• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Share your artwork v. BL's got talent

Here is some stuff i've done. Nice to see fellow artists perceptions and work. I apologize for the crappy pics.. i dont have a scanner so they are a bit blurry with the camera.

I'ma shout out to mah brotha Ligaturd. Thanks for getting me into this site!













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I started playing around with paint.NET.

Most recent one

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Thank you, I recently started playing around with paint.NET and it's alot of fun. I feel as if I'm cheating by using a computer though.

Here are a couple more.


By ligaturd at 2010-09-19


By ligaturd at 2010-09-19

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@ Justsomeguy - I loooooove your style! Seriously would look amazing on t-shirts.. I'm a big big fan of you!

@ Ligaturd - Wow.. Super impressive! And it's still art even if it's via a PC..

@Lightlord - Oooooh I love when other people have a Deviant Art account haha.. Diggin' your work!

:D We rock
@ Justsomeguy - I loooooove your style! Seriously would look amazing on t-shirts.. I'm a big big fan of you!

:D We rock

we do rock!

i need to get in the print shop and make some this winter!

here are some paintings from this summer:



that one is a collage...

Here are a couple of my favorite shots. These were all taken when the love of my life was by my side(and no longer :( ).

The sunrise is UNTOUCHED! I got it within the 30 second window during a sunrise. the last one is just a little bragging..not so much a display of my talent :p

77spooky http://www.flickr.com/people/45775485@N07/

DSC_0071 http://www.flickr.com/people/45775485@N07/

sunrise5 http://www.flickr.com/people/45775485@N07/

24961_379567316226_501256226_4319548_6418917_n http://www.flickr.com/people/45775485@N07/
First time messing with water colors...






i believe i'm better with ballpoint and color pencils....
wow so far this page is full of WIN - so much good shit going on here - makes me smile...now for MY stuff...got to do it - been really crap moving house, but NO excuse now....like NOW. haha.

LittlebyLittle - those were really your first efforts with watercolour?? Id so, they're wicked - really distintive style - like those ALOT. Especially the pumpkins.