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Biggest Buzz Kills

getting in a car crash... sobered me up realll quick

that is the truth, crashed my car on a bridge and then witnessed 4 more accidents in 10 minutes... I had beer bonged 14 beers..... felt sober as could be after those 10 minutes. I can't believe I drove that night....

buzz kill?

Dad saying you really got 30 days to get THE FUCK OUT while you nodding
Teachers are a big buzz kill, just like any authority figure.

Big buzz kill for me is people who don't want to do anything while they're high.
I really hate it when the pipa/bong fall over or someone blows the "lines" away.

Accidents with the drugs in short
fights suck ^ ^ I rarely EVER have to break up a fight between friends, and if there is one... BENZOS or ALCOHOL or BOTH are to blame for sure.
When you take a pill (Mdma)
and your waiting to start rolling, and it's been 3 hour's + and you refuse to accept that you have been jipped. You sit waiting for literally up to 6 hour's..
fucking blow's.

Also when you smoke with someone it's there first time and they are about to be around someone they have to act sober and there fucking going crazy.. Or when Someone is drunk and driving like a fucking dumb ass and think's there shit because of it... You tell them to Slow down, they say stop being a pussy.. Gas it around a corner and get you T boned.
People who annoy the hell out of me. Seeing that cop you just passed turn around. Goin 85mph on a gravel road at night wit the headlights off for 15 miles trying to loose a cop.
i turn into the hulk when my lighter runs out of fluid when im smoking weed. yes, it's an inconvenience to get one from the stash, im already stoned and comfortable.
I usually have two to three lighters sitting around for this very reason, I never just have one lighter. I know how big of a buzzkill that really is so I safeguard against it ever happening.

not being able to find that vein on the last fucking shot.

ive only just switched over to 31g sharps so i dont have this problem anymore. though when i used 27g my veins would sink to the point where i would start having problems hitting the vein. normally it came down to me not going in far enough because i never usually have problems with them sinking. of course the meth plays a part in them disappearing.

Yeah, 31G needles are a lot easier to use IMO.

What's Captain Heroin's buzz kills?

Being held at gunpoint.
When you're in a car accident, and it's not your fault.
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when someone cant handle the amount of downers they've taken and get all emotional and start cryin and shit- but even worse than that is when they get emotional on shrooms cuz then they cant just keep it to themselves that they are having an emotional break
Back when I first started smoking, I was with some chicks and another guy and we smoked a bowl and then some salvia. Once the salvia was finished, the guy we were with started having some sort of seizure. Shit scared me sober. We were dumb and didn't call for help cause we were young and stupid, however it only lasted a few minutes. He told us he had drank WAY too much caffeine and in combination with the weed and salvia made him seize. Apparently this happens a lot to him, even without the salvia, and he just didn't feel the need to tell us before he scared us all.
Just people who get overly hyped up - laughing too much, getting very paranoid, etc. - make it incredibly hard for me to be around them on any kind of substance at all. There's this girl who gets high from watching stoner movies, Jesus Christ. When she even smells weed, she starts giggling uncontrollably and freaking out like a spazz.

So I avoid those kinds.
Partial agonists.
Cigarette smoke and cigarette butts.
People demanding my attention when I'm halfway through a bonghit.
People who think violence is "the shit".
Dealers who can't keep track of time.
Being too high to move without puking or freaking out.
Having trip sitters wig out.
People who insist Oxycontin isn't oxycodone.
Being out of Benadryl for potentiating stuff.
Being dry for weeks on end.