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Esoteric Psychedelic Ideas and Revelations Inaction

From "Indigo: Color of Money":

Twyman reports scientific proof of several spurious claims, including that children develop ESP at his fairs after Brain Respiration (BR) training. BR was created by Ilchi Lee, aka Seung Heun Lee, founder of Dahn Centers and many other organizations. (Lee and Walsch are also affiliated). Twyman and Lee have reported that the University of California at Irvine, specifically the Center for Aging and Dementia, has researched and "confirmed" the effects of BR. However, this department at UCI tells me they have not conducted any studies on Lee's BR program, per se -- let alone confirmed its paranormal claims.
So he simply, baldfaced, lied. It says a lot that over all these years his followers never bothered to confirm easily verifiable claims that support what they want to believe. So unbelievably predictable...Frankly, this level of gullibility is destructively irresponsible and tragic. Is everyone entitled to their own beliefs when they destroy the lives of others?
MOvement is wastelful. We can all communicate no matter where we are due to these buttons and fancy light patterns, ya'know?

I've been kind of grappling with some big concepts lately. Well, I made the jump to determinism a while ago , but it's not a solid position or anything. Haven't really thought about it since i was quicked out of my old house and moved here. It's helpful to have the feeling that what you are doing is the right decision because it is the only dicions based off of cause and effect. You know, all that buddhist stuff that everythat happens leads to this, and we are doing stuff because of unchangeable circumstances that have led to it. At the same time you gotta have a feeling you can incfluence your life. Even if chioce is just an animal mechanism meant to decide the most profitable course of action. It'll all worlk into the big plan.

That's how I roll. It seems my job searching strategy of don't do anything and things will become right on their own might work out in the end. REally, I ought to go ask or inveterviwiner tomorrow. Ya'know. That's not why wer're here of course. We're here for no reason. Born without consent, live without reason, die by chance. Or something sartre said. You knwo what I'm talking about. I'm the thinking passiveneess is indee d the way forward. All the elements of the good life seem to come to me if I wait and look long enough laying low. Might not have friends or anything many more, I'm sure I'll meet some cool people some time. But the internets lets you go on bluelight and chat up vendors and all kinds of amazing things. QWhat I'm saying is it all works out like we want it to, if that's what we want. You can't want things you an't have, you'll never be happy.

Be contented with a predcitable life with scheduled craziness or soething. thtat's all i'm asking for.
^As fate would have it, I am compelled to tell you that passivity is not a viable approach to life and posting in anonymous internet forums is not a replacement for real interpersonal communication.


A 2000-year-old psychedelic idea from the Bhagavad Gita (as interpreted by Juan Mascaro):

Imaginary futures within an individual's mind tend to cluster around an idea of 'I'. The 'I' is supposed to serve as the recipient of the individual's past, present and future experience, and also as the agent of its conscious activities. However, as we have seen, the recipient of experience can only be dehin [interchangeable with the all-pervading soul of the universe]. In any case, the vast majority of physical and mental events, being subconscious, are no more experienced than is the rain by the earth, even though they clearly happen to the individual and have an effect upon it. Yet the individual's conscious activities are regulated by prakriti [nature, the world of process] no less than its unconscious ones, and so, if an agent is to be isolated it must be prakriti. The agent of action is thus as different as it possibly could be from the recipient of experience, and the conflation of the two into an ego is a fundamental mistake. Krishna shows how natural such a mistake is for individuals, who are spatially discrete, independently mobile, sense-dependent, short-lived, preoccupied with their own survival and that of their offspring, and who furthermore refer to themselves and to each other in discourse using specific names and pronouns. But the individual is only unitary at a structural level from certain points of view and for certain purposes, and so 'I' is no more than a sign amongst others: it denotes no metaphysical entity.
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Oh my, I just read that the founder believed he channeled the powers of a spiritual being called "Kryon." Wow. The indigos should party with the Scientologists. It's a South Park episode waiting to happen.

:D Lol.

I don't find the 'chanelling' notion all that offputting; I would say that most genuine chanelled works really do come from a unconcious/pre-concious source; like Jungs Liber Novus/Red Book, which is essentially about archetypes, collective unconcious, allegedly "given" to him via two beings, Salome and Elijah. Jung himself would probably say that the two were archetypes or something like collective phantoms built into human mental archtitecture. Kind of like angels and demons, beings who really only manifest in the human imagination but could be called undeniably real....
^As fate would have it, I am compelled to tell you that passivity is not a viable approach to life and posting in anonymous internet forums is not a replacement for real interpersonal communication.

I'm kind of touched some one actually bothered to read through and reply to my dissociated ramblings.

You may be right, but I'm in no position to take heed of your advice at this point, and shall press forward with my current way of thought. I wouldn't be "Never Knows Best" were it otherwise. :\

You did remind me of my desire to read Bhagavad Gita though, thanks for that. I have long been putting it off to maximize my chances of going into it with enough knowledge to appreciate it properly and learn something valuable.
:D Lol.

I don't find the 'chanelling' notion all that offputting; I would say that most genuine chanelled works really do come from a unconcious/pre-concious source; like Jungs Liber Novus/Red Book, which is essentially about archetypes, collective unconcious, allegedly "given" to him via two beings, Salome and Elijah. Jung himself would probably say that the two were archetypes or something like collective phantoms built into human mental archtitecture. Kind of like angels and demons, beings who really only manifest in the human imagination but could be called undeniably real....

What do you think of Edgar Cayce?
^I don't know much about him, but as far as seers/mediums go, he seems to be very genuine.

What do you think of Aleister Crowley? ;)
I don't actually know a lot, truth be told. :) You should read about Edgar Cayce though, really crazy stuff. But I agree, genuine.
^I've read a bit on old Edgar, but not a lot. Any recommended works?

I mentioned Mr Crowley as he also claimed to channel his infamous Book of The Law (correctly title: Liber AL vel Legis, sub figura CCXX, as delivered by XCIII=418 to DCLXVI) via a spirit called Aiwass, outside the great pyramid of Giza. He was told to sit in front of it from 12pm-1pm for three days in succession, during which he 'received' three chapters of some very weird stuff. Crowley was a lot of bluff and bluster, but his writings are very poetic, and influential. Sadly, he is still tarred with the brush of being anti-christian, for promoting occult and esoteric ideas in a rather unelightened time...Its worth reading at any rate; the PDF is available all over the internets...

The irony of living is that you are going to die! You never expect to, but you shall. Are you living life for life's sake or preparing a will? Would you rather the world miss you and regret your demise, or will they celebrate you? Will your drugs go to worthy inheritants, and will all your secrets be known? Pss you won't ever know! :)

The irony of this megathread! Who shall read all these, and will there be a meaningful reply? I will get my comment buried here, someone will read it, most won't. Oh well, I've made my choice of placing it here!
First of all, i dont know where this post should be, this thread seems just a good a place as any.

Ive been trying to figure out what my true reason for doing psychedelics is, i feel a connection to them on some level, i know im not addicted to any of them, i know that im not looking to take psychs to "get fucked up" (Although i do enjoy the euphoria), i have had insight and extremely deep thoughts about pretty much everything, but thats not whats bringing me back.

I guess the thing that appeals to me most is experiencing everything that i do and see in a diffrent light. I do get bored a lot with my regular life, school, social life, work, entertainment all does bore me. The two things i look forward to are music and psychs. Besides that, family is the only thing that matters.(Obviously, how can you not love your family)

On my last trip (25mg 2c-e) i had a thought that surprised me because i have never truely contemplated suicide, but if it wasnt for family(and a few close friends), music, and psychs i wouldnt mind kicking the bucket.

Why do i have to do these same things everyday, that i hate, i hate money, but i have to work every day to feed myself and make it to the next day. It makes me sick to get taught the same textbook shit that was taught to the last shmuck and that be the basis of my general knowledge. The world is corrupt, unfair, full of liars and cheats that i have to deal with everyday. In fact, i dont even want to go to school, i cant figure out the fuck i want to spend eight hours a day doing for half of my life, but here i am getting a piece of paper so i can live another 50-70 years. Ofcourse i have too much respect for my family to turn down their generosity for this schooling, and theres no way i can let their expectations down. But psychadelics are helping me! I actually realized that i couldnt become what i first came to school for, because it wasnt in my true intrest, right now im studying another similar subject that doesnt interest me too much either but im working on it.it.

Wow i just read through my post, ive been up all night doing work and having some beers.I wrote that in sections so its not entirely a single train of thought... but if someone can give me some feedback on my mess that would be great to see what other people think. Feel free to pm me if you wish.
Oh man, the book I'm writing right now is so much about your concerns and my own voyage through them. What a coincidence. :)

In short, this is my advice to you. You need to live your life remembering that the entire point is the experience. I struggle daily with the stresses of money and its apparent necessity for survival in this culture. And you're right, the world IS full of liars. But there are a whole lot of people who are just like you and me, living every day the best they can.

The most important thing you can ask yourself is, what makes me happy? What do I feel passionate about? Whatever it is, I am positive that focusing your energies on and devoting your life to your passion is not only going to make you the happiest you can be, but it will make you the most successful you can be too. For example, I went into college for computer science. And don't get me wrong, I love programming. As a hobby. But after I graduated and everything, I started programming for a career and I found it just wasn't making me feel fulfilled. Something was missing. My family inadvertently applies a lot of pressure on me to be successful, and in their view, you need to do that by being "realistic" and choosing a career path that is known to be filled with money.

I thought about where I could go with computer science and what I wanted out of life... I decided I definitely want to work for myself, not for someone else. I thought about where I could go with my career in programming, and determined I'd have to end up creating my own software company. Except that the more I thought about it, the more I realized I could never be happy running some company, managing people and resources for something I ultimately don't really feel passionate about.

So then I realized I needed to be a writer. And so I started doing that, while keeping my current job as a programmer to make sure I could survive until writing can support me completely. And you know what? My parents, upon visiting and seeing my passion for it, are really proud of me and very supportive, though I would have put money on them being displeased at me choosing an art form over something more "practical" as my life's work.

And most importantly, when you are feeling passionate and happy, you will naturally spread that feeling to others you meet, making the world a better place. Everything looks brighter when you're giving off your own light. :) But you need to take control of your own life and make it happen for yourself. <3
This street is my world.

I don't, uh, I don't pretend to go uptown and be anything fancy.

I can, but I find more real in the world that I'm in than I do the tinsel. And the real world is the one I have to deal with everyday, ya know.

Believe me, if I started murdering people, there'd be none of ya left.

This street is my world.

I don't, uh, I don't pretend to go uptown and be anything fancy.

I can, but I find more real in the world that I'm in than I do the tinsel. And the real world is the one I have to deal with everyday, ya know.

Believe me, if I started murdering people, there'd be none of ya left.

LOL. Somehow I looked at those words and said to myself, "Charles Manson." Googled it, and sure enough...
Yes, its rather good that you found out that you are going to be unhappy, not so that you can be unhappy, but so that you are able to switch it. I know some people who decided to go to college, pick a major that that school is known for, and unhappily do the work for that career field.
the true voyage is an inner journey. all the psychedelics i have tried and collected on an obsessive sort of way, very very many of them,... well , some are more fun and/or insightful than others but... at the end of the day they're all the same. just glimpses. and more and more i feel that unless it's from mother nature direct it has no spirit in it. i have stopped seeing the point in all these comparisons between substances. i guess i have moved on. i will use, from time to time, some of my favourites, whe n I realise my mind/spirit needs a good seeing-to, a sort of attitude adjustment... bbut on the whole i have stopped obsessing about psychedelics. for me it would be a glorious waste of time to continue doing that. all the provide is glimpses. and most of you guys (exceptions granted) ae going nowhere, fast! if you wanna have fun, sure go right ahead and enjoy your trips. but you are using a sacrament in a disrespectful way. and if you use it for self-exploration... well... once you got the message, hang up the phone & LIVE IT!!!!! Ok sure, when ye get stuck, dial that number again, check in on progress etc... but that's it. From my current perspective the vast majority of posters here are so totally on the wrong path. Most will find this out sooner or later.

Alll this just my opinion of course. I am way too sensitive to trip regularly and way too burnt out to enjoy hardcore psychelics all too often. There's solace in calmer things. I used to be hooked on giving myself bigger and bigger thrills... freakign myself out with oh-wow experiences. Well, it takes its course on yer adrenal glands and what not. THREAD CAREFULLY!
ximot y dont u take ur judgements sumwhere else n not b a buzzkill. what do u do in life that makes u so much better than every1 else? what about psycadelics being used as medicine? is that disrespectful? whatever man im not gonna argue with u on a thread, im just saying ur being snobbish and hippocritical.
Ximot said:
but you are using a sacrament in a disrespectful way

Yeah, this is a total heap of shit.

Not that I don't think that most people who are doing psychedelic drugs are doing them in a way that I would consider stupid, because they are, and I do, but I find it exceedingly obnoxious when it's framed in such a grandiose way as this.

BY THEIR FRUITS SHALL THEY BE KNOWN. It's not about your particular attitude and approaching drugs in a super spiritual way. It's about whether you integrate the stuff in a positive life affirming way or in a way that is destructive. And a lot of the drug taking types that I know who talk a big spiritual game I know are total Kool Aid drinkers and headed for destructions, and a lot of the less assuming, less grandiose people I know are far more spiritually in tune. Go figure.