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Bupe Buprenorphine Withdrawals

Ashley,by now you should be able to do some dope and feel it fine.Watch out for O.D. though.If you are clean 9 days there is a good chance of that.I agree with Cire113,one shot always gave me a habit again.Sometimes,I would do a shot and not even want it for a week.I would think "Aha,I have this figured out now".Sooner or later,I always had a habit again.I'm sticking with the subs for now because I still want to be high.Sometimes very badly.There is not much point doing dope or getting pills since the subs block them.I have to say being an addict,it sucks not getting high.It sucks more though to be homeless,starving and sick.

other than the OD part this is awful advice.. 8 days free from sub after long term use is not enough for you to "be fine" .. she will need to fully get the kicks out of her before she can dose again safely without just delaying wtihdrawal.. that long half life from the sub is a mother fucker if your using for a long time. it really builds up inside you.. and when you fully do get the kicks out of you and want to do some dope.. use once a week.. and no more than 8 hours at a time.. as many as 2 days of use in a row and you run the risk of your withdrawal starting again.
Sub withdrawals suuuuuck..:( will kick a 2 year habit later on this year, not looking forward to it.
lol @ the obvious.. I didnt think it was bupe since he said "habit.. figured he was going to use bupe to come off something else
switch bupe to mix

hi all , Its ,a good idea to switch bupe to codeine or tramadol to about 2 months and taper it down or take a bupe for 5days and be clean ?
I used 4mg,sometimes 8mg, a day for 7months.Now its a week with no bupe and i taking tramadol about 500mg and 120mg dichydrocodeine and i feel very well.
If i stay at this mix about a month wd's are as long as from bupe or just normal tramadol wd's ? PLease help ,an thanks.

Ps. sorry about my english
^I'm a big fan of substitution with buprenorphine discontinuation... So yes, I think your plan is a good one and would continue to taper the drugs you have switched to.
thanks bro.I supose you have nice experience with buprenorphine an discontiuned ;]
I think wd,s from buprenorphine after month on tarmal and codeine will disappear , only wds from the drugs i switched , its good thinking ?

PS.Pegasus are you used this plan wchitch i choose?

sorry about my english second time

regards for You.
^Yes, I'm definitely familiar with this process. I have done it a few times myself and helped many others through the process over the past few years. I usually recommend substitution with kratom as it is the best drug readily available for this purpose in the USA (IMO), but the drugs you have will also work well. The basic idea is to switch from a very strong drug like buprenorphine to a weaker opioid to make the transition go smoothly as possible. Bupe withdrawal is a very drawn out process, usually taking around three weeks or longer. This is a ridiculous amount of time to suffer, and taking a shorter acting opiate over this time helps immensely. Once you get to around two weeks free of bupe, you can quickly taper the amount of opiates you are taking, only taking the smallest dose necessary and only when necessary. As long as you don't use excessively during this stage, it should be pretty painless. Just be sure to take as little as possible and only when you absolutely need to take it!

Good luck, feel free to ask any other questions.
thanks again , my friend .Kratom is unfortunately illegal in my sick country (Poland) , end in my sick country on forum about drugs faq about bupe talk no any addiction for bupe , and much people start taking it carelessly. I m interested how it possible and then came on this forum which is a class better than in Poland . I am off bupe 8days and 400-600 mg tramadol (500mg morning ,100 at night) and three 60mgs dichydrocdeine and i feell very well ,also when i get up. In my previous switch bupe on codeine 450mg my tollerance from past decrease and i fieel strongly high , but morning at 7 :00 wd/s starts so i must going to drugstore to revive.

I am worry about one thing few months ago or earlier i take off bupe and start on codeine for about month and every day morning was the same so on wd/s i dont know why was it, my doses of bupe was 4 to 8 miligrams a day .I will be grateful if you try explain me why after month wds was still torture me , and first part of my post . thanks very much , sorry about english and so long post.I thin you're a good person in good time ;] greetings to you and thanks for you wished me luck.
^Bupe withdrawal lasts a very long time, for many people up to a month or even a bit longer. One thing to remember if you are substituting with other opiates is that if you constantly dose with them, you will be prolonging the withdrawal a bit since the drugs never wear off, keeping the amount of opiates in your system constantly high. Taking maybe two doses per day of codeine will allow for the opiates to wear off between doses. You may feel a little poor at times but you will have another dose coming before it gets to be anywhere near full-blown withdrawal. Eventually, you will be able to use one, smaller dose per day, then maybe once every few days if you're having trouble sleeping or RLS, and then you'll be done!
I understand what you say , i dont want to be on high uses tamadol and codeine i want to feel normal .Ive accustomed to take bupe and have no high so its not a problem , so i can keep small dosage in my system , but i think after 3-4 weeks with no bupe . What you think ? thank you for your help my friend.
^Yeah, around 3-4 weeks is about when you should be able to completely stop the codeine/ tramadol. It may be as soon as two weeks though.
i have one more question : if i stay on codeine/tramadol for 2,3 months or longer on small doses. wds will like codeine wds , or still buprenorphine wds ? thanks for reply
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fuck suboxone... I will never touch that stuff again. They told me if i tapered off accordingly, then i would experience no withdraws. how WRONG they were. It was just as bad as any other withdraw I've ever had and i went down to 1mg.
i know

C0mf0rtablyNumb i know iam in the same situation , me too told no withdrawals on faq in forum about drugs and other sources, its a lie,

ps. please remember my previous question :if i stay on codeine/tramadol for 2,3 months or longer on small doses. wds will like codeine wds , or still buprenorphine wds ? thanks for reply
Pegasus , please help me and answer . thanks regards ;]
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I can't say that suboxone is a bad thing. I believe it is misunderstood. It is like a credit card on your well being. It buys you the time to get some of the things you want, but you never want to pay that bill. It can be too much. Ironically, I used methadone to get thru the worst, and then benzos and an anti depressant for a few months to completely stop. I might have done something wrong, because I did have a horrible/awesome relapse.
C0mf0rtablyNumb i know iam in the same situation , me too told no withdrawals on faq in forum about drugs and other sources, its a lie,

ps. please remember my previous question :if i stay on codeine/tramadol for 2,3 months or longer on small doses. wds will like codeine wds , or still buprenorphine wds ? thanks for reply
Pegasus , please help me and answer . thanks regards ;]

It will be codeine w/d at that point, anything longer than maybe three weeks or so will be enough for your body to adjust to not having buprenorphine.
sorry but i think i misunderstand.So after 3 months on codeine will be only codeine wd's are should
take no more than a week ?

edit: propably i understood ;] 3 weeks with no bupre and then only will wd/s from codeine , right ?
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I'm thinking of switching over to Codeine to aid in the attempt to get off this wretched Subutex. How long does it take to withdraw from Codeine and what are the symptoms like in comparison to bupe? I'm coming off around 12-16mg IV each day and have been on bupe for around 3 years now. Though I was on 32mg sublingually for the first year. I don't think its gonna be a pleasant journey jumping off the bupe. :(