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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

^ your bluffinf. "Awful physical reactions" to heroin dont exist. unless you're talking about withdrawal.
Everything we do in this life causes an effect on our body if you are able to use pure heroin than you should be fine if you have a strong will
I've never met a heroin user that has a strong will and never will I, there are so many homeless people that live at the parks near my house that are there because of heroin it's one of those drugs where you'd give up everything for and it turns people into liars conmen and thieves (which I understand since the addiction is so horribly painful it makes sense)

:vampire: :vampire: :vampire:
I have always wanted to do Heroin, but the fact that its illegal has stopped me. I have a job that requires a clean criminal record and as such I was just too afraid to go and buy some, just in case I got seen by a police officer. That, and where I live, the drugs are overpriced and crap quality. If anyone knows where I mean: my closest area to find drugs is Camden in North London.

However, recently I've been contemplating it more and more. My reasoning is because I want to reawaken my creativity. I used to write...a LOT. Since I was like 7 years old I had an amazing imagination. However, as I went though the schooling system, my curiosity became aimed at the sciences, and as a result I feel like I've list the creative edge I once had. I try to write now, but nothing comes out. My thoughts are really not the same anymore, and I'm stuck in a world of order and routine.

Do I still want to try heroin? Yes. Will I actually be trying heroin? Unlikely. The post by one member kace (?) yesterday about what happened to her after trying heroin, was horrifying to read. I also read another bluelighter write out in steps how one eventually becomes a junkie, saying thats the inevitable end to trying it. That was powerful.
Also, your writing might be positively affected at first. But, I guarantee that once you run out of dope, once you get sick for the first time, once you realize how much your mind has changed. Everything you were before, everything you sought to figure out or explain by writing, it will all be broken down into heroin being the solution to and cause of all of your problems. You’ll no longer be the same person who wanted to write and everything you write for that point on will be told through the lens of experience of being a heroin addict. You will lose the person who wanted to write to the person who wanted to do heroin.
I can never say no because I would be a hypocrite as I have done it many times
So this is my rules for anyone wanting to try.
2 Make sure you have good friends around you taking it at same time, on your own soon becomes a habit and is boring
3 stop when you think it might be getting hold of you, it’s not true hooked after 1 smoke but after 10 day binge stop and don’t look back. The withdrawal will be much less then if in 6 months time
4 stop when you don’t get the great feeling when you first tried it and don’t look back
I tried not long ago, people are exaggerated as fuck, is nothing out of the world, just an opiate high but way more sedating and incapacitating than others imo.

At this point after trying basically all opiates instead oxymorphone and opium, literally all are the same, basically heroin are mostly used by 'addicts' because it has the longer legs and the most cheap (bang for the buck), but that´s about it. If heroin wouldn´t exist all of this people simply would be using another opiate.

If I had to chose an outstanding 'addictive' high that is the peak of oxycodone, not heroin. Still, nothing out of the world.