Im a bloody crackwhore but nobody cares enough to notice

Thanks. If I could manage to be conscious and not under the influence for a few hours, maybe I could try NA or some other support group again. I dont know where to start cuz like, I think the only reason things like laundry and dishes or any signs of functioning are accomplished is driven by my paralyzing OCD. Not cool to be in the bathroom at NA snorting lines of the back of the toilet. Im sure its been done a fair bit but if I start doing that then one day if I really get my head on straight it wont be a safe zone, if that makes sense. I cant explain it right cuz the ringing in my head is getting louder (errr ya) its just been something thats tripped me up with ED treatment where Ive hidden food/puked food and all those games.

I think also though, part of it, is that Ive always sorta tried to maintain the illusion of normalcy despite everything. So now I expect a different reaction with similar behaviour and well, im complicating the whole situation. Maybe Im still not sure what I want even. I always like something to complain about of course tho.

Teetertottering. The reason it usually doesnt work out when I go it alone
You are a beautiful special person and I know it's hard to see it, but make yourself stare at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself "I am a beautiful human being and anyone who says different can suck my big black motherfucking cock." Every morning, go through the same routine. Same words everytime, but focus on the power they posess and the attitude that you can absorb from them. It's an attitude of self-protection and self-value and noone can take away the power of your big black motherfucking cock.

I do something very similar and it's awesome. I yell that shit at the top of my lungs and HOPE someone says something about it. Generally people are completely in awe of such confidence and it's magnetic.

You can start at whatever volume you feel comfortable, but take risks-- get louder. Let your voice ring out and don't EVER be ashamed-- not of being a prostitute or drugs or anorexia because THOSE are just temporary problems that can be dealt with over time... if you were ugly there wouldn't be too much you could do about that but you're not ugly, you're beautiful and that means you've got a heads up on at least 1/2 your family because they are obviously ugly inside and out because it's their jealousy and ignorance which make them act so indifferent. You FEEL and actually clearly care about them though they don't deserve it from the way they've treated you which makes you leagues more developed emotionally and psychologically then they are--that means you have the capacity to get better and become who YOU want to be REGARDLESS of their apathy.
Hi Jane...I've been reading along and just wanted to say that although I am a bit older than you, I can see similarities in our stories: I, too, never really "matured" physically (remember having a fight with a college housemate who screamed at me, "Get your 10 year old's body out of my room!" and that was really the first time I realized how people saw me), and just recently realized that I'd been pretty much waiting for someone to notice the amount of fucking pain I was in and rescue me for, oh, 25 years? So let me serve as a horrible example to you! ;)

I started cutting when I was 12 (and this was before it became known as a "thing" in the media; I thought I made it up myownself!), taking a rusty nail to my face and digging deep bloody furrows down both cheeks. Kinda hard for a parent to ignore, but my recollection is that not much was done about it (and my mother was a mental health nurse!). I've been cutting ever since, and it is a FANTASTIC stress-reliever, but ultimately unhealthy, I know. People just assume I wear arm-warmers because I'm cold all the time.

But re: being noticed: the wish-fulfillment fantasy of someone noticing the pain you're in, the horror of your situation, etc. and finding a way to fix you? Never happens. A few years ago, a situation came up where I was forced to admit my years of cutting to my mother. We were going away on vacation together, I had been cutting up a storm, and there was going to be no way to hide it. On the bus on the way to her house, I remember entertaining this fantasy that we would finally talk about all the shit that led to me cutting in the first place (child sexual abuse by her various boyfriends when I was growing up, mainly) and voila! I would be cured! We sat in her kitchen and I confessed all to her, and do you know what her reaction was? She screamed "I'm going to kill myself!" Yeah. It's almost funny in retrospect, the fucking narcissistic fucking splendor of that reply. Anyway, there was no tenderness, or concern, or 'what can I do to help you?', just her own guilt and indulgence of her own feelings.

The point of all this (and forgive the disorganized thinking/writing; I haven't been sleeping well) is that when the time came that I finally said "Notice me, here's what's wrong," nothing happened. No one saved me. It took another couple years for it to really sink in that if I want to be saved, it's only me who can do it. I know it sounds trite, but it's just the cold truth.

re: the anorexia/bulimia, etc. As I've gotten older, I've realized that a huge part of the problem for me is that I get such constant, massive, and sustained positive reinforcement for being underweight, everywhere I go. I end up in the ER, and male doctors treat me like a frail child, while they treat the chubby woman in the next bed like shit. I go shopping and am fawned over by salespeople ("Oooh, you HAVE to try this on, it won't fit anyone but you!"). I get off or on a bus and someone's always smiling, taking my hand, helping me down the steps, asking if they can carry my bag, etc. while -again- the normal-sized woman behind me is roundly ignored. Constantly being coddled, faux-rescued, treated as all feeds the need for one to remain a child and have someone fucking save you from the horror of your life and the powerlessness you had back then to change it yourself. I don't know if you've addressed this here, but I don't think a self-described crackwhore (it actually makes me physically cringe to hear you call yourself that) had a happy childhood.

I hope, really genuinely hope, that you can learn some of these lessons experientially far sooner than I did. You are your only knight in shining armor, and there is great power in that. Be fierce. Make a tiny change and see how it feels.
Get involved with a church- they like helping and all that. Sometimes family doesn't care (I think a few of us know that all too well...) but that doesn't mean so many other people don't.
Get involved with a church- they like helping and all that. Sometimes family doesn't care (I think a few of us know that all too well...) but that doesn't mean so many other people don't.

Bad advice in my opinion, you need real people not people who have imaginary friends in the sky
i think getting involved in church is a fantastic idea let me tell u when i couldnt walk myself my lord and savior jesus christ carried me and i know he his carrying u right now as well.
I wish I could say some magic formula that will truly kickstart you into recovery, but to be honest, you're already halfway there by realising and admitting the problem.

Life can ONLY get better from here. A life without crack is a better life for you. You have another hobby to focus on.

I dont have anybody in my life that cares about me, ma dad beat the shit out of me, my mum openly hates me because i can never live up to my brother's success apparently. Does it bother me? FUCK NO. They dont matter a shit. Family means mum is just a vagina that I happened to exit. Aside from the first year of my life, I dont need them at all and they mean nothing to me. Why should you care what your family think of you?
I would highly recommend you get a new circle of friends and only care about people that will reciprocate it.

Would it be any consolation if I said that I care about you? I know I dont know you and im only a bunch of words on the innernette, but your story has got to me, and im currently in the grip/midst of coming off drugs altogether. I've got problems with opiates and alcohol, but it will take time and life will be better when you are off it, you get high from life and feel emotion again. Im constantly numb and void of emotion (Is it painfully obvious by the way i speak of my mother?)

I would like to come and give you a hug, but alas, there seems to be a bit of an obstacle in the way called the atlantic ocean or something. Bit of a bummer that....but feel free to PM me with your progress.

Oh and the ballet is great :) You have worked hard and you know you have it in you, its just finding it again that matters. I will be here, if its any consolation. I will always be here to listen. So will many people on this forum....just because we aren't immediate family or friends doesnt change the fact that we care and are always gonna be able to help.
You're a young woman with your life ahead of you.
Im a young guy who needs to realise being drunk as hell to numb any emotional pain isnt any way to live life.

We are going through similar things, and it would be good to help you out as much as possible. Its almost selfish of me in that I need the advice im giving you for myself too!
its hard to assume peoples intentions and motives...

saying stuff like that, definitely isnt going to help discover any honest answers with this situation.
However we can help people through the darkness is fine by me.
Dont listen to that religious BS more than it can help you, that my point of view.

DONT let circumstances make you lose light of who you really are at your best, I'm sure you're a really splendid person but you're just going through a rough spot in life, that happens to everyone no worries.

Addiction to Crack and Bulimia are both serious mental illnesses, you need a professional to help you with those if you ever want to get well.

My advice for you is to pinpoint the situations that make you feel like hurling/smoking, then work through those stressful periods by figuring out what bothers you, then initially force yourself into a constructive recreational activity instead of using the easy way out;).

Dont give up on it! Their are many activities (physical activity,reading,CARING FOR ANOTHER) that will make you feel more real and connected to the world. Hell, even pot is probably a positive thing for some one in your situation.

No one takes responsibility for you except you when it comes down to it%)8o. That said, Im sorry to hear that you're not connecting with your family as you would like to, we bluelighters care, trust me;):D

We're here to help you and to help anybody else who happens to read your story. I myself am from Toronto and though my drug of choice isn't crack I can totally relate to your family not understanding. At the very least your story has helped me and I hope me relating to it can help you.

Enjoy the winter wonderland in Toronto tonight!
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I have a friend who's trying to get into detox in ontario as well and it seems fucking impossible. It pisses me off to no end because ontario is a well off province where as i live in the poorest goddamn crack infested province in canada and it's alot easier to get into treatment here then up there. Seems the ontario health system is more fucked in alot of ways then ours.

It's really not that hard at all to get into detox in Ontario. A good buddy of mine went in in early September. He had to wait about 2 weeks for a bed to open up but that's all. Maybe the fact that he was 18 and terribly addicted to benzos helped. Now he's on MMT. You don't really need a detox for Crack addiction anyways, do you? You need rehabilitation but there's no need to be in a hospital, as far as I can see...
Thank you for all the replies, advice, and support. Ive been away for the past couple of weeks and am just back now, so I will need some time to catch up but I promise that I WILL get back to everyone and respond/update, and the PMs, eventually. Im sorry... I dont have the energy to update or write much else right now. Im here though now, reading, so thank you. It helps to know Im not as alone as I feel.

You're beautiful and worth more than you're treated. Cling to hope because you'll find a prince someday.

there is something solid about, rock~bottom isnt there..?
annnd the light sure is brighter looking up from the bottom of that well.
there are some emotions in the body that are never ment to be explained. some that will never seem logical or rational to anyone else however they do exist and burn in all the right ways

there is something solid about, rock~bottom isnt there..?
annnd the light sure is brighter looking up from the bottom of that well.

Well Im running out of rocks and this rock bottom-ed hell is looking more like quicksand. Since Ive last posted all kinds of shit and other biohazardous waste has hit an assortment of fans. Im STILL fucking waiting for an ASSESMENT to go to rehab, which probably will be pointless anyway since no one knows which type of "rehab" or treatment they should "offer" me.

Anyway everything is on hold cuz its March break and my mother decided she needed to go on a carribean cruise instead of take me to an out of country treatment application appointment. Shes now my substitute decision maker cuz after getting tied up in a deal gone so very wrong and losing a huge sum of a drug dealers cash, its jail or rehab. So she needs to sign off on every move I make.

I have no money and hate life every minute of every day and night. My main regret is that I held out and didnt kill myself in hope that something would give and things would be ok. I wish I had died before my dad had to find out his daughter is a crack smoking coke banging prostitute. Im trying to decide if I should go buy a quarter or a gun.....

but ya nice weather for sure.
Ok, clarification- no I didnt get arrested, no law involvement yet really just threats by my mom.

So since I last posted the dealer guy and a friend came and kicked the shit out of me, like full out trying to stab my neck and did quite a number on my head leaving me with a fractured cheek bone.

My cousins friend saw me and told my cousin who told everyone who would listen which caused enough of a concern to bring about the inevitable tell-all-bar-none to my family. Eventually my mom came to visit me and somehow determined that I looked ok, that she thought im safe enough where I am, and that treatment probably wouldnt help. So, now what? I have no idea. And, its true...given the opportunity to stop I have no idea if Id be willing to go through the treatment or not. Ive never done treatment with an addiction. But Id be willing to try cuz God knows I have fuckall to lose!

In the meantime Im waiting for my dude and trying not to eat the walls as I pace around. Ill keep you updated. Thanks for all the support and input. :)