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16,000,000 Vicodins Stolen

RFID tags would be useless in these circumstances.

But really, is this that surprising? The DEA and FDA have been screaming all year that prescription drug abuse has overtaken "illicit" drugs. With diversion being the only option, I would expect to see more of these dramatic robberies, especially now that someone has proven they can be done.
lurkerguy said:
CVS robberies have been common for years.

This is different in fundamental ways.

Most, (if not all), pharmacy robberies have been by ussers to support their habit. Even if they sold some, they were users themselves. They get a bagfull of drugs that might last them a few months depending on the case. This crime seems to be different in the fact that it was money making venture from the start. The robbery was technically much more difficult to pull off too. These guys seem like pros to me.

Either way, I predict a great increase in these cases. The drug market operates on standard economics and supply and demand, and career drug trackers operate like any other business weighing risks. Now that someones done it, others will too. What they read in this story was "millions in cash stolen from a cargo truck by two"
wow good for them they came up. I sure as hell hope I see a few of those come my way
Why bother robbing a bank (with far lesser returns) when you can easily steal a truck with $80M load ? ;)
Either they're "pros" or it was just an inside job. I'd imagine the latter, unless they got extremely lucky and just stumbled upon the cargo.
9mmCensor said:
Are you saying 16M Pills are not liquid enough ? The can unload this wholesale for 1/10 of the street value in single shot.
Crazeee said:
Are you saying 16M Pills are not liquid enough ? The can unload this wholesale for 1/10 of the street value in single shot.
something that fills a truck is less liquid than cash that fits in a bag.

The number of people that can/will buy that many pills all at once, is not very numerous.
I was at an independent pharmacy a couple of weeks ago (that specializes in products for cancer patients and chronic ill patients). A large white van pulled up beside me and 2 guys got out in uniforms. They loaded a hand truck with boxes and delivered them to the pharmacist.

The uniforms looked like securtiy guards. I did not notice if they had guns.

The van had 4 or 5 radio antenas on it. The company name was written in SMALL letters on the side: "CONTROLLED DELIVERY SERVICE, LLC". On the roof of the van there were 3 very large letters "C D S". I assume the initials on the roof were in case of hijack, it could be easily spotted from the air.
9mmCensor said:
I worked at a bank for 6 years. You would be amazed at how well the serial numbers are tracked when huge sums of money are transported. At least Hydro powder does not have serial numbers. (Was it pills stolen or the powder to make them?)

But like you, I would prefer the liquidity of cashola rather than drugs that had to be disposed of.
Will01996 said:
I worked at a bank for 6 years. You would be amazed at how well the serial numbers are tracked when huge sums of money are transported. At least Hydro powder does not have serial numbers. (Was it pills stolen or the powder to make them?)

But like you, I would prefer the liquidity of cashola rather than drugs that had to be disposed of.
Well if you worked at a drug manufacturing plant for 6 years you might know that each batch of controlled substance can be chemically identified to track the source.

Or maybe if you worked for 6 years in the black market you know that cash can always be washed. You just take abit of a hit.
I seems to me that it was some sort of inside job. I don't think you just run into something like that.
In all seriousness what would these people be facing if they got caught with the stolen pills???
It doesn`t have to be an inside job. Someone above just said they saw someone unloading a truck of shit to an independent pharmacy. Maybe the guys happen to do this one day, and made a plan for the next shipment to come in?
Madhatter4 said:
In all seriousness what would these people be facing if they got caught with the stolen pills???

With the pills I would think a nice grand larceny charge. If they were caught selling them, then I can imagine it would be a life sentence for trafficking.
but there are some pretty desperate and crazy people out there, none the less!
drklnk said:
With the pills I would think a nice grand larceny charge. If they were caught selling them, then I can imagine it would be a life sentence for trafficking.

they would get a trafficking charge no matter what.