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Any 40+ year olds here enjoy ecstasy?


Nov 21, 2010
Was just wondering if ecstasy has the same effect on people as they get older. I just turned 41, and have been recently turned on to the drug by co-workers, who are mostly in there twenties. Up to now I've never taken illegal drugs except for some weed maybe once or twice a year. I now mostly take ecstasy at home by myself, since I find it more enjoyable that way. My coworkers have the typical results from the drug that I read about- empathy, eye wiggles, jaw clenching, urge to hug everybody, urge to dance, etc.... I get none of that, but still enjoy the high immensely. When I take it I just want to lie down , or roll around on the carpet listening to my ipod, or maybe watch a movie. I just love the relaxed chilled out feeling it gives me. Is this maybe because I'm older it has this type of effect on me?
You'll get a lot of responses to this- there's even a guy in his 70's who posts here regularly. My dad rolled for the first time at the age of 53 with me and my brother last summer =) It's cool to the image of MDMA just being for young people and ravers dispelled by people who don't fit that mold at all.
I'm pretty sure my drugs have never carded me. Why would you think drugs would change just because Madison Avenue would like you to you're supposed to be home watching TV instead of having a good time? Most of the people I hang out with are in their 20s because they are out living their lives instead of sitting in front of a TV waiting to die.

For the record, I'm 49. I've never done rolls alone because I'm really social and don't enjoy being at home alone that much in the first place. I think it has a lot more to do with the kind of person you are rather than your age.
well im 43 and never done it just because i never wanted to but if i had some now im sure id give it a go ....

Are you kidding?

I struggle to believe that anyone over 30 would ever do mdma or any drugs for that matter.

Good heavens, what is the world coming to.

I enjoy my mdma from time to time but no way would I use it when I get old and wrinkled and in my 30s.............yuuuuk. Oh and as for 40 and 50 etc...........Im surprised your still alive. Once you hit 25 your on a fast fast downhill slope from my observation. Might as well start planning your funeral.

Thankfully I dont have any plans to get old ever.

I just turned 21 and I plan to stay that way for another 30 years on top of the 30 I already have been.
I'm getting close to 40 and I will be rolling (if I can find the damn stuff) until I'm old and in the grave.
I'm 31 and I can tell you I laughed recently when I heard someone in their early 20s say in reference to taking e "Oh, I don't do that anymore." As though, it's beneath them or they're so over it.

I don't roll as much as I used to, but I still do and love every second of it. I don't think I'll ever stop as long as I can keep getting it and have people to roll with.
Im 18 and I mean this in no way to be offensive but Ive always assumed I would stop doing drugs after college or sometime in their before I start having kids / a family / a good job.

The Idea of using drugs for the rest of my life into my old age kinda scares me.

You should grow up some point and accept the fact that you have had your fun and move on to other things.
Hopefully Ill actually be able to let go haha
You should definitely stop using drugs while you are raising small children. I think it's crucial. Don't take drugs pregnant and don't take drugs after the baby comes.

I was way too busy raising my four kids to be on drugs from the time I was 20 until I was 45. My youngest went off to Germany for a year when I was 45 and I had the house all to myself. Well my husband was there but whatev

I started smoking weed again then. That was 7 years ago. I have been using ecstasy, meth, oxycontin, and other various things since that time, since the drugs I liked way back when have all gone or changed.

I liked qualudes, reds, whites, coke, and LSD back in the 70s.
Im 18 and I mean this in no way to be offensive but Ive always assumed I would stop doing drugs after college or sometime in their before I start having kids / a family / a good job.

The Idea of using drugs for the rest of my life into my old age kinda scares me.

You should grow up some point and accept the fact that you have had your fun and move on to other things.
Hopefully Ill actually be able to let go haha

Good luck...be careful with this mindset. You may find that this supposed time when you should "accept that you had your fun" might never come or that the idea of not having any more fun is very depressing. :(
Mid 40s and roll 8 to 10 times per year. Mostly at home with the wife. Once or twice a year at a festival or DC club. I honestly dont see us stopping any day soon. We are gonna ease it back to 4 or 5 times per year though, but that's just to keep the magic as long as possible.
I am a responsible, working, home owning adult. Who gives a fuck how old you are if you are healthy enough. In 30 years, I will be rolling in diapers, son.
Everyone experience is different I do not really think it is because of your age.
I'm 46, and I've rolling for almost eight years now. I always roll with one (my GF) or more people in a home environment. Doing it at home has the added bonus of letting invite only people you like. :D

NWR: You'll find you still have room in your life for responsible drug use as you get older, unless of course you kill yourself off early with irresponsible use. ;)
You should definitely stop using drugs while you are raising small children. I think it's crucial. Don't take drugs pregnant and don't take drugs after the baby comes.

I was way too busy raising my four kids to be on drugs from the time I was 20 until I was 45. My youngest went off to Germany for a year when I was 45 and I had the house all to myself. Well my husband was there but whatev

I started smoking weed again then. That was 7 years ago. I have been using ecstasy, meth, oxycontin, and other various things since that time, since the drugs I liked way back when have all gone or changed.

I liked qualudes, reds, whites, coke, and LSD back in the 70s.

you tried LUUUDES??
back in the day?
whats your craziest lude story?
You should definitely stop using drugs while you are raising small children. I think it's crucial. Don't take drugs pregnant and don't take drugs after the baby comes.

I was way too busy raising my four kids to be on drugs from the time I was 20 until I was 45. My youngest went off to Germany for a year when I was 45 and I had the house all to myself. Well my husband was there but whatev

I started smoking weed again then. That was 7 years ago. I have been using ecstasy, meth, oxycontin, and other various things since that time, since the drugs I liked way back when have all gone or changed.

I liked qualudes, reds, whites, coke, and LSD back in the 70s.

If my mom was using meth I would be very very sad.
You should definitely stop using drugs while you are raising small children. I think it's crucial. Don't take drugs pregnant and don't take drugs after the baby comes.

I was way too busy raising my four kids to be on drugs from the time I was 20 until I was 45. My youngest went off to Germany for a year when I was 45 and I had the house all to myself. Well my husband was there but whatev

I started smoking weed again then. That was 7 years ago. I have been using ecstasy, meth, oxycontin, and other various things since that time, since the drugs I liked way back when have all gone or changed.

I liked qualudes, reds, whites, coke, and LSD back in the 70s.

Totally agree. Great post.
My best qualude experience was at a cemetery.

I was really fucked up and I went to an old cemetery with big bitchen memorial headstones in marble. It was night and cool but not cold, southern Calif weather. 1975. I had a VW beetle, light blue, and I was coming home from a party. I decided I should stop.

I found the graveyard to be peaceful. I felt no fear. I did not see any ghost nor did I feel any strange bursts of warm or cool air. I simply walked into the cemetery and walked among the headstones, read the names, marveled at the number of infants and children and sat thinking about mortality. I couldn't make sense of it. It seemed that if you made it though childhood, you could grow old. I saw no teenagers buried there. I myself was a teen.

My presence in the cemetery scared some other people who saw me walking there that night. They believed they had seen a ghost. I know because I heard them talking. I said nothing. I just walked and I kept my head down, reading the stones. The cries of fear, the sound of footsteps running... I remember these. There was nothing I could do. I knew if I reached out to the poor motherfuckers who had seen me there, and the fact that I was wearing a white flowing dress and that my hair was down must have made them sure I was the Living Dead. I didn't want to scare them further. I could hear the people shitting themselves as they fled. I was sorry, but unable to control the situation.

I sat and wondered about their fear. I wondered about life. I wondered when I would die. I knew one thing. There are no ghosts. There are only drug addled living souls who like to be an old cemetery on a dark night for the peace that is there.

I also knew it wasn't my time yet to be there. Eventually I got in my VW and drove home.

I am visiting my parents for the holidays and even though I'm 52 I can't smoke weed around my father. I don't want to have the same fucking argument we used to have. He can make me go home now and I don't want to get sent packing so I can't smoke at their house unless I take my mom and go somewhere. She likes to smoke.

Now all these years later there are two female figures in the cemetery at night. I make sure to wear my hair long and wear my skirts and naturally, my cape. It's safe in the cemetery. I realized it then. I appreciate even more now. No words are spoken, just the sound of the lighter and inhales and exhales. The sound of life in the dead, old cemetery.

I know some stuff now though. Let us hear kids walking though the adjacent park. We walk slowly until seen then stop out of the line of vision. We hear the kids stop. Hear them talk. Then I walk across the lighted area again into the darkness. Now I hear screams and the sound of footsteps running. We smile and we go back home.

I've never been afraid of a cemetery since my qualude experience in one. I've never believed in ghosts either. But that's just me.
If my mom was using meth I would be very very sad.

My kids would hate it too. Meth has so much stigma. It's so feared.

I don't fear it. I am very respectful of it and I don't want to get addicted so I only use a little bit when I do, and not very often. I used to do whites, aka bennies, all the time. I got sick on bennies more than once. Withdrawals fail. I don't use enough meth to become an addict. My best friend knows I've gone back into drugs and she knew me then. She watches me and is concerned and will undoubtedly tell me if I get out of hand. She has an open invitation to watch me and tell me if i DO get out of hand. I need a spotter. I have one. Your mom might be doing meth too for all you know. She might be hiding shit from you that you could NEVER imagine.

just sayin.