Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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Though people die, our hope for triumph over Invega and other medications will not die. We all deserve reparations :)
Though people die (meaning) Though people have already transitioned and do transition,
We will still be victorious. And we also deserve reparations. The damage and suffering Invega caused us is rectified by our healing and also by reparations if we choose them. :) We carry the spirits of those who passed on with us.

NoMoreZombi: Apr 11, 2020

"Guys I just wanted to comfort you all about healing from Invega since I healed a long time ago. It gets so much better with time just as it had in my case. Personally, I healed after 6 months of quitting Invega. I lifted weights and managed to lose 20 kgs. I took St. John's wort during this time and gingko biloba. Worked like a charm and after 6 months I regained my energy, thoughts and sexual activity.

Nowadays, I'm still on antipsychotics like risperidone and depakote. But these don't have any horrible effects like Invega for sure. Wish you guys the best."

HunterGatherer30: ()

"I want to make this post in order to benefit people who have taken Invega and want to recover from it. I will share some tips on the best way to recover from Invega-induced "zombie mode".

I was given the shot around 5 years ago for 6 months and then stopped the taking it. What I noticed immediately after taking the shot was an extreme sluggishness, loss of thoughts and general apathy towards everything. I also got some weird freckles on my arms and face added to constant constipation. The experience was definitely no fun and I ended up quitting my job since I couldn't perform anymore (lack of thoughts) when my job was quite complex in nature and requires lots of concentration.

I quit the shots and found some ways to heal quickly. I went to the gym everyday and lifted weights. At this I should mention I had gained 20 kg! I took St. John's wort every day, which proven to help metabolise paliperidone (the active metabolite). I went ketogenic and ate omega 3 pills and fatty fish whenever I could. After a few months I dropped in weight and started feeling alive once more. It took around 6 months to recover fully!

Bear in mind many people complain on bluefish that they don't manage to recover even after a year. My guess is that they fail to lose the fat where most of the Invega is stored.

I hope this helps someone out there!"
I really wonder if ability to get high on psychodelics will fully comeback. I fookin love trippin on edibles and shrooms. But i only use low thc strain as high would make me go insane psychotic af
I really wonder if ability to get high on psychodelics will fully comeback. I fookin love trippin on edibles and shrooms. But i only use low thc strain as high would make me go insane psychotic af
I get high rn but its like 30% of what it was before its still muted after 2 months
Antipsychotics rant specifically about Invega Sustaina

This scenario may sound preposterous and believe me I wish it were. I truly believe that the scientists and doctors that develop and prescribe drugs like Invega Sustaina are either A: completely overlooking or simply being ignorant to the destructive nature of this drug and others like it.
B: They have an almost eugenics/population control based mindset where they get to determine what is best for you and force you to take shit that they know is harmful as fuck yet they don't care they just want to make money and passify people by basically "zombifying" you to ensure you won't be a problem.

A little background. I went on a little drug bender back in 2020 and wound up in the psych ward. A psychiatrist basically went through the motions and diagnosed me bipolar with what I believe was not sufficient due diligence. I was just slapped with this without ability to dispute it and upon my discharge from the psych ward I was supposed to visit this psychiatrist every so often and receive antipsychotic medication. I ended up getting put on Invega Sustaina monthly injection, MAX DOSE they're allowed to administer I find out later. Well as you can probably guess I responded horribly to this poison. Turned me into a shell of the person I was before the treatment. I turned into a fat, lazy, unmotivated zombie that basically spending a substantial portion of my free time in my bed doing nothing just laying there zoning out like an idiot. Creativity was gone, emotions were severely blunted and overall ability to think was diminished. And if it couldn't get any worse my ability to experience pleasure or joy from really any activity that should elicit that response was eliminated. I think this drug targets and diminishes the brains ability to experience dopamine. Pleasurable activities like sex, drinking, smoking and drug use no longer gave me any gratification. I was just existing on auto pilot for over a year almost bedridden and miserable. The most psychologically distressing thing for me was the sexual side effects. I stopped being able to get a full erection and it seemed very hard to achieve an organism because I couldn't get turned on or horny by sex or porn. when I did manage to achieve an orgasm I felt 0 pleasure from it it. Not only that I started shooting blanks or a few drops of what look like water. I'm almost certain I was infertile or very close to while on this drug.

I guess the one saving grace about this drug is that it doesn't appear to have permanent effects in most people after discontinuation of treatment. In my case I felt back to my old self about 8-9 months after I stopped taking the injection.

I extend my sympathy to to anyone that has experienced negative outcomes from antipsychotic medication. It's fucked up and it seems like these doctors can just fuck people's lives up with impunity and everyone else is either ignorant or brainwashed into thinking a doctor always has your best interests at heart.
Antipsychotics rant specifically about Invega Sustaina

This scenario may sound preposterous and believe me I wish it were. I truly believe that the scientists and doctors that develop and prescribe drugs like Invega Sustaina are either A: completely overlooking or simply being ignorant to the destructive nature of this drug and others like it.
B: They have an almost eugenics/population control based mindset where they get to determine what is best for you and force you to take shit that they know is harmful as fuck yet they don't care they just want to make money and passify people by basically "zombifying" you to ensure you won't be a problem.

A little background. I went on a little drug bender back in 2020 and wound up in the psych ward. A psychiatrist basically went through the motions and diagnosed me bipolar with what I believe was not sufficient due diligence. I was just slapped with this without ability to dispute it and upon my discharge from the psych ward I was supposed to visit this psychiatrist every so often and receive antipsychotic medication. I ended up getting put on Invega Sustaina monthly injection, MAX DOSE they're allowed to administer I find out later. Well as you can probably guess I responded horribly to this poison. Turned me into a shell of the person I was before the treatment. I turned into a fat, lazy, unmotivated zombie that basically spending a substantial portion of my free time in my bed doing nothing just laying there zoning out like an idiot. Creativity was gone, emotions were severely blunted and overall ability to think was diminished. And if it couldn't get any worse my ability to experience pleasure or joy from really any activity that should elicit that response was eliminated. I think this drug targets and diminishes the brains ability to experience dopamine. Pleasurable activities like sex, drinking, smoking and drug use no longer gave me any gratification. I was just existing on auto pilot for over a year almost bedridden and miserable. The most psychologically distressing thing for me was the sexual side effects. I stopped being able to get a full erection and it seemed very hard to achieve an organism because I couldn't get turned on or horny by sex or porn. when I did manage to achieve an orgasm I felt 0 pleasure from it it. Not only that I started shooting blanks or a few drops of what look like water. I'm almost certain I was infertile or very close to while on this drug.

I guess the one saving grace about this drug is that it doesn't appear to have permanent effects in most people after discontinuation of treatment. In my case I felt back to my old self about 8-9 months after I stopped taking the injection.

I extend my sympathy to to anyone that has experienced negative outcomes from antipsychotic medication. It's fucked up and it seems like these doctors can just fuck people's lives up with impunity and everyone else is either ignorant or brainwashed into thinking a doctor always has your best interests at heart.
From reddit
I saw Lena's post on the PSSD subreddit when I knew I had it. I can't imagine being stuck the way I was back then for three years and counting. I'm so lucky, I wish everyone with PSSD was at least as lucky as I am.
its officially 75 days since my last injection. I honestly overall feel better , slight mental clarity , feel more alive and less sedated than on invega.

I still suffer from horrible anhedonia , loss of inner voice, blank mind, weight gain

I pray i recover soon . i had 9 total shots so it most likely looking at the 8-12 month mark
its officially 75 days since my last injection. I honestly overall feel better , slight mental clarity , feel more alive and less sedated than on invega.

I still suffer from horrible anhedonia , loss of inner voice, blank mind, weight gain

I pray i recover soon . i had 19 total shots so it most likely looking at the 8-12 month mark
How the fook you dont have sexual dysfunction after 9 shots. How is that possible
How many people have killed themselves because of this shit? I’ve seen about 5 people so far and it really feels like the only logical thing to do at this point.

I can’t enjoy TV at all anymore, over 40 channels and I can’t watch anything. It’s just so uninteresting. Netflix is the same, I tried watching a few shows but it feels like completing a difficult task not because I actually want to watch anything.

I have nothing to do now except complain on forums or wander the streets but I can only do that for an hour or two before I’m tired.
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