16th issue General Heroin Discussion v hit it raw or bag it up?

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I've posted a lot about the middleman thing....I guess it really comes down to if you have a habit or not and whether or not I know you....

If you have a decent size habit and have to buy enough dope to get you and your girlfriend well for the night...If I already copped that day, I'll do it for you as a favor, particularly if you drive...

If you're still using heroin recreationally, you don't need to get a bundle for what I pay for it....You'll never be able to finish it anyway, having seven bags left over the next day isn't doing you any good...If I'm sick and a recreational dope user asks me to get them a bundle, I'll tell them I want half for getting it...Five bags is enough to kill them anyway, they don't need a whole bundle...

I don't fuck with people's bags or lie about what I'm giving them...Honestly, if I'm sick and you only want a half gram, there's nothing I can do for you...The little bump and the five dollars gas you wanna give me isn't worth it...I won't fuck with your bag or burn you, I just wont do it!

Yea it def depends on the persons circumstances, but you getting half the bundle seems steep. I think that charging double for the first bag (guaranteeing that you get 1 off the bat) and then $5 on top of every bag after that is fair for the most part (maybe stopping the tax after a certain amount though), then more or less depending on circumstances.

I definitely saw a change in how middle-men charged me from when I was living at home and working a lot to when I was on the streets. Another factor is what you bring to the table. If you have your own connects that the person might need you for if their connects aren't around then they should know better than to charge you the same tax as the people that solely rely on them to get them shit. So if you've got connects then a 1 bag tax on 2 bags or less then a 2 bag tax on anything over that is fine by me, and is what has been my experience.

The worst though is if there's one person driving and then another person who has the connect, so both are trying to get extra from it. That's when it's hardly worth it since you are likely going to be paying double per bag at that point. Not on my watch...
Junkiedays, shes clean and on the opposite side of the country, but sure we can switch it up lol. Tho i wouldntt like to go back to that lifestyle, having a job with a habit and ending up being broke weeks in advance...thats why i had to get on mmt. Its not a bad option if you can access it. Or bupe if you can swing that...i was on bupe but fell back into old habits and ended up where i said fuck it im tired of going into wd then taking bupe, coming off, buying a gram, getting all shitty sick again and so on. Plus i was working a ton in a job where i had to be functional all the time for the most part. So mmt worked out well for me. Coming down now with that and my xan.

Also as to middlemanning, back when i was homeless and really really bad off, i had the car and connec for amazing dope and hed only really deal with me and my best friend, so wed cash in on that fact. Plus i didnt have insurance or license so it was a huge risk on my part and i was sick so much and always had ppl hitting me up to go see the guy, it just worked out that way. I was always upfront with the price and what i was getting out of it, tho i didnt mention that my guy would usually throw me a few vials from time to time since i saw him everyday. Even hung out with his ghetto ass friends once and smoked a few blunts. They thought the bc bud i had was some awesome kush bc it was bright orange and green with crystals and no seeds lol. Was def not kush.
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I stop the tax at 5 bags, which for me is a shot....If 2 bags did something for me I wouldn't ask for more. Also, if you wanted a brick, I'd still only ask for 5 bags...My whole thing is, if I'm going I want enough dope that I can actually feel it....

I was such a prolific middle-man, most of the people who went through me didn't even know they were being middle manned because they were paying regular price...maybe an extra 5-10 dollars each, big deal...
I hate middeling for people. Its usually not worth all the trouble for a few bags. I know a lot of street junkies who basically pay for their habit just by middle manning all day for tons of people but... that shit is draining.
^I'm not a street junkie, but I know the streets...middlemanning is just another way to get dope when you have a habit...and on a lot of days it saved my life...

I'd still do it even when I didn't have to, but it does get really annoying...street junkies will beat people and middleman, and petty thievery...step on your bags...I really do pretty much hate people that stand on the street corner scheming on how to get money all day...especially crack heads supporting a crack habit 10 dollars at a time...man that's just fucking stupid
^I'm not a street junkie, but I know the streets...middlemanning is just another way to get dope when you have a habit...and on a lot of days it saved my life...

I'd still do it even when I didn't have to, but it does get really annoying...street junkies will beat people and middleman, and petty thievery...step on your bags...I really do pretty much hate people that stand on the street corner scheming on how to get money all day...especially crack heads supporting a crack habit 10 dollars at a time...man that's just fucking stupid

Yeah I've never been that kind of addict, scumming people over and panhandling for a single bag... not my style. There are some good guys out there who wont screw you but most of the street urchin's are scum bags.
^From some of the old-time dopeheads I've met...when open air was the way of the world, before cell phones, you could make a fortune on the street! I don't think a lot of people realize that...dope and coke was just as big 25 years ago as it is now, but it alsmost all was open air at one point...Pagers were still being used when I first started getting high, but before that, calling your drug-dealer and getting ahold of him instantly just didn't exist, unless he was home...

Even in the early '00s, the real old school street shit was still going on in some places....I know it still is somewhat, but probably 84-98 was the "golden age" of street dealing in the northeast US...
One of the first drive thru strips i was coppin raw dope on in 01 has been dead for like a decade...prolly more like 12yrs. Dudes and hooker skanks tricks gettin their hustle on everywhere. But when they busted the rice organization that spot dried up. It was a tiny brick paved one way side alley that was almost hard to turn on to. Esp bc dudes would be in the street not letting cars turn in if you didnt look right. And this was coming off a rd with a 40mph speed limit, so you couldnt nonchalantley make an easy right turn w/o having ppl honking and letting everyone know you were there. And this was right in west bmore off 40. Out of like 40 or so brick rowhomes 20 on each side, i think maybe ten were actually lived in and not boarded up lol. Preeeety bad. But it was the spot for some of the fattest, most fire raw dope vials in west bmore.
I've been guilty of being inpatient before, but this girl I know is so bad with it. First of all she's not fun to be around when high. First time she came through to cop with me she was bugging out, telling me she hit a car and drove off, but her ex-bf somehow saw and started chasing her, like how does that even happen? When we finally got stuff her suboxone blocked it so she was pissed. Next time none of her dealers were answering so she wanted to see my guy, so first I asked her to bring another pin (this was back when I was homeless so wasn't walking around with any of that stuff) and when she finally got me and we parked up she said she didn't bring it because she thought I said I had one, like I magically pulled one out my ass. Then she bitched the whole time we waited, and once we got it it took her forever to hit and we didn't even drive away from where we were waiting, so it was sketch. Then she drove to her house to get me the pin, and doesn't come out with any water, then bitched when I asked saying "god, do I have to bring you everything?" um yea, you do. And that was after she got high, so you figure she would have been nicer at that point, but she gets opiate rage or something and was never fun to be around while high the 3x I did it with her. I would just talk to her friends since they were nice, but she, idk, had issues I guess.

The next time her guy wasn't answering so she hit me up to call my guy. He was good but was just at the phone store getting a different number or something, but told me he would be back in an hour. I told her and she said fine, and put in her order. Then she started hitting me up every 10-15 minutes after that, when I clearly told her he said an hour. I told her he said he was at the phone store, then she starts questioning that, saying that she doesn't believe that, as if she has ever met the guy anyway. She started bitching so I told her to fuck off and do her own thing and I would do mine. She said OK and hung up, then texted me a second later saying sorry, she's stressed, and to hit her up when my guy called.

20 mins later she calls saying she found someone else, but that I could come if I wanted. I wasn't about to take a chance going through someone she probably didn't even know, especially when my guys stuff was good, and local, and she would have been a buzz kill anyway. Of course the second she hangs up my guy calls me to come through. My phone ran out of minutes in the middle of the call since she blew a bunch of texts/minutes asking me for an update every 2 mins, so I thought I was fucked, especially since she was my ride and it was raining out so the walk was out of the question. Nobody would let me use their phone, and there's no payphones around anymore, then after 20 mins I finally found someone that let me use it. I called my guy and told him my phone ran out of mins and the girl backed out, so he asked where I was and said he would be right there and to stay where I was. That was probably the only time he got to me in the short amount of time it takes to drive from his house to where I was staying (under 10 mins).

I couldn't even call the girl back to let her know my guy was back around, but it didn't matter to me. She bailed since she was impatient, but I guarantee you I scored at least 30 mins before she did, and there's a good chance my stuff was better.

Ugh, its stories and people like this that keep me away from the whole "scene" of heroin. I got a buddy who isn't even dependent on the shit and badgers me when I tell him I'll see my guy for him. I tell him I don't call him til noon, thats as early as I will call the guy and its about as early as he will answer. I have a good relationship with my guy and I'm not fucking it up even the least bit cause you want to get high now. And my guy is pretty much like clockwork, text him, wait 15-20 mins for an answer, says it'll be 30 mins, will really be 45-60 mins, then tells me to go somewhere at that moment, but he won't be there for 5-10 mins if I go straight to the spot. Then the simple handoff and I'm all set. So do the simple math starting at 12 and its gonna be at earliest around 1:15 before the stuff is procured, that is like an early eistimate. And my buddy knows this is how it works, but still at 11:30 is asking when I will call him and then its 12:30 and hes texting me about it, then 12:45 calling me. I don't get it, I have been sick as a dog and waiting on my guy and I still don't bother him unless its been way longer than he says, like he said an hour and its been 2-1/2 or something.

I can't tolerate the middle man thing, it'd have to been my only option. And if I want to make it worth my while I got people bitching at me like I'm and screwing them. Well whats my incentive here? Thankfully my guy is really consistent and runs a straight up business, which I adhere to so he enjoys doing business with me more than most the clowns out there. Aside from the fact that any time frame he gives is almost always doubled, but you know that so its not an issue.

Its funny you mention the whole not being pleasant when high syndrome that this girl suffer from. Its an odd phenomenon, I'd say maybe 1 out of every 10 users suffers from it. I know 1 duded whos a miserable prick and hes the same way when high. Most people are super generous once they get lit. This guy wouldn't give you a point if he had 10 gs in front of him and you were puking your guts out. Hes just in general a miserable person to be around, too, and the drugs don't make him change. I can't the drugs make it worse, but I think most people are inherently good natured, helpful and generous people. When most people get high this just increases this trait in them, but those who are not can't be swayed by the drugs, they are selfish pricks regardless. Which makes it worse to be around them whether if not high or if high. B/c when not high all they are concerned about is getting themselves high and once they are high they don't care about anything except enjoying their high.

12 is the earliest your dude will see you? Damn man. That is so not good dope dealer protocol. Most of them know that a lot of addicts end up super sick in the early morning and theres a huge rush of business before 9.

I have a guy who is literally 24/7 (which is rare most of them wont see you from like 2-7am) you can call him at 4:30 in the am, he keeps his phone on loud next to his bed, he picks up and is ready in fifteen minutes.
Yea street dealers in the city are up with the construction workers. A lot of the call and meet guys like to sleep in haha

12 is the earliest your dude will see you? Damn man. That is so not good dope dealer protocol. Most of them know that a lot of addicts end up super sick in the early morning and theres a huge rush of business before 9.

I have a guy who is literally 24/7 (which is rare most of them wont see you from like 2-7am) you can call him at 4:30 in the am, he keeps his phone on loud next to his bed, he picks up and is ready in fifteen minutes.

Yea, surprisingly for a dope addict he sleeps until 10-12 in the morning. Either that or he does a side job which is usually in the morning and he can't meet people when hes doing that. I never have much of an issue cause I save some for the morning if I am running low and can't meet him til the next day. There are plenty of people who call him at all sorts of hours and he does do business at other times, if I really need something I'd hit him up around 10. Must be nice to have a 24/7 guy, that'd be something else.
I love my gal...she's usually up @ 6am and I'm at her door @ 6:45-7am...It's nice to cop early and go home, turn on the TV to "The Today Show", make my coffee and cigs (have to roll them), get gassed up 8( and get my nod on till I get called for work or if I don't just wander aimlessly in the Land of Nod, haha

You have a female dealer? Nice. You don't see that too often. She a black chic? Old/Young?
One of my friends has a black chic dealer she's probably around 30. I think her ol' man is locked up and she is running things while he is away.

12 is the earliest your dude will see you? Damn man. That is so not good dope dealer protocol. Most of them know that a lot of addicts end up super sick in the early morning and theres a huge rush of business before 9.

I have a guy who is literally 24/7 (which is rare most of them wont see you from like 2-7am) you can call him at 4:30 in the am, he keeps his phone on loud next to his bed, he picks up and is ready in fifteen minutes.

My boys dealer in Queens was 24/7, but if you called after midnight (or maybe 2am) he would charge extra for the bags. My Rican dealer in BK was professional so up by 8-8:30 (had phone off before that), but would get up a little earlier if you told him the night before that you were planning on coming by before work or something.

My local guys are noon or so. It's because they are usually partying with girls until at least 2am, so that's why they always sleep in.
Tfw your sure you had more bags left than you can see so you tear apsrt your room only to remember you did more bags than you though earlier

You have a female dealer? Nice. You don't see that too often. She a black chic? Old/Young?

She's Rican like me...about my age or a little older...total sweetie not much in the looks but nice bod...would probably try to hook up with her but we're good friends. Imagine that...a dealer girlfriend =D
She's Rican like me...about my age or a little older...total sweetie not much in the looks but nice bod...would probably try to hook up with her but we're good friends. Imagine that...a dealer girlfriend =D

I dated my dealer once. She was a hot chic I went to highschool with who got wrapped up in pills then switched to dope pretty much right away. Needless to say it was pretty nice.
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