feel good and slightly stimmed for 48 hours or so
Soooo, I just tried 4-MAR for the first time.. Had a decent sized shard to start with, IVed it, nothing happened! When I say nothing, I mean, NOTHING! :X

Not even an extra heartbeat, a rush, any speedy feeling, nothing, it was really fucking weird.. The people I took it with were smoking it and they were high as, but it had no effect whatsoever on me and I shot it... It just made me angry and cravey and worried too.. We all sat here in amazement wondering what the fuckkkkk could have happened!

Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

After the shot, we did some research and couldn't find any information on IVing it, but I know it's a legit ROA.. I had a pipe about 15mins after the shot and I got a tiny rush for about two seconds, then nothing.. Super mind boggling and really disappointing as I'd been hanging out to give this stuff a go.. I'm going to get more and try a larger amount to see if that does anything, so fingers crossed! :(

Thanks all!

Mav aka sad panda <3
is Phenylpropanolamine legal here?

Old post but... it's Schedule IV here. Rx only.

And on the chemical suppliers Industry Code of Practice sheet, it's placed in List 1; customer account and End User Declaration required, highly watched.
Soooo, I just tried 4-MAR for the first time.. Had a decent sized shard to start with, IVed it, nothing happened! When I say nothing, I mean, NOTHING! :X

Not even an extra heartbeat, a rush, any speedy feeling, nothing, it was really fucking weird.. The people I took it with were smoking it and they were high as, but it had no effect whatsoever on me and I shot it... It just made me angry and cravey and worried too.. We all sat here in amazement wondering what the fuckkkkk could have happened!

Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

After the shot, we did some research and couldn't find any information on IVing it, but I know it's a legit ROA.. I had a pipe about 15mins after the shot and I got a tiny rush for about two seconds, then nothing.. Super mind boggling and really disappointing as I'd been hanging out to give this stuff a go.. I'm going to get more and try a larger amount to see if that does anything, so fingers crossed! :(

Thanks all!

Mav aka sad panda <3

Do you use meth a lot? Or any other stims recently? Have heard of meth heads getting very little out of it due to expecting that dopamine satisfaction. It takes a while to teach your brain you are IVing/smoking a different drug.

My first experience with it involved mostly just mild stimulation and a lot of anxiety, using it recently has been the opposite. Save some and wait a few weeks from all substances and try again.

I find after the first hit, taking more just increases the clear headed state of mind. You can re-dose but it will just be a short rush from the tokes and then back to where you were before.

On another note, any tips on getting to sleep early? My last toke was around 12 hours ago and I've had a small amount of alcohol, 50mg of diazepam and 50mg of seroquel and it has made me feel tired but I doubt I would sleep if I went to bed.

Still getting some hypertension, be careful with this one on your heart ladies and gentlemen, can be quite stressful for it.
Soooo, I just tried 4-MAR for the first time.. Had a decent sized shard to start with, IVed it, nothing happened! When I say nothing, I mean, NOTHING! :X

Not even an extra heartbeat, a rush, any speedy feeling, nothing, it was really fucking weird.. The people I took it with were smoking it and they were high as, but it had no effect whatsoever on me and I shot it... It just made me angry and cravey and worried too.. We all sat here in amazement wondering what the fuckkkkk could have happened!

Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

After the shot, we did some research and couldn't find any information on IVing it, but I know it's a legit ROA.. I had a pipe about 15mins after the shot and I got a tiny rush for about two seconds, then nothing.. Super mind boggling and really disappointing as I'd been hanging out to give this stuff a go.. I'm going to get more and try a larger amount to see if that does anything, so fingers crossed! :(

Thanks all!

Mav aka sad panda <3

I only wonder if it could have something to do with your recently diagnosed condition or the associated meds.

Just a thought...:\
Fast forward a few hours after that initial disappointment and we have success! Haha. I acquired a point and shot that, wow.. The euphoria is unbelievable, I've not experienced anything like it before, it was intense and amazing. I reallllllyyyyyy wanted the effects of meth to be right there with it, I missed the instant increase in heart rate, trying to catch my breath and having everything come into focus right before your eyes.. If I got half 4-MAR and half kickass shards then mixed them together, fuck... hello new wonder drug!!! Haha, in my opinion anyway :p For me, I'd still rather meth but I can see 4-MAR being a welcome addition to my repetoire ;) Glad it's all sorted, but still curious as to why the first lot had no effect.. Anyways, thanks for your posts!

Jakeperson - Yeah, I thought that too, I've been shooting really good quality meth for about a week and gone through copius amounts of ghb. I've been addicted to stims for ages now and the longest I've gone without using in the last two years, is eight days so when nothing happened I initially thought that but the second shot made up for all the first ones shortcomings haha..

Lil Angel - I had the same thought too! Haha.. How sucky would it have been if my tumour was anti 4-MAR hahahah.. Thanks for your post!

Much euphoric love, Mav <3
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Had 2 obviously not pure points yesterday and 12 hours later 1.4 standard drinks + 60mg val + 50mg seroquel didn't put me to sleep, neither did the extra 50mg I had after. Be prepared to ride out this duration!

The combo did make me feel tired and a lot less stimmed but still spent the whole night awake.