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2010-11 NBA Thread

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i already pointed out ur argument was a strawman; i never claimed the lakers were "over and done with." i said the spurs have to be considered the favorite to come out of the west.

Based on what? a few regular season games? You must have not watched LA last year. Or in 2002. 8)
Has anyone else been really impressed with Rudy Gay this season? We all know about his athleticism and amazing dunks. But what seems to be getting away from everyone is the fact that this year he's actually playing team ball. He's passing more, being a better man defender, and being a better help defender.

He's shooting career highs ALL across the boards. 47.6% overall 42.4% on threes and 84.3% on the line. Career high in points at 20.7 before tonight's Laker win. 6.1 rebounds just a tick below his high of 6.2, which is about the average for the small forward position so he's not a dominant rebounder at his position but with Marc Gasol, and Zach Randolph sucking up the boards, there's also not a lot to be had. He's averaging a career high 2.7 assists. And also being a better defender getting 1.8 steals, and 1.3 blocks per game.

Also his play in the clutch has risen as well. From the game against the Heat when he drilled a buzzer beater in LeBron James face, and also his clutch play against the Lakers by having a game saving block on Ron Artest.

In other news, B-Roy to meet with meniscus transplantation specialist.


I really hope Roy does this and can continue to play at a high level because frankly, we don't have many good SGs in the league anymore and he's way too young to call it quits.
A question for Laker fans: Is it good or bad when Kobe Bryant goes rogue and shoots a ton? The answer seems to be: Good when the shots go in. But, of course, that's not fair. Drunk drivers often get home safely, you know? But what you have to judge is not the outcome, but the process, the decision-making. Getting behind the wheel is dumb, we have decided as a culture, whether you get into an accident or not. So ... what about ballhogging by Bryant? Is that a good process or a bad one?

now the same criticism of lbj's stagnant offense earlier in the season applies to kobe. play some team ball dawg. all u gotta do is operate from the post w/ gasol and bynum, two truly dominant post guys, and go from there. its dumb because unlike lbj, kobe is a great spot-up shooter, or catch-and-shoot guy off screens, so he can get high quality looks if he works for them off the ball.
The Bulls and Bobcats have discussed an 8 player deal that would send Stephen Jackson to the Bulls and James Johnson and Taj Gibson as the key players heading to Charlotte. The Bulls want to keep Taj, but seem willing to pull the trigger if they can’t get OJ Mayo or JR Smith without giving up Taj.
The Bulls and Grizzlies had discussed a Mayo to Chicago deal, but the Grizzlies are asking for Taj Gibson, Omer Asik, James Johnson, and the Charlotte draft pick. The Bulls will not do that trade, but have considered doing a Gibson, Johnson, Bogans for Mayo deal, which Memphis wouldn’t do at this point.
If the Bulls are to give up Gibson, then they must ask for Darrell Arthur in return. Arthur has had an overall good year, but is best suited coming off the bench, while Gibson is a starting caliber player. Since the deal isn’t enough for the Grizzlies without Arthur involved, the Bulls should add 2 1st rounders to the deal to give reason to Memphis for Arthur being included. The Bulls don’t have the playing time available to develop a prospect and those two picks could be nice depth for the Grizzlies, and who knows, they could possibly find a gem in the late 1st.

What I don't get is the Grizzlies front office... Why are they holding OJ Mayo hostage around there? Dude is only playing 20 minutes.

If you're not going to let OJ Mayo showcase his talents, then why are you holding him hostage? There are several teams that could use his services. It is not like they are letting him start, so why are they valuing him like if he is a starter and a main contributor? Gibson, Bogans, and Johnson that's overkill to me, for a guy who is only seeing 20 minutes on the floor a night. That being said, Mayo is looking more aggressive the past 6 or 7 games ago. Maybe he knows he has to play well, before a team will pull the trigger for him.

Seriously, you're going to ask for an entire team's bench plus their draft picks, for a guy that you only play 20 minutes a night, and refuse to start even though he is light years ahead of the starter ( Xavier Henry), who has had literally 0 production the last 7 games or so. Shit doesn't make sense.

Grizzlies are starting to come off as the guy who is friends with a girl, but doesn't want to date her, but at the same time doesn't want her to be friends or date any other guy.
now the same criticism of lbj's stagnant offense earlier in the season applies to kobe. play some team ball dawg. all u gotta do is operate from the post w/ gasol and bynum, two truly dominant post guys, and go from there. its dumb because unlike lbj, kobe is a great spot-up shooter, or catch-and-shoot guy off screens, so he can get high quality looks if he works for them off the ball.

Yes, Kobe is in part responsible for our losses, but it's not all his fault.

For example in that Spurs game, Gasol couldn't even do the simple fundamentals of sealing his man in the post.. guaranteed if he would have done that, he would have got more touches from Kobe.

He was also not boxing out, getting out rebounded by undersized bigs. Yes, his lack of effort did not help him, but it's also lack of positioning on a lot of those opportunities. Again, just basic fundamentals that Gasol seemed to have forgotten.

Also, our offense is often stagnant due to Pau consuming up the clock 10 feet away from the basket, often ending up on an ill-advised soft post move that usually ends with a blocked shot, while overlooking open guys for the jumper or with a driving advantage. That's how you know he has reverted to Paula Gasoft again. Can't blame Kobe for Gasol not being active on both ends of the floor.

I agree with you on Bynum though, he's been great. Kobe should really start feeding him in the post a lot more.
announcers talk about it all the time: keep your big men happy. the more they get the ball and score, the more they tend to do the dirty work.

early in the season they were playing the phil jackson way: start the game off from the post so there is no excuse. inside out all day long.

when they get away from that, kobe goes crazy, and as stu lance was harping on repeatedly, no one else is in a rhythm. why would i work my ass off in the post (or anywhere else) in HOPE of getting the ball when kobe the black hole is going 1-on-3?

this isnt anything new as far as kobe v the spurs btw. remember bruce bowen? kobe shoots 43.3% in his regular season career (im sure its worse in the playoffs) v the spurs, his worst shooting % v any WC team.

edit: http://dberri.wordpress.com/2011/01/04/have-the-lakers-declined-it-depends/
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Man, The Heat are tearing shit up. I fucking love it. They always talk about "The Heat's culture", where defense is so stressed, and you can see it. Zydrunas is perhaps better as a defender than he has ever been, and has been a high quality big man this season so far. Not to mention Joel Anthony finally has it together this year. I can't wait til Mike Miller recovers well enough to start hitting his 3's as well. Chalmers, James Jones and Arroyo have been killing it from the three point line this year, with all the open looks they are getting from Wade and LeBron being on the court.

The Magic look legitimately scary this year, and the Bulls have pulled it together as well. I can't wait to see The Heat match up with these teams, as well as Boston once again. I'm almost positive The Heat beat Boston if they meet in a playoff series, the team I am now most afraid of would be The Magic. That trade was risky as a motherfucker, but it has worked out so sweet. I guess Arenas just needed a change in scenery.

Anyways, after this season I think The Lakers and The Celtics are done. This is their last shot at a title, because the entire NBA is going to be putting their own versions of The Big 3 on the court, starting with The Knicks getting Carmello and CP3 to go with Amare.

And could Kobe please stop playing like the selfish asshole everyone thought he grew out of being? Dude has no tolerance for any screwups on his team, and then he ends up being fuck up #1 when he blames his teammates for losses. The best possible Finals scenario this year is Heat-Lakers. The old dynasty vs. the potential new one. It would be incredible, but I am actually getting legitimately concerned about them at this point. Then again, I don't think anyone takes them out come playoff time. The Spurs are on an incredible run, but Duncan ain't going to hold up in a seven game series with a younger, more athletic Lakers team, and I don't see any other legit threats to them.

The East is finally better this year, from an elite team standpoint.
duncan holding up wont be a problem because of 1. all the rest he's getting now and 2. all the off days the playoff schedule has.
NEWARK, N.J. (AP)—Sasha Vujacic(notes) made the tiebreaking basket with 5.3 seconds left, and the New Jersey Nets snapped their five-game losing streak with a 96-94 victory over the Chicago Bulls on Wednesday night.

Sasha > LeBron
When Chris Bosh decided to leave the Raptors to sign with the Heat, he was seeking additional national exposure in addition to a better chance to win.

While Bosh is unquestionably on a better team this season, the attention has been more difficult to quantify.

According to the Raptors, Bosh had 553,230 all-star votes through the second returns last season.

This season, Bosh has received just 260,007 votes through the second returns this season.

If Rondo can develop a consistent J, he will be ridiculous. Great game for him tonight against the soon to be ex-Mr Longoria. ;)
Our perimeter D is frustrating to watch. Everyone over committing and Suns taking advantage.

Better tighten up the rotations in the 2nd half.
I love the way Kobe played tonight, this is how we win games. Inside-out attack ftw.
tonights game, can you say holy fuck rondo. beastly tripple double.

and boston beating the team with the best record WITHOUT garnett. wow

oh and a side note

im convinced the lakers recent struggles at the core are gasol, and artest. both had been playing pretty shitty and as a result we saw an insane amount of ballhogging with kobe having the "do it myself" attitude.

but now ive seen a number of games where kobe lowers his shots a gasol still comes up with 6 points. somethings up with gasol, and artest is having one of the worst offensive seasons of his career. combine that with Dfish's main value being a leader and clutch play asset rather than offensive production. im suprised LA is so close to the 2 seed.
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