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[DMT Subthread] Entity / Alien / Machine Elf Contact

I've been thinking a lot about this subject lately:
why is a human capable of having experiences like dmt provides?

it has or had a meaning at some point in our physical presence. that's a fact if you believe in evolution.

I can imagine 2 possiblilities:
- the experience had a meaning at some point in our phylogenetic development: e.g. in the emergence of our consciousness
- at the 2 moments when our soul emancipates itself from the whole and when it merges with it again.
(separating those two possibilities from each other might be more difficult than it seems though)

in both cases dmt would be something like a "hack".
it is possible but not meant to be.
humanity is not meant to be/feel/think like god. that's probably the cause of subtle feelings of regret or guilt when you have those experiences. (and the social taboo surrounding them)
this is also the core of the story of "the fall of man"[in german it's: "the fall because of sin"] because of eva feeding adam with the fruit of the tree of the knowledge (of good and evil).
(some part of?) humanity thinks that is not meant to be like god - actually not meant to see that there are no such categories as good or evil.

psychedelics in general and dmt in specific are a few of the fruits from said tree.

question answered?


I'm sad that i can't write in my mother tongue, always takes away a good part of my thoughts...
interesting.... I have no idea if DMT permanently messes up your pineal gland or not, but Id assume that if people did have souls and there was an afterlife the pineal gland wouldnt really have much say over the matter....

annnnddd..... the government "supposedly already knew" all about this? so the US government obviously knows the answer to the meaning of life, if they know all about heaven and how you need the pineal gland to get there!!!! lemme see some sources!

sign me up for MK ULTRA 2.0 baby, im goin to heaven!

david icke truly belives that shape-shifting reptilians have been ruling the world since the dawn of civilization, and that obama, bush and many other individuals including many jews are part of this shape shifting race, he even has EVIDENCE!!....doesnt mean its true. all human brains work in a similar manner, just like a gateway PC and a dell PC work in the same way.... but not like an ipod vs a PC. I wouldnt put it past our massive craniums the idea that DMT can produce similar experiences to individuals all throughout the world, it is a very intense drug.
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Allegedly there's been an alien/government connection for a long time. Supposedly the US governments' Dulce Base in New Mexico contains multiple underground levels with the US govm't controlling the upper levels and aliens controlling the lower levels.
I find it hard to believe (albeit not impossible) that there are aliens that look like little grey men. They would have had to follow a very similar evolutionary pattern to us. On top of that, been smart enough and around long enough to develop long distance space travel. and on top of THAT, long distance space travel (even at light speeds) from the distances that "aliens" would most likely be would take an extremely long time to get to earth. They would need to have a base on the moon for them to be able to do anything meaningful in our solar system. and finally, if I were to concede that little grey alien men existed, how would they have any connection to tripping on DMT? my two cents.... again its just an opinion. Im not an astrophysicist, but I happen to know a few.

I figure the US government would "Create" alien-type beings in a lab, before EVER being visited and talking about Call of Duty 4 with a real alien while getting a coffee on lunch break at Area 51. If they had the technology to make it here, they wouldnt need the US government. Why would aliens give a shit about the US government? with that kind of technology they could incinerate our planet 5 times over.

aliens and [the modern notion of] heaven are very different topics that seem like someone kind of just "connected."
im trying to find this link. its like it just dissapeared.
Just Google 'Dulce' and you'll find all kinds of wild stuff. Layers & layers of conspiracies.

If there really are aliens, they don't necessarily have to conform to our concepts of evolution or space travel & whatnot. There may be completely different laws of physics in other segments of the multiverse, and somehow alien beings have figured how to hotwire the space/time continuum and enter our dimension.

If you go to the opening page at the DMT-nexus, the lower left corner of the pic links you to the FUN page. There's way cool images on the art page, but the comics link has in it a really intense comic named The Invisibles. Talk about aliens, hyper-dimensions, magick, time travel, ESP, mind control, psychedelic drugs, you name it - whew!
^^^ well that is your opinion that there is no afterlife, im not saying there is, but im not saying there isnt. i would be a little more careful about your views and saying them on here. you might offend someone and get this thread closed

I'm sorry I haven't even read this thread fully but I had to respond to this.

So it's OK to talk about believing in the afterlife and challenge my beliefs, but once one mentions they do not believe in the afterlife thats not OK? Personally my belief is that once you die that's it it's over one minute you're here and the next thats it no more consciousness you're nothing. But I have to be careful of who I offend? What if a belief in the after life offends me? If you have faith my beliefs shouldn't matter nor should my belief offend you, it shouldn't matter to you or anyone else what I believe just like I don't give a shit what anyone else believes.
NDMA-antagonists exhibit more similarities with near-death experiences than DMT. In a dying situation the body mimics a lot of the same sensory depression responses as dissociatives. I would say that DMT does nothing in dealing with death.

Also there is no proof behind the pineal gland actually being the source of endogenous DMT.

Lets not get to carried away with strassmans beliefs
Where have you been to not know about the claims of DMT?

DMT is a neocosmic mirror of your psych blended with current will in my book..... now why the hell our brain enjoys these mechanisms is something I am still working out. (It doesn't seem to be just this or just that, but suggestions are nice.)
Hm that actually sounds kind of interesting , i how ever haven't tried DMT or don't know much about it. But if the theory on all your dmt is released when you die is true, i really wouldn't want to mess with DMT a lot. I wouldn't mess with DMT a lot any ways and i think thats what they are getting at, people who use it too often and stimulate their pineal gland too much. Occasional users shouldn't really be affected, but any who don't fuck around with DMT too much it can really make you a loopy person. Keep it very occasional, when you really need that spiritual release or need to release that mind clutter you have.

It ALMOST sounds like you are an expert.
There is no afterlife or 'heaven'. When you die, you lose your individuality and return to true reality. Everything all at once - no time, no space, just everything that was, is or will ever be all jumbled together in a kaleidoscope of potentialities. Without a human brain to filter things like in everyday life, you will experience the totality of existence.

I've heard that eating a human pineal gland is even better than smoking DMT. Takes you all the way...

And, yet, all time, and all space...
Along these lines, for those interested, Graham Hancock wrote a very interesting book on the topic titled "Supernatural". It draws often from the Strassman accounts and goes on to further compare dmt experiences with not only with modern alien abduction accounts, but also with accounts of people who claimed to have been abducted by faeries in the olden days prior to when UFOs had become a widely discussed phenomena. Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, the book is a great read.
So it's OK to talk about believing in the afterlife and challenge my beliefs, but once one mentions they do not believe in the afterlife thats not OK? Personally my belief is that once you die that's it it's over one minute you're here and the next thats it no more consciousness you're nothing. But I have to be careful of who I offend? What if a belief in the after life offends me? If you have faith my beliefs shouldn't matter nor should my belief offend you, it shouldn't matter to you or anyone else what I believe just like I don't give a shit what anyone else believes.

dood, grow a pair and stop your bitchin
^Two more dimensions of heaven and hell that we can hope for (it would be nice if wishing yourself eternal bliss and people that you don't like eternal suffering worked)with no bearing to our existence sucks for everybody besides those pushing to pick a waiting list to get on.

You can believe in an eternal heaven with no suffering.... but I think it is unrealistic and impossible by a human or even godly standard.
How does a pineal gland function without a beating heart? It dies when you die.

It has absolutely nothing to do with an afterlife.

There could be aliens sure, but I have a hard time believing we will ever make contact with them or them with us. Do you alien believers realize how big the universe is and how much energy/time it would take to travel it?

It's fun to think about this stuff sure... but let's not get carried away and believe it with even 80% certainty.
I think the "DMT pumped into your brain at death" theory is absolute horseshit. When you read near death experiences none of them sound anything like a DMT trip.

As for the aliens thing, I think DMT has a definately "presence" to it that you can feel very strongly, the feeling that there's someone else with you. But I don't think it's aliens it's just the wonders of the human brain.
There is no afterlife or 'heaven'. When you die, you lose your individuality and return to true reality. Everything all at once - no time, no space, just everything that was, is or will ever be all jumbled together in a kaleidoscope of potentialities. Without a human brain to filter things like in everyday life, you will experience the totality of existence.

I've heard that eating a human pineal gland is even better than smoking DMT. Takes you all the way...

While I appreciate the "becoming the totality" idea, clearly Termino is expressing his opinion that is the result of personal "thought experiments" or speculation as if it were fact.

And eating a pineal gland wont have any more effect than eating dmt without an maoi = zero effect. Where did you "hear" that" Oh yea, from one of the voices in his own head 8)
How does a pineal gland function without a beating heart? It dies when you die.

It has absolutely nothing to do with an afterlife.

There could be aliens sure, but I have a hard time believing we will ever make contact with them or them with us. Do you alien believers realize how big the universe is and how much energy/time it would take to travel it?

It's fun to think about this stuff sure... but let's not get carried away and believe it with even 80% certainty.

You're sounding nearly as excessively certain as Termino... you have no way of definitively knowing that it will always be impossible for all possible technologies to travel via "warp speed". I would say it is an innevitibillity given a long-lived enout scientifically oriented space-faring species like us, given enough time.

This is in a major science pub, about a respected scientist. You may have a very certain conviction or feeling it will always be impossible for all beings every where, but those are only that, your personal "feelings" you're blowing smoke about... who knows what could possibly be discovered or devised with total certainty? This at least shows there ARE theoretically possible approaches. I mean Einstein thought the Big Bang theory was hokum sci-fi nd that any and all instantaneous long distance Quantum Entanglement of particles was an utter 100% impossibility. There is now loads and loads of hard evidence that both are true.

Great visual with the article too!


I think the "DMT pumped into your brain at death" theory is absolute horseshit. When you read near death experiences none of them sound anything like a DMT trip.

I'm not so sure. From what I've read about near death experiences there is a common theme that runs through many of them. Things like an intensly bright light, a vision of one's own body from a different perspective, beeing greeted by either positive or negative entities, a feeling of tranquility and acceptance or sometimes intense fear.

I'm not sold on the idea myself but I cant chaulk it up to horseshit just yet.