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So one year from now, how much money would someone have to pay you for you to not work out for an entire year? No gym, no jailhouse stuff at home, no bodyweight stuff at the park, no cardio. You live like a person who "does not work out."

I'd say 10,000usd.
Have seen this going around social media today. Amazing condition and she's actually pretty attractive and still appears somewhat feminine.
I have a question on a delt injection I did nd 400 test enanthate 1/2 cc I have redness below its been 4 days
I have a question on a delt injection I did nd 400 test enanthate 1/2 cc I have redness below its been 4 days

If you mean 400mg/ml.?? The concentration is pretty high to hold the hormone in solution, maybe too much BA has been used which is causing your issue..
Its pretty common, sometimes your bodys response (redness/pain) lasts for a single injection never to return, or you could be unlucky and have issue until the vial is finished..
You might try diluting with a less concentrated mixture, see if that helps..
Figured I'd give a little update. Approximately 4 weeks from my depleted state during peak week I'm at 173lbs. That's a 22lb increase in 27 days. Gh is working wonderfully and 600 test is growing me like a weed. Still have abs with a film of water from the gh and estrogen from test. On a regimen of tudca and nac still to correct liver enzymes being high from blasting Winstrol and halo lmao. When they say hepatoxic they weren't kidding. Will be getting blood work again in a few weeks before properly starting off season blast. I have a feeling coach is gonna put some deca in soon and maybe some dbol pre workout. I'll keep Yall updated.
That's great progress man, nothing like a rebound! I always make my best new gains on a rebound :)

Hope the tudca/nac sorts out the liver. What were the values like?
That's great progress man, nothing like a rebound! I always make my best new gains on a rebound :)

Hope the tudca/nac sorts out the liver. What were the values like?

It was about 2.5x out of range. Calcium was a bit high too, should that be of alarm? I stopped taking my calcium and magnesium supplement because of that.
You actually can tell that GH is making a difference already? Like what exactly is happening that you are pinning to it?
It was about 2.5x out of range. Calcium was a bit high too, should that be of alarm? I stopped taking my calcium and magnesium supplement because of that.

2.5 isn't too bad.

How high is the calcium? Is it normally highish? Hyperparathyroidism is the most common cause, and excessive AAS use often fucks with the glands and calcium levels. Make sure you're taking a baby aspirin every day until levels fall back to normal.
You actually can tell that GH is making a difference already? Like what exactly is happening that you are pinning to it?
I look like I'm holding a pump all day. Kept calories the same and appear to be leaning out. Recovery between gym days is better.

As per the calcium, only slightly out of range. My coach didn't seem to worried about it but just wanted more opinions. I'll add baby aspirin in to my assorted pill collection.
Alright boys, just ignore me. I feel compelled to stick my neck back in here now I've finally just pinned my first shot of tren in about 3 years. Let's hope this stuff's still OK sitting in my cupboard so long. You lot assured me it'll be good last time I popped in here so I think I'm in for a good couple of months :) my maths is pretty shite right now especially dealing with 300mg/ml test E instead of the usual 250mg/ml, but I'll be pinning 0.3ml test E and 1.2ml Tren A EOD. Should be 315mg and 420mg per week respectively. Might knock the test down, but tbh I don't believe the stuff I have is actually dosed at 300mg/ml.

Hope you're all still kicking on, smashing gains and women as you should be ;)
Also why the fuck do ventrogluteal injections always feel like they aren't in the muscle...like I either passed through it or something and injected into, well, not muscle. Fkn hate them.
Welcome back! I'd say keep test where it's at. I was on 600/week test til 10 days out and looked decent. Avoided the flatness brought on by tren and low cals. Felt great too. I haven't done vg shots in years. I keep it delts and quads with glutes for larger volume shots. Triceps are getting a break for now
Welcome back mate :) What are you doing - bulk, cut, or something else?
Sorta both, but aiming to regain a little bit of what I've dropped both mass and strength wise before concerning myself with the displeasure of caloric deficit haha. Thankfully Tren allows for mild recomposition rather than explicit cut or bulk. That being said, I've got fuck all fat to lose despite the relatively trash diet and lack of a consistent routine I've had lately.

V.glutes always feel like I've overshot the muscle and am injecting into the void of my hip joint lol... I hate delts just coz they're a bitch to do with one hand (aspirating without jamming the needle in harder sucks), and I'm hesitant to hit glutes due to fear of blood vessels and Tren cough hahaha. Same reason I ain't going near my calves again.
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^ yeah if I remember rightly you were all crazy vascularity last time I saw a pic.
Get it in trozzle! How's the family been?

So sero is in a rough patch. He's got one sexy blonde wanting to get fucked badly. But she's pretty slutty and I don't Wanna catch anything lmao. So moderating my dick has proven to be harder than modding this board lmao.
The real problem is this. There's this girl I've known for a while now. One of the most beautiful girls I've ever met. Blonde hair, green eyes, inked, pierce, exquisite vocabulary, loves rock and metal music. "true love is effortless, it just happens" is what I've been told. And well, the connection is just effortless. We can talk for hours. Laugh, smile, there's no barriers no awkwardness. I stayed at her place Friday night. Didn't cross any lines though I wanted to so badly. Estrogen is good. No estrogen sides. No 19-nors to fuck with my head. What is this? It defies logic... I cried when she relapsed... And had the most brutal leg workout with tears in my eyes. This defies everything I know about myself. Is this what love is? Sero doesn't cry. Sero feels everyone is replaceable... Except her. Nuke estro and add in 400 tren? Lol make the feels go away!
Alright kicking off blast starting tomorrow.
1000 test
300 deca
300 mast
4iu gh training days and 2iu off days