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RCs 4,4-Dimethylaminorex (4,5-dihydro-4-methyl-5-(4-methylphenyl)-2-Oxazolamine)

120mg was pretty mellow for me - if you're used to taking the APBs, you'll probably think the same. It's speedier, but less mashy.

When it goes on sale, I'd prolly pick up a few just so I can try a higher dose. But pricey considering. 60mg would perhaps be enough for Peter Dinklage.

no i've not had any luck with apbs they like the nbomes just do not seem to like me that much
I hope this report proves useful to some of you.

very useful indeed. thanks for great report and welcome to bluelight :) so you would say that the effects lasted for 5-6 hours? and how would you compare the high to mephedrone? less euphoria and stimulation? thanks again.
ive tried these and have to say they are really good, like a mellow mdma/4mmc with less side effects and shorter duration, defo worth getting a sample!
haha very good timing! i think that'll make em more expensive
would be cool to read some actual experience with the chemical instead of neverending criticism of RC vendors and their new products. With such attitude people would never try mephedrone or methylone or mxe or APBs. from what i read on other sites this stuff looks very interesting indeed.

It's also conveniently timed, as the old chemical from the "Benzo Fury" folks (aka the APBs) are getting a temporary ban in the UK.

The reported effects surprise me for this compound structure -- I think it is right to be skeptical. So many guinea pigs, so little GC/MS/NMR...
Thing is we all know how a extra methyl group can compleatly change thr effects of a compound
Thing is we all know how a extra methyl group can compleatly change thr effects of a compound

Yes, compare phenethylamine to amphetamine, normethyltryptamine to dimethytryptamine, serotonin to 5-meo-amt (alpha-methyl serotonin)
It's also conveniently timed, as the old chemical from the "Benzo Fury" folks gets temp ban

Im not suprised

I bet they got a fair few compounds up their sleaves. So much goddam money in it.

And as allways release slowly and charge high when first releasing.

Iv seen a dodgy looking website offering serotoni powder! Can anyone confirm this. im expecting them to not release powder anytime soon whore the pellets for as long as they can.

So far the reports i have read have been interesting, dosages of around 100mgish seem to give a more functional apb like experience good euphoria with out being tottally mashed.

Looking foward to reading more reports.
no i've not had any luck with apbs they like the nbomes just do not seem to like me that much

At what dose range for NBOMe? I've got a brief trip report buried in a thread here.. apvp psychosis thread... control + F and search nbome. Id copy paste but I'm on my phone... plus I could use the free publicity, I'm in rough shape since then, wouldn't mind someone sharing an apvp psychosis experience and if and how long it took for the voices to go away.

Maybe yours weren't the HCl or complexed. Was it bitter (complexed)? Not sure if there's a way to see if it's Hcl or not, but if it's neither it won't have any bioavalability. If you look for complexed tabs, don't order from nevita... he's been sketchy lately. There's a guy from Canada I'm going to try soon, I'll let you know how that goes.
isnt anyone worried about neuro or heart toxicity? any reason to think this is in any way less dangerous than 4mar?
any reason to think this is in any way less dangerous than 4mar?

not really. but the people cramming powders and pills down their gullets seem to not care.

given that the effects are being compared to the apb's... pleh. im still skeptical.
not really. but the people cramming powders and pills down their gullets seem to not care.

given that the effects are being compared to the apb's... pleh. im still skeptical.
I dont see why an extra methyl would speed metabolism. But if it really is that chemical and last the purported amount of time then the heart toxicity should be less because of the much shortened time
i couldnt tell much difference between this and mdma tbh

i suppose not as trippy but then i havent tried higher doses yet
How long does this last? Is it more serotoninergic or dopaminergic, or a mix of both (like mephedrone)?

Was wondering about I.V. dosage, very legit vendor and there's some fresh info:


copied from another forum, don't know german but basically a 4-mar analogue seized; I lean towards that this is the real deal which is why I even consider doing it I.V..

PS: also, I've read about 4-MAR and generally aminorex(arous Rex :D ) deritivatives give more like EXTREME mood lift than "Euphoria" per se, just as you guys say above - "euphoria" gets you mashed, but extreme mood lift doesn't. Sounds just like an aminorex then. Gonna receive sample soon, please share study ideas :)
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this feels more serotoninergic, but you can defiantly feel the dopamine.

this has amazing euphoria, mood lift and an incredible body high.

when are they gonna start selling this?
Amazing euphoria indeed - makes the act of just breathing so much clearer and transparent.

60 mg is almost too much for me (though I used 5 mg selegeline 5 days prior to this - probably not recommended). Also ingested 40 mg of phenylpiracetam in conjunction with dropping the 60 mg tablet.

Can definitely conclude that it is not conducive to work- at least if your trade is working as a proof-reader.

Procrastionation and talking to old friends on IM whoi are probably busy but just too polite to end the conversations. Kettle bell exercise feels amazingly fluid, and with exertion, the highly bodily euphoria multiplies. Touchy feely, enjoying running my hands through my hair. Attempting to think seriously about some current major life issue, feel I take them seriously, but in the end the body high overpowers the cognitive faculties.

Long come-up 80 minutes at least, very strong serotonergic effects after 2,5 hours. Kind of worried how I will feel later this evening, planned on attending a union meeting. Wondering if I'll feel too blue, or still too wired? Vitamin C, R-ALA preparations..

+5 hours. Bruxism - if I had to interact socially, people would probably notice stereotypical toungue movements etc. There's still a general feeling of euphoric well-being lingering, but in almost the same kind of sad way you can feel the peak of an MDMA-experience starting to dissipate. Anorectic.

+ 24 hours. A friend commented during the meeting, "are you on something?", so it was obvious to those close to me that I was wired on something at least. Lingering stimulation was helped with 3 mg of Flubromazepam 2 hours before bedtime. Slept well (totally spent, actually), but unexpectedly, I woke up real early, and didn't really feel like a mess, but rather it felt very, very good spooning with gf. Blood-pressure suddenly dropped when I got up to go take a piss - actually had to lay down on the floor. This felt slightly worrisome. After two hours additional sleep, feel OK.

At 60 mg,this was a more powerful drug than I had expected (but might have been potentiated by lingering MAO inhibition from Selegline 5 days prior). I can easily imagine how great it would feel dancing, working out, touching each other, etc. on this drug.
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i took 2 60mgs over the course of a night and i have to say the comedown the next day was pretty nasty, not tooo bad but its defo worth noting
Huh? doesn't that prove the exactly opposite thing? o_O

some packs managed to arrive and some didn't, this proves the substance exists and no vendor gets his substance in one damn package, noones that stupid.

this analysis only means it's more likely that 4,4'dmar is the real deal, just be careful of the stuff that suddenly shows up on vendors you wouldn't think of - only the vendors who got the substance originally will have the real thing, the rest will try to mix up substances and sell the mix as dmar due to the hype and original vendor's dmar working like a charm.

those are just my observations/predictions, i'll report on this soon enough.
