12th Issue Heroin Discussion v. livin' on the run for so long I gotta go collect

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Wow, so I had my first shot in a long ass time (for me anyways) had pretty much no tolerance so I shot up a .1 of tar (equiv to 1 of your #4 bags) and it was some decent shit, no huge rush but definitely felt good. So I got another .1 from a new batch later that night and dude says it was "the kill" which he always says, but still, being at such a low tolerance I decided to be safer than sorry. I did a 0.08 and only pushed maybe 60-70% in then waited for the rush, never happened so I pushed the rest down.

Then about 10mins later I fuckin fell out for 15mins or so. I guess you could say I " OD'd " it just wasn't fatal. I was still breathing fine and heart rate was fine, I was just hard to keep awake. Apparently I just kept saying I wanted to go to sleep. I know some ppl think unless they stop breathing or their heart stops they didn't OD. Well, I'm pretty sure "medically" an OD is just overdosing what your body can take, like not being able to stay awake or keep your eyes open. So thats why I say I OD'd.

After I came back to they told me all about it and apparently to my surprise they actually had narcan! (this is the same guy i was talking about earlier that was a dumbass and never kept it around) well guess what? He thought in order to preserve it you had to keep it in the freezer so he went and got it and was like uhhh..how do i load the syringe with a solid?? What an IDIOT!! So they slapped me a few times and threw water on my face and I came back. Again, I was still breathing the entire time and my heart rate/pulse was pretty normal.

I was fucking pissed when I came to, I was like WTF I was careful! Started with 0.05-0.06 (half to 1/3rd normal chipping dose, 1/5 of dose when tolerance) then pushed the remainder after about 3 minutes making sure I was alright.

Then I discovered what happened..One of my really good friends cooked up the shot since I have a sprained wrist. She didn't know I had been clean this past month, she thought I had been using in eastern WA and I always give her free shit so she said she threw in another half a point thinking she was being nice since i only had a tiny bit AND she (can't believe this part) used her spoon which had two cottons she had been using the past couple days and she never rinses them or cooks them to get the stuck dope out. So I not only got double the dose I also got all the leftovers in the cottons.

So even tho I wasn't the one who put that much in, I STILL blame myself 100% I should have been paying more attention to what she was doing and I should have told her I had been clean and had a low tolerance (just in case) She had never just randomly added shit in before in the 5yrs knowing her..I guess since I 've helped her out more times than I can count she thought I was short on cash and wanted to make sure I had a "good shot" -- So even tho she did that part to be nice, I still think its kinda fucked up..she shouldn't just be adding random amounts of dope to my shit..or using her same spoon/cottons. But once when I was insanely desperate I used one of her needles (yes, I know, stupidest decision in the world, I would never advise ANYone to do this no matter how sick and desperate they get) I guess she thought since I already did it once out of desperation that this couldnt hurt..

Sorry for the novel, I just wanted to get the point across that yes, she shouldn't have done that, but i still take responsibility for it.

Here is a pic of the shit I get = http://s18.postimage.org/5o262hv8o/0711121211_00.jpg - I'd do NSFW tags but its a big ass picture so just the link.

PS for you opiate newbies..in the light of harm reduction, always cook your own shots. If I would have cooked it myself this situation would have NEVER happened. She has cooked up for me literally 100+ times and never had an issue, but all it takes is that ONE time! Its not worth it!

Damn that bitch for "helping me out" and adding shit (her excuse was she wanted to help me out cause she thought i was in a rut and she knew i wouldnt take any handouts) and damn her for using her same spoon/cottons. I don't care if I've had to ONCE 3 years ago when I was desperate, doesn't mean I want to risk it again! So double damn her for that, but triple damn on me for ignoring harm reduction 101 and simply preparing the shot myself.

Shit man, glad it didn't end up worse! That is pretty fucked up, I mean yeah she was trying to be nice and all but just randomly adding more to someone's shot without telling them doesn't sound smart at all! And yeah, I don't have to tell you that sharing gear with people isn't too smart either. I wouldn't beat yourself up over it, but you said it yourself, you really should have paid more attention and or cooked the shot yourself. Lol I guess she won't be prepping your shots again anytime soon...
Are you from a farm or something? Your acting like having to lock your doors while driving is the end of the world or something!
not trying to be a dick js
You are being a dick, because i fucking joking like exaggerating..... Im from Houston its a city and i did used to live in New York...Detroit is so much different than both it is actually scary here and locking your doors is a really good idea....
You are being a dick, because i fucking joking like exaggerating..... Im from Houston its a city and i did used to live in New York...Detroit is so much different than both it is actually scary here and locking your doors is a really good idea....

Dude locking your doors anywhere is a good idea. Yeah Detroit's the hood but I lock my doors in NY too. I had someone yank my door open here in CT once in a city with only like 70k people, it can happen anywhere. I almost always lock my doors when I drive. Welcome to being around other human beings
Dude locking your doors anywhere is a good idea. Yeah Detroit's the hood but I lock my doors in NY too. I had someone yank my door open here in CT once in a city with only like 70k people, it can happen anywhere. I almost always lock my doors when I drive. Welcome to being around other human beings

What is up with you guys today? He said do you live on a farm or something and no I do not I listed other places that were not farms. I obviously know to lock doors.... Why is everything taken so literal? When I post I am laughin and joking around.. I forget that when typing on the Internet yall do not know my personality and things get misinterpreted I'm sorry. I was just playing around saying Detroit is the worst place in the world I don't actually mean that....

I snorted a line of h and I'm thinking there has to be a cut doing this but I wanted to ask anyways is it normal after snorting to feel like you need to clench your teeth? I keep noticing I'm clenching down..
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Yeah, that sounds like a stimulant side effect, not an opiate one. I get the jaw clenches big time when I'm shooting coke.. Hah. I feel like my teeth are going to shatter I get it so bad, and it's compulsive. I can't stop until I shoot a bunch of dope and relax..
Coke usually makes me clench this was different I guess I felt tense when it first hit and I got energy but I normally do from opiates and then i stopped clenching and felt just like a regular opiate buzz, closing my eyes, nodding and very itchy...

But I threw up again... I didn't get a headache the second time I dosed but I did throw up..... I heard it was normal with no tolorence to throw up is this true?
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What is up with you guys today? He said do you live on a farm or something and no I do not I listed other places that were not farms. I obviously know to lock doors.... Why is everything taken so literal? When I post I am laughin and joking around.. I forget that when typing on the Internet yall do not know my personality and things get misinterpreted I'm sorry. I was just playing around saying Detroit is the worst place in the world I don't actually mean that....

I snorted a line of h and I'm thinking there has to be a cut doing this but I wanted to ask anyways is it normal after snorting to feel like you need to clench your teeth? I keep noticing I'm clenching down..

Not trying to come across as a dick, don't worry I got no problem with you or what you said I was just replying. Yeah, that's also the main reason I hate text messages and I still have problems with that on the internet- it's very hard to tell when someone is kidding or being sarcastic, or being totally serious because there is no tone of voice or inflection, no facial expressions, body gestures, (or any of the many other things that people pick up on and rely upon to understand each other) and depending solely on how it's worded it can appear totally different than intended.

Coke usually makes me clench this was different I guess I felt tense when it first hit and I got energy but I normally do from opiates and then i stopped clenching and felt just like a regular opiate buzz, closing my eyes, nodding and very itchy...

But I threw up again... I didn't get a headache the second time I dosed but I did throw up..... I heard it was normal with no tolorence to throw up is this true?

Yes, if you take a little too much it can cause you some nausea and vomiting, especially if you're non-tolerant. Maybe take just a tad less next time and you should still feel great just without the puking.
Not trying to come across as a dick, don't worry I got no problem with you or what you said I was just replying. Yeah, that's also the main reason I hate text messages and I still have problems with that on the internet- it's very hard to tell when someone is kidding or being sarcastic, or being totally serious because there is no tone of voice or inflection, no facial expressions, body gestures, (or any of the many other things that people pick up on and rely upon to understand each other) and depending solely on how it's worded it can appear totally different than intended.

Yes, if you take a little too much it can cause you some nausea and vomiting, especially if you're non-tolerant. Maybe take just a tad less next time and you should still feel great just without the puking.

Thank you for that reply, it was really sweet. :)

And about the throwing up, it's weird because I really just felt like I took a few hydrocodones and no real serious nodding, but an intense feeling of needing to throw up. I feels feel completely fine and then that urge came upon me, Yuck haha freggin terrible....

Maybe this just isn't for me anymore, my body is like fuck that shit.... I really think I like oxy better than heroin. (my friend did the same bag as me and shot it and felt great and said it was awesome)

I don't even want to shoot it, if snorting made me this nauseated then fuck even thinking of shooting, indont know how my body will react.... Jkjk but on a serious note do some people just like oxy better or am I just a freak lol
but on a serious note do some people just like oxy better or am I just a freak lol

Definitely like Oxy (both Oxycodone and Oxymorphone) more. I always liked knowing exactly what I was getting and how much I needed to do every time. It felt more euphoric and almost stimulating to me. Unfortunately it's just way too expensive now and getting harder to find; even with my close proximity to Appalachia. It's easier to find down there but the prices are still just as ridiculous as they are here in the city! Every now and then if the opportunity arises and I have a little extra cash, I'll splurge. I miss the old days :( I'm afraid I'll never see the days of abundant, cheap/reasonably priced Oxy ever again at this rate.
I too prefer oxy over dope, it's too bad that A) they fucked up the oxy formulations because I like to snort it and B) it's so goddamn expensive. I like the high better than dope and I really like the fact that it's the same dose every time, it's so fucking annoying how inconsistent dope is. Sometimes it's garbage, sometimes it's fire. Sometimes the bags are light, sometimes they're heavy. A pill is a pill, always the same dose, always the same high, always tastes the same. You can do whatever you want with it too, you can eat it, snort it, smoke it if you're so inclined. Too bad those days are long gone. Only reason I ever switched to dope is because all the pills went away.
Consistancy- That's really a big part of it for me as well. I like to know that my high and dosage is reliable and with dope you just never know and it's nerve racking. When I want to get high indont want to have to worry the entire time about dosage and overdosing, it really fucks up my high. ;)

But ya the price on oxy is ridiculous but I have had it easy since there are so many pill mill where I live it's really easy to get a prescription and if you don't have a prescription then you can go get suboxone and trade with people, but buying it off the street ugh it's rape these days..... This one guy told me too many dollars for an oxy and I was like O_O

Anyways, just the high is different really.. I still feel so fucking sick to my stomach and it's been hours! yUCK :(
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So I got a new connect today, a connect with bigger and better bags than the ones my usual guy has right now. It sucks, and I hate to say it, but, well... the bags my usual guy has right now are garbage. :(

And it's funny because this is the connect that, not long ago, an acquaintance of ours agreed to hook us up with if we could throw him a bundle (later he agreed to do it for a mere five bags -- how generous!) and of course I told him to go fuck himself.

I posted here about it, actually, saying that my philosophy is this: don't negotiate with middle men. Because it never seems to work out like it's supposed to and this is how middle men keep us all under their thumbs paying higher prices and having to drive around everywhere.

And I'm glad that I held out like I did because things worked out much better today, as everything was on our terms, essentially. We bought a few subs from him, and then he wanted us to take him for a ride to go buy some crack but he told us that he would throw us some more subs and he would hook us up with his connect. I was skeptical of course, but he told us that he was embarrassed by what he did, trying to charge us a bundle, five bags, and whatever else for his connect, and so he wanted to make it right with us.

I was very skeptical of course but we had some time to kill. Sure enough, he threw us an extra couple subs, and he had his dealer get into the car with us. We said hello, shook hands, I got his dealer's number, we got the bags we payed for (all of the bags we payed for), and that was that. This would-be middleman didn't even ask us for a bag, as all he wanted was his crack, so we kept all of the bags.

So anyway, yeah, it was a good day :)
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Kayla when I was doing dope I threw up quite often. Maybe I'm a lightweight or it was the cut, I don't know.

Verso at least your "friend" felt bad for trying to fuck you and hooked you up.
Kayla when I was doing dope I threw up quite often. Maybe I'm a lightweight or it was the cut, I don't know.

Verso at least your "friend" felt bad for trying to fuck you and hooked you up.

Glad I'm not the only one :) sorry you got sick it's a yucky feeling.
I shit wait that means it might always be like that O_O well I have come to my little conclusion of my body doesn't like dope :) I'm kinda glad... Once less addiction to worry about, I wonder why when I tried sludge it didn't do this... Idk prob the cut or powder is just different eith my body...

Sorry reck i blanked on price woops :(
My friend was actually just puking his guts out before from the dope. First I had to drive his car since he got higher than expected and was at least smart enough to pull over and let me drive, then when he dropped me off down the block he had to get out and puke.
O god that's sound like a really bad time :( poor guy. Good thing he let you drive. That feeling is terrible. Have you ever gotten sick like that tommy?
Wow, so I had my first shot in a long ass time

Then about 10mins later I fuckin fell out for 15mins or so. I guess you could say I " OD'd " it just wasn't fatal.

One of my really good friends cooked up the shot since I have a sprained wrist. she used her spoon which had two cottons she had been using the past couple days and she never rinses them or cooks them to get the stuck dope out.

once when I was insanely desperate I used one of her needles

She has cooked up for me literally 100+ times

Bro I am sorry but that is fuckign disgusting. You have someoen else cook your shots up, pay no attention what so ever to what she is doing, your using her cottons, needles, seriously..what are you thinking? You do realize she may not have any idea she's contracted something, so no matter what you think, or what she thinks, you need to get your self tested ASAP.

Is cooking a shot up a tedious task for you or something that shes done it 100s of times?

Get tested and DO NOT share your shit with anyone else. Because if your willing to use a used needle I wouldn't doubt you'd offer your used needle to someoen else. Sorry if I sound like a dick, it's just for someone who is obviously educated, and has a computer with internet, it's very distrurbing to read something like this.
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O god that's sound like a really bad time :( poor guy. Good thing he let you drive. That feeling is terrible. Have you ever gotten sick like that tommy?

Not like that, but I've thrown up from opiates before, basically once one each different one, and like 4x from heroin. Usually after a long break, which seems to be common. I usually make myself throw up though, like when I feel nauseous and I know I will probably throw up anyway, I just pull the trigger myself.
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