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RCs 3F-Phenmetrazine (3-FPM)

Hmm, imho it is unlikely, that the 3-FPM caused the long-lasting problems. Can it be, that you developed some sort of addiction to the Quetiapine and everytime you stop it, the wd symptoms resemble the stimulation, that the 3-FPM provided ? I'm not firm in neuroleptics so I don't know the withdrawal symptoms. Anorexia, mood swings and mydriasis can also be caused by a thyroid dysfunction (very common), so you should go to the medic and get yourself tested. Hyperthyroidism can cause a lot of periphery stimulation.

Another possibility would be, that the 3-FPM was not pure and some metabolite is still floating around in your organism (but that is highly unlikely). In any case you should consult a doc about it and get blood tests (for thyroid issues).
My first experience with 3-FPM:

I'm a woman in my twenties.First experience with this 3-FPM is as follows:

10 mg nasal 2 pm
I felt stimulated, similar effects to that of adderall, but more relaxed than what I've felt with other stims.
20 mg nasal 2:30 pm
More stimulation, notably more talkative and wanting to get things done.
50 mg oral 4:45 pm
At this point I felt really stimulated and wanted to zoom around cleaning, couldn't stop talking to my boyfriend... just chatting away nonstop. I felt like I was getting a lot of stuff done, but really I was just organizing and then reorgainizing papers with no real purpose-esentially I felt like I was getting a lot more done than I really was, but I enjoyed the feeling of being productive no matter how true.
10 mg nasal 8pm
I still felt stimulated, but any time I've ever done stimulants of any kind I always get really bad anxiety about my heart, so I started checking my pulse a lot and worrying that it was hurting. It was surely just mild phantom pains, but definitely less anxious from this than really any other stimulant. I had absolutely no appetite at all from the beginning. I was kind of getting bored, as I typically do with stimulants so I decided to do some 3-meo-pcp.
5 mg orally 8:53 pm
I didn't want to do much just in case they didn't feel good together, but I felt good. Only slightly dissociated and still a lot of energy.
8 mg orally 11:34 pm
I did a little more to test this combination. I was nervous at first, because I've read about people having messed up thoughts, but I didn't experience that with such a small dose. Although, fucked up thoughts are pretty easy for me to push out of my mind since I'm generally a pretty positive person. Overall, I liked 3-FPM. I'm usually not that into stims but this one seemed pretty cool and not very hard on my body compared to others although I never like to push it too much because of my anxiety.
Thank you for replying that quick !
I must precise that symptoms of residual stimulations happened before i used quetiapine
actually , a few time after stopping 3FPM
and yeah they're the same when i stop Qutiapine as those i felt just after using 3FPM ( mydriasis, residual restlessnes and confusion)
they do not seem to be quetiapine WD

maybe it's the codeine wich i use 3 times a week , ( at least)
Yeah it seems like he's in the minority. I think I will skip this one, seems like a lot of people think it doesn't stack up to classic stims and that it has loads of side effects. Mehh.

edit: But for real, I too always get excited when I see a crOOk post. It's funny, I don't even like half the drugs in his posts, but it's very interesting to hear about. I'm glad to hear that you partake much less often than I imagined from reading your posts, crOOk. I'm also glad I have a needle phobia or I would probably have ruined all my veins, lol. Sounds like a whole other universe that I know I will never step foot in.

i experimented with 3-fpm for 2-3 months.well, i look at it as a pretty nasty drug tbh.the first 2 times i took it i felt quite nice and stimulated on it, surfing the net was much more enjoyable and interesting..the first few times also didnt result in much of a comedown at all..once i started using it daily or maybe once every 2 day, not only was the 'high' barely noticeable, the stimulation i felt didnt feel healthy at all..i remember trying to work out on 3-fpm, big mistake as it raised blood pressure sky high, i felt very uncomfortable and edgy ..then i started to notice the harsh comedowns from 3-fpm..i mean, the good effects would last maybe an hour but the comedowns started to literally stretch out into 5-6 hours! i was shocked by this as well and believe me, the comedown feels very rough..you are stimmed and much easier agitated, sweating like a madman, heart rate is up, paranoia is there..a few more things but i made my point, 3-fpm is not only unhealthy but its hour long very mediocre high is so not worth spending 3-4 hours feeling shitty on the comedown..
So having ADHD and all, didn't bother reading through the entire thread ;) but I wonder if this one would be worth trying for me.

I know the general verdict is that it's pretty weak, but is it worth trying for someone who usually uses 15-30mg adderall therapeutically? I wouldn't replace adderall with it, I just like to try new things.

I haven't tried a ton of RC stims, I found hexen very underwhelming but I did like ethylphenidate, though only for recreation. I seem to have a natural tolerance to all stims, probably from ADHD. Even crack was pretty underwhelming to me, and it was good stuff. I mean, unless I really binge on them, but as a rule, I don't.
i experimented with 3-fpm for 2-3 months.well, i look at it as a pretty nasty drug tbh.the first 2 times i took it i felt quite nice and stimulated on it, surfing the net was much more enjoyable and interesting..the first few times also didnt result in much of a comedown at all..once i started using it daily or maybe once every 2 day, not only was the 'high' barely noticeable, the stimulation i felt didnt feel healthy at all..i remember trying to work out on 3-fpm, big mistake as it raised blood pressure sky high, i felt very uncomfortable and edgy ..then i started to notice the harsh comedowns from 3-fpm..i mean, the good effects would last maybe an hour but the comedowns started to literally stretch out into 5-6 hours! i was shocked by this as well and believe me, the comedown feels very rough..you are stimmed and much easier agitated, sweating like a madman, heart rate is up, paranoia is there..a few more things but i made my point, 3-fpm is not only unhealthy but its hour long very mediocre high is so not worth spending 3-4 hours feeling shitty on the comedown..

Thanks for the reply, I've read a lot about this stuff and this gives a much more clear idea of what the effects are. Was considering checking it out, but this was probably the final nail in the coffin. I can't deal with the long comedowns, leads to extreme binging for me even when I'm not enjoying it.
So having ADHD and all, didn't bother reading through the entire thread ;) but I wonder if this one would be worth trying for me.

I know the general verdict is that it's pretty weak, but is it worth trying for someone who usually uses 15-30mg adderall therapeutically? I wouldn't replace adderall with it, I just like to try new things.

I haven't tried a ton of RC stims, I found hexen very underwhelming but I did like ethylphenidate, though only for recreation. I seem to have a natural tolerance to all stims, probably from ADHD. Even crack was pretty underwhelming to me, and it was good stuff. I mean, unless I really binge on them, but as a rule, I don't.

Worth trying! Orally, I find it (ymmv) to be somewhere between caffeine and the phenidates in terms of efficacy/potency. Very functional; worth trying. Intranasally or vis a vis inhilation, it drops the functionality and becomes (again, ymmv) more of a euphoriant than anything; for the sake of harm reduction, I can't recommend layering it over more conventional stims, but I found it performed admirably in that role/to promote vigilance while consuming ethanol.
Some members have noted it's high propensity for binging when vaped, however (I'm thinking of crOOk), so bewaaaaaare

Alsoalso if you enjoyed ethylphenidate, you might find 4F-MPH useful as a more functional analogue!
So having ADHD and all, didn't bother reading through the entire thread ;) but I wonder if this one would be worth trying for me.

I know the general verdict is that it's pretty weak, but is it worth trying for someone who usually uses 15-30mg adderall therapeutically? I wouldn't replace adderall with it, I just like to try new things.

I haven't tried a ton of RC stims, I found hexen very underwhelming but I did like ethylphenidate, though only for recreation. I seem to have a natural tolerance to all stims, probably from ADHD. Even crack was pretty underwhelming to me, and it was good stuff. I mean, unless I really binge on them, but as a rule, I don't.

It should be much less potent than Adderall (~a third of the perceived potency) , but also the comedown will be milder in reasonable doses (could be because of metabolites). The only useful ROA is oral.
It should be much less potent than Adderall (~a third of the perceived potency) , but also the comedown will be milder in reasonable doses (could be because of metabolites). The only useful ROA is oral.

Edit because I still suck at double quoting- I responded to you at the bottom (read both your posts as one big one lol) and I guess I'm gonna respond to NHJ here. That's what happens when you mix smartphones with benzos.

That actually sounds awesome NHJ, I guess I can see why a lot of people dislike it for recreation, but it seems well worth a shot for me. And read my response below too because I'm on too many drugs and totally fucked up at reading comprehension.

Worth trying! Orally, I find it (ymmv) to be somewhere between caffeine and the phenidates in terms of efficacy/potency. Very functional; worth trying. Intranasally or vis a vis inhilation, it drops the functionality and becomes (again, ymmv) more of a euphoriant than anything; for the sake of harm reduction, I can't recommend layering it over more conventional stims, but I found it performed admirably in that role/to promote vigilance while consuming ethanol.
Some members have noted it's high propensity for binging when vaped, however (I'm thinking of crOOk), so bewaaaaaare

Alsoalso if you enjoyed ethylphenidate, you might find 4F-MPH useful as a more functional analogue!

Thanks Ziirp, that actually sounds like it may suit my needs pretty well. I don't take Adderall daily so it'd be lovely to have something milder (but more effective than caffeine) for in between days where I can't just chill. Is it good vaped? I'm a fucking weirdo, but stims are actually the easiest class for me to not abuse TOO much lol. I go on binges, but only on very special occasions ;)

Is 4F-MPH as caustic intranasally as ethyphenidate? As much as I loved EPH, it really fucked my nose with one night of use, so never again. Not that it's a huge deal, because for function, I prefer EPH orally anyway.
Omg I can't even figure out how to double quote sober; fear not
I haven't tried 3F-PM vaped, but I hear it's very euphoric and very addictive (hard on the mouth, as well; if you go back far enough in the thread, you'll find some useful reports from other members, as well as horror stories relating to compulsive use)
Be careful! :)

iirc 4F was not as caustic as EPH (orally, either, no gastric distress from daily use), but the doses are too small to accurately measure on most scales (~12mg, I use around 8mg for functionality with great success), which makes snorting inaccurate/inconsistent ime.
Volumetric dosing, friend! You could make a solution and still snort it, but I found this stuff much more useful orally.
PM me if you have any q's, I've worked pretty extensively with this compound/RC stims.
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Thank you once again! Are you an Always Sunny fan by any chance? "Bro, I can handle my sedatives". It's great because they laced these energy bars with like Ambien or something and my friends always joke that I'd be the one to stay awake and functioning through that, but I'm not a badass, just a severe insomniac. To be fair, if I wasn't on Adderall right now as well, things could get sloppy. That, and good autocorrect lol.

I never had physical issues taking EPH orally (which I did several times) or vaping (which I only did once). It ate a small hole on my septum though not all the way through, but it still bleeds a little. I think I'll definitely try 4F because it sounds like it lacks the two negative side effects of EPH (besides the major causticity, it's too recreational to use functionally at all). You're absolutely right about volumetric dosing, I have no excuse other than laziness :p But as I'm starting to work with more potent substances, it'll be a must. I definitely will shoot you a PM at some point! I love RC's and I like being my own Guinea pig but stims are one area where I don't have extensive experience in.
Edit because I still suck at double quoting- I responded to you at the bottom (read both your posts as one big one lol) and I guess I'm gonna respond to NHJ here. That's what happens when you mix smartphones with benzos.

That actually sounds awesome NHJ, I guess I can see why a lot of people dislike it for recreation, but it seems well worth a shot for me. And read my response below too because I'm on too many drugs and totally fucked up at reading comprehension.

Thanks Ziirp, that actually sounds like it may suit my needs pretty well. I don't take Adderall daily so it'd be lovely to have something milder (but more effective than caffeine) for in between days where I can't just chill. Is it good vaped? I'm a fucking weirdo, but stims are actually the easiest class for me to not abuse TOO much lol. I go on binges, but only on very special occasions ;)

Is 4F-MPH as caustic intranasally as ethyphenidate? As much as I loved EPH, it really fucked my nose with one night of use, so never again. Not that it's a huge deal, because for function, I prefer EPH orally anyway.

As mentioned, the only valuable ROA is the oral one. Insufflation of 3-FPM is the best remedy against a full wallet and a healthy amount of self esteem. Vaping might be similar. IV-users may like it in ultra high doses, but I personally would not want to risk taking that much at once, even if I'd be experienced in IVing.

Even the oral route has downsides. It can be irritating to the stomach membranes, so you should take in a lot of liquid in conjunction.
As mentioned, the only valuable ROA is the oral one. Insufflation of 3-FPM is the best remedy against a full wallet and a healthy amount of self esteem. Vaping might be similar. IV-users may like it in ultra high doses, but I personally would not want to risk taking that much at once, even if I'd be experienced in IVing.

Even the oral route has downsides. It can be irritating to the stomach membranes, so you should take in a lot of liquid in conjunction.

Hahaha fair enough. Been there, with opiates, but nonetheless. I don't IV at all but do you have any experience plugging and for anyone who can chime in, is it good? I'll definitely stick to oral for my first try at least. I always drink a TON of water when ingesting potentially caustic or very acidic substances anyway because I've had phenibut on an empty stomach and... I'll leave it at that, but don't try it lol. I like the rush of insufflating but I can live without it, plus my poor nose keeps getting chemically abused.

Btw-what's with the crOOK mentions, he doing alright? I don't know him personally but I've always liked his posts. I don't mean to gossip, just hoping a fellow BLer is doing ok.
I am an Always Sunny fan
Thank you for the reference

Re crOOk
I don't know them personally, but tmk they have been doing a lot better as of late :)

Pls document any rectal 3F-PM experiences w/ dosage and commentary, I've been hemming and hawing about trying it as well and it would be much appreciated~
That's good :)

Ugh, I think I'm going through mild benzo withdrawal (tapering) so I just get worried over everything, but mostly relating to other people instead of myself this time.

Haha I'm glad you're an Always Sunny fan, that show is fucking amazing. Have you seen one of the newer episodes where the whole thing is from Frank's perspective and he does Ambien and some upper and some other shit and is fucked up while tripping balls? It was like one of those Always Sunny moments that you probably shouldn't be able to relate to but...yeah.

I might, but I'm *definitely* waiting for someone else to try that first and report so I don't accidentally burn a hole in my ass lol. I don't remember if I said I was willing to be the first to try that earlier, but if I did, well-that's why I'm tapering off the benzos. Actually I don't think I've really searched for plugging 3FPM reports yet so I'm gonna go do that now.

Those of you who IV- just out of curiosity, do you find smoking or plugging to give more of an IV-like rush? I've had IV opiates at the hospital a few times and I thought smoking was much closer, but most people say plugging in general. Or is it dependent on the drug (aside from BA)? I've tried plugging opium before and it's not that it was weaker than smoked, it just came on slower and there was less of a rush, it was like a faster oral onset. I don't have any experience with IV stims though, just smoking, oral, and insufflated.

The rush is really the main reason I do recreational stims, I don't actually love the after-effects, I mean it's alright but it's that initial rush and euphoria that's the best. Not using needles though.
Plugged this one a bunch of times. Found it way less irritating than ephedrine, or d-amp. Had no issues. Felt wonderful and IMO is the superior ROA, but I never IV'd so I cannot compare.

Of note though, only a few things ever have irritated my rectum, I'm pretty bulletproof plugging
The huge disadvantage of rectal administration is the rather inconvenient procedure of intake, while the dangers are similar to oral admin. But many people appreciate rectal admin. IMHO it means too much effort. :!
I'm fairly new to injecting- I have taken IV valium (prepared intended for injection) a bit and am definitely a fan. I bought some 3-FPM a while back and had been bombing it and snorting it (not the most pleasant thing to put up your nose). I took 20mg Iv valium this evening after a 14 hour shift and unsurprisingly fell asleep for a bit, woke up and realised I still had the 3-FPM (around 300-400mg left) and injected it with a bit more valium and I have to say I'm loving it. 10 x better than snorting coke (though I've never injected), not as intense as MDMA but without any edginess or worry about comedown (could that be in the post?) but I'm definitely loving it right now (took about an hour ago with another 10mg Valium IV). My reason for posting is that I wanted to clarify what a few people have mentioned about avoiding injecting 3-FPM. One comment I came a accross seemed to suggest potential for tissue damage (? just extravasation or ?venous irritation) Apart from the obvious risks of IV use in general does anyone have any advice about this and is there anything else I should be aware of? Any constructive advice would be greatly appreciated
That's good :)

Ugh, I think I'm going through mild benzo withdrawal (tapering) so I just get worried over everything, but mostly relating to other people instead of myself this time.

Haha I'm glad you're an Always Sunny fan, that show is fucking amazing. Have you seen one of the newer episodes where the whole thing is from Frank's perspective and he does Ambien and some upper and some other shit and is fucked up while tripping balls? It was like one of those Always Sunny moments that you probably shouldn't be able to relate to but...yeah.

I might, but I'm *definitely* waiting for someone else to try that first and report so I don't accidentally burn a hole in my ass lol. I don't remember if I said I was willing to be the first to try that earlier, but if I did, well-that's why I'm tapering off the benzos. Actually I don't think I've really searched for plugging 3FPM reports yet so I'm gonna go do that now.

I feel; being empathetic and involved in the drug community can be r o u g h
*Worries about wellbeing of others w/ their drug use*
*drinks self to sleep again and forgets to worry about self*

I have not T_T
Waiting for the next 'I am the blanket' disso day to catch up on it :3
Have you seen the episode involving Charlie and glue huffing??

Did you find the dose response curve to be similar to intranasal administration? Gonna try this in a few days, I recently discovered IR and am enjoying myself way too much.
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