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RCs 3F-Phenmetrazine (3-FPM)

After another night of research on this one, on much higher doses than before. Some of you might have read my rather long report, others not. Basically, I never dosed more than ROUGHLY (I had no scale) 80mg at a time, mostly I did 10-30mg nasally and redosed quite often.

Anyhow, 19 hours ago I bombed (with a scale this time so the doses are more accurate but my memory is not ;) ) around 110mg if my memory serves me correctly. I knew that this wasn't going to give me the euphoria some people have talked about but it had been a while since I last did 3-FPM and I wanted to start "high" (personally it was a high dose for me). Then I did some very small doses up the nose, probably not more than 10mg, I didn't weigh it up. It worked as intended, like I was used to.

Then 6 or 7 hours later I did a bomb orally with 250-275mg because I wanted to feel the euphoria (once again). But it never came... I guess euphoria is a subjective opinion since some people get euphoria from benzos (wth?) and for me personally euphoria is what you feel when you take MDMA or X. Anyhow, at least I got the MDMA-like "rushes" all over my body when I was moving. For example if I was sitting down I didn't feel it but I went up to go to the kitchen and I got these NICE rushes all over my body, EXTREEEMEEELYYY nice. But no euphoria. But I am more than satisfied with these "rushes".

My report from these (soon 24 hours) is that I can once again confirm that this drug has some kind of "ceiling". Not more than 1-2 hours ago I bombed 200mg orally again but nothing has happened, I also has been taking 100mg up the nose during this time (I don't like that anymore though, it makes me cough which it never has before).

So does anyone have any clue why this drug seem to "stop working" after a while? The first times I researched on 3-FPM it could keep me awake for 55 hours (probably way longer) without no side effects and such. But now I am just tired, 1-2 hours after bombing 200mg on an empty stomach. Could it have something to do with the alcohol? I have been drinking a little bit, not that much though.
Or does it have something to do with the slow metabolites and the long half-life? (Please bare in mind that I know basically nothing about chemistry, just the words (kind of) so for those of you who know a thing or two this statement might not even make sense? Just a friendly reminder, I'm just a rat someone is researching on!)

No matter what, I really like this compound and I have been researching plenty with extremely minor to no side effects at all, both during the impact of the drug or afterwards, but I have been using some of the minor benzos. But feeling sleepy and could probably sleep after 200mg oral bomb and 100mg nasally during 1-2 hours? That's weird in my book!

Just another report from me again, much, much shorter this time :) Take care everyone and stay safe!
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After binging on 3-FPM for six days straight, I only just realised that the 16>31hr half life and significant build-up of metabolites could mean testing positive for Amphetamines for a good few months..
After binging on 3-FPM for six days straight, I only just realised that the 16>31hr half life and significant build-up of metabolites could mean testing positive for Amphetamines for a good few months..
Holy mother of cow... or something. Binging for 6 DAYS?! You must have slept at least sometimes right? I am afraid to binge more than ~55 hours without sleep.

But how have you felt during these 6 days? We always appreciate more reports, especially on a 6 day binge, damn. Any serious side effects or the "usual" minor ones only? I have some experience myself from 3-FPM but always eager to learn more of course :)
If you care to elaborate of course.

And by the way, I know basically nothing about metabolites and stuff so could you be so friendly as to explain what this means: "significant build-up of metabolites". Cheers!
this us getting band in uk soon i feel like im gunna lose part if my life
this us getting band in uk soon i feel like im gunna lose part if my life
No way? Would you mind link a source to this? I'm not from UK so I don't know where to look. UPDATE: I just found out that it is about to be classified in my country as well so no need for a source mate. And I just discovered 3-FPM 1½ month or so ago. 3-FPM is for me the perfect stimulant that actually doesn't make you feel extremely dirty and like a zombie after some uses. Even after a few days with no sleep I have had no side effects when going off it (or while being on it). As long as I keep on eating and drinking as usual I feel fine. One of my thumb-rules is to listen to my body and decide what to do from what it tells you.
And right now I have been up for 61 hours (but with 45 minutes of sleep earlier today) and I feel completely fine.

Anyhow, I would like to ask everyone a question, how long have you gone without sleep on 3-FPM? And how did you feel (both physically and mentally if you care to elaborate) when you decided that "it might be time for some sleep soon"?

And please, even the quickest answer would please me and would be much appreciated. So even if you feel like you don't have much time you can just take 30 seconds and write simply "I went XX hours without sleep on 3-FPM and felt alright/neutral/bad at the end".

Take care everyone!
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(for some reason I couldn't add this to my above post, got an error message saying the message was too short)

By the way, some posts in this thread recommended to take dopamine supplements after having used this, which of course seem fully logical to me. But since I have none, But (only but) might be able to get a few L-Dopa/Benserazide medicine which is used as treatment for Parkinson's Disease and Restless Legs Syndrome by increasing the dopamine concentrations. I have a close relative with onset Parkinson's Disease (at least that's what the doctors believe) and he (and me) has access to a medicine which is a combination of Levodopa and Benserazide.
Would taking like a quarter 100mg/25mg of these help with the recovery? Or is a higher dose needed? Or is it useless for some reason, for example because the substances not being able to cross the blood-brain barrier or something like that which I don't fully understand (thanks to the Benserazide combination, L-DOPA alone would be able to cross)?

I haven't been going at it that hard lately so I'm just asking for future reference, and maybe it can help someone else. I am only thinking of eating lots of oatmeal, bananas, apples and drinking green tea and coffee. I read somewhere that these ones are example of food and drinks that helps create new dopamine.

Of course this is another drug (medicine) and not a regular banana or oatmeal so there could be a major interaction with 3-FPM which we don't know about. I'm not really sure if I'm up for being the first one to try it but if it's "just considered" another dopamine supplement who knows, I might take like I said, take a quarter or so of a pill.
Stimmy things can have that effect, if i do too much speed it almost puts me to sleep these days
Did anyone work out loose guidelines in regards to pH and osmolarity for solutions when IVing?
42mg/ml max. Adjust osmolarity to 300mOsm/L with NaCl. Even at that concentration though, this substance seems to be severely neurotoxic at higher doses. Should you micron filter preshot and prepare a large volume of solution for the duration of a multi-day session, make sure no water has evaporated. 44mg/ml WILL fuck up your veins. This is most definitely the worst substance I've ever put into my body, my wrecked (!) veins would agree.

Best go for 35mg/ml and adjust to physiological osmolarity (I posted info how to do this inside this thread). I had to go as high as 42mg/ml eventually, so I could fit 500mg inside a 12ml shot. Merry fucking xmas.
On another board, not international unfortunately there are two members stating that they have combined 3-FPM with speed and gotten very nice effects. One of them says he or she normally does it 50/50. Only thing I felt yesterday when my speed-comedown was coming on and I took 5-10mg 3-FPM it held back the comedown for a ~20 minutes or so. So I had to keep redosing which I quickly realized probably was going to end badly, maybe not in harms way of thinking but me sitting there redosing every 20 minutes just to keep the unavoidable comedown away. After the last dose of 3-FPM it make me sleepy anyways so I went do bed and fell asleep in minutes.

But IS IT REALLY safe to combine these two substances? And would there be anything positive about it than to take them both separately? I have searched on other international forums about this combination but it's so hard to find something since it's called "speed". And I'm not really sure if speed is pure amphetamine or just an amphetamine-based compound.
42mg/ml max. Adjust osmolarity to 300mOsm/L with NaCl. Even at that concentration though, this substance seems to be severely neurotoxic at higher doses. Should you micron filter preshot and prepare a large volume of solution for the duration of a multi-day session, make sure no water has evaporated. 44mg/ml WILL fuck up your veins. This is most definitely the worst substance I've ever put into my body, my wrecked (!) veins would agree.

Best go for 35mg/ml and adjust to physiological osmolarity (I posted info how to do this inside this thread). I had to go as high as 42mg/ml eventually, so I could fit 500mg inside a 12ml shot. Merry fucking xmas.

12 ml shot.. the fuck. That is a LOT god damn dude.. that'd take me like 10 mins to get in there
Any word on the ratio of "k-pax"
I'm intrigued to mix MXP+3fpm without the adulterants
Any word on the ratio of "k-pax"
I'm intrigued to mix MXP+3fpm without the adulterants

Sounds dangerous as fuck.

A mix of a strong dissociative and a stimulant, neither of which have been studied, like, at all?

That's just asking for trouble. I'm not crazy enough to risk it, but props to the dude who is.
I suppose the addition of MXP is to even potentiate 3F-phenmetrazine. I once took amphetamine with ephenidine in a 1:5 ratio, the high seemed both more dopaminergic and less focused. Yet methoxphenidine seems a bit different from the rest of the bunch.
As stupid as a dissociative and stimulant combination, as a single dosage unit, is, PCP series aside, this surely spells disaster when one considers the duration.
3-FPM carries insane redose compulsion approximately once an hour. MXP lasts 12-18 hours.

How many are going to avoid the stim crash by redosing 6 hours in, only to spend the next 24 hours in dissociative anaesthesia?
I used MXE to ease the MDPV comedown, combined with some MDMA. Worked great. Don't do that.
I trust BLs judgement more than any so will avoid for now however more and more vendors are stocking this.

If i balls up I'll post an IV report
For the sake of information: I used this substance I.V. last night.
I was only using 1ml barrels and conc. was 32mg/ml - very slight pain but only when pushing too fast. Only got a fleeting 'rush' on the 4th, and final, shot.
My tolerance is excessive so getting a decent dose in a small barrel is impossible, I stuck to vaping the rest as playing pin-cushion was not worthwhile.
For the sake of information: I used this substance I.V. last night.
I was only using 1ml barrels and conc. was 32mg/ml - very slight pain but only when pushing too fast. Only got a fleeting 'rush' on the 4th, and final, shot.
My tolerance is excessive so getting a decent dose in a small barrel is impossible, I stuck to vaping the rest as playing pin-cushion was not worthwhile.
Yeah I prefer 12ml syringes for this one. 42mg/ml. 500mg IV and you will feel a rush unlike any other. Well worth the nerve tissue damage, thromboses and abscess it brought upon me... Not. Still, beats the cocaine rush imho.