Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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I miss my pre invega brain .

Having to play a game all day and feel the dopamine and adrenaline was a feeling ill miss

Starting a new tv show or movie and getting excited and fill with emotions was a feeling ill miss

Learning new things such as coding and staying motivated and engaged was a feeling ill miss

Although bad, having insane trips on weed and getting that influx of euphoria was a feeling ill miss

Hanging out with friends and endlessly talking about life was a feeling ill miss.
I miss my pre invega brain .

Having to play a game all day and feel the dopamine and adrenaline was a feeling ill miss

Starting a new tv show or movie and getting excited and fill with emotions was a feeling ill miss

Learning new things such as coding and staying motivated and engaged was a feeling ill miss

Although bad, having insane trips on weed and getting that influx of euphoria was a feeling ill miss

Hanging out with friends and endlessly talking about life was a feeling ill miss.
One day brother
I am 15 months off from last injection (I’ve received 1 x 234mg + 6 x 150mg) and I’m feeling 70% back to normal. There is still more to be recovered. Reviva is a new company trying to make a better antipsychotic, check out their company.
How is your sexual function and getting high on drugs
How many people have killed themselves because of this shit? I’ve seen about 5 people so far and it really feels like the only logical thing to do at this point.

I can’t enjoy TV at all anymore, over 40 channels and I can’t watch anything. It’s just so uninteresting. Netflix is the same, I tried watching a few shows but it feels like completing a difficult task not because I actually want to watch anything.

I have nothing to do now except complain on forums or wander the streets but I can only do that for an hour or two before I’m tired.
Try something you have seen and loved before.

At least wait two years before totally giving up. It takes some people two years to recover, but most of the time it only takes 12-14 months.
Yeah looks like im quitting weed again, it literlly only worked the first time i smoked in 7 months , i got insane euphoria but next day it did not work at all, im currently smoking 85% thc and no effects FUCK INVEGA.

Anyway, its probably best i stop smoking anyway , guna finish this cart and let my brain heal and not trigger another psychotic episode
Yeah looks like im quitting weed again, it literlly only worked the first time i smoked in 7 months , i got insane euphoria but next day it did not work at all, im currently smoking 85% thc and no effects FUCK INVEGA.

Anyway, its probably best i stop smoking anyway , guna finish this cart and let my brain heal and not trigger another psychotic episode
Try mixing it with caffeine for some reason this combo enhances the high while being on antipsychotics. Some user said it and i can confirm. Its like caffeine helps activate thc in this invega state
I believe if i would kill myself yall would blame it on drugs but its the trauma of forced drugging family gaslighting being unvalidated and dehumanised without no one adressing and helping me. Many of the people who killed themselves had underlying issues dont forget that. I believe with loving family a suicide thought would never enter my mind. Its the trauma combo that makes me wanna do it
My family is mostly cool and loving but I still wanted to do it.
Try mixing it with caffeine for some reason this combo enhances the high while being on antipsychotics. Some user said it and i can confirm. Its like caffeine helps activate thc in this invega state
I actually had coffee and was vaping my cart earlier this morning and no effects, sadly looks like theres alot of invega in my brain and still blocking dopamine and other receptors. Its fine , ive lasted 7 months without weed I can live without it.

NoMoreZombi: Apr 11, 2020

"Guys I just wanted to comfort you all about healing from Invega since I healed a long time ago. It gets so much better with time just as it had in my case. Personally, I healed after 6 months of quitting Invega. I lifted weights and managed to lose 20 kgs. I took St. John's wort during this time and gingko biloba. Worked like a charm and after 6 months I regained my energy, thoughts and sexual activity.

Nowadays, I'm still on antipsychotics like risperidone and depakote. But these don't have any horrible effects like Invega for sure. Wish you guys the best."

HunterGatherer30: ()

"I want to make this post in order to benefit people who have taken Invega and want to recover from it. I will share some tips on the best way to recover from Invega-induced "zombie mode".

I was given the shot around 5 years ago for 6 months and then stopped the taking it. What I noticed immediately after taking the shot was an extreme sluggishness, loss of thoughts and general apathy towards everything. I also got some weird freckles on my arms and face added to constant constipation. The experience was definitely no fun and I ended up quitting my job since I couldn't perform anymore (lack of thoughts) when my job was quite complex in nature and requires lots of concentration.

I quit the shots and found some ways to heal quickly. I went to the gym everyday and lifted weights. At this I should mention I had gained 20 kg! I took St. John's wort every day, which proven to help metabolise paliperidone (the active metabolite). I went ketogenic and ate omega 3 pills and fatty fish whenever I could. After a few months I dropped in weight and started feeling alive once more. It took around 6 months to recover fully!

Bear in mind many people complain on bluefish that they don't manage to recover even after a year. My guess is that they fail to lose the fat where most of the Invega is stored.

I hope this helps someone out there!"

I took st.john's wort for a year and did everything that this guy did for years.
I'm so young and still haven't recovered after going 3 years clean. But without regular training, diet and supplements I think I would be worse now, so I recommend doing it as every help in the recovery matters, especially in the long run.
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