• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand


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Pyrovalerone analogs I assume this is the patent...
The 3,4 dichloro derivative is mentioned, but no potencies are given. Could someone with the right tables fill in this hole in my knowledge. With people worrying about alkylation by halogens, has the 3,4 di (trifluoromethyl) been investigated? Obviously this compound works in quite a different manner to the shorter chain analogs. Methylone is a very close analog to MDMA but I don't think MDPPP is so close. That unusual amine grouping is very interesting indeed. I've often wondered about pyrovalerone. MDPV was a great surprise to me at least. Peoples view of the stuff seems mixed to say the least. If nothing else, it would make an ideal cut for speed. Take your 100% speed, cut to 50% with caffeine and add a dash of MDPV. I should think that some Dutch chemists will be looking quite hard at this stuff. Pity it's not much 'fun' in itself.
Whats this with oxolinic acid? I've got 100g of technical grade but no idea if/how it can be used.
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Anyone comment on the likely activity (if any) of this compound. I know, it's the methylenedioxy ring fetish....
2 nitrogen on one carbon ??? Very strange ... probably inactive because the C=N bond is unstable.

PS : which softwear did you use to draw this molecule ? thanx.
haven't you been paying attention to f&b's organic chemistry lectures in the Psychedelics Forum? That compound is too easily hydrolyzed to be stable.

To be filed under "Shit Drugs."
haribo1 said:
Anyone comment on the likely activity (if any) of this compound. I know, it's the methylenedioxy ring fetish....

I think imine (C=NH2) bonds are not stable in the presence of acid or base, so it would readily hydrolyze in the stomach, forming a C=O bond
Yeh I'd like to know which software you used too. I like the color added...the one I use doesnt divide the color up like this.
So it would form an amide. Damn. I guess the only other thing I could do is form a ring system of some sort. I nicked the image. Check the source to see a host of similar compounds.
Oh, I thought it was an actual chem program. Try ACD Lab's Chemsketch. Use google to find it. Far better, so many options, analysis of structure, 3D, and also free.
Hello to everybody and sorry for interrupting your interesting chat.

I have a problem with my alleged MDPV: it won’t dissolve in dH2O. I had 100mg of MDVP that I tried to dissolve in 100ml of dH20 at room temperature. It didn’t dissolve at all and I kind of panicked and added a bit ethanol (maybe 20ml counted as 95% EtOH) but the MDPV just won’t dissolve in room temperature. I even tried warming the solution a bit but can’t really say if the MDPV dissolved or if it was just floating around and I didn’t see it. When you wait a little time the MDPV crystals (more like a powder) settles on the bottom of the flask.
Is this compound even MDPV and if so how do I get the 100mg back from the solution? I have no way of doing vacuum filtration or some other apparatus needed trickery.
ieke_kurpilum said:
Hello to everybody and sorry for interrupting your interesting chat.

I have a problem with my alleged MDPV: it won’t dissolve in dH2O. I had 100mg of MDVP that I tried to dissolve in 100ml of dH20 at room temperature. It didn’t dissolve at all and I kind of panicked and added a bit ethanol (maybe 20ml counted as 95% EtOH) but the MDPV just won’t dissolve in room temperature. I even tried warming the solution a bit but can’t really say if the MDPV dissolved or if it was just floating around and I didn’t see it. When you wait a little time the MDPV crystals (more like a powder) settles on the bottom of the flask.
Is this compound even MDPV and if so how do I get the 100mg back from the solution? I have no way of doing vacuum filtration or some other apparatus needed trickery.

try ultrasound if you have.

You can add an acid to the solution, and heat to the water boiling point.
Swim had some problems to dissolve mdpv, as well. he put 50 mg in a 25,0 ml "baloon (from french)" and heat to 60°C and shake shake shake...
Give it an hour or two, shaking every 15 minutes. It will dissolve.
Just sit the container in a cup of freshly boiled water for a minute & shake it - it will all go into soln no problem (I generally make up a 20mg/ml solution in this manner and nothing settles out on cooling)
fastandbulbous said:
Just sit the container in a cup of freshly boiled water for a minute & shake it - it will all go into soln no problem (I generally make up a 20mg/ml solution in this manner and nothing settles out on cooling)

The original poster was talking about 100mg into 100mL of dh2o (i.e. 1mg/mL). I've had no trouble preparing a 3mg/mL solution before, i.e. no acid addition, heating, or excessive agitation required.

I'd try pouring the solution through a filter (coffee filter maybe?), letting the powder dry, and weighing it. Either it's not MDPV, or it's an impure batch. MDPV is water soluble, so the weight of the resulting powder might help approximate the % impurity present.
MDPVagrant said:
Also, avoid mixing with caffeine or *any* other CNS stimulant and you'll likely avoid the infamous "panic attack" reaction as well.

I'm not about to take any caffeine. I'm just stating that in Europe, speed is nearly always cut with caffeine. Amphetamine sulfate is very hygroscopic so your 100% powder turns to mush. You have to cut it just to keep it as a powder. I was also saying in passing that MDPV is very likely to be a popular 'active' cut. Since you can get a commercial lab to make it (India or China) then it will have an intrinsic value on the black market. Did you think wholesalers have any morals? If it increases profits then they will do it!
the impurity in some batches is pyrrolidine. gives off toxiv vapour when burnt.
Hi, i would like to try MPDV. I have social anxiety for as long as i remember, this is very difficult to live with and because of this im depressed most of the time.
Its going beter since ive been in therapy for the last 4 months after i tried to kill myself with an overdose of valium, wich got me gone for 3 days btw wich were the most confusing days of my live lol.

today i have tried some methylone wich was nice but to expensive and the effects doesnt last that long compared to x imo wich i do not like btw (xtc) it makes me to neurvous and anxious. but i will probably buy some more grams of methylone next week :).

i have tried many drugs but only recently i heard about rc's, so far i have tried DMT, 5-MEO-dmt, 5-MEO-DIPT/MIPT, 2C-I, MET freebase(not recomended) and in a few weeks 2C-B and i still have some 2ct2 i need to test this weekend probably, so i think im a prety experienced rc user :). ive used alot of amphetamine (allmost everyday) and xtc (about 20 pills a weekend, sometimes with 8 at a time) a few years ago. i even had a amphetamine psychosis wich is not nice to have. i saw insect crawling in and over my body, i even scratched and pulled those litle brown spots out of my body, thinking it where worms, till i bleeded. its not like you realise your hallucinating it seems all real.
the funiest thing a saw when i had that psychosis was a litle worm with a box explaining me how i should pull the worms out of my body, that was prety crazy lol 8o .

it took a while before i completly recovered from my addiction and i didnt do any drugs for years after i quit using to give my body some rest and the time to completly recover before i would try any other drugs.

i was extremly paranoid at that time and heard voices and saw ppl who werent there.
since then i learned that drugs arent something to mess with and something you should treat with respect and you should always use it with caution and dont overdo it.
but i geuss we all made mistakes when we were young. :)

but what i wanted to ask is if MPDV could help me with my social anxiety like methylone does ??
or are there other chemicals that could help me make my life easyer ?

And dont tell me about the dangers of taking drugs when your not mentaly 100%, im well aware of that :)


edit: forgot to mension i use gbl daily wich helps me a litle with my social anxiety but not as much i would like to.
edit2: and i would also like to know wich effects MPDV gives you compared to gbl,ghb/methylone/xtc or anything else.
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MDPV is pretty much a simple stimulant so if you've had problems with other stimulants in the past I'd say that you'd be best off avoiding it.; it has none of the serotonogic/entactogenic activity that methylone or MDMA has

And dont tell me about the dangers of taking drugs when your not mentaly 100%, im well aware of that

so much so that it sounds like you're well on the way to getting a GHB dependance to add to your other problems. Maybe you should try either a drug free method or drugs that don't havew an addiction potential to cope with your social anxiety before adding another potentially addictive drug to your intake (MDPV has a very strong 'urge to redose, sometimes compulsively' element to it)
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