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RCs 4,4-Dimethylaminorex (4,5-dihydro-4-methyl-5-(4-methylphenyl)-2-Oxazolamine)

thats the thing im not the best to get a good idea of things from because im hardly ever sober very nasty stim habit but i know what i had was not the other drugs and nothing to do with my health or lack of sleep ive had this before with 2-dpmp and know the signs il look back at the report i was going to post up in another forum and see if its any use for in here they didn't want me posting it because my were not in line with HR but it my fly better in here

but the damn twitching myself awake was the worst part that and the fact i nearly shattered my teeth with 12 hours of my jaw going insane plus you dont take something then expect to get a sober feeling in your brain from something that's meant to mash you up all signs as far as i know to the start of ss

come to think of it my system should of been fairly clean by the time of testing
It's being used as a catch-call for bad drug reactions.... People need to realize that not every bad reaction is serotonin syndrome.

Well, can you think of any other reasons why only some users would get symptoms that match the definition of serotonin syndrome? We all know that serotonin syndrome doesn't always happen when it should (when people taking contraindicated substances like the mix of DXM and MDMA) so that would explain why most users don't get it from this chemical.

I'm not saying you're wrong it's just that we're dealing with a serotonin affecting chemical and a minority of users are reporting SS symptoms (and a minority would make sense considering how SS sometimes happens and sometimes doesn't)
Well, can you think of any other reasons why only some users would get symptoms that match the definition of serotonin syndrome? We all know that serotonin syndrome doesn't always happen when it should (when people taking contraindicated substances like the mix of DXM and MDMA) so that would explain why most users don't get it from this chemical.

I'm not saying you're wrong it's just that we're dealing with a serotonin affecting chemical and a minority of users are reporting SS symptoms (and a minority would make sense considering how SS sometimes happens and sometimes doesn't)
Anxiety possibly it mimmicks many symptoms.
thats the thing im not the best to get a good idea of things from because im hardly ever sober very nasty stim habit but i know what i had was not the other drugs and nothing to do with my health or lack of sleep ive had this before with 2-dpmp and know the signs il look back at the report i was going to post up in another forum and see if its any use for in here they didn't want me posting it because my were not in line with HR but it my fly better in here

but the damn twitching myself awake was the worst part that and the fact i nearly shattered my teeth with 12 hours of my jaw going insane plus you dont take something then expect to get a sober feeling in your brain from something that's meant to mash you up all signs as far as i know to the start of ss

come to think of it my system should of been fairly clean by the time of testing

This is one huge contradiction... You apparently have a severe stimulant problem and you should get some help before you end up dead. Also yes, being a stimulant addict does say that your health has taken a beating, you're obviously in denial. And serotonin syndrome would NOT give you a "sober" feeling. You would be "mashed" beyond any mashing you have ever experienced before. The ever-increasing "mash" is what comes before the seizures and the coma.

Here is the current information on what constitutes true serotonin syndrome: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007272.htm

I've had it before, it progresses so rapidly that you only get to be scared for a little while (we are talking minutes) before the serotonin poisoning makes you delirious. I was fortunate enough to be around friends and one of them was a nurse and knew exactly what to do to counteract it, saving me an embarrassing trip to the ER.
Why does everyone think that every unpleasant reaction is serotonin syndrome?

Rapidly increasing body temperature and delirium, uncontrollable muscle seizure, ocular clonus and a sense of impending doom. Other "unpleasant reactions" I've had do not come remotely close - I barely had time to medicate. I do understand your curiosity tho - people misidentifying SS does dilute the wealth of good information and works against harm reduction.

To paint a true picture though you should post your trip report, cause you stated that (Friday to Saturday afternoon had consisted of a binge on alcohol and a popular triple-reuptake inhibitor, the in vivo metabolite of which has a significantly longer half life, and could have played some role in the final outcome) and you dosed 360mg over 4-5hrs. People should give a full report on what my have caused any potential issues. Far to many people blame the chemical, im not saying that this chemical is safe, that i dont know but if you mix chemicals, take high doses, dont maintain your general health pre, during and post research and dont get adequate rest all of these will have an impact on the end result.

Just want to state this is not aimed at you Sufo(apart from posting your trip report)we all make mistakes, its just a a general view, we are dealing with potentially dangerous substances, we should all treat them with respect and that means maintaining and preparing your body for research. I am in know way stating that this chemical is safe or encouraging use im just saying the whole story needs to come out when members are reporting issues.

Also can people state whether they purchased it from the Uk or Abroad, since there seems to be varying potency.

The post you've quoted is here:


It seems that the report has since made it onto an informational site concerning this compound:


Edit: As it's not mentioned in the first post in that thread, I'll put it here. I figured out in the end that I had taken 380mg - obviously this is a non-typical (and evidently dangerous) dose. I will say, however, as mentioned at the end of the TR, that had I taken a similar dose of an approximately equipotent serotonergic drug I feel (and feel like I know) that I would not have had a response like that.
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I've have a sample of this substance from a well-known European vendor, who still ships it to US. I have done some testing this weekend, first 1mg and then 12 mg after 1.5 hours taken orally. I felt a mild body buzz, which could be due to 100mg of phenotropil which I have taken earlier. The first thing I have notices upon opening the bag is the smell. This substance smells very cathinone-like. Very close to 4-MEC. Could anybody, who had it in a powder form confirm the smell? There are several reports of people snorting it, but though I was ok snorting 2-ce and 2-ci (but not 4-fa), I cannot image snorting this drug. It is so foul! What did your 4'4-DMAR smell like?
Anyone care to speculate whether this might trigger a positive or false positive response to a urine test?
Got this Info trough DIMS who are monitoring the dutch drug-market and are exchanging information with other EU drug monitoring agencies.

"4 deaths and atleast 14 hospitalizations have been atributted to para-methyl-4-mar (4,4-dmar / serotoni), through bloodtests, we are looking into a general EU warning"
Anyone care to speculate whether this might trigger a positive or false positive response to a urine test?

It's not very structurally similar to any drugs commonly tested for, but sometimes antigens behave unexpectedly.

I wonder if the serotonin syndrome could actually be caused by a combination of a few serotonergics. I've seen a pill containing DXM, dimethylephedrine, and noscapine being mentioned in this thread. I've seen a lot of RC chemicals mixed with something to boost its effects, not necessarily in a good way. Mephedrone was mixed in a lot of products with 10% BZP or TFMPP before the ban.
Bumping old thread.

Whatever happened to 4,4DMAR? Was the substance really as lethal as the reported deaths would suggest, or was it just much stronger and more demanding of carefulness than people anticipated? Judging from this video

it would seem that research chemicals were so widely available in Hungary (where most of the deaths occurred) that something like serotoni would have been quickly tried by large number of people who are possible quite ignorant about the risks. That could mean the deaths do not necessarily reflect very much on the drug itself.

Would it really be such a bad idea to experiment with 4,4-DMAR if one is not an idiot? The boshing culture in the uk, and apparently in Budapest, means people generally do not think about not doing other drugs at the same time, or if they have potentially synergistic substances left in their body from yesterday. A long delay before first effects are noticed doesn't help either.

But what if you don't do it like that? I mean there are many substances that are very dangerous if used in an irresponsible manner. Wasn't it 5-MeO-aMT that could be deadly if you also had red wine? But in those days when it was around the rc crowd seemed to be much more informed and dare I say sane, so that wasn't a big problem.

At the same time, from what I understand 4,4-DMAR is the aminorex version of 4-MA which sounds potentially very neurotoxic.
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4-MMA to be precise DrPonzi, if we say 4-MAR is the aminorex version of Methamphetamine then this'd be 4-MMA's aminorex analogue. Doesn't change much though, still likely very neurotoxic. It fits the effects bill too, to me 4,4'-DMAR feels a lot like a more sedating less stimulating version of Mephedrone (4-MMC). It actually felt closer to 4-MMC than certain other drugs that are structurally closer, like 3-MMC.

I don't think it's necessarily super dangerous to try if you stick to a low dose and make sure to combine it with nothing. I was stupid enough to combine it with 6-APB and got away unscathed but you might not be so lucky, the 4,4'-DMAR was mostly worn off at that point anyway.

~60mg is a good dose with *good* 4,4'-DMAR. I wouldn't go much higher even if your stuff seems weak, no sense in putting yourself in unnecessary harms way.

Also vaporising the stuff has a very pleasant rush but I imagine the risks are increased with this ROA - and the duration is also incredibly short, plus I'd prefer a more dopaminergic stim to vape anyway like MDPV or a-PVP.

Anyway that's all fine if you just want to try it to see what it's like, but considering the close relationship to 4-MMA, and the likelihood that it's a potent neurotoxin at dosages we don't yet know, with possible severe side effects with regular use, I wouldn't make plans to try it more than once. I had my little stint with it over the course of one morning but don't plan to lay hands on it again, that risk is just too big if it does turn out to be like 4-MMA pharmacologically.

Someone i knew died taking tablets containing this shite. confirmed today. he believed they were ecstasy. i think no vendors are stocking it because it is a disaster waiting to happen.