NSASDD Social - pop pussies and dirty needles for everyone

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powdered dope is a world of difference. Lately all I've had access to is the shitty tar, and it's even worse quality than normal. It works, but you have to do about twice the normal amount. It's disappointing cuz usually my dude has very consistent stuff.

You're always welcome on the east coast. We could use a pro drug anime loving writer.
no offense to anyone, but there are quite a few OD regs that I would consider anything but functional when on drugs.

I am one of them.

props that you are actually very functional jb.
no offense to anyone, but there are quite a few OD regs that I would consider anything but functional when on drugs.

I am one of them.

props that you are actually very functional jb.

Well I mean non of us are sucking dick (except BA and that's just for fun) for drugs. Everyone has a job or is actively pursuing a career. For a bunch of people that do drugs all the time and are generally a bit twisted you could certainly do worse. To me we are all functioning to a point because none of us has just given up and decided to live in the park and pan handle. Not that I'm saying I wouldn't be better off if I wasn't such a head.
that is true. i suppose the fact we haven't pawned our computers yet says something.
I'll put in a good word

Hopefully they don't do drug testing. With writing though, I feel as if you should have a drug test in order to ensure that you do drugs and drink frequently, since everybody knows that alcoholism and drug abuse makes you more creative.
still wish i could bankai. would make this godforsaken ride a hell of a lot better
I bang it, unfortunately.

So you're completely clean then? That sucks. I guess I'm lucky because I can maintain easy off of little bumps throughout the day. An 8mg pill lasts me over a week but, I know plenty that have to take at least the whole tab and they share the same tolerance as myself.
^I think we have about the same tolerance.. maybe mine is a bit higher since I'm IVing now but yeah Sub has never really worked for me. I've shot about 2mgs today which would be ~6mg SL and I am still sweating, shaking, got RLS, and severe back pain. Don't know if there is really a point to me taking it.
So you're completely clean then? That sucks.

That made me laugh pretty hard, for some reason.

Really though if you don't have enough subs to do a prolonged taper, I don't think they help much for quitting, since they just kind of draw out the withdrawals if you take them a couple times, and a really effective taper can't be done quickly IME.

Maybe it's different for other people, but trying to taper over 4 days or something just leads to more discomfort than if I just quit cold turkey.
^I think we have about the same tolerance.. maybe mine is a bit higher since I'm IVing now but yeah Sub has never really worked for me. I've shot about 2mgs today which would be ~6mg SL and I am still sweating, shaking, got RLS, and severe back pain. Don't know if there is really a point to me taking it.

Well I know day one after a binge is always tricky with the sub but, IME you can taper super fast with it so eventually the dose works just fine. By day 3 0.5mg does it for me. Good luck.
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