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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

Shit Please don't do it man. There is nothing i wish for more than to be able to go all the way back to the first time I snorted an oc 80 in 04 and the beginning of 11 years of hell. But the biggest mistake was that first IV dilaudid 6 years ago. That shit will take your soul
Just do some Kratom instead it's not addicting but u still get a nice buzz if you do it the right way, like tea :D
Just do some Kratom instead it's not addicting but u still get a nice buzz if you do it the right way, like tea :D

I tried this way. The first times I used an average amount, but I wanted more because I was unconsciously (or not) looking for the real buzz. I tried different varieties and types and increased the dosage. I finally got there, I also had some kind of rush with the warm, euphoria and everything...but there I was, addicted to the tea 8)

If you're not willing to quit, you aren't going to use anything properly. The positive thing is it is legal and not cut. For my last relapse I chose it indeed...and almost collapsed because I took the wrong variety and drank too much of the shit in an attempt to get the right high...this never happened with H. Isn't that fun somehow?
Five years ago I was writing on some Italian forum, saying I wanted to try H. My mind was completely fascinated by it, I couldn't spend a second without being obsessed.
I felt bad, anxious, full of rage and sadness, my mind found its way out compelling me to focus on the drug. I imagined how it would be, with lot of romanticism and expectation.

Everyone there was telling me not to do it cause I'd have ruined my life...of course I didn't give a shit, I'd have wanted to, but I just couldn't. The desire was too strong!
I lived in a small village on the mountains, so it wasn't easy for me to put my idea in action. But our mind is incredible when we really want something, so I wrote in the forum that I had tried it. Then that I had used, and again. In some months I was virtually friend with the people and they were thinking I was an addict too.
We decided to know each other personally - Italy is not big - and we did it. They were heroin addicts, and of course they brought dope...when I was there I felt horrible and I realised what I was going to do. I was terrified and had adrenaline rushes, but I did it anyway. I wasn't strong enough and didn't care about myself.

And there's where you already know how the story goes on.

By reporting my experience I want to say two things:
first, if you are thinking about trying this drug, you'll do it regardless of what people (us) say.
second, if you are planning such a thing you must be in trouble. It means you are suffering too much for something, so you can try thinking this: I'm going to seek help first, then I can always turn to dope if it doesn't work. Pushers are always available, don't worry...this is my advice!
no dont try heroin, your life will forever be changed, id say the same thing about any drug, they change how you think about life, esp the stronger ones, meth, heroin.

Sure some drugs can be very beneficial but most change how you view life and kind of suck the life out of being sober and make being sober boring AF.
It´s a simple as that. 90% you´ll like it .. 100% your life you´ll be spoiled and sad.
Just don´t. I believe you know this is not a good idea.
I'm still just a 'weekend warrior' but my Coke usage has gone through the roof sadly recently because of too much parties and afterparties (especially the VIP treatment gets to you :\). Anyway I still say Life > Drugs most of the time though... (IMHO & IME :)).

--» Peace o/
How much H would be comparable to 100mg ir oxycodone and what would be the cost of it?I have done everything under the sun but H,so I am a rookie as far as that goes.I would not iv anything so keep that in mind.Also I am in east tennessee and with all the contacts I have had over the years I have never heard of any H being around here,I'm sure it is but I don't even have a clue what the cost is or how to tell if it's any good or not.
Not unless you got nothing to live for anymore and wanna take a 50 50 chance of dying. Stay away from herion worst drug on this fucking planet
One thing I haven't seen come up in this post is the "chasing the dragon" aspect of Heroin.

So the first time you do it is the best, and no other time can compare even if you take more? But you still feel good, right, or people wouldn't get addicted? So you just feel good but a little less good each time until you're addicted and barely getting high off it?

I'm not going to try Heroin, but sometimes it's fun to think about. Sometimes I really wish I could. My life hasn't been that good and I don't feel like I have much of a future, and what if it's the only way I could feel on top of the world? Wouldn't it be worth it to have that experience once in your life?
One thing I haven't seen come up in this post is the "chasing the dragon" aspect of Heroin.

So the first time you do it is the best, and no other time can compare even if you take more? But you still feel good, right, or people wouldn't get addicted? So you just feel good but a little less good each time until you're addicted and barely getting high off it?

I'm not going to try Heroin, but sometimes it's fun to think about. Sometimes I really wish I could. My life hasn't been that good and I don't feel like I have much of a future, and what if it's the only way I could feel on top of the world? Wouldn't it be worth it to have that experience once in your life?

Well it depends on the dose. If you get the perfect dose the first time you try a strong opiate like heroin and get that ideal blissful opiate high, then yes, that is what starts the mental addiction and infatuation and mental recall to how blissful that experience was, which in turn drives you toward an addiction. If you take to much or to little of opiates on your first go, your either going to have a letdown experience or be puking your guts out and spinning, which obviously won't be the most memorable experience. But once you get that perfect opiate high, yes it starts a mental chase that you may not even recognize, but it is there, and you have opened a door that cannot be closed.
There are no words in the human language that can properly convey the sheer fucked up horror of having a serious heroin habit.

I could relay a whole bunch of stories and anecdotes, but this thread does a decent job of summarizing it. Just don't try it - it will not improve your life in any way, and if it doesn't just straight up kill you, then it will steal your soul in a slow, miserable, downright inhumane fashion. I wouldn't wish a dope habit on my worst enemy.
Nicely put! What else can we say?
Just don´t .. there are no good endings with H. Even if you ever managed to quit, life won't ever be as easy.
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its kinda weird once you pick up some clean time you look back and just think to yourself, "how the fuck was I so addicted to that.. and why did I do that?". meanwhile, we've all done it many times before and even relapse many, many times.

I've only been on bupe about 3-4 months now and I have used in that time but I am finally being "clean" and not touching anything lately. the thought of it is making me sick, so its a good thing as of now. I know this all changes; the longest I've been clear over the last 7-8 years was 9 months and that was on bupe; I went from 16MG to 4MG way too quick in that time frame and ended up going back full time.

as of now I started at 16MG 4 months ago and I am down to 12MG; I plan to get to 8MG and stick w/ that for HOWEVER FUCKING LONG I WANT! I am in no rush to get off because its truly saving my life at this point. yes, it still a drug that I must take daily and w/o it I just dont feel "right' but whatever, ya know!?
no never try herion or meth or any hard drug, once you feel how great illicit drugs make you feel its really really hard to say im never going to touch em ever again.
No matter how much pain you're in... Heroin will leave you, broke, sick,in more pain, and possibly dead.
I'd say the only drugs "worth" trying are weed and psychedelics. I've tried all of the harder drugs and been addicted to a few of them. They're not worth it. Not even for self-medication. Just don't do it. Heroin, other opiates, cocaine, meth, xanax, benzos in general... those are the ones you gotta watch out for in particular as far as how addictive they are and how easy they are to get.
Is a heroin dependency any worse than an oxy dependency? I don't think so, shit seems exactly them same to as long as your not iv'ing it. That changes the game I'm sure but as far as just sniffing the shit it seems just like oxy to me, the same exact buzz. Just a bunch of stigma attached to heroin I guess. My Oxys that I have a legit script for, they stopped working for my pain. My dr wasn't trying to up my dosage even after being on the the same 15mg every 8hr( lmao) for 6-7yrs. This is just how it goes for us pain patients, were treated like drug addled losers that lie and steal and are always looking to get over on the system so moving to dope is the natural progression of things for a lot of us people who are suffering. I'm not saying run out a score a bun and try the shit, I'm just saying in some cases it can be helpful in alleviating suffering. I'm not out there ripping and running, my life is exactly the same as it was when I was on oxy except now I get round the clock pain control and in not going fucking broke every month scoring outrageously priced blues to get by. I've been reading this thread for awhile now and all I hear is h is the end of your life as u know it, I'm just not sure that's true in all cases. Everything has it's purpose in this world. And I'm not trying to act like an uppity drug addict that's a better dope fiend than everyone else , I'm just saying my experience with dope. I'm the same fiend I was on oxy now that I'm on h. It should be known though that once u make that switch u can't go back to oxy , the dope really blasts your tolerance outta the water so oxy definitley won't work so don't waste ur pills. If there's no reason for you to be on opiates/opiods you shouldn't fuck with them for sure. It's not gonna improve your life unless you enjoy spending mad dough with nothing but a forgotten high to show for your money. If you need pain control and you have no quality of life then I could certainly understand your need for h if no drs will believe u and your dying inside everyday. Who would tell somebody to suffer if there's an answer? Someone that's never had intractable pain I guess...
Look I know I'm gonna get ripped to shreds for this post but I don't give a fuck. Let's be honest here and stop the scaremongering. Let's state facts, heroin can ruin your life, heroin has a huge stigma, it will destroy you if you let it, same with oxy, morphine, hydrocodone, fuckin codeine for that matter, plenty of posts on here from across the pond about people losing everything because of a codeine dependency. I grew up a drug dealer, son of addicts, I've seen what addiction can do to some people, but I've also seen people who used in moderation and have sustained their usage for well over 20yrs now and are no worse for wear. They own houses, raise successful children, own cars, pay the bills, and have plenty of cash in the bank. It's not the drug it's the addict.
Let the ripping begin, I'm done.
I agree with you Cliffy78. I am an occasional IV user, and I still have a career and can pay my bills. I've been shooting for 6 years, and I still have a pretty good life and a roof over my head.
If you want to ruin your life than yes, go for it. Just know that you will lose everything including but not limited to friends, family, money, self respect, health, happiness, sanity, valuable items, pretty much any thing and everything you care about. It will consume you entirely. Everyday will be a struggle of how to get money for your fix and getting the actual dope. Life will be bleak and depressing. You will hate yourself and everything that you have become. Your brain will be forever changed with no way back. It will be something that haunts you for the rest of your life. So in conclusion, yes, try it if you want to throw away your life and happiness. Be smart and safe.