why do i feel so strange while on suboxone?

Okay...so i need some help here and some input...
I took my first suboxone strip dose of half of a 8mg...
I took it after only about 5 hours of not taking, i took a 30mg at around 12 in the morning and then another half at about 1230....i got the subs from the pharmacy at around 2, and waiting til 6 to try a first dose...I DID NOT FEEL SHIT!....this was my first times taking it once again....I know i took it too early but on top of that i just blew a 30 literally 20 min after the suboxone...It def gave me a euphoric effect in that it makes my nose feel nice, I really think i may have taken the subs wrong or something,(under the tongue let it dissolve)...Wut does it feel like to be on the subs...and am i just superman that i can take a 30mg right after and feel it???

Need some thoughts....
You have been shooting dope for 2 years. It takes a long time to recover. I still feel very slight after effects from my addiction but I used for a much longer time.

Sub saved my life. Once I decided that I wanted to get clean then they were a great help. I do not use anything (even weed) now. I am not looking for a high, just stabilization.
i feel strange sometimes on subs, i have to admit. but my emotions act like PAWS symptoms. sometimes less is more with subs to many people. i like getting several little bumps from 2mg and do them over the course of about 30 minutes so as not to get the drain. swallowing that shit ain't where it's at, i'll tell ya. i've got chronic pain that i get tramadol for & the combo along with the best herb i can find helps tremendously.
The only time I ever took bupe was those .2mg Temgesic tabs they use for pain in parts of Europe. I had absolutely no tolerance at the time.

It felt like the Diet Coke version of oxycodone. Just an empty, prickly, uncomfortable feeling the entire time. And it lasted altogether too long.

I doubt I would ever use it again.
about 3 weeks ago, i quit doing i.v. heroin which i was doing for the most part of 2 years. I got a script for suboxone to help with the withdrawals and cravings. so now, i've been on the sub for about 3 weeks. i usually take 4mg. now that i'm off the heroin, i do feel alot better but i always feel like i'm in this halfway-sober state of mind. i really dont think this is me feeling the bupe cause i know what the high from that feels like and my heroin tolerance was too high for me to be able to feel this bupe. this feeling feels like a weird head feeling like im a zombie and kinda out of it and i have no emotions ever and i just dont feel right. i know my endorphins are kinda messed up from the heroin abuse but im not sure if that is why or if it is the suboxone. if anyone has any ideas about this please feel free to respond.

That's the bupe exerting its anti-depressant effects imo

edit - go with methadone if you can't stand it. One hell for another
Ah man this thread is a godsend just to read!!

It seems I have always felt exactly 50% shitty and weird on sub and 50% ok. The headaches are the worst, and theres also semi headache states where I get pressure in my head and feel like I'm about to get a headache any minute but it never comes. Even the semi headaches make me want to lay down though.

As far as some of the weird comments here like "I feel like I'm looking through a set of eyes behind the ones in my face", I know exactly what you're talking about buddy. Its like a weird detached kind of feeling and I notice lights get really bright at times on sub.

Looking at a friggn 60 watt lightbulb in my room makes me squint on sub.
Also, about the lowering doses to feel better thing. I think if you feel shitty on sub you're just gonna feel shitty no matter what the dose. Sub is a thebaine derivative and not everyone is gonna react to it nicely. What pisses me off is on sub I always seem to be tired, and the only way I don't feel that way is when I up my dose. But just by maintaining on one dose I'm always tired and worn out.

I was on 1-2mg a couple months back, and now I'm on .25-.5mg. The ONLY thing that has changed is the intensity of the headaches, but everything else still feels the same. I always wanna oversleep (untill I don't take it lol) and thats particularly odd because the first couple days always have me feeling energetic.

I do also notice if I up my dose at all, I always get annoying hotflashes just coming down from that higher dose. In order to not get them I can't really go above .25mg. But today I took .5 and had this flush hot feeling in my skin all day, not to mention it makes me burnt out and sooo tired.
I'm realizing after this round 2 of maitaining on subs that this is simply a drug my body doesn't react to well. I have detox meds coming soon enough and than I'm off this crap for good. Just hope that tramadol helps like ziggy said, its extended release but I'll have 20-100mg to get through it with + clonidine, soma and nuerontin. My life is depending on these meds right now I hate this shit.

Thank the LORD for your post, kind sir. I am feeling the exact same way these days and your post out of many I have read on the internet has made me feel the most motivated! I am almost done with this entirely and ready to jump but of course have been procrastinating....I will keep your words close. It's time. I can't wait to be on the other side. I recently quit cigarettes and being on this side of the problem is much better than the other of course....now I am ready for this! Out of the fog!! I have to go through a bit of hell to get to heaven, cmon it is not going to be that bad!!! Once I am on the other side I am sure I will be grateful. I feel so normal but I know I am not. I was sober for months before a short bout of opiates and then subs last May. I remember what it feels to be sober and this is not sober. I wake up soooo late, fatigued, and have a lack of motivation all day and worse at night, on 1mg a day. I never used to watch TV so much, now I am a TV junkie. So spaced out.....Much better than 2mg a day, but not as good as 0mg!! I know it feels the best OFF of this stuff!! PHEW thanks for letting me vent!
Sunny Suboxone ADDICT!

Hi there
My name is Sunny and I have been addicted to Suboxone for several years.
I take twice the amount my doctor prescribes and buy it off the internet.
Need to get myself to a lower dosage, but cant! I am just and addict and need help.
Does anyone have any advce?
You have got yourself in quite a predicament. The best thing you can do is tell your doctor what you have been doing. I know you do not want to hear that, but really that is the best advice I can give.

For me, part of Suboxone that helps is it allows me to learn how to take something as prescribed by the doctor. Lets me know that I can control my use when I put my mind too it, for years I thought I would never be able to successfully maintain with just prescribed medication and nothing else. Turns out I was wrong. Right now, it easier for me to live clean then it is to try to use.
whoever said that you should be on 32 mg is one of those uneducated and inexperienced people that like to think that they are right about everything.. without any experience in the field..

I've been on sub for quite some time and let me tell you, and dose over 2 mg daily and you WILL start feeling strange and out of it..This is becayse the bupe is slowly building up in your system. When i first started i took 4mg to 8mg a day and i was wondering why i felt so damn depressed all the time. THAT SHIT IS FLOODING your mind. ALL JOKING ASIDE, i said fuck it im quitting this shit, stopped for two days (started getting withdrawrals) then i caved and took 1mg thinking it wasn't going to do anything.. I GOT STONED off my ass, i felt like i was roasted off of an oc80. My body was all warm and tingly, i felt very fullfilled and content. I jumped in my car and took my dog to the beach for 3 hours. Now I have been addicted to 1.5mg of sub daily and it has been a better time for me than when i was blowing roxy's.. This is definately not a good thing as i jump out of bed every morning excited to dissolved my 1.5mg than play some counterstrike. Even my friend who spent 300 dollars a day on roxy's likes the 1.5-2mg sub high. But you have to listen to me. if you have been taking over 4mg daily than switch to 2mg thinking it will get you hugh.. THINK AGAIN, You have to let all the sub thats in your body RIGHT NOW drain out for 2 days "until your start feeling emotional and have a 2 hour cry session.. after that you know your body is cleaned up enough to try the 1.5mg wonder i am talking about. I registered on this website just to say this and i am not the kind of person to make things up. Also i suggest every 2 weeks taking a 1-2 day break and you will be back to getting high off your ass. Ask yourself this..would you rather suffer the negative health consequnces of a higher dose without feeling any euphoria? Or would you rather take a small dose (you tihnk it might be small but its really not) of 1.5-2mg daily and feel great.
^^^ HOnestly i agree man longterm taking sub is way better than roxy's lol no comparison
You have got yourself in quite a predicament. The best thing you can do is tell your doctor what you have been doing. I know you do not want to hear that, but really that is the best advice I can give.

For me, part of Suboxone that helps is it allows me to learn how to take something as prescribed by the doctor. Lets me know that I can control my use when I put my mind too it, for years I thought I would never be able to successfully maintain with just prescribed medication and nothing else. Turns out I was wrong. Right now, it easier for me to live clean then it is to try to use.

Completely agree. And no offense to anyone struggling with tapering their sub but if you can not taper sub and you tell yourself the reason is because "I'm too much of an addict" then I really think you are either not trying or you are an extreme and I mean EXTREME kind of addict.
The reason I say so is because after I was on sub for like a month it became almost like taking an antidepressant. You barely feel it at all, and you almost forget you are even on any medicine in the first place. Tapering sub for me is like tapering ssris or blood pressure medicine, extremely easy. Well at least untill most people get down to 1mg and thats usually when the trouble starts. But cutting from 8mg to 7mg to 6mg etc if you do it slow you don't really feel anything at all. Also, its kinda difficult for me to understand how someone being an addict is stopping them from tapering their sub, when if you double how much you take... you don't exactly get high off it. Its not a compulsive drug by any means.

So if you're having trouble tapering (sunnysuboxonecoop) I have to ask have you even tried tapering it? Maybe you just don't taper right? Like try dropping 2mg in a day or something? If you don't somewhat pace yourself in tapering almost any medicine your bound to feel crappy. And shit maybe its really just because I've had to taper off so many other meds before that I find it easy. Because coming off something like a calcium channel blocker is just as hard as tapering sub. I get terrible rebound blood pressure, hot flashes, sweats, they are all very similar feelings to tapering an opiate. Just w/out the depression. Tapering still is a skill that some people just never develop I think. And its really unfortunate because if you are the type that refuses to taper, or doesn't know how, you basically seal the deal that some shitty little drug is going to run your life.

Everyone is different though as even on full agonists I was able to maintain a very moderated habit. And I abused a noncompulsive opiate too like pods had it been heroin or oxies I'd prob suck at tapering.

Anyway I want to mention real quick that I've been feeling much much better on my sub. Far less headaches, far less pressure in the head, far less weird feelings overall. I use to hear people tell me "it takes a month or 2 to adjust" and I never really believed or listened to them but sure enough after a couple months on sub my body seems to just process it much "cleaner" if that makes sense. And realistically when I compare the side effects of sub to the side effects of say poppies, poppies were a much much dirtier experience overall. Every single night I'd go to bed on poppies I'd wake up in a pond full of disgusting sweat several times every night. Sub never does that. Although it does seem to make me sweat more when I'm being active, when full agonists seemed to make me sweat less when I was being active.

Anyway long story short everyone IS different yes. But still the longer you're on it the better I find most people to tolerate it. Simple fact is sub has given me so much freedom and power back in life. Money, a job, an optimistic outlook, things I never had before it. So overally sub has definitely been a blessing for me... despite my last post which I really think must have just been a shitty day. I did use to feel weird on it but barely anymore at this point. Oh and I should also mention that cutting my daily 4mg doses into 2 - 2mg doses MADE A HUGE and I say **HUGE** difference in how I felt on it. As I noticed I only usually felt weird like 8 hours after dosing, and I really think its that sub has these very subtle but different type of prewithdrawal syndrome. Because once I started dosing twice, honestly I feel 100% stable and perfect now most of the day. Worth at least a try I'd say.
well, my question is, why do I feel so weird after 24 hours without suboxone?
Ok, I decided to get my dose/tolerance down. Had a death of a friend and with all the stress, I took some extra, but now I am running low see...so I have gone 24 hours thinking I will hit some withdrawals and once I do take a dose, I can get by on much less. Well, it has been 30 hours and I actually feel GREAT, like a euphoria. I do have a little chills, but other wise good. I guess I have to wait longer. By the way, my usual dose was 2.5 mg a day, so not too high. What gives, any guesses?
Just remember that suboxone has a "ceiling effect" I take 2 8mg a day, and when i first took them i felt like i was on speed and loopy, but now it went away as my body adjusted to the medication. I was taking methadone 145mg's a day and I would always sweat, crave and down sugar like nothing and my libido. But since i got off the methadone and i am on subs, i don't have that problem, except headaches which is caused by the naloxone when you swallow the saliva when it is under your tongue
about 3 weeks ago, i quit doing i.v. heroin which i was doing for the most part of 2 years. I got a script for suboxone to help with the withdrawals and cravings. so now, i've been on the sub for about 3 weeks. i usually take 4mg. now that i'm off the heroin, i do feel alot better but i always feel like i'm in this halfway-sober state of mind. i really dont think this is me feeling the bupe cause i know what the high from that feels like and my heroin tolerance was too high for me to be able to feel this bupe. this feeling feels like a weird head feeling like im a zombie and kinda out of it and i have no emotions ever and i just dont feel right. i know my endorphins are kinda messed up from the heroin abuse but im not sure if that is why or if it is the suboxone. if anyone has any ideas about this please feel free to respond.

Sup chris? I was on Suboxone for about a year, Don't know if you remember. Well, you are right. It made me feel pretty numb. Not so much emotionally, but more physically. Constipation like mad, no sex drive, lung depression [hard to explain but i couldnt cough so I had to take mucinex or id get sick]

All in all, I think suboxone is only good for short term use. I know people who have been on it 5 or 6 years and I don't see how or why they would do that.
I was on suboxone too for 45 days before I got into a motorcycle accident 2 weeks ago, I got the script a year ago from going to a drug class but I never got off vicodins I just decided that one day a year later to stop and ended up stopping for that amount of time which was a pretty long time as I've been taking vicdoins for 4 years after being in a car accident, I started out low like everyone and started getting out of hand I was at the point where I was talking as many as 40 or more a day, I would need at least 5-6 every 2 hours to feel normal, and I just got plain sick of it that's why I kept them suboxones because I know they would come in handy when I was ready, I ended up having a script of strips and I had some pills, I started out with a 8mg when I first started for like 3 days then I weened down to 4mg-2mg depending how I felt the day of, and sometimes I even went without a single one, I felt like the OP I kinda felt like a zombie and like out of it very hard to explain but you have to think the vicodins have taken all of your feelings away from you so you can't be happy, or feel good you mainly feel sad or down, like you really need that pill to make it in life, but you don't trust me, after two weeks you will feel hell of a lot better, the first couple days are for sure the worst normally the first 5 days suck and it's like total hell after that week you feel like you got hope, after two weeks you know it's getting better, and when that month comes your mind gets alot more clear and your thinking to yourself how stupid was I to do that, you still do get tempted no doubt in my mind you will but you have to be the bigger person to do it and say hell no I don't wanna go down that path and as each day goes by you will just feel better, you will start getting happy, just don't get hooked on the suboxone's because you will and I've seen and heard of people getting hooked, I think people shouldn't take more then 8mg max, I don't get why some people are on double that or more.. keep the extras incase you nee them on a bad down time you will not regret it that's for sure, anyways I'm taking vicodin's right now and I know I'm taking more then I should I broke my foot and pelvis in two spots but I won't let myself get hooked on them for nothing, I wouldn't take more then a few at a time because I know I would start at square one.

But there is a downside to suboxone's if your going to end up like me and getting into a accident, I took a suboxone 2 days before I got into it and when I got shots of morphine and fentynal I couldn't even feel them because I know the suboxone was blocking them so if you get hurt bad your screwed and you will be in lots of pain, it's probably rare for it to happen but just something to consider.

Hopefully some of you take my advice or experience as hope for some of you that may be in my spot or been there before, I'm by far trying to preach to anyone, I'm just showing you my life experience, I would never want to be there again, You might think you need that pill to make it through the day or make it through life or to "fit in" but you don't, Trust me, it may feel like you have no energy or alike but it's just all mind games and once you get past them you will see exactly what I mean!

Anyways good luck with everything guy's!
Suboxone or "DragonSlayers" is a different drug. Yes its a narcotic but not a "Full Blown" one. At first there might be some Feel Good Feelings but its not like "Hey Man, I feel sooo good" One problem with Subs is that unless your a pretty good user the strenght of the Subs might be unpleasant.Start low and go slow.
2 mg of Subs seem to work better than 6 mg (for me) I dont really seem to feel Higher if I take more, just more negative side effects. And if you think Suboxone makes you feel wierd, try taking 300 mg of DXM!
I've used a lot of different opioids at one time or another. Only ever had a good enough supply to develop severe withdrawal from oxycodone and heroin at a couple points. But for years I've been taking some kind of opioid here and there, pretty much for untreated depression. I've been prescribed more than a few different antidepressants before I ever got into opioids but none of them were ever effective for me. At best they would just numb everything completely and cause certain things I have a lot more trouble with (lack of motivation, anhedonia, etc) to get worse along with causing other unpleasant side effects. Even after the perceptible opiate effect from taking subs goes away they make me feel better and make me more productive than I've ever been otherwise. I assume this is probably something to do with buprenorphine's kappa opioid antagonism, there are some studies on kappa antagonists having antidepressant action.
That's the bupe exerting its anti-depressant effects imo

edit - go with methadone if you can't stand it. One hell for another

I have to disagree with this. Methadone is by far more taxing on the body, and the comparative power of its withdrawal, duration of action (~24 hours) and length of time to get oneself off of it make it one of the poorest candidates for opioid maintenance, in my ever-so-humble opinion.

Burprenorphine is a very insidious drugs, but in terms of the big picture, it's the better maintenance opioid IMO.

~ Vaya