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Benzos Alprazolam vs Valium vs Clonazepam

^ You're going to have alot of trouble finding a doctor who will write you a script of 150 Xanax, no matter what the strength is. Klonopin is a little easier, but it really depends. I used to have a doctor who scripted me 240 2mg brand-name Klonopin a month (16mg a day) and 60 1mg brand-name Xanax with it (2-3mg a day). But I've never met anyone else who has ever been scripted nearly that amount. So that's gonna be rare...plus, no one on earth needs that many benzos. Little did my doc know that I was also buying bars on the streets and taking 20mg+ per day on top of my scripts. I was quite the horrible benzo addict, lol.

In my opinion, alprazolam is the best benzo for anxiety out there, with clonazepam a close second. I really liked midazolam, but didn't get enough experience with it to say for sure. Diazepam is great, and I agree that it's like a "pure" benzo, but when you have a high tolerance, it's useless. I can remember when I took 200mg diazepam and felt nothing so I got pissed and just took some bars. So it really depends on whether we're talking about recreational use or medical.
Is there are chart of different properties of benzos? Speking only about the strenght of benzo is misleading as they all have unique properties. One might be for example more anti-anxiolytic than other but less musclerelaxing but still in the same ranking in these normal charts.

Has anyone seen a chart that shows different properties?
LONG but i quoted and answered more than one

Any comments are appreciated and if anyone has knowledge on:

- the differences betwen valium and clonazepam for anxiety and panic attacks

- the effectiveness of phenazepam and reasons for its effectiveness or lack thereof and

- the effectiveness of etizolam for panic attacks and depression

I am very grateful for any knowledge you can share!

I dont know the differences per say, but for me XANAX is the only thing that will work for panic attacks. For anxiety depending on how bad it is xanax->valium->clonazepam. Working most to least.

this^^ i love the taste of klonopin...but recently i have been getting the generic and they taste chalky :( but atleast it isnt as bad as xanax, fucking god awful almost as bad as tramadol...

I think the gen taste a little sweet given i havent chewed one just had it in my mouth too long before i got a drink. lol

i thought kpinz are stronger than xanax or valium? but sumhow i get euphoria from valium they are just not as long lasting as kpinz, and i wd assume ppl think xanax is stronger than clonaazepam because it hits u way faster and is fast acting, but kpinz 2 mg'z are bomb ass benzo's let me say, i get 90 a month and 3 a day helpz with anxiety, careful tho, mixed with alcohol or a few oxy 30z, it leaves u slammedddd, and u dont remember. my dr said kpinz and alcohol could kill you, but itz a great combo, i guess i stick to kpinz with oxys im prescibed. any way subliqual kpins (holding under tongue) works faster?

Ive heard letting pills dissolve under your tongue makes them kick it faster and you get more from it or "higher". The way it was explained to me was that it absorbs into the big veins under your tongue, getting in your blood system faster.

I'm new here and hoping some of you knowledgeable individuals can help me out :) I don't trust doctors too much and I have some questions regarding klonopin and xanax. I'm a big fan of xanax, have a legit script, and a decent tolerance...at least what I consider decent. I can take 3-4 mg at a time and it just barely calms me. It doesn't knock me out or make me feel high or anything. It just keeps my panic attacks at bay. Although, if I take enough on an empty stomach, I do feel nice and fuzzy for a little while

So my doc didn't like the idea of me taking so much at once, especially a few times a day, so she prescribed klonopin and that shit kicked my ass. 1mg and I was out cold. Slept for 8 hrs and woke up feeling like shit. So what did I do? I tried another one and it knocked me out again, for 9 hrs!! After I had just slept for 8!! So I tried half a mg and it just made me feel like crap. I felt fucked up, but not in a nice way. So I gave it one more shot, a half mg, and it sucked again. So I called the doc, told her I hated them and just wanted to stay with my beloved xanax and she wants me to keep taking the damn klonopin. She says my body needs to adjust, but I don't want to. I have messed up dreams from it and when I manage to stay awake I just feel really weird and then I almost get panicky because the shit scares me. The doc said she'll give me some more xanax, but wants me to slowly switch over to the klonopin--taking xanax, 1mg 2x per day, 1mg klonopin at night, then eventually 3mg klonopin per day. I don't understand.

So, has anyone had bad experiences with klonopin? I don't understand why i do so well with the xanax, but not the other benzo. Does anyone know if this means that my body is just reacting badly to it and it needs to adjust or can it actually be dangerous?

I appreciate any info you guys can give. Often times, the people who experiment with these things know more than the damn doctors.


Panic attack wise I dont think anything works as well as Xanax. I have the opposite reaction tho, awake on klonapin while passed out on xanax. lol Have you made sure its isnt xanax withdrawl? Try .25mg so cut the half in half lol. I dont think its a good idea for you to be taking them both together(by a medical standpoint, not a rec one) So no bad experiences, but if you absolutely have to do the some of this and some of that i would try the klon for trying to keep the P.A. away, and xanax if you have an attack.

^ You're going to have alot of trouble finding a doctor who will write you a script of 150 Xanax, no matter what the strength is. Klonopin is a little easier, but it really depends. I used to have a doctor who scripted me 240 2mg brand-name Klonopin a month (16mg a day) and 60 1mg brand-name Xanax with it (2-3mg a day). But I've never met anyone else who has ever been scripted nearly that amount. So that's gonna be rare...plus, no one on earth needs that many benzos. Little did my doc know that I was also buying bars on the streets and taking 20mg+ per day on top of my scripts. I was quite the horrible benzo addict, lol.

In my opinion, alprazolam is the best benzo for anxiety out there, with clonazepam a close second. I really liked midazolam, but didn't get enough experience with it to say for sure. Diazepam is great, and I agree that it's like a "pure" benzo, but when you have a high tolerance, it's useless. I can remember when I took 200mg diazepam and felt nothing so I got pissed and just took some bars. So it really depends on whether we're talking about recreational use or medical.

I use to get 120 Xanax 2mg but that was for 2 months im suppose to cut them in half

Hope this helps!
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Thanks so much for responding :) I made a deal with my doc to give her back the klonopin in exchange for more xanax lol. This way she knows I wasn't just trying to hoard meds. klonopin just doesn't do it for me. I guess it varies per person and I find it quite interesting that you had the opposite effect with xanax vs klonopin. At any rate, I'd like to be done with these damn benzos. they can be cool in some ways, but I don't want to deal with that withdrawal shit. I much rather just smoke weed, but unfortunately it brings on massive panic attacks. Anxiety fucking sucks. Maybe it's my body's way of telling to stay away from drugs...period. How depressing.

But as for all the benzos I have tried, I gotta go with xanax hands down. Especially taking a few mgs on an empty stomach with some grapefruit juice. goood shit.
Thanks so much for responding :) I made a deal with my doc to give her back the klonopin in exchange for more xanax lol. This way she knows I wasn't just trying to hoard meds. klonopin just doesn't do it for me. I guess it varies per person and I find it quite interesting that you had the opposite effect with xanax vs klonopin. At any rate, I'd like to be done with these damn benzos. they can be cool in some ways, but I don't want to deal with that withdrawal shit. I much rather just smoke weed, but unfortunately it brings on massive panic attacks. Anxiety fucking sucks. Maybe it's my body's way of telling to stay away from drugs...period. How depressing.

But as for all the benzos I have tried, I gotta go with xanax hands down. Especially taking a few mgs on an empty stomach with some grapefruit juice. goood shit.
Lol Is she letting you switch if you bring them? I dont like taking benzos either, so i dont unless i have to but Ive spent years getting use to have bad anxiety, i dont need anything unless im having an attack (panic or PTSD) or really need sleep.
Lol Is she letting you switch if you bring them? I dont like taking benzos either, so i dont unless i have to but Ive spent years getting use to have bad anxiety, i dont need anything unless im having an attack (panic or PTSD) or really need sleep.

Yup, it worked like a charm as soon as I told her I would give them the klonopin to prove that I wasn't trying to collect a bunch of benzos! She was still a little pissy about my refusal to try it for a little longer, but then one of the nurses totally agreed that if I was having such a weird reaction I shouldn't take it anymore.

So you have been able to control your anxiety and your reliance on the benzos? That's great to hear!! Do you mind me asking if the attacks occur out of nowhere or are you able to figure out what brings them on? And have they become less frequent over the years? I'm at the point where I literally can't leave my house without taking a few mgs of xanax, but I'm pretty much ok when I'm home. It sucks. I've never had anything like this in my life and I really hate relying on the xanax so much.
I think my PTSD started my anxiety, not sure since anxiety was diagnosed for me first, but for the first year i didnt tell the doctor since both depression and anxiety are both in my genes. I didnt want to be labeled. idk. but when i finally did mention it things had gotten so bad they shrink saw me that week and started me off at 1 mg 3x a day of xanax. I couldnt take it and function in school so i only took it when things were bad which (back then) was every other day atleast. After 2yrs they moved me up to 2mg when my therapist told them i need to be tested for ptsd.
Tried over 10 diff antidep and gave up but took one everyday, I havent made it out of the hole but by stopping taking all that which was recent, I feel alot better. If you can, never stay on them any of them for more than 4=5yrs. I have maybe one P.A. a month if that now. My support has been a big help, but i finally just had to change for me.
If you ever need anything let know. I should be turning from green to blue soon so just Pm me. Good luck with all of it. its a struggle.
I'm so sorry you had to go through all that :( I tend to agree with you regarding the PTSD leading to the anxiety. I hope things continue to get better and thank you for all the helpful advice.

And thank you for the continued offer of assistance!!! Same here, ok? pm if you ever want/need to talk. I'm not sure what turning from green to blue means, but I'm going to look it up now.
valium is the most recreational to a first time user to benzos, IMO, first time i tried xanax, my legs felt weak, and i felt miserable, valim, felt warm fuzzy and great, now i love xanax, valim i need 400mg atleast, sad
Valium is best. Xanax is second. and Klonopin is last. Ativan is before xanax. Klonopin is the worse benzo it literally turned me mental with the parodixical effects for months when I started it and then it got so bad man fuck all the klonopin effects fuck generic pills too!!!!!

basically 5 year and a half benzo user maybe 6 and a half

diazepam>ativan/xanax(they tie I prefer the ativan better though)>temazepam(for sleep oh yes). And that is the only benzos that I find effective for actual everyday anxiety
my favorite benzo as i have stated many times in this thread is clonazepam but i feel i wanna say it again after the comment that was just left that it made them go "crazy" .. are you sure it wasn't that you were crazy at that moment in time? because it is prescribed to bipolar patients (which i am) and i was scripted it and i slit my throat and both wrists (due to an argument with my ex, not the drug) and got 21 stitches and almost died from loss of blood fighting the cops who first almost shot me till i dropped the knife than it was hand to hand and they stood no chance on me (not to be cocky or anything ;) ) but anyways kpins were one of the best meds i was on up until a month ago (that bad shit happened in 07 and i had been on it a year by the time it happened and was fine before and after the incedent) it was just a burst of mania from being bipolar and everything and anyone who got in my way got injured do to me not taking my zyprexa for 2 nights in a row so it was not kpins problem like it seemed in the beginning.
I took total blame for everything and faced the judge and got off easy.. 1 count aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, 2 simple assaults on officers and i got 6months in one county and 6 in another county. (split sentencing) but i just want who ever wrote that the KLONOPIN made them do that be absolutely positive it was the drugs fault and not self error blamed on the drug like "oh i only fucked her cuz i was drunk" type stuff. Cuz i just got off the kpins a month or 2 ago and nothing like that ever happened again.

klonopin.. i still feel it plus the oxy and hydro and lyrica am nodding out at the computer chair...but i toook klonopin at 11am and its now 9pm and im fuckkedd hahaha
my favorite benzo as i have stated many times in this thread is clonazepam but i feel i wanna say it again after the comment that was just left that it made them go "crazy" .. are you sure it wasn't that you were crazy at that moment in time? because it is prescribed to bipolar patients (which i am) and i was scripted it and i slit my throat and both wrists (due to an argument with my ex, not the drug) and got 21 stitches and almost died from loss of blood fighting the cops who first almost shot me till i dropped the knife than it was hand to hand and they stood no chance on me (not to be cocky or anything ;) ) but anyways kpins were one of the best meds i was on up until a month ago (that bad shit happened in 07 and i had been on it a year by the time it happened and was fine before and after the incedent) it was just a burst of mania from being bipolar and everything and anyone who got in my way got injured do to me not taking my zyprexa for 2 nights in a row so it was not kpins problem like it seemed in the beginning.
I took total blame for everything and faced the judge and got off easy.. 1 count aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, 2 simple assaults on officers and i got 6months in one county and 6 in another county. (split sentencing) but i just want who ever wrote that the KLONOPIN made them do that be absolutely positive it was the drugs fault and not self error blamed on the drug like "oh i only fucked her cuz i was drunk" type stuff. Cuz i just got off the kpins a month or 2 ago and nothing like that ever happened again.


damn u slit your wrists and throat and then went hand to hand with the police and they didnt stand a chance.... either im reading this wrong or u a bad muthafucka son

and im sorry to hear about u doing harm to yourself ...had 2 of my best friends kill themselfs when i was younger and one of my current best friends shot himself under the chin with a 357 and he some how made it hes bi polar by the way but good luck to u man hope u work out your problems
yeah im a bad mother fucka (i have 3 huge and very noticable scars that people see on my wrists when i need to shake hands with someone or hand something to someone and the one on my neck is totally noticable) i wonder what people think? (only people that have ever asked me about them were in jail).. lol no i just have a lot of "training" but i seriously was bleeding every where and all over the cops and they were scared of my blood, it took like 5 to cuff me but my wrists were cut deep and bleeding so i could easily slip out and i did a few times and then i was like shit im gonna die if i dont go with them and at the time i had 2 kids (i was 18 ) im now 22 and have 3 and i didn't want them to grow up w/o a dad so i got stitched up and continued the fight at the hospital and i ran for the door (it was a sliding sensor door) and i ran to it to fast and it didnt open in time so i ran into it and then grabbed by cops, drs injected me with tons of lorazepam even tho i was on klonopin but it was enough to make my next memory being in a jail cell. lol (i didn't mean to sound like i was a tough guy who can kick ass, i actually lose most my fights.. sorry if i came off like that) it was crazy tho.

/2nd rant

and yes kpins are one of the benzos that can take a longer time to kick in. xanax is deff faster but i still prefer the calmness of kpins.
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ah i got u ...i bet u got an adrenaline rush...

yea i figured it out when like 2 hours later the klons kicked in summin nice
I have clonazepam drops which kick in VERY fast. If you have the tabs, put them under your tongue for faster absorption.
xanax is by far the best because it's the strongest and look into smaller pharmacy's in your area i found a small non chain pharmacy that has xanax for insanely cheap
1mg of Xanax or Klonopin equals 20mg of Valium. 0.5 mg of Xanax or Klonopin is 10 mg of Valium. Everything else is more or less right.

This is one of the funniest comments I've ever seen. LoL. You're actually saying that XANAX (alprazolam) is "much more sedating" than CLONAZEPAM?
You are WAYYYYYYYYY off on that one. Haha. Maybe the generic version of your alprazolam is sedating, but try the real BRAND Xanax, and it takes away bad thoughts and has a mentally calming effect, stimulating even. Alprazolam(real xanax, not generic) at 2mg makes one talkative, less inhibited, takes away worry, just as a panic medicine should.
Clonazepam is an anti-siezure medicine, and an anti-convulsant (UNLIKE ALPRAZOLAM, which is strictly a PANIC DISORDER medicine, taking away worry with just the slightest bodily sedation).
2mg of Clonazepam and I am sleeping for 12 hours, with a long after affect, and depression...and Clonazepam is much more sedating, as it is synthesized from Nitrazepam (a SLEEPING PILL)!!! LoL. Real Xanax is not sedating in any way, though it is calming. But the generic versions of xanax do make me a little sleepy. =D
^Are you serious?

You honestly believe there is a difference between generic alprazolam and brand name Xanax? They are exactly the same.. I am so tired of these generic vs. brand name arguments.

Thanks for the laugh though.