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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread - The 3rd Dose

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Idk, I think chronic low dose administration has potential as an antidepressant.

I wouldn't want to become too reliant on low dose MXE when I have a perfectly good antidepressant prescribed by a professional. Dependence, tolerance and a lack of sobriety will eventually take its toll.
Idk, I think chronic low dose administration has potential as an antidepressant.

wouldn't tolerance ensue?

i have another question about MXE... currently i'm binging on alcohol twice a week for social lubrication purposes. i really don't like doing this, as it really hinders my overall productivity and well-being during the week as a whole. could MXE replace alcohol in the way i'm looking for?
wouldn't tolerance ensue?

Probably not if used that way. You're not meant to feel it if if - not if you are trying to use it in the same way as low-dose ketamine is sometimes used for depression anyway.

I wouldn't want to become too reliant on low dose MXE when I have a perfectly good antidepressant prescribed by a professional. Dependence, tolerance and a lack of sobriety will eventually take its toll.

SSRIs also produce dependence - have one of the worst withdrawals of any drug of any description. You couldn't pay me to take 'em again. But they do seem to work for some.

Ketamine is known to be a highly effective antidepressant taken daily in low-dose. Low-dose means low-dose - way below even recreational doses which are already low compared with doses used medically (aside from as an antidepressant). Kinda like how daily, low-dose aMT is a highly effective antidepressant. I guess the hard part for those who enjoy the recreational effects would be to manage to stick to a low-dose schedule. Not sure if MXE would be as effective as ketamine for antidepressant qualities but I suspect far less so. Too manic and given the already low-dose for non-tolerant users it would probably be hard to gauge. Basically, nobody has a clue if it would help, hinder or have zero effect on depression used longterm.
wouldn't tolerance ensue?

i have another question about MXE... currently i'm binging on alcohol twice a week for social lubrication purposes. i really don't like doing this, as it really hinders my overall productivity and well-being during the week as a whole. could MXE replace alcohol in the way i'm looking for?

You'll only be exchanging one drug with another. Perhaps MXE is less of a poisoned chalice than alcohol, but relying on it for social interaction is unwise. Mainly because it will garble your thought processes and sentence structure. You might feel better on MXE than alcohol but your ability to interact with people will be diminished.
so using MXE in the way described at sub-recreation doses where you don't even feel effects... when would the constant anti-depressant effect kick in? or does it not work that way? i imagine it would have to work that way - just like SSRIs where it kicks in at some point - since you mentioned you're not supposed to feel it. if on one hand you're not supposed to feel it but the purpose of it is to feel significantly better..
It works pretty much straight off but obviously any changes would be kinda shaky at first and take time to become "the norm". That's ketamine though which does at least have some history of being used that way. MXE is a different beast entirely so may not work at all like that or even be counterproductive. It'd probably not the best idea to go guinea-pigging it cos if you're already depressed the last thing you need is to be trying totally untested treatment techniques really. Could easily end up doing more harm than good.
i think this huge thread should have subthreads.

for example:

- route of administration
- set/setting
- etc...

edit: i actually don't mind creating these threads, but don't want to if it's not how it's done here and the mods will take them off anyway. (just realized even if i do make them though the OP would have to be changed to link to them)
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You'll only be exchanging one drug with another. Perhaps MXE is less of a poisoned chalice than alcohol, but relying on it for social interaction is unwise. Mainly because it will garble your thought processes and sentence structure. You might feel better on MXE than alcohol but your ability to interact with people will be diminished.
This! I pointed a functional alcoholic dabbling in rc's from time to time to methoxetamine. Regretted it immediately. The guy was elated after first trials. He was intruiged by the lingering antidepressant effect (never got that from mxe myself btw), and fell positively in love with the chem when he found out it reduced his cravings for scotch to almost nil. Of course he loved it too much, went overboard and started using it constantly. Made him delusional after prolonged abuse (we are talking a few weeks here). He started out as functional alcoholic and wound up being a dysfunctional psychotic. He kicked his addiction (for now), but he paid a steep price.
rival the therapeutic value of ibogaine? damn, you've got my attention. (i don't say thing b/c of my experiences, but because iboga is regarded as the king of this domain)

for these purposes, what would you say is the ideal protocol (dosage, ROA, frequency of use, augmentation, etc), and how does the process work?
To answer a few of your questions ---- I am not a doctor and cannot give proper medical advice. This is just based on trial and error.

1) I have only used methoxetamine via intramuscular injection in dosages up to 50mg. This is my prefered RAO, but not necessarily my prefered dosage. It really doesn't take that much depending on ones porposes.

2) Tolerance does not seem to be an issue. I have used mxe with both full and empty stomachs to no ill effect. In fact, I could say that it has a sort of reverse-tolerance effect similar to that of salvinorin-a, wherin the more familiar one becomes with the material the less it takes to acheive desired results. It also may actually aid in the digestive process. More research into this matter must be conducted be others.

3) Set and setting should be wherever one feels comfortable.

4) The 'afterglow' can last for hours, days, or perhaps even longer. It is a non-specific period time.

5) The psychosis issue. This is a real concern. However, much like many/most other drugs moderation is key here. Specific dosage would have to be determined by the individual, much as any pharmaceutical medication.

The above information is a result of personal experimentation and personal results may vary:)
My report from last night (one of the best and most euphoric nights of my life)
(as you may wonder from the following precision of the reported dosages, I possess a scale that measures in 10ths of miligrams, and my buddy has one that measures in tenths of grams).​

My Dosage:
200mg purity tested MDMA (oral)​
90mg MXE (sublingual)​
85mg purity tested MDMA (intranasal)​
70mg MXE (intranasal)​

My GF's Dosage
200mg purity tested MDMA (oral)​
60mg MXE (intranasal)​
25mg MXE (intranasal)​

My Buddy's Dosage
75mg MXE (intranasal)​
100mg purity tested MDMA (intranasal)​
50mg MXE + 50mg MDMA (intranasal)​

My Buddy's GF's Dosage
150mg purity tested MDMA (oral)​
25mg MXE (intranasal)​
50mg purity tested MDMA (intranasal)​

We spent the whole night in bed listening to an awesome tripping playlist and looking at an awesome light setup my buddy had prepared (he is a DJ). No sex of course because of high-dose MXE, but the extremely enactogenic nature of this combination caused there to be few clothes worn and a lot of human contact.

Conclusion: Real MDMA and MXE go really, really well together
You'll only be exchanging one drug with another. Perhaps MXE is less of a poisoned chalice than alcohol, but relying on it for social interaction is unwise. Mainly because it will garble your thought processes and sentence structure. You might feel better on MXE than alcohol but your ability to interact with people will be diminished.

I beg to differ. I find MXE works great for me in social situations in the right amounts (namely small ones).
how long does the afterglow last for?

All depends on the doseage at the time, 30mg intranasally, personally will not cause much of an afterglow... Just a return to baseline.. Maybe more content... But say I take 100mg intranasally, spaced out doses...usually leaves me feeling a positive warm afterglow,anti-depressant type state... Very unique drug... Should be rewarding if respected...
I beg to differ. I find MXE works great for me in social situations in the right amounts (namely small ones).
Good for you then, but you'll admit that there are people who aren't addicted to a specific substance but rather crave intoxication per se, and will indulge with abandon given the chance.

In the case I described the bloke actually convinced himself that his mxe abuse was in fact nothing but self-medication with an overall positive net-effect on his live and health. Stumbling and swaying lunatics incessantly slurring insults to friends and relatives, only interrupted by manic cackling don't leave a favorable impression at social occasions I can tell you. Ok, granted that's an extreme example, but it's tempting to have another bump. I find it difficult to gauge the level of intoxication on mxe and would leave the realm of social acceptable behavior without noticing on more than one occasion. But maybe I didn't do enough of the stuff to get the hang of it, never acquired much experience with it.
If used in small amounts, im talking 10mg then i could use it in any situation,social,family this is because with such small amounts the drug doesn't override to much its kinda like background music, its just there... Enhancing your mood...maybe.. I believe that this drug has big therapeutic value, but also has habit forming potential.. If used in the right way,setting amount.. It can be very rewarding.. Stay safe.. Also I've noticed its takes atleast an hour intranasally to come on full
Good for you then, but you'll admit that there are people who aren't addicted to a specific substance but rather crave intoxication per se, and will indulge with abandon given the chance.

In the case I described the bloke actually convinced himself that his mxe abuse was in fact nothing but self-medication with an overall positive net-effect on his live and health. Stumbling and swaying lunatics incessantly slurring insults to friends and relatives, only interrupted by manic cackling don't leave a favorable impression at social occasions I can tell you. Ok, granted that's an extreme example, but it's tempting to have another bump. I find it difficult to gauge the level of intoxication on mxe and would leave the realm of social acceptable behavior without noticing on more than one occasion. But maybe I didn't do enough of the stuff to get the hang of it, never acquired much experience with it.
Some points I would like to address here. The abuse of methoxetamine can indeed lead to mainia and delusion. I have seen a glimmer of this personally and I believe that this fact has been well enough established by others now.

Back to the addiction issue. In the past few weeks I have managed to dramatically decrease my consumption of benzodiazepines, nicotine, caffeine, and diphenhydramine all at the same time. And as it stands now I feel absolutely no cravings for mxe and can honestly say that I can really take it or leave it.

Interesting side-note --- about 2 years ago I badly injured a certain body part. This has been vexing me ever since then and the road to recovery has been long and hard. However, since I began my methoxetamine experimentation the afflicted body part has become almost completely healed. So, mere coincidence or cause and effect? This is a mystery%)
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im tempted to go to a rave on a low dose of mxe... the times ive done it before everything is fluid, huge desire to dance, much appreciation increased, euphoric. would be cheaper than going out drink or doing dodgy stimulants. very tempted... although it might turn out to be a bad, confusing idea... but we'll see
just ordered 1g mxe and 100mg amt . like i said last week im bored of the mxe but it keeps drawing me back to it so hopefully this will spark new life or kill it off as in il have found all i can for a few months
I wouldn't want to become too reliant on low dose MXE when I have a perfectly good antidepressant prescribed by a professional. Dependence, tolerance and a lack of sobriety will eventually take its toll.

Oh I totally agree, it would be reckless to do so, that's why I said 'potential.'

BTW, what is this perfectly good antidepressant you are on, I didn't know such a thing existed. ;)
what do you reckon mixing it with DMT would be like? i'll do some MXE, wait until im nice and relaxed and then hit the pipe. i usually get quite bad pre flight anxiety on DMT, i think this would probably eliminate it and could make the trip quite interesting
im tempted to go to a rave on a low dose of mxe... the times ive done it before everything is fluid, huge desire to dance, much appreciation increased, euphoric. would be cheaper than going out drink or doing dodgy stimulants. very tempted... although it might turn out to be a bad, confusing idea... but we'll see

No worries, it works great! Just remember not to dose more than small bumps every1.5/2 hours. Otherwise you'll end up melting into a chair in the corner vibrating like crazy.

Tip: Try weighing the amount you'd bump at home first. That way you'll have some idea of how much you're taking ;)

Have fun!
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