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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

I tried it once about 5 years ago. I wish I hadn't just because I don't want something like that in my repertoire (I'm a psychonaut). My brother was on heroin for 15 years and because of that shit, he's currently serving 28 years in prison. I've lost so many friends to that drug and know of countless others that have lost also. If you're looking for creativity, smoke some sativa MJ or take some LSD.
Okay I do opiates a lot smoke weed every once in a while an dabble in a little white now and then I love mdma an all forms do Sheooms and acid when I can but in my 16 years I've been doing drugs ..I'm 27.. I have never and will never do heroin ( meth or crack either) but heroin is the stupidest thing to try there are so many better choices with way less consequences yes it's cheaper but upswing is a habit and a vice if you can't afford it don't do it pure n simple

You're kidding yourself if you think you can use opioids a lot and be safe or dependence free if you never do heroin. Heroin isn't some secret boogieman, it isn't directly active on your brain, it is a prodrug for morphine (meaning it turns to morphine which gets you high). Heroin directly does not get you high.

So if you're doing other pharms like morphine, you're essentially doing the SAME damn thing. Heroin has fucked up more lives merely because of it's availability. If people could buy other opioids like hydromorphone or oxymorphone equipotently for the price and availability they would probably not do heroin at all, or there would be a lot more addicts of the other stuff.
I read something about a rat addiction experiment. Everyone knows the old rat in a cage with drugged water, end up with addicted rat ect. But someone else did the same experiment with a rat paradise. The rat had fun fucking female rats, playing and didnt even touched the drugged water. Almost like LSD, you dont find heroin it finds you. Your environment determines if you become a junkie not the chemical. For instance, successful people(as in real success not celebrities) either have no interest in drugs or are able to try it and either not like it or not become addicted.
First thing I want to say is I am new to this forum and have joined to try and help people avoid years of mistakes I have made. Please feel free to ask me anything about any drug. I have taken them all. With the exception of one or two. I have used for over 20 years and have bags of experience (no pun intended). In answer to the question should I try heroin. It doesn't really matter what anyone says whether you know it or not you have already made your decision. To answer your question though if I had access to the Delorean I would travel back in time and visit 1874 where I would beg an Englishman called Charles Wright to stop his research on the Asian poppy. It is the most destructive, ruthless, soul destroying substance man has ever made. It is responsible for millions of peoples misery and countless deaths. It has the power and determination to ruin the strongest of relationships and turn humans in to a shadow of their former selves. Never, ever try

Devil's advocate here, but opium has helped a ton of people, too. Think about 97% of the people receiving pain control after surgery and injuries. I'm honestly an advocate for a completely legal opiate narcotic system, but the way it sits right now with its purity, related violence and crime and how that extends to not being able to be a functional addict is ridiculous. As it sits now, it will ruin your life, yes. But in countries that have tried legalizing and decriminalizing and actually looking at addiction as a mental illness and not a crime, many many people are functional "addicts".

That said, yes, heroin ruined my life and ambitions, too. But that doesn't mean I'm not guilty of shooting people up for the first time. I always give them the lecture/spiel (nothing will ever compare to this, this road leads only bad places, you never do it just once) but ultimately these people are adults and responsible for their own decisions and lives, and I'm damned if I let them dig around in their flesh because I'm unwilling to help.
Is the ROA more significant than the exact opioid being heroin or say oxy? Cause I have tried hydrocodone and have taken oxy plenty of times, but have not tried H because it exists in different circles and has a stigma. Similar story with meth.

If you stick to snorting or oral use, would it be much different? I think oxy is addictive but maybe just doable... hydrocodone I loved a little bit too much perhaps but could only get it that one time.

It is probably best that I don't tempt fate, but I somehow have the feeling that switching to IV opioid use would matter more than trying snorted or oral H.
Is the ROA more significant than the exact opioid being heroin or say oxy? Cause I have tried hydrocodone and have taken oxy plenty of times, but have not tried H because it exists in different circles and has a stigma. Similar story with meth.

If you stick to snorting or oral use, would it be much different? I think oxy is addictive but maybe just doable... hydrocodone I loved a little bit too much perhaps but could only get it that one time.

It is probably best that I don't tempt fate, but I somehow have the feeling that switching to IV opioid use would matter more than trying snorted or oral H.

ime yes! But i know maybe one or two people that were able to say YES to a line of H (snort) and NO to an IV..

I smoked black tar for a couple times. A month went by and I was doing what I swore I would never do.. IV and IM only.

Is the ROA more significant than the exact opioid being heroin or say oxy? Cause I have tried hydrocodone and have taken oxy plenty of times, but have not tried H because it exists in different circles and has a stigma. Similar story with meth.

If you stick to snorting or oral use, would it be much different? I think oxy is addictive but maybe just doable... hydrocodone I loved a little bit too much perhaps but could only get it that one time.

It is probably best that I don't tempt fate, but I somehow have the feeling that switching to IV opioid use would matter more than trying snorted or oral H.

The latter is definitely true. And besides the stigma there's always a purity/cut/unknown variable with street drugs, which is why a lot of people stick with pills even though they're more pricy.
I'm just going to put in my two cents here. I don't think you should try heroin because it only takes that one time for you to get hooked. People say "oh, I'm only gonna do it once, I'll be fine." Well what happens when you like it so much that you want to do it again?It's that addictive. I've watched heroin destroy my mom's relationship. My stepdad, well old stepdad, has served over 25 years of prison time throughout his life. Stealing for heroin money, getting caught with it, being around the wrong crowd, yeah that's not something you want to get into. Oxys and percs are the way to go if you really want an opiate feeling.
I'm just going to put in my two cents here. I don't think you should try heroin because it only takes that one time for you to get hooked. People say "oh, I'm only gonna do it once, I'll be fine." Well what happens when you like it so much that you want to do it again?It's that addictive. I've watched heroin destroy my mom's relationship. My stepdad, well old stepdad, has served over 25 years of prison time throughout his life. Stealing for heroin money, getting caught with it, being around the wrong crowd, yeah that's not something you want to get into. Oxys and percs are the way to go if you really want an opiate feeling.

Perfect! If they are adults and want to do it but instead ask us for help, that´s exactly what we should be doing IMO.
I read something about a rat addiction experiment. Everyone knows the old rat in a cage with drugged water, end up with addicted rat ect. But someone else did the same experiment with a rat paradise. The rat had fun fucking female rats, playing and didnt even touched the drugged water. Almost like LSD, you dont find heroin it finds you. Your environment determines if you become a junkie not the chemical. For instance, successful people(as in real success not celebrities) either have no interest in drugs or are able to try it and either not like it or not become addicted.

I agree totally!!! When I look around my town, the drug scene is rampant & it really doesn't matter ur drug of choice bc there really isn't much to look forward to, at least for me & what seems like a lot of other ppl around here. I'm now on day 5 of my oxy withdrawl n am beginning to realize that the reason I do the things I do is because I'm bored n hate my life!! But where do u go from there?? How do "the normal ppl" do it n find happiness in the mundane everyday grind without having to take something to have a little fun??? If u have found the answer to this plz clue me in!!! :)
If you are an addict. Like 1yr plus of continuous opioid use, your options are slim. I know 12 step programs like NA work, IF you work it, follow the suggestions. A lot of people in those meetings still struggle but by surrounding yourself with clean people who have gone through similar patterns/behaviors you have a much better shot at staying clean and not going back to your old way of life. Just my experience. Life gets better, but not overnight! And requires MUCH strength! All the best!!
Has anyone ever met a 60 or 70 year old heroine addict??? Unless ppl get some serious treatment they almost certainly die at some point...

I met a 70 something addict in an outpatient, he was like a black William Burroughs, dude had style...
No, most often the case is you don't die, some of us ould have rather at certain points, and have a struggle to deal with for the rest of your lives...
Heroin - helpful for people with pain issues, some mental or emotional problems. It can help you deal with jobs that are boring, monotonous, strenuous, dangerous. It can also help you become accepting and complacent in wretched living situations.

However, the flip side is becoming TOO accepting of circumstances and you no longer work to change them. Addiction sneaks up on you, no one is "stronger" than a biological change in your body. "It is not a matter if willpower. It is science." One has to be incredibly mindful not to become hooked, or perhaps not like it much.. But I was not very impressed by heroin myself for a while, yet still became addicted. You will likely end up either with shitty friends, or isolate yourself. You cannot function without it, so be prepared to do all sorts of things for money, or working overtime with nothing to show for it. Enjoy no longer having much of a life outside of it. Non users no longer trust you when they find out you use it, even if you aren't an addict at the time. Most people despise themselves for it, but can't stop. I learned to be OK with it, but doesn't mean I think it's a great thing to start doing- I just accept the trade off.

Also, a lot of people don't really enjoy trying it. Trying just to try? You may as well not try it at all- you'll get just as much out of it.

If you think you're OK with the negative consequences, good for you.. But words cannot suffice to explain things like withdrawal- the experience is all-consuming. And the high is very mild in comparison to the negative side of it. Not worth it for most, and you can probably deal with the initial reasons I mentioned and be better off using something like weed or occasional benzodiazipines. I won't lie to myself and others by saying I wish I hadn't done it, but will say my life would probably be much more productive and wouldn't have the pressure to stay well if I hadn't.
Heroin - helpful for people with pain issues, some mental or emotional problems. It can help you deal with jobs that are boring, monotonous, strenuous, dangerous. It can also help you become accepting and complacent in wretched living situations.

However, the flip side is becoming TOO accepting of circumstances and you no longer work to change them. Addiction sneaks up on you, no one is "stronger" than a biological change in your body. "It is not a matter if willpower. It is science." One has to be incredibly mindful not to become hooked, or perhaps not like it much.. But I was not very impressed by heroin myself for a while, yet still became addicted. You will likely end up either with shitty friends, or isolate yourself. You cannot function without it, so be prepared to do all sorts of things for money, or working overtime with nothing to show for it. Enjoy no longer having much of a life outside of it. Non users no longer trust you when they find out you use it, even if you aren't an addict at the time. Most people despise themselves for it, but can't stop. I learned to be OK with it, but doesn't mean I think it's a great thing to start doing- I just accept the trade off.

Also, a lot of people don't really enjoy trying it. Trying just to try? You may as well not try it at all- you'll get just as much out of it.

If you think you're OK with the negative consequences, good for you.. But words cannot suffice to explain things like withdrawal- the experience is all-consuming. And the high is very mild in comparison to the negative side of it. Not worth it for most, and you can probably deal with the initial reasons I mentioned and be better off using something like weed or occasional benzodiazipines. I won't lie to myself and others by saying I wish I hadn't done it, but will say my life would probably be much more productive and wouldn't have the pressure to stay well if I hadn't.

+ 10 absolutely fantastic post. You put it perfectly
This is an amazing written piece! My username is new to BL cuz I went into the deep end on heroin n forgot my password for this site, pawned all of my shit. This was about a year ago when I was coming out of the hell I was in. My good friend died from heroin OD it was his first and only time to try it (he snorted it). I have heard there is a 90% chance of dying your first time, especially if you aren't opioid tolerable. I have to take opiates for chronic pain (have been for 8yrs). I have finally gotten to where I just take my prescribed meds. It all starts as OP said you start off with pills, then gradually move your way up to heroin. I must tell you heroin is the devil! If you want to be a major slave to something then go for it, if not just steer clear from it. It ruined my life for a while. I lost almost everything, my high school sweetheart (6yr relationship), houses, clothes, computers, DJ turntables etc. just to get my next fix. I'm finally on the right path now, I have a girlfriend that knows and supports me and is there whenever I need her, new career etc. Just the point I'm trying to make is it isn't worth it that's all. I'm not suggesting or giving out any advice, just sharing my quick story in a nutshell.

Bless all,
In my opinion, I don't think that anyone who seeks answer to this question should use H. Doing drugs were never a question for me, I either do it or I don't. You need to cross a line on substances that you consider "llarge potential for things to get out of hand" and refrain from them. EsSpecially one of the strongest street drug of there.
Well, Gear "was" (key word) one thing i would never try, not in my wildest dreams. After doing all the drugs under the sun I decided to clean up and settle down. Fast forward about 6 years... Here I am, laying down curled up and uncomfortable as hell. Im on the 3rd day without H and struggling. When i mentioned earlier that I settled down, I did and it was fine until about 2 years into relationship when my SO picked up the habit of pain killers and then heroin. I've been trying to get her clean ever since and have finally ( about 2 months ago) stepped to the dark side to show my loyalty to her and that i would do anything for her to quit. I was only supposed to do it a few times by the time she gets the suboxone. Here I am lying in sweats and sick with blown away savings but still have hope that its going to get better by tomorrow.

No, don't try heroin, i sure as hell wish i haven't.


You're kicking cold turkey right now or do you have any suboxone or anything? Day 3 is the peak for the most part. You'll start to feel much better, though still shitty, in another day or two. Hang in there, man.

I never came back to update, maybe because there wasn't much to say... I Relapsed. The crazy thing is, I hate the fuck out of opiate high which by me is really LOW, but anyways I got my girlfriend into a 120 Day inpatient program and I continued using for about a month and a half until I got myself some Suboxone 8mg strips. I originally started using as she was supposedly getting them, when that turned out to be a lie I kept using and hoping for sub's. Well, damn near a year to date and I finally got a bunch. I'm happy as shit it was either 2 jabs or bunch 'o subs and being that my GF is in rehab its perfect time to get clean as she is just too goddamn weak to say no and I'm too goddamn much in love with her to say no and I'm not saying this as a way to justify my use it just like that with anything when it comes to her.

Now, Mr.Scagnattie, being that I've never seen a real doc to get these, im on my third day (fifth day without dope) I am still uncomfortable and can't seem to get the time/dose right. I'm still lightyears ahead of what I felt like before taking any Suboxone, I just can't seem to get it right. Also, about 6-7 20$ bags of good shit a day damn near every day. Am I doing something wrong or is it just the amount I used to use and need to give the Suboxone few days to start working.

Thanks all. And please, just say NO.

Edit to add: My original post was last year 3/3/14
dont try it if you have a problem with any other drug because odds are your using it to self medicate and heroin will cure anything so it will be extreemly easy to get hooked, you cant ask anyone else if youll be addicted the first time or not because it all depends on you. ive had friends who tryed it and never touched it again or used only on the weekends but when i tried it as soon as i inhaled the smoke and held it i knew i was fucked. it was the most amazing feeling ever. and for the next year it sent me down a downward spiral i got money any way i could i stole everything that a pawn shop would take. it controls you, it gets in your head and speaks to you in your own voice. after a wile you dont care if you live or die because all you want to do is get high and you know you cant do it forever. heroin is a bitch that has a pretty face. at first its amazing but after a wile it ruins your life. im 18 and got out of detox a month ago but i know as soon as my tax return comes in im calling up the d-man. after all the people i fucked over and everyone i hurt all im thinking about is my next fix... its the sad truth... dont try heroin.